The Day Of The Party

How To Plan A Surprise Party

“Hyung. Hyung. Hyung,” Yesung kept poking Leeteuk’s cheek with his small finger trying to get his attention. “Guess what today is?” He was smiling wide with a huge grin on his face.

Leeteuk sighed as the younger man kept poking him rapidly in the face. “What is it Jongwoon?”

Yesung started to pout toward his hyung. He started to poke the other’s cheek even harder causing Leeteuk to swat his hand away feeling annoyed. “Yah! I told you to guess hyung,” Yesung started to whine like a little child.

“I’m not in the mood to play games Jongwoon so go get some groceries for us,” Leeteuk let out a loud yawn from his mouth then proceeded to lay down onto the couch. He took one of the pillows and hugged it close to him with his eyes shutting close. Just like that, he fell into a deep sleep.

Yesung sat at the edge of the couch with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes looking over the sleeping man. He gave the sleeping guy a glare not believing that the leader of Super Junior and his hyung just fell asleep as Yesung was trying to explain that today was his birthday. Grumbling under his breath, he got up from the couch and grabbed the grocery list off the counter. He then headed out of the dorm.

With a jolt the once sleeping man sat up in a sitting position on the couch as he heard the door slam from his dongsaeng. His dimple smile appeared on his face, “Now to get the party ready!”


“Hurry up Hyuk! Put one foot in front of the other but faster!” Shindong was yelling at Eunhyuk, who was dressed in a turtle suit with balloons in his hand, to get up the stairs.

Eunhyuk just growled, “I’m trying! Do you know how tiring it is to climb twenty stories on the stupid stairs?” He put one green foot on a stair and almost lost his footing but quickly grabbed the rails next to him. “Why don’t you do this?”

Shindong just leaned against the wall looking down at the man in the turtle suit struggling to get to where he was, “Because you’re in the suit.” He gave out a loud laugh as Eunhyuk seeing how silly he looked.

The other started to whine, “Why couldn’t we go to the elevator? It would be so much faster!”

“Jongwoon hyung might use the elevator.”

“But it’s hot in here.”

“Take it like a man, monkey!”

The man in the turtle suit finally reached the floor where the dorm was. It was also the floor where Yesung’s party is going to held at. As Eunhyuk got there, heavy breathing was heard from inside the costume and some incoherent curse words.

With a soft chuckle, Shindong patted Eunhyuk’s back for a job well done. This action caused the other to push him with the soft turtle hand. The two dancers of Super Junior started to exit the stairs to the hallway to finally to get to the dorm. They had to help Leetuek set up the dorm before 10:00. No more or no less.  

“Shindong!” Somone’s voice echoed down the hallway to where he and the huge turtle suit was seen. In panic, seeing who the guy was, Shindong pushed Eunhyuk causing him to stumble down the stairs with the balloons in hand while wearing a huge turtle costume. The person who had called Shindong was no other but Yesung, the birthday boy.

“Hyung, um… What are you doing here?” The man with pinkish hair nervously looked at his elder. He quickly looked to the side of him seeing a huge turtle running back up the stairs having no idea what just happened.

Yesung raised his eyebrows curiously at the man in front of the stairway door. “I sleep here. What else would I be here for? Anyways, do you have something to tell me since there is something so great about this day?” A cheeky grin appeared on Yesung’s face can’t wait for Shindong to tell him happy birthday.

Shindong quickly looked at the back of him to see Eunhyuk coming up the stairs fast. Not wanting to expose the surprise, he kicked backwards hitting the costume again and making the turtle tumble down the stairs. “Oh yeah I do!”

The raven haired man just smiled waiting.

“Can you bring lots of noodles from the stores? I heard there is this new flavor of a combination of chicken and bacon. I want to try it so can you get it hyung?” Shindong smiled with his eyes ever so slightly looking down the stairs.

Yesung’s smile soon faded making a grim expression on his once happy face. “Sure, I’ll go get you some…” He started to slowly walk down the hallways reaching for the elevator. As soon as he was out of sight, Eunhyuk pushed Shindong making him tumble on the hallway ground.

“I’m a turtle not a freaking armadillo!” Eunyuk had his turtle mask off holding it under his arm. His eyes glared at the man on the ground with the balloons floating up in one his turtle hands. Shindong just burst into laughter.


Yesung was gloomily walking down the sidewalk getting to the store before it was closing. He saw three members in a cake store huddled around a table. With curiosity eating up at him, he decided to go see what the commotion was about.

“Kangin, Hangeng, Kibum, what are you guys doing?” The raven haired man walked into the store with a happy move to his walk. He concluded that since they were in a cake store that they must be buying him cake, maybe a happy birthday cake.

Hangeng looked up with a panic expression on his face. “Nothing hyung! Don’t come closer or we will all blow up.” This made Yesung stop in his walking looking at the Chinese man with confusion.

With a look of pure ‘what the fudge’ face from Kangin and a little push, he looked over at the singer with a small smile. “Don’t you have groceries to attend to?”

With a sigh and look at his list, Yeusng sighed. He was walking toward the door until he turned around and sprinted to the table. Sensing this before hand, Kibum got up on the table and sat on a box. Surprisingly, as Kibum sat on the box it was completely hidden underneath his .

“There is nothing here hyung! We were just wondering which cake would be nice for Kim WoonJong since today is his birthday,” Kibum quickly replied with a smooth smile. Kibum wasn't a acter for nothing. He started to move a little feeling the cake getting into the holes of his pants.

“Oh,” was the only thing Yesung could say. They got a cake for this WoonJong guy but not for him. With a look of sadness, the singer nodded his head and went out of the store on his way to the market.

Kangin pushed Kibum off the table and with wide eyes, he saw the cake with the words ‘happy birthday Kim Jongwoon’ written on it. “Nice, now we have to buy a new one.”

“Well I didn’t want hyung to see the cake! Besides I didn’t see you do anything.”

Hangeng then suddenly interrupted his dongsaengs. “I helped you know.” Both Kangin and Kibum stared at the Chinese man with a blank expression.


He couldn’t believe that they didn’t say happy birthday to him. It was something so simple but maybe they were jut busy. That was what Yesung was thinking as he entered the grocery store. He looked over his list to see the items but heard some bickering in one of the isles. He went over to see what the commotion was all about.

“It isn’t that big! It’s the size of a peanut,” A soft man’s voice was heard. Yesung knew this was Sungmin’s voice.

“No way! Mine is absolutely much bigger than yours,” That voice obviously was Ryeowook. He was pointing at Sungmin then pointed down. Yesung couldn’t see what was happening since Sungmin was in the way. He just decided to hide and just listen.

“I measured yours and trust me Wookie, mine is much bigger and better.”

“Hyung, I measured both of ours and my package is defiantly bigger.”

“Yeah right. Show me your package again then! I bet you’re just saying that.”

The hidden singer had his mouth gaped open not believing what he was hearing. Both the innocent looking members were talking about the size of their package…In public. Yesung wanted to go up to them to stop it but he was afraid that he might see something that he didn’t want to see. He quickly rushed past that isle to the other side of the store wanting to forget that conversation.

Sungmin pouted cutely toward Ryewook and held out his present to show it off. “My present for Jongwoon hyung is much bigger.” Sungmin said proudly. “It’s so pretty too!”

Ryeowook replied with a shake of his head. “Well my package has a pretty bow and is much bigger than your present,” He held it up looking proudly at it. Both of the men was bickering about which gift is bigger as they went to the dorm.

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Goemas12 #1
Chapter 2: This so cute and adorable
love it
I love yesung
love this story
Chapter 2: I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! It's just so damn cute >.<
I wanna hug Yesung ;_; <333
Chapter 2: so... so cute :D Yesung thinks that everyone forget about his birthday but no <3 <3 <3 I so laugh when Min & Wokkie are fighting about their package xD LOL
Chapter 2: LOLOLOLOL This was just so funny and adorable xD
Yesung must have been a bit freaked out seeing that their leader was bout to get thrown out the window by the members xDDD
I really like this :D
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: Aigoo this is so funny!
But why did u leave it?
No, you're not late at all. I'll still enjoy it ;)
limenlemon #6
Chapter 2: eeeee! i love this! :D :D
I love the way Shindong keeps throwing Eunhyuk down! lol! and the 'package' business was hilarious!! Still laughing! :D
ppiinng #7
Haha I love the part when they want to throw eetuek out of the window.I feel that too when my sis kept bossing me around
xlns321x #8
Cute ~^^~