After few hours of waiting in the dark, Ryo Jun's unnie once again rang.

'Hello.' answered Ryo Jun's unnie. 

'Yes, I am Oh Joon Seok's daughter. What can I help you sir?' Ryo Jun unnie asked.

And suddenly, we saw unnie's phone dropped on the floor. We looked up to see unnie. Unnie's face was really in a state of shocked. Then, we saw unnie's eyes teared up. She fall on the floor. Her body was really weak. And she was crying really really hard. 

'Unnie, mwoya? Why are you crying?' I asked Ryo Jun unnie.

She started to cry harder than before when I asked her.

'Unnie. Wae?' I kept questioning Ryo Jun unnie .

'Sehun, SaeYoon. Listen very carefully to me.' sobbed Ryo Jun unnie.

'Okay. Mummy and Daddy are not coming back.' said Ryo Jun helding her breath.

'Why? They promised to get us . They promised! ' I asked Ryo Jun unnie with a very firm voice.

'SaeYoon.' called unnie.

'No! No! No! Why? Where are they going? Don't they love us anymore? Don't they love SaeYoon anymore?' 

'SaeYoon, Sehun....... Mummy and Daddy...............they're gone. The angels have picked them up .' explained Ryo Jun to me.

'Angels? To where?' I asked Ryo Jun unnie innocently.

'To the heaven. They're gone. They left us.' Ryo Jun unnie teared up as soon as she explained what actually happened to our parents.

Without a word, the three of us cried endlessly. 

We had no idea those advices of mummy for us was the last time for us to hear her voice. 

We had no idea that her 'I love you' was the last time for us to hear.


16th September was the date that our parents left us. Every bit of what happened on that day was still lingering in our mind. It can never go away. The day that we're supposed to celebrate my birthday , ended up horribly. 

After that dark incident, Ryo Jun unnie was the one who's incharged of taking care of us. She prepared our meal, our clothes. Although , the property that was left for us are enough to support the three of us, but Ryo Jun unnie had never thought it as enough. She went to school in the daytime and she spend most of her time after school, working. And now, she's busy running our father's company in the city. And as for me and Sehun, we had never stop studying. I still remember one of Daddy's advice, to never abandon your studies. He also did told us not to let our guard down whenever we faced any problems or any obstacles in our life. 

We still hold to those meaningful words and the precious advices till today.


















P/S : Boring rite? Sorry for the 2 boring chapters. I'll try to make it more lively in the next episode. :D


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BittersweetBliss #1
faster update!!
with loves, OCTY /your very weird close friend :)