
So... I'm His Boyfriend?


Breaking the silence, I finally spoke. “Kibum, I think it’s time we take a break.”

Key burst out laughing. He was actually laughing. And it wasn’t just any nervous, I’m-trying-to-make-it-less-awkward type of laughing. He was genuinely and undeniably laughing, while I stood there, a bit confused with the situation. Didn’t I just say we should break up?

My boyfriend continued laughing. He was laughing so hard that he was now hunching over, an arm around his stomach and practically slapping his thigh in amusement. Finally, after a long moment of him exuding out every burst of laughter, he finally regain composure.

“Ahh… Hae Young, you’re so funny,” Key said, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye that came out from all that laughing. “Pfft… ‘take a break’. That’s funny.”

I scratched my head. “Maybe you misunderstood me. I mean, we should… break up.”

Key shook his head. “No, I understood you perfectly.”

“Well, then I don’t see what’s so funny about that.”

“It is funny. Oh, you silly girl, you can’t break up with me.”

I gaped at him. “What are you talking about?”

Nonchalantly, he shrugged. “I’m Kim Kibum. I don’t get dumped, I do the dumping.”

Immediately, my eyebrows furrowed. “Stop trying to think you are the boss of everyone,” I replied indignantly. “See, now that is why I want to break up with you.”

“Because I’m the boss of everyone?” Key asked naively.

“Yes!” I threw my hands up in the air, exasperated.

“But wouldn’t you want a boyfriend with all that power? You know, you shouldn’t settle for a guy who gets stepped on,” He answered, a smirk evident at the corner of his lips.

“Oh, great, now he’s telling me who I should date.” I said dryly.

“Which would be me, and me only.”

I pounded my pointing finger on his chest. “Listen here, Key, I am sick and tired of all the bull I have to go through by just being your girlfriend. You know, Taemin’s right, in all points. What kind of girlfriend has to get up an hour earlier each day just to attend to his boyfriend in the morning? Last time I checked, that’s the job of a senior citizen’s nurse!! So, unless you’re 70 years old, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, limited to mobility via a wheel chair and can’t wipe your own , then I think this relationship is totally invalid!”

Key blinked. My little outburst must have shocked him.

“And don’t you cry. What’s with all you SHINee boys crying every time a girl talks over you?” I added. “I’m already having some serious difficulty dealing with Minho being a complete to me, but with all you boys weeping your eyes out, he’s gonna have my head chopped off sooner than you can say – mmf!”

Before I knew it, a soft pair of lips had crashed onto mine. I found myself backing up, until the back of my knees hit a bed which could possibly be Key’s. Meeting the bed, I slowly sat down as the lips above mine continued to do their work. I sat on the bed while Key leaned down to kiss me deeply. At first, I was immobilized by the sudden action, but soon after, I began to part my lips letting his tongue enter. From there, it was a silent fight for dominance; our tongues roughly glided against each other trying to selfishly win the battle to have the other succumb unconditionally.

It seemed as if I had slipped into love drunk daze, because it took me a while to realize that Key’s fingers were now eagerly gripping onto the bottom of my blouse, tugging it up. Disapprovingly, I intertwined his fingers with my own, stopping him from going any further. A frustrated moan emerged from the back of his throat, making me smile into our kiss. Not wanting to be defeated, he decided to make me pay for stopping his endeavors by venturing out of my mouth and landing his lips on my neck. Key playfully trailed kisses everywhere, until he grazed his teeth against the soft spot on the back of my neck. Knowing what came next, I gasped. A wet tongue brushed swiftly across that area, making me weak.

Key,” I whined faintly. He only snickered softly as he continued to torture me. “Key… stop.”

“I can’t,” He whispered heatedly. “You’re so hot when you’re mad.”

I let him continue, before I finally gained enough strength to gently push him away. “What was that for?” I finally asked.

My boyfriend sat on the bed next to me. He sighed. “You’re just… I don’t know. I really couldn’t hold it in. Seeing you so heated up like that,” he laughed sheepishly. “I guess you can say that it .”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, please, I think you only did that to keep me from breaking up with you.”

Key snorted. “No, because I know that wouldn’t be necessary.”

I shot him a look, but he continued, “If you were seriously breaking up with me, you would’ve stormed out a long time ago. But… you stayed.  I know you wanted to stay.”

I gawked at him, realizing that he was actually right.

Why did I stay? Oh, that’s because I couldn’t just let him go.

“You’re staying,” Key said gently. “Your heart said so, not me.”




“I’m going to take a bowl to Taemin’s room,” Onew said as soon as the three of us at the table finished our lunch of Key’s Chicken Florentine Alfredo. “He hasn’t eaten since last night.”

Key nodded in agreement and got up to prepare his maknae son a tray for lunch. Onew got up, taking his empty plate and dumping it into the sink for Key to attend to later. Minho, obviously decided to eat in the living room, out rightly refusing to dine in the same room as me.

“Hae Young-ah, I think you really need to apologize to him. He’s too skinny already. You know how hard we always try to make him gain weight.” Key told me, handing the prepared lunch tray to Onew.

I puffed out a ball of air. “I’m not always that great with apologies.”

Onew interceded. “Key, do you mind if you take this to Taemin’s room instead? I forgot that I have to attend to something first.”

The leader handed the lunch tray back to Key, who proceeded towards Taemin and Minho’s bedroom without a second thought. Just as Key was well off into the hallway and out of earshot, Onew looked at me and spoke.

“I know what Taemin feels about you,” He said solemnly. “And I know it’s not just the brotherly, friendly type of feeling. Actually, we all know that he cares about you a lot. Except Key, who has no idea.”

“Y-you know, too?” I asked. “I thought I was only one who caught up on that.”

The elder boy nodded. “The three of us: Minho, Jonghyun, and me. I mean, it’s a bit too obvious; it’s quite difficult to not miss it. But for Key’s case, I really don’t get why he doesn’t see it. Well, that isn’t such a bad thing. Because if he does know about it- ”

“Know about what?”

Both Onew and I shot up to see Key standing inside the kitchen. He was no longer holding the lunch tray, meaning that Taemin had finally gave in and decided to eat his lunch.

Key edged towards Onew and me, eyeing us carefully. “What don’t I know? Hm?”

“Nothing,” I said.

“Right…” Key narrowed his eyes.

“Really!” I replied defensively.

Onew strategically looked at the watch on his wrist. The only problem, however, was that he wasn’t wearing a watch at all, so he was basically just looking at the back of his wrist. “Wow, look at the time! I think I have something to do today.”

“What are you talking about? It’s Sunday, and we’re all free today,” retorted Key.

Onew replied, “I wouldn’t be surprised if an elephant came dancing into the room.”


I looked at Key, who looked back at me. We both shared the same what-the--is-Onew-saying on our faces.

“And if the sky turns purple, I still wouldn’t be surprised.” Onew said.

“…Yeah, ok.” Key said, still confused.

Onew shrugged, before ceremoniously leaving the kitchen. As he was about to step out onto the hallway, his foot got caught in his own steps, causing him to tumble forward and fall to the ground.

Key and I barely looked up to see the clumsy leader on the ground. Obviously, no one was alarmed to see Onew tripping and falling on his own two feet.

“I-I’m okay…” Onew mumbled, before shuffling to his feet and scurrying away to his bedroom.

My boyfriend looked back at me. “What are you doing tomorrow?” He asked, clearly forgetting about what Onew and I were discussing earlier.

“I have school.”

He rolled his eyes. “I know that. I mean, after school, obviously.”

“Um... nothing, really. I just head straight home and work on my homework.”

“Are you sure??”

“What do you mean am I sure? Of course I’m sure. Nobody else does my homework for me except, well, me.”

Key rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine. Whatever you say.” He then proceeded to clear out the table. “You really ought to check the calendar more frequently,” he murmured to himself.


A/N: Hello loves! I got too lazy and uninspired (which is why it also took me awhile to post), so I had to cut this chapter short. But! I've got an idea for the next chapter :)) BTW, listen to Nicki Minaj. She's OSM :>




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Chapter 4: re-reading this story again and again and again. i feel really old knowing that the first time i read this was 4 years ago. yikes! but this story never gets old
Chapter 31: Aww... i read your story and it was well written!
Nice to find your fic, haha

I want to read taemin's fic soon♥
Thank you so much ♡♡
Chapter 30: Awwwww the ending is perfect! I love this storyy! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
fyeahtinminmin #5
I read this years ago, yet this is still the best Key fic for me ever.
I love your story!!
SHawol_Gal #7
Chapter 5: My mom is like this whenever we go grocery shopping!
Chapter 30: lol the ending...lurvv it ♥
i will read this now.. yeay!
Chapter 31: awww! such a great story! very well written! i really like it! aww i think i like key more now! lol! thank you for creating this great story ♥