
Unexpected Encounters, Situations and..... Feelings?

Amber was giving you all death glares.

-why am I left out. I mean one second i find out about what happened to the hospital and then i find out that she is living with shinee. Why doesn't anyone tell me anything no more.-

you noticed Amber at the door and smiled. You went to go hug her but stopped when you saw her glare.

"What?" Was all you can say.

"Why haven't i been informed about anything. I mean i am your best friend." Amber said still glaring at you.

You started to feel sad but stopped yourself from crying.

"Im sorry amber. I have been so busy lately with........." noticing the boys listening to you, you made her go upstares to the study room. From there you would explain everything. You shut the door and told her about how your uncle wanted the papers and you wanted to stop him from retreiving the papers at any cost.

"Even if it means you being dead?" Amber asked. You just looked at the ground and amber knew that the answer was a yes.

"You cant do that Hye Rime. I mean yes the property............" you interupted her before she could continue.

'' it doesnt matter amber. That man is a monster. He doesnt have any right to have this property. Anyway he isnt blood related to us remember. He is my dads step-brother. Hmph dispicable man. I will do anything at any cost to protect this property that belonged to my father" you were crying your eyes out as of right now.

You already lost the most precious things. You didnt want to lose the only thing that belonged to them.

-i hate fame. I never want to be famous now or to be known at all. Its disturbing knowing how dangerous it could be.- you thought.

Amber left you alone and went downstairs to hang with the boys.

"Heys guys what's up. Long time no see" they all just looked at her with blank faces. Minho decided to talk to her after 5 minutes of having a staring contest.

''well as you can see nothings up and its only been a few days since we last saw eachother. By the way, this has been bothering me ever since the audition. How did you and Hye Rime meet? I mean you never mentioned having her as a friend.'' 

Amber sat down with an amused look on her face. " why do you loooooove her?"

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?! NOOOOOO. no no no no no. i was just wondering thats all." Minho said nervous.

"Well ok then." Amber said still not believing him but started to tell them the story when Hye Rime and her became friends. 

"It all started a long time ago. I dont know exactly when but i know it's been a long time. Hye Rime and I were the bestest of friends. No one could seperate us. I was on a trip in Busan visiting my grandparents. It was the same day i met Hye Rime. She was outside playing by herself. I decided to go play with her, but she ignored me. I didn't know why but ever since then i had the urge to make her my friend. Two years had passed and she still didnt pay attention to me until this one day. I was outside going to meet her until i saw her crying on the swings. I went up to her hugging and saying peaceful words to make her stop crying. When she calmed down, she decided to tell me everything that happened. The only reason why Hye Rime ignored me was because she said she was scared something might happen to me. But ever since that day we were close friends. A little while later, she had to move. Of course i went along with her and moved out here in the city. Well i guess you know what happens. I decided to join SMTown a few years later and basically you guys then joined. You could ask Hye Rime what she did throughout then but it was pretty normal. She was visiting her sister and brother at the hospital while living with her mom at home. And thats it. Nothing else is there to tell."

When Amber was finished talking, everyone was in tears except Luhan, who already knew what happened. He might get teary here and there from remembering the past though. It was very sad to listen to the whole story. You were by the steps hiding and listening to what Amber was telling the boys. You were going to come down for lunch when you heard Amber. You didnt want to go down because they might have see you and stopped talking not wanting to hurt your feelings. Your feet were frozen anyways on the first step. When Amber was finished telling the story, you decided to go to the third floor at the end of the hall. The room that was there was a very special room. Once you go inside, you could see rows upon rows of pictures. It starts with a picture of when your parents got married all the way to the point where your brother was brain dead. These pictures only hold happy memories. The bad ones never go up on these walls. As you walked into the room looking at the pictures you came upon a family potrait with everyone in it. Both of your unnies, you, your dongsaeng and parents. It was your birthday that day. All of you seemed so happy. Another set of tears streamed down your cheeks as you remember that day.

All of you were gathered together to cut the cake. It was happy day. You wore a nice princess dress and had your jeweled crown on your head. There was a wand in your hand and you were trying to blow the candles out by doing magic. After when you thought that, that wasn't going to help, you started to blow out the candles with one HUGE breath. That's when the picture was taken but you didn't know about it. It left so many happiness and couldn't bring yourself to stop crying.

Key heard soft crys as he came out of the bathroom on the second floor. He walked up the stairs following the sound. Then he walked down the hall to where the room with the pictures were. He found you crying and went up to you. Key hugged you and said the most soothing words you ever heard. When you calmed down, you moved away and smiled at him.

"You know, you are just like my umma. She would do anthing to comfort someone." Key sighed and smiled at you.

"Well then, you can call me umma." You just shook your head and both of you walked down hugging each other.

Everyone looked at both of you. They seemed surprised to see key hugging a girl. He would be shy around them. The one question that was floating around the room was.....was key in love with Hye Rime? Minho just looked away not paying attention to them at all. What would happen later? _______________________________________________________________________________sorry for the short chapter and long update. been having some problems. thanks for sticking with me. please subscribe and leave comments. i would very much aprreciate it.

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i want something that would go with the story. so if anyone could help me please


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Chapter 12: Get back whenever you can! That's fine ^^ I hope you find some ideas! If I have any I will message you :) good luck!
Thank you for reading my fanfic. I really appreciate it ^^
Chapter 9: Awesome update soon ;) i am enjoying it a lot.
Chapter 9: Hehe loved it no matter what!! :D
It's actually easier to read. But I might suggest ,making the font a bit bigger ^^ loving it so far!!!
Ok! ^^ take your time!! Hwaiting! :D
awww so tragic :( i hope things get better! hwaiting ^^
OH MY GOSH!! Im dying here!! update soon! ^^
good job !!
I like it so far! great start^^