Chapter 2

Once upon a time in a boys' dormitory.


Sungyeol whimpered under him, tossing from side to side at the tingling feeling inside him. He struggled to form words for the boy above him to stop, but it was proved hard because Myungsoo continued touching him below there and it felt uncomfortable. He felt his cheeks heat up when fingers brushed the insides of his thighs, upward and a moan slipped when the tip touched his exposed perineum. He was a squirming mess and Myungsoo noticed this so he had sealed his lips with Sungyeol's and it was helpful because Sungyeol was distracted and he now focused on the deep kiss Myungsoo was giving him.

Sungyeol shuddered when he felt Myungsoo's cold hand slip around his waist, feeling up the curves of his body and sending shivers to his previously warm skin. He wasn't sure which distracted him: the kiss or the touch but the next thing Myungsoo said had him confused.

"Where does it feel good?"

Sungyeol bent forward a little, his face contorting at both confusion and pleasure and it was a bit hard to just question a small, "H-Huh?"

Myungsoo didn't need to explain for less then a second later Sungyeol's back arched and a loud moan left his mouth. Myungsoo grinned and he curled his fingers deeper upward in the boy's . He moved closer between Sungyeol's spread legs, hovering above the panting boy beneath him as he pressed a hand to the bed beside Sungyeol's right shoulder for support. Sungyeol's toes curled into the sheets and his knees bent up to squeeze on either sides of Myungsoo. The hands that clutched on the bedsheet previously crept around Myungsoo's neck, his back inclined forward to hug Myungsoo as he burried his face into Myungsoo's shoulder.



"Can I just...sleep here tonight?"

Woohyun tried desperately to keep a straight face as he waited for the older to give an answer; the memories from the previous night kept flashing in his head. He remembered digging into his pocket for his room key and extending it to the keyhole; but his movement halted and he stood there frozen. What he heard probably scarred his ears forever and that was why he had deliberately slept on Sunggyu's bed and kept his eyes closed even though he was awakened after his tutor called his name after finishing his homework. The sleep that overtook him afterwards was real, though. He was tired.

"Okay." Woohyun was glad that Sunggyu didn't ask further. He smiled at the older and planked his bag on the study table again. With his hands awkwardly balancing him as he leaned on the edge of the table, he asked Sunggyu where he would sleep that night. "I'll sleep on Myung's bed." Woohyun's smile faltered at the next words that came; Sunggyu had to ask why he didn't want to sleep in his own room.

What should he say? That Sungyeol's ing Myungsoo? That his roommate was ing his tutor's roommate? No. He opted to just say Sunggyu's bed was nice and he didn't have the energy to go downstairs. It was partly true. Sunggyu rolled his eyes before going to the bathroom.


Sunggyu didn't know if it was Myungsoo's bed or Woohyun's company that made him unable to sleep. He had tossed and turned for an hour now. He wondered if Woohyun was asleep and if Myungsoo would return. Then again it was still an hour past midnight and last time Sunggyu woke up to Myungsoo returning was past three in the morning. Again he wondered what Myungsoo had been doing every night; Woohyun usually went to his room without any problem, but now?

A sound startled him and he quickly turned his head in the direction of his bed. "Woohyun? Are you awake?" Woohyun didn't answer and when he was about to dismiss it as his imagination, it was there again. He propped himself up on one elbow and peered through the dim moonlight. He repeated his question and was only answered with whimpers. Worriedly, he picked himself up from the bed and went to Woohyun's side. The bed creaked under his weight and he shook his student's shoulder to wake him up. He reasoned Woohyun was having a nightmare.

A hand grabbed his wrist and he felt his heart pause before noticing it was just Woohyun's hand. He looked to Woohyun and that was when the student scooted into his lap and curled by his side. Why was Woohyun acting like this? "Woohyun-ah are you okay?" he tried to push Woohyun a bit to look at him, but Woohyun only held onto him tighter. Sunggyu decided to just stay quiet and pat his student's back. When the silence retained too long, Sunggyu pulled back. Woohyun looked more peaceful now.

Letting the boy lie on his bed again, he attempted to go back to his sleeping place; only that the hold on his wrist had prevented him to. He stayed quiet as he tried to release the hold, but failed and he ended up lying beside the boy. He looked over to Woohyun who just rolled to his side back facing him. It was between sleep and awake that he heard Woohyun ask "Do boys love other boys" and he hummed and he didn't hear anything after that.


The next day he woke up in his bed but Woohyun wasn't there. The student's bag wasn't on the study table either so he had confirmed Woohyun had left. He left as soon as he finished dressing up and went three doors adjacent to his room. He didn't need to wait long for Dongwoo to come out. They walked to the school buildings together.

"Hey, isn't this-" Sunggyu turned around to Dongwoo's desk behind him. Afternoon classes had ended and the room was almost empty if it wasn't for the two boys and a girl at the back of the class. They were fairly quiet so Sunggyu could hear Dongwoo's voice and he waited for his friend to continue. "Sungjong's..." he watched him take out a set of stapled papers from his bag.

Sunggyu was about to make a comment when there was a knock at the door. He turned in his seat and was surprised to see his student there. Woohyun went to his seat with his head hung low. It was difficult to see his face under those ridiculously thick bang. "My...teacher wants to see you..." he said quietly, fingers fidgeting the side of Sunggyu's desk.

Sunggyu knew what this was about. He shouldn't have chosen to do his student's work that day. What was he thinking? He blamed everything to his sleepy mind as he stood up and grabbed his backpack and headed out with Woohyun following behind him. "Where?" Woohyun caught up by his side and he pointed to the left wing.

It had been long since he last got the talk and Sunggyu felt terrible. He had apologised to her and had heard Woohyun's soft apology when he turned to leave the room. Tightening his hold on the bag strap over his shoulder, his eyes caught the library sign and he immediately made his way there. Some readings would do him good.

The planned two hours had dragged on completely unnoticed by him; and it was already ten while his lesson with Woohyun was supposed to start an hour ago. Hurriedly, he placed the stack of books back to their places and left for the dormitory building. He was grateful that there were no curfew rules; otherwise he would have to stay in the library overnight and whatnot. He could study until late at night; and considering his roommate was barely in their room, he had all the peace and quiet. That was until Woohyun came into his life. He had a responsibility to carry now.

What really shocked him when he entered his room, though, was the view of his student curled up on his bed. And crying.

He immediately rushed to him and brought the boy into his lap. "Woohyun..." He brushed the hair out of his student's moist face. Woohyun drew into his lap even closer and Sunggyu felt arms wrap around his body tightly. "Did you have a nightmare again?" He guessed Woohyun had fallen asleep while he waited for him to come; but Woohyun shook his head in the crook of his shoulder. "Then what is it?"

Woohyun sobbed and Sunggyu felt the boy's breath shudder when he tried to talk. "You-" his voice cracked, and Sunggyu pulled him back to look at his student properly.

"What is it Woohyun? Tell me," he rubbed his hand down Woohyun's right arm; and his other hand thumbed Woohyun's wet cheek. "You hate me-" His voice caught in his throat and he sobbed harder; backing away from Sunggyu's hold. "Please don't hate me. Please don't leave me-"

Sunggyu hugged him. He didn't want to hear anymore of Woohyun's nonsense. "Don't say that Woohyun. I don't hate you." He played with the strands of Woohyun's hair as the boy stayed quiet; and when he did pull back, a million questions swarmed his mind when Woohyun pressed their lips together.

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straybangfinite877 #1
Chapter 6: AHHHH please update soon author-nim!!!
Chapter 6: omo, i love this, author-nim :D i wanna know the next *-*
Chapter 6: Ohh whats wrong woohyun? He seems a little insecure indeed

GAH so many things I want to knowww, please update soon!
Chapter 6: soooo... Yadong soon?
Chapter 6: Woohyun is jelly in this sandwich
Chapter 6: AWW Is Woohyun jealous? XD
Asian_Wannabe #7
Chapter 6: Yay! You updated!
I wonder how Woohyun feels for Sunggyu, I feel so confused!
Chapter 4: ohmygodness!! they kissed. i thought woohyun os a homophobe hahahaha