Is this goodbye?

My DreamBoy..?

You woke up to the banging on your door. It was Stacy.. Again..

"HaeRa~ Dilivery~" Stacy said.

"From who? " you asked while taking the box from Stacy.

"Your super rich handsome boyfriend of course ! I envy you girl! "

"Stacy~! Your turn !" JaeMi, another roommate yelled.

"Alright~!" Stacy yelled back. "Gots to go~ bathroom calls~ wait. That sounded wrong."

"Definately." you agreed.

"Forget I said anything." Stacy said and walked out of your room, closing the door. You just giggled to yourself.

"I wonder what's this.." you muttered. Your eyes widen at the sight of a smaller box containing a beautiful diamond necklace. There is also a deed (?) to a small apartment, near the restaurant you work at. There was a letter attatched to it (the box with the necklace inside). 

Dear HaeRa,

You're probably wondering why I gave you a diamond necklace and a deed to another apartment right?

Well... The truth is, these few days (A/N :yes, few days.. hehe) that we've hung out together were the best days of my life.

I feel indebt to you for making me feel so free and alive.

If you don't like the necklace, please don't throw it away or sell it, just keep it with you, or I'll cry !

And about the apartment, I'm sure you'll like it, plus, its near to the restaurant.  

I've taken care of the payment, so you don't have to worry about money. The appartment is officialy yours! keke ^^

Please do me a favour HaeNa-ah.  Live in the new apartment I bought you. I really.. Like you.. *blushes* And this is the only way I can show you my love.

By the time you read this, I'm on my way to Singapore. The restaurant chain there is in trouble and I had to go there and help it.

Hence, this is the only way I can show my love.

Please, accept my gifts HaeRa. You don't have to accept my love but please, at least accept these gifts. 

I hope this won't be the last time I see you. 

Yours truely,



--HaeRa/Your POV--


I can't believe he's giving me these.. these.. stuff! what the hell?? but.. I have to admit.. It was pretty sweet of him to get me these.. and they shouldn't go to waste.. But they're to much for me! but they're from him.. I shouldn't.. Just accept it, he would be heart-broken if you didn't.. Its too much! Wait..






"ARGH ! I don't know what to think anymore ! "

"HaeRa ! You okay?! "  JaeMi burst into my room.. " Hmm? oh.. yeahh.. ahaha.." 

"o...kayy.. anyway, you're leaving this afternoon right?"

"Leave? where am I going? " 

"Someone said you won't be staying here anymore. Was that your boyfriend by any chance?" 

"N-no ! " I blurted out.

"Aha~ someone's in denial~ Don't worry, I won't tell. Anyway, we're all gonna help you move, seeing that everyone's day off is today, oh, except for HyeMi, but don't worry, we'll all help you ! "

"Thanks JaeMi-ahh~!!! I love you!" I flung my arms around her and hugged her.

"Yah ! Yah ! Save the love for your boyfriend! " JaeMi pushed me off.. I crossed my arms and huffed. Pretending to be angry.. 

*Jaejin.. I'm starting to miss you already..* "HaeRa-ah, mian, I didn't mean to offend you.."

"Nah~ Its okay Jae.. I'm fine.. " I smiled widely. "Now help me pack!!! "

"Aish.. This girl.." JaeMi let out a small smile.


--In your new apartment (still your POV)--

"It looks... sooo coooollll~~!" Stacy let out a huge sigh.

"I'm so proud of us! " JaeMi said. 

"Thank you guyysss~~ I'm gonna miss you all~!" I'm really gonna miss them *wipe fake imaginary tear*

"Aww, we're gonna miss living with you too.." all of us group-hugged.

"Alright ! I think we should go, right girls? " JaeMi, being the natural leader asked the other girls.

"Yeah, I guess so.. Bye HaeRa! I'm gonna visit soon~ Muahaha.." Stacy failed laughed evily.


--Author's POV--

Everyone went home and you sat at your couch in the living room. 

"Its weird being alone.. huhhh~" you muttered to yourself. 

"Jaejin...*Yawn* I miss you..."

You slowly closed your eyes and unknowingly went to sleep. (A/N : yes, on the couch ^^)



I am sorry for any mistakes I made.. If there are any I'm sure there are..

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