Why Do You Have To Be So Cute?

So... I'm His Boyfriend?



"You make my name sounds so... y." I heard him chuckle, before he delve onto my neck with even more kisses.

"I - ugh..." I couldn't stop him. He glided his soft lips over the skin below my earlobe, going down, down, down, settling at my collarbone. He laced that area with shy , causing me to make a noise that I never knew was even inside of me. I couldn't just push my boyfriend off of me. I mean, hello! He's hot as -

"!" I muttered, glancing up at the clock. Key pulled away, looking at the clock, too.

"What's wrong?" 

I got up quickly, re-adjusting my clothes and quickly combing my fingers through my hair. “I’m late.”

“It’s a Saturday! You don’t have school today,” Key protested, getting off the couch as well.

“I know that. I just… have to be home to take care of a few things.”

“No,” my rapper boyfriend said, crossing his arms on his chest and tapping his foot impatiently. “You have to stay here and take care of me.”

I chuckled lightly, taking a hold of his face and pecking him on the cheek. “I’ll see you tonight anyway. We’re going on a date, remember?”

An adorable pout came from his lips, followed by his puffed up cheeks. “Aww…”

“You’ll be fine. Hang out with Taeminnie for the day. Catch up with him, will you?” I told him as I grabbed my purse from the table next to the doorway. “Oh, and the kitchen’s still a bit messy thanks to you. Bye, I’ll call you later.”

I gave Kibum one last kiss on the lips and hurried out of their dorm.


I reached the station in no time. The once unfamiliar subway environment had been a common component of my morning routines. For five long months, I was Kim Kibum’s official (and secret) girlfriend. And during those five long months, I had to stop by his dorm every morning, rain or shine, whether I was sick or not. At first, I dreaded the whole ordeal. And Key being a diva didn’t help at all.

If I came in a second late, his -o-meter would shoot through the roof. No, not a minute; a second – and he’d know for sure. He’d go on this wonderful rant about how in that one second he could have had a heart attack and died right then and there, leaving me with the guilt of not coming in any sooner. However, if I did come in a little earlier, therefore waking him up, I’d still be in some deep with him. Key would whine and groan about how I ruined his beauty sleep and how he’d look like complete crap that whole day because of the lack of sleep.

But, of course, we all know that can’t be true. Key always looked gorgeous.

Every. Damn. Day.

I looked up. My train was approaching; it was ready to take me back to my own home. I got on quite graciously (as compared to my onslaught of multiple subway station slips and falls – all of which has happened under the “watchful eye” of Key) and gripped on the handles that hung from the top since there seemed to be no available seats anywhere. I was fine with that. I mean, being the ‘girlfriend’ (more like boyfriend, according to Taemin) of Key meant standing and waiting after him for hours at a time. I’ve had quite the training if you ask me.

It was actually both a good and bad thing that my place was just a few minutes away from the SHINee dorms. Good, because it meant that I would get there in time each morning (therefore eliminating any threats of Key ing up a storm on me). And bad, because then it wouldn’t be hard for Key to come over and still up a storm on me. If you think having Key pop into your bedroom in the middle of the night like in those fairytale books seems so dandy, then honey, please take your words back. I will tell you this once, and once only: You DO NOT WANT KEY TO POP INTO YOUR BEDROOM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT LIKE IN THOSE FAIRYTALE BOOKS.

Why? There are several reasons why.

  1. Did I forget to mention that this boy loves to talk? So, being woken up at 3 in the morning for a little ‘casual conversation’ would be, basically, a bad idea. Bad, bad idea.
  2. Key’s only nineteen, I’m sure you all know that, right? Which could only mean one thing: He still has the crazy, hormonal libido of any average teenager. Sure, he looks all cute and innocent in the outside. But things change after dark. Way after dark.  And the third reason why hoping Key stops by at night is something only an idiot would hope for is because,
  3. He snores.


“There you are, Hae Young,” my dad said, once I appeared at the entrance of our quaint, little apartment. He looked up at me as I approached. My father was seating in front of the television. Though it was on, he was reading one of the many books he owned.

“Sorry, appa,” I replied, placing a kiss on the top of his head.

My dad took a quick whiff of my air and twisted his lips. “You’re always spending time with that girl,” he murmured pitifully. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re a lesbian.”

I nearly jumped out of my skin at his comment. “M-mwo? Appa?”

“That girl, the one you showed me; the one that likes to take a lot of pictures and dresses like a boy.”

I bit my lip, trying hard not to laugh. “You mean Kibum?”

“Neh. Why do you spend so much time with her? I always thought your best friend was Jiyeon.”

“I don’t know… She – I mean, he – is pretty cool to hang out with,” I said, relaxing a bit after my dad’s really strange accusation. “And Kibum’s a guy, appa. He’s not a girl.”

My dad put down the book he was reading, folding the top outer corner of the page. I sighed. He only did this if he was going to have a talk with me.

“So, are you dating this girl – I mean, boy?”

Okay, let’s pause that for a second. I know most of you are wondering why my dad still claims that Key is a girl and why he asked me if I was with him. To answer your curiosity, I’ll say that no, I didn’t tell my dad about my relationship with Key. See, the thing with Key is that when he says “secret girlfriend”, he actually means that not only does his fans stay ignorant, but also my family. Friends are fine, but Key didn’t like to deal with the whole “meet the parents” type of scenario. Especially after watching tons of American movies documenting the oh-so dreaded event.

“Well?” My dad pressed on, tilting his head off to the side.

I snapped back to reality. “What? Oh! Kibum? Umm….”

Well, I couldn’t lie to him. He is my father. But then again, Key was like some sort of Big Brother that knew my every move. If I did tell my dad, even swear him to secrecy, Key would still find out. So, to avoid conflict, I busied myself by preparing his breakfast, which is the main reason why I rushed back home. Someone had to take care of my father.

“What do you want to eat today, appa?” I asked cheerily, scoping through our kitchen cupboards. Hm, nothing. I forgot that I haven’t been to the market in days.

My father sighed, knowing that he would not be able to pry an answer about my lovelife from me. “I already ate. But, maybe you should go ahead and get the groceries before you forget… again.”

I flustered slightly at my dad’s words. True, I did forget to buy our food for the week. But that was all Key’s fault. He wouldn’t let me leave his side until it was too late to go to the market and buy my food.

“Alright, let me just take a nap first…” I headed straight to my room, my invitingly warm bed seemed to call out to me and I was ready to jump in like how a smoldering kid jumps into a cool pool of water. Immediately, I kicked off my shoes and tossed my sweater onto my desk chair. And with that, I plopped down on my bed, appreciating the warmth and comfort of my bedding. Taking a nap at that moment seemed like the best idea in the whole entire world.

Except when you’ve got Key as your boyfriend, then you have to stand guard. Within an instant, Key could dial me up – blindfolded, even – which would then lead him into yet another escapade into nag-land.

I sat up, looking down at my phone. “Well, that’s strange…” I muttered out loud.

There was no call. No text message. Nothing. That was certainly a first. I dropped back down onto my pillow, realizing that I was in the clear… for the time being. He’d probably call in five minutes. Maybe ten… twenty… thirty…

I must have dozed off, because apparently, I was in the middle of a street fight when I heard Super Junior pop out of nowhere.

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry naega naega naega munjuh –

My eyes fluttered open. That wasn’t a miraculous guest appearance of my bias, Kyuhyun, in my dream. That was actually my phone.

Damn Key…I mentally groaned, groggily getting up and reaching over to my phone. Sure it enough, I was right: the SHINee dorm’s landline number was flashing on my phone’s screen.

“Urgh… Key, what do you want?” I grumpily answered my phone. “I was just at your place, you can’t possibly-”

“Uh… Hae Young?”

That voice was too familiar. I knew who was speaking, and it was definitely not Key. That’s another first.

“Taemin?” I asked, puzzled.

“Yeah, sorry for bothering… Erm… Was I bothering you?” Taemin sounded a little nervous. I guess I scared him with my unsuspecting answer.

“Oh! No you weren’t,” I replied. This was a total lie, but really, how could anyone be mad at this baby?

“Oh, okay. Sorry…”

“… So, you called?” Well, this was getting awkward.

“Huh? Oh yeah. Um… Minho-hyung and our manager came back, but all of a sudden Key’s gone. I mean, well, he’s not around. We were wondering if you knew where he was?”

“Well, he probably stepped out for awhile. Maybe he could be running errands,” I suggested. Although it wasn’t usual that Key could be out of the dorm without notice, I kinda, sorta, didn’t really care. He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine, and plus, it’s not like I kept a tracker on him.

“Hmm…” Taemin spoke, contemplatively. “I don’t think he could be running errands. He usually does that at night. It’s a bit too risky doing it at daylight, you know?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I honestly don’t know where he is right now. I thought he was going to spend the day lounging at home with – HOLY !” I yelped unexpectedly.

“Hello?” Taemin said, alarmed at my expression. “Hae Young?? Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

I clutched my heart, panting out of breath from my near-heart attack experience. Crawling from the outside of my window, Key appeared. “Hey, buddy.”

I stared at him wide-eyed, obviously surprised to see him here at this hour. His sudden appearance scared the living crap out of me.

“Hello? Hello? Hae Young?” Taemin’s worried voice rang in from the other line. “Is everything okay?”

“S-sorry, Taemin,” I stuttered, regaining composure. “I think I know where Key is…”

“You do? But what was that all about?”

“What? Oh, um, I’ll explain later. I gotta go.” I said quickly, before hanging up on him. I glowered back up at Key who was now standing in front of me in my own bedroom.

“What the hell are you doing here? Weren’t I just with you earlier?”

“But you left unexpectedly! I came to check on what the big emergency was all about. And this is what you left me for? You left me to go to sleep? Do you know how selfish you look right now?” Key said.

I dropped my head. Oh, great. Just great.

He continued. “You know, sleeping too much is bad for you. You’re just lucky I stopped by. What if you fell into an endless sleep? What if you never woke up?”

“Um… Excuse me, in case you didn’t know, I’ve actually been missing out on sleep – all thanks to you. And besides, I didn’t come home to sleep.”

Key crossed his arms. “Then what did you come home for, huh?”

“Forget it,” I shook my head. I got up. “I have to go buy my groceries for the week. Go home.”

“Like hell I’m leaving.”

“Well you can’t just stay here! My dad’s home, and he might see you. You know, he’s getting really suspicious as to why I’m spending a lot of unnecessary time with you.”

My boyfriend looked uneasy. “What did you tell him?”

“Don’t worry. I said nothing.” I ruffled my hair and put my shoes and sweater back on. “Now, go back home. I have to go.”

“But, but, but, but… I wanna come along!” Key’s eyes twinkled at me in his most adorable puppy dog way. He folded his hands against his chest, begging like a little boy.

I bit my lip, debating whether or not I should bring him. It wouldn’t be a good idea to, since, obviously, he’s ing famous. But then again…

Damn it. Why, oh why, do you have to be so cute? I’m suddenly realizing that my boyfriend is actually much more beautiful than me. Well, that’s a great boost of self-esteem, right? Not.

“Ugh! Fine!” I gave in, making Key’s face widened in a big grin, puncturing the end of his lips with his darling dimples. “But! You have to go out the same way you came in. My dad’s still out in the living room.”

“Yay! I’ll meet you outside!” He spoke excitedly, pulling me in for a quick, sloppy kiss. He then crawled back out my window, into my fire escape, and down the stairs to the front of my apartment complex.

“Ugh… that boy needs more friends.” I murmured, leaving my room.



Author's Note: Oh, wow. So sorry that this chapter is, like, long. I originally had a point/plot in this chapter, but I got carried away with Hae Young's rant about Key and her dad and blah blah, so I had to cut it again, unless you want to read a very long chapter. ;_; So I guess this is sorta like a filler chapter, with a few info you needed to know about Hae Young. This chapter was just for giggles. LOL. Uhhh don't you think Key looks so asdasfadkfj? 

By the way, please do comment! I'd really love the feedback, as they help me a lot in the writing process. Whenever I update and get, like, zero comments I'm like, "Oh well, I guess that means I . T_T" haha 



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Chapter 4: re-reading this story again and again and again. i feel really old knowing that the first time i read this was 4 years ago. yikes! but this story never gets old
Chapter 31: Aww... i read your story and it was well written!
Nice to find your fic, haha

I want to read taemin's fic soon♥
Thank you so much ♡♡
Chapter 30: Awwwww the ending is perfect! I love this storyy! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
fyeahtinminmin #5
I read this years ago, yet this is still the best Key fic for me ever.
I love your story!!
SHawol_Gal #7
Chapter 5: My mom is like this whenever we go grocery shopping!
Chapter 30: lol the ending...lurvv it ♥
i will read this now.. yeay!
Chapter 31: awww! such a great story! very well written! i really like it! aww i think i like key more now! lol! thank you for creating this great story ♥