
How To Plan A Surprise Party

Meanwhile with Super Junior....

Back at the dorm Heechul and Siwon was busy putting up stringers up on the roof and at the frame of the door to make the place look more decorative. But Heecul was taking way to long to put some of it up.

“What are you doing hyung?” Siwon asked the diva as he was carefully tying the stringers into a braid. Siwon was putting the last of it up as he was decorating the place of statues of Jesus with his face planted right on it.

Heechul gave his famous smirk with his eyes still on his creation, “I’m making this look so beautiful!” Siwon had to admit it looked amazing but it was already 9:20 and soon 10:00 was coming for the party to start. They told Yesung to come at exactly 10:00.

Siwon was about to speak until the leader came in with an annoyed expression, “Siwon, put some of these Shisus statues away! I stepped on your face as I was walking through the hallways and I hurt my big toe.” He then looked at Heechul, “Hurry up Heechul and put those stringer's up and don't braid them! They aren't hair and you are not a hairstylist. I don't care if you want it to look 'diva fabulous' you are putting them up the way they are suppose to put it up."

Heechul glared and was about to come up with a diva reply until Shindong, Henry, and Zhoumi came into the room with them bickering about something. Being a little annoyed at the moment, Leeteuk came over and yelled, “Where are his turtles?”

All three looked at him with a blank expression. “Yesung’s turtles?” Henry covered his mouth with wide eyes remembering that they had to dress Yesung's pet turtles in some suits.

With a palm to his face Leeteuk groaned, “Go find them and make sure they are ready. I do not want him to get upset about his birthday so hurry up and get the turtles set."

With a look of horror on the leader’s face he went over to someone dressed as a turtle. "Lee Hyukjae! I said to put the balloons in a certain order. It's white, sky blue, and then sapphire blue. Do it all over again and do it right this time! I don't want the order of the balloons to ruin the mood," He chided the turtle and hit the back of his head to make him pay attention. Some grumbling was heard from Eunhyuk but wasn’t loud enough for Leeteuk to hear.

Some loud laughing was heard from the corner of the room where Donghae and Kyuhyun was. Leeteuk was suspicious of the two so he went over to check it out. He couldn’t believe what he saw with his eyes. "What is this? What did you two do? Kyuhyun and Donghae, get rid of this banner.”

Kyuhyun smirked, “Why? I think it totally fits today’s celebration.” Donghae then burst into loud laughter.

“It isn't supposed to say 'Happy-Another-Day-Getting-Old-And-Celebrate-You-Didn't-Die-Yet Birthday. How did you two even fit that? Never mind and just go change it because these days Yesung is sensitive about his age." The leader walked away and was about to yell until someone picked him up.

“Hyung, I think you need to calm down,” It was Kangin with a tired expression on his face. He had heard Leeteuk’s yelling over Yesung’s birthday since he wanted it to be absolutly perfect but the rest of the members were starting to get a little irritated.

“Calm down? CALM DOWN! I can’t calm down when someone’s birthday is today!” Leeteuk screamed and was thrashing around in Kangin’s arms.

“Kangin, where should we put the turtle piñata?” Hangeng asked holding out the turtle.

Leeteuk’s mouth hanged open. “You are not putting that up! According to Yesung they're ‘encouraging turtle cruelty’ and ‘should be banned' so take that away.

“Can I beat it then?” Kibum said holding out a bat.

“No, I'm not giving you permission to beat the candy from it. I don't care if you want to! Just hide it from sight!" 

Leeteuk then looked at the side to see Sungmin and Ryeowook, “Yah! Kim Ryeowook and Lee Sungmin, stop fighting about whose gift is bigger. I think both of yours look the same so go back and arrange the gifts. I know you Sungmin so don't go around trying to open the gifts. This isn't your birthday." Sungmin started to cutely pout while Ryeowook was trying to use his innocent eyes but the leader was kind of immune to their looks.


Meanwhile with Yesung…

"They forgot my birthday! I even told them two days before my big day but they didn't care at all. They are so mean to me." Yesung was busy crying on his bed at his parents’ house. He was busy hugging his pillow having no idea what was happening at the dorm.  Poor guy.

Yesung had gotten all the groceries and got a call from Leeteuk saying that he shouldn’t come back to the dorm for awhile. To him he thought that s didn’t want him anymore making him feel depressed.


Back to the dorm….

A riot was happening in the dorm as the members were sick of Leeteuk’s constant bossing around. Usually the leader would never be like that but this time he was so obsessed of making Yesung’s birthday so special that he went overboard.

“Down with the king!” Kyuhyun yelled. Everyone yelled the same thing as they were about to throw Leeteuk out the window so he could land into the pool just a few feet below.  

In the excitement of the Super Junior riot, the front door was open revealing a very shocked Yesung looking at s’ wild behavior. “Um… what’s happening?” Everyone in the room stopped with the yelling and just looked at him. It was exactly 10:00 and Yesung had finally came back to his dorm after hours of crying into his turtle pillow.

Yesung looked around so happy with everything as he saw the amazing banner, made by Kyu and Hae, and his pet turtles dressed in suits. He was also so happy when he saw a huge turtle costume, worn by Eunhyuk.

“Happy birthday?”


A/N Oh Shisus I feel so late for Yesung's B-Day ;A;

Happy birthday oppa and I love you <3

Ignore any mistakes because this was so quick~




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Goemas12 #1
Chapter 2: This so cute and adorable
love it
I love yesung
love this story
Chapter 2: I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! It's just so damn cute >.<
I wanna hug Yesung ;_; <333
Chapter 2: so... so cute :D Yesung thinks that everyone forget about his birthday but no <3 <3 <3 I so laugh when Min & Wokkie are fighting about their package xD LOL
Chapter 2: LOLOLOLOL This was just so funny and adorable xD
Yesung must have been a bit freaked out seeing that their leader was bout to get thrown out the window by the members xDDD
I really like this :D
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: Aigoo this is so funny!
But why did u leave it?
No, you're not late at all. I'll still enjoy it ;)
limenlemon #6
Chapter 2: eeeee! i love this! :D :D
I love the way Shindong keeps throwing Eunhyuk down! lol! and the 'package' business was hilarious!! Still laughing! :D
ppiinng #7
Haha I love the part when they want to throw eetuek out of the window.I feel that too when my sis kept bossing me around
xlns321x #8
Cute ~^^~