' Come on guys, we're running out of time ! You'll be late for sure ! Sehun !!!! SaeYoon!!!! screamed Ryo Jun with full of heart.

'Oh no, it's raining.'  said Ryo Jun with a gloomy face. As she was about to enter the car, she saw me, standing at door, with a sad face.

This is bad, thought Ryo Jun. 



It was raining. It was very dark outside. Thunders and lightnings everywhere. The heavy rain won't stop.

When Ryo Jun was busy studying in her room, Sehun was sleeping in his room and I was busy playing with my dolls, the house suddenly went dark. I was so scared and I actually screamed when everything went completely dark.

I can't see a thing. I can't the wall. I can't even see my bed. I panicked. 

'Unnie!! Unnie!! Help me! Unnie!! Mommy !! Daddy !!'. I screamed on the top of my lungs, and I actually cried at that time.

'SaeYoon! SaeYoon!' Ryo Jun's voice was heard.

'Unnie! Unnie! I'm here! Help me!'. My mind was completely blank and I was helpless. All I could do was , crying and sat quietly on my bed. 

Ryo Jun came into my room with a torch in her right hand. 'SaeYoon! Oh boy, are you okay?' asked Ryo Jun in a very worried tone.

'I am .. I am fine. Unnie, please don't leave me. I'm scared.' I replied with a very shaky voice.

'Okay okay, let's go find Sehun together , alright. Come let's go.' Ryo Jun held my hand and took me out of my room. We went to look for Sehun. 

'Sehun? Sehun~ Where are you?' called Ryo Jun . 

'Unnie~' Sehun's voice was heard. As we turned, we saw Sehun sat right behind the room's door. 

'Gosh, thank god , you're okay. SaeYoon , let's sit here and wait for my mummy and daddy's home okay? told Ryo Jun.

We sat very closed to each other on Sehun's bed, since it was dark and cold. None of us could do anything. Later, Ryo Jun unnie's phone rang.

'Hello.' answered Ryo Jun.

'Hello, darling.' 

It was a very familiar voice to Ryo Jun. The very sweet and feminine voice that she recognized very well was on the line.

'Mummy?' replied Ryo Jun.

'Yes, darling. It's me. Did you had lunch already?' asked Mrs Sun Ji to her first daughter.

'Yes, we did Mummy. Mummy, when are you and daddy's coming home? It's very dark here. SaeYoon and Sehun are very scared . What should I do?' asked Ryo Jun's unnie calmly. She did not want to scare or worry any of us.

'Oh dear. Are the three of you there?' questioned Mrs Sun Ji.

'Yes, mummy. All of us are here. Mummy , please hurry. We're scared.' said unnie.

'Just sit there, with your sister and your brother. Take a very good care of them alright? Mummy and Daddy will be home soon. Then we will go to a restaurant to celebrate SaeYoon's birthday and have our dinner there, okay?. Don't be scared, you must protect and make sure they're safe. You're grown up now. Be brave. Be strong.' replied Mrs Sun Ji to her daughter.

'Arasseo, mummy.. ' before she could even finish her sentence, SaeYoon grabbed the phone form her hand.

'Mummy~ where are you? Come home. SaeYoon's scared. It's dark. I hate the lightning and the thunder. Mummy, help me' said SaeYoon to her mom while crying.

'Oh Sae Yoon, mummy's here. You dont have to be scared. Everything's going to be alright. Mummy and Daddy are on our way back home. We'll be back soon. Please don't cry. It's your birthday right? Birthday girl aren't supposed to cry. Calm down , alright. Remember my advice, closed your eyes and ears when you hear the thunder and breathe calmly.' said Mrs Sun Ji, persuading her youngest daughter.

'Alright mummy. Please hurry. We will wait.' replied SaeYoon to her mom.

'Honey, please pass the phone to your brother. I want to talk to him.' pleaded Mrs Sun Ji.

I passed the phone to Sehun who was sitting on the left side of Ryo Jun's unnie.

'Sehun. Are you okay?' asked Mrs Sun Ji to her son.

'Yes.' Sehun replied back.

'Please take good care of your sisters. This is a request from me and your daddy. As the only one man in the house, you must promise us alright? requested Mrs Sun Ji.

'Yes , mummy.' said Sehun. 

'I love you very much. Goodbye.' said Mrs Sun Ji to her son.

And that was the last word and the last time, we heard our mummy's voice.

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BittersweetBliss #1
faster update!!
with loves, OCTY /your very weird close friend :)