Unexpected Bonds - Chapter 2

Unexpected Bonds

As he took Yixing back home, Baekhyun tried to get a coherent word out of his best friend but failed, the healer in no mood (or condition, Baekhyun could see that much) to talk. Whenever he tried, Yixing just pushed him away with a tired and somewhat sad expression until he gave up.

"Kyuhyun wouldn't send anyone back to look for you, so I came on my own," he grumbled, deciding instead to tell Yixing how he'd come to be there. "I knew you weren't dead...," he looked the healer up and down critically, "Though to be perfectly honest, you do kind of look half dead..."

He sniffed. "And I don't care what that idiot says, if the filthy dragons had gotten their disgusting paws on you, they wouldn't have wasted time in telling us, or just killing you and then telling us, so I knew-"

"They're not filthy, Baekhyun," Yixing interrupted him quietly but firmly. "And they're not all disgusting..." At Baekhyun's shocked expression, Yixing blinked. "What?"

Then he realised what he'd said and flushed, looking away. This was going to be a problem if he couldn't keep himself from blurting out everything like he was used to with his best friend. His bodyguard would be even harder to keep this from, but Yixing had to. They wouldn't understand, yet...the dragon he'd met hadn't been filthy with anything other than the usual battlefield grime, blood, and sweat that they all were.

Not really that different from them...

They'd barely had a chance to settle down when a page knocked on the door and let himself in.

"Yixing-sshi, Commander Kyuhyun would speak with you. He sends his regards that you have returned, and regrets that he cannot come to you at the moment. There is something he wishes to speak with you about, and it requires that you attend him. With many apologies."

One eyebrow rising at the wording of the page's message, Yixing was sorely tempted to exercise his royal privilege and demand that Kyuhyun come to see him rather than the other way around, but he was too tired to argue with the page and just glanced apologetically at Baekhyun.

"Sorry," he murmured, going to the door, though his hands were fisted by his sides in barely contained anger. "I'll see you when I've had a word with Kyuhyun, and after I've had a bath, some food, and sleep."

Nodding, Baekhyun watched him leave with narrowed eyes. The message didn't sit very well with him either, but there wasn't much he could do (directly) about it, so he'd have to wait until Yixing was able and willing to talk. In the meantime, he'd get himself cleaned up and find out how Kyungsu was doing.

Kyuhyun waited quietly in the reception room for what he hoped was an angry and out of sorts Yixing. The two dragons he'd captured without too much trouble lay bound at his feet. One of them had obviously been healed; his ripped and blood-stained clothes showed healed scars. The other bled onto the floor, his poor excuse for a bandage loosened in the fight to capture them. He wanted to see what the prince had to say about this.

"My prince," he said when Yixing entered. "I bring you prizes of our recent battle."  

Jinon went white. A prince? The prince? And here he'd thought it couldn't possibly get worse....

Yixing went pale as well, shocked at seeing the dragons bound like this, captured in such a cowardly way. He turned his cold gaze on Kyuhyun, anger radiating from him.

"What honour is there in taking prisoner dragons who were off the battlefield and defenceless, especially considering the battle was already long over?" he asked, his voice chilly. "Even less honour in this," he spread his still bloodied hands to encompass the prisoners, "Bringing them here without seeing to their injuries first as is required, and parading them around as if they were legitimate spoils of war."

He glared at Kyuhyun even as he knelt beside the dragon who'd originally been his captor, an apologetic look in his eyes for a moment before it was gone. He held his shaking hands over the dragon's wound and began to try and heal him.

"What is the meaning of this, Kyuhyun?"

Kyuhyun stepped forward and pulled him away.

"What, to bring to justice a dragon," he spat the word, "Who kidnapped you and forced you to heal his friend? The reason we could not find you when we returned."

He glanced at Jinon, who didn't look up from the floor.

"As for his wound, he wouldn't let us touch it." His weight shifted. "We would have bound it better. But you are in no condition to heal him, either. My apologies for bringing you here when you were not yet recovered. I did not realize."  

Jinon knew better than to protest. They'd never believe him.

Blinking up at Kyuhyun in confusion from the floor where he'd fallen when Kyuhyun pulled him away, Yixing's eyes hardened.

"By what trickery do you know anything about that?" he asked, his voice soft as he got to his feet. "I haven't said a word to anyone about it, so how would you know?"

He narrowed his eyes. Kyuhyun had probably left someone to watch him, knowing the older elf was constantly looking for ways to discredit him with his father and the council. Some were wise to his machinations, others...not so much.

"I sent an elf to find you, and he came upon these two speaking about it."

"He released me unharmed, as you can see, so I consider there no need for any of this." Yixing's head came up defiantly. "Untie them, let the healers help them, and then let them go."

Kyuhyun stared at him in mock astonishment. "Release a dragon who dared touch one of our healers?" he asked. "And not just any healer, but the prince? Your father would have my head if I released them."  

"I didn't know," Jinon said flatly. "I didn't know who he was."  

Kyuhyun kicked him, barely missing the wound in his side.

"Silence. No one believes you here," he said, and looked back at Yixing. "Except perhaps the prince. What sort of magic did you work on him?" he asked, his voice lowering, yet it still carried through the hall.

In his haze of rage, Yixing hadn't even noticed when his younger brother Tao came into the room, suddenly disoriented when everything and everyone around him just...stopped, the only ones able to move being himself and Tao.

"What are you doing here?" he gasped as Tao went to help hold him up, his expression grim as he raked his eyes over the bound dragons, then over the frozen Kyuhyun, his lips tightening with contempt. "Tao, I asked-"

"Get out of here," Tao murmured, interrupting his brother's question, turning to face him. "I've seen enough. Take that dragon with you. I'll get rid of the other one..."

"You can't kill him!" Yixing insisted, appalled by his brother's attitude, though he understood it. They were elves, after all. Caught off-guard when Tao smiled, he looked confused as the younger elf cut the ropes tying the dragon he'd become bonded to.

"I didn't mean it like that, idiot," Tao chuckled as he gestured to the dragon he'd freed. "Now go before you both fall over. I'll make sure the other dragon is taken to neutral territory and released, and will explain my actions to Father..." He glared at Kyuhyun coldly. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Now go!"

Realising he wouldn't get anything more out of his brother, Yixing carefully took one of the dragon's arms around his shoulders and began to lead him from the room, subtly using his healing power on him while he could.

Kyuhyun waited for Yixing's response, and then, between one breath and the next, he was gone. And so were his dragons. "Tao," he growled furiously, and turned to go and find his monarch to explain what was going on.

Nothing made sense. One moment, Jinon lay bound on the floor with the most arrogant elf he'd ever met standing over him calling for blood (good thing he had no idea who Jinon was), the next, he leaned on the healer, walking down the hall.

"Wait, where's Kan?" He tried to get free from the healer, looking around wildly for his friend. "What happened?" It made no sense, and being next to the healer didn't help any. He hadn't out or anything when he came in....  

Keeping a firm hold on the dragon was harder than Yixing expected, and in frustration, he tightened his arm almost painfully to get the man's attention.

"Your friend is safe and will be released into neutral territory, you have my word, and my brother's," he said irritably, coming close to the end of his reserves, but thankfully close to his quarters where nobody would be able to disturb them unless he allowed it.

"I can't risk leaving you with the healers where Kyuhyun will be able to get his grimy hands on you again..." The memory of what the older elf had done made Yixing growl before he could stop himself, his hands in rage. "If he ever hurts you again, I will kill him myself and accept the consequences..."

Taking deep breaths as he tried to calm down, realising it was sapping his strength, Yixing turned to the dragon as they reached the door to his rooms.

"You know who I am," he said quietly. "Please tell me who you are?" He gave a faint smile. "Especially since it seems we've...bonded. Or at least that's what my people call it. Don't I deserve to know who my bondmate is?"

Jinon gasped when the healer's arm tightened around him, going lightheaded for a moment. But it did get his attention, and he calmed down.

"He doesn't like you," he said. "I'm sure you know that, but one day I'll ask you what some of the words mean that he called you. They weren't included in my instruction of your language."

He reached out to brace himself on the door frame, pretty near the last of his own reserves. The fight with the elves after he'd let Yixing (right?) go had worn him out even more.

"My name...." Jinon started, and then had to bite his tongue. "I can tell you only in private," he finally said. No one had ever said anything about this!

Unlocking and opening the door, Yixing closed it behind them once they were inside, locking it again and helping the dragon to sit on the sofa.

"I can well imagine the words he used," he said, shrugging. "We don't like each other at all. Never have done, even since we were small, only now it's more indifference, or was until today, on my part, and hatred on his."

He glanced at the man and sighed. Without knowing who this man was, and perhaps even when he did, Yixing couldn't reveal any more of the rivalries within the elf clans. It was bad enough he knew as much as he did, being brought in as a pawn in Kyuhyun's petty power struggle. It could prove fatal, for both of them if they weren't careful.

"Now..." Yixing leaned forward, smiling. "We're in private, where nobody can overhear, even by design. Will you tell me who you are?"

Jinon took a deep breath. "My true name is Jinchul," he said, unbelievably relieved to get that out. Maybe he'd actually be able to speak to him without stumbling over his own tongue. "Please don't tell anyone." It sounded so lame.

"I go by Jinon to everyone else. And if that... elf had had any idea who he had, he'd never have let you near me. My father is who your father wages war against." He settled a little, trying to find a comfortable position. "So you were left on purpose."

Yixing stared at Jinon, holding up one hand to stop him from continuing, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The Gods must either really hate me, or... Or he really didn't even know why he'd been bonded to a dragon, and not just any dragon, but a dragon prince.  The situation suddenly struck him as funny and horribly ironic, two princes of races at war were bonded to each other, and Yixing began to laugh, shaking his head helplessly.

"This is just so...unbelievable," he laughed, unable to stop. "If Kyuhyun only knew, he'd be having the biggest conniptions this side of the galaxy, let alone the country, or even the city..."

Slowly sobering, Yixing let his gaze lower to his blood-stained hands.

"You're right, and not just about your rank. If he knew about us..." He most definitely would never have let Jinon anywhere near Yixing. Yixing probably would never have seen Jinon again until his trial on charges of treason, before they were both executed.

"But somehow Tao knows. How?" he mused to himself, worrying about his brother's safety now too. If Kyuhyun or his father found out Tao had known, and not only that, had aided them...

The laughter sounded a little... hysterical, which Jinon could understand, honestly. This was more than unbelievable, it was impossible. "Who is Tao?" He knew he was still missing some time. He didn't have any idea how he'd gotten outside of that room, out of his bonds, hanging on Yixing's shoulders.

And that thought brought up Kan. "Um. I know this is sort of... adding to the problem, but Kan is going to raise the alarm when he gets back to my father," he said softly. "Unless something happens, it will only escalate from here."

"But first," he said, reaching to grasp Yixing's hands in his, ignoring the flutter in his heart and the feeling of electricity shooting down his arms from the contact, "You need to wash up and rest. You weren't looking so good when you went looking for your faerie friend, and you look even worse now. What do you need me to do? How can I help?"

"Tao is my younger brother," Yixing replied softly, still looking at his hands. "Where my power is healing, his is time control. He helped me..." He looked up at Jinon, his expression rueful. "He saved our lives, really."

"If I had attacked Kyuhyun as I had been about to when he hurt you, it would have meant our deaths because he would have known something was up and wouldn't have given up until he discovered the bond, and declared me a traitor." He sighed. "He still could if I am not careful, and as you pointed out, I'm not at my best right now."

"If you have some way to contact your father to let him know you're ok...? So that when Kan arrives, it won't cause a problem, or as much of one, that would be a start." Yixing looked thoughtful, feeling thoroughly exhausted. "Other than that, I don't know what to do. I can't let you go yet until I've slept and regained my energy so I can protect you. Would you mind terribly staying here with me until then?"

Yixing's face was tinted a delicate pink, his eyes on the floor as he spoke, half expecting Jinon to refuse.  

Time control? Oh. that made a lot of sense. It made Jinon's head hurt.

Jinon shook his head. "You can't help who you bond to," he said, his voice low. "Trying to get you named traitor for something you have no...." He slowed, gazing at Yixing. "He hates you that much?" he asked softly. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that every day."

His lip curled. "Give me a chance to get healed, and I can take care of that." And he would, too. This was utterly unacceptable.

"I don't have any way of contacting my father," he said ruefully, and then frowned. "Unless your faerie friend is willing to run an errand for you. Someone you trust implicitly." He smiled, squeezing the hands he held (again). "I don't mind staying here." Never mind that he probably couldn't move if he wanted to, still sore from the wound, not to mention the kick to the hip.

"Jinon, I am not like him," Yixing murmured softly, meeting the dragon's gaze firmly. "Please don't hurt him on my behalf. He hates me enough to use you against me, but that doesn't mean I will use you against him. I refuse to stoop to his level." His chin came up proudly. "That is what makes me better than him, and he knows and hates me for it."

"As for Baekhyun..." He sighed again, his shoulders slumping. "I trust him with my life but he hates dragons. I don't know if he would deliver the message for me for that fact alone, though he hates Kyuhyun even more..." Yixing smiled suddenly. "It would be a way of getting back at Kyuhyun, so I will ask him. I just can't promise anything other than if he refuses, he will at least keep his mouth shut."

Closing his eyes, Yixing sent a mental message to Baekhyun to ask him to come to his rooms and when he agreed, reopened his eyes to smile at Jinon again.

"He'll be here soon. This will be interesting, though I will have to hold him back at first when he sees you, or he might attack you..." he said sheepishly. "I just hope he's not too angry because I don't know how much good I'll be..."

If this lasted too much longer, Yixing was going to pass out, regardless of what happened.

Jinon met his gaze squarely, and then nodded. "It would not be you using me against him," he said softly, and smiled. "Didn't you know how protective we dragons can be? Especially of our bondmates. But I'll try not to do anything too damaging. It's the best I can promise."

He smiled. "Then how do I make myself as pitiful as possible? And unthreatening? If you think it'll help, anyway," he added. "And I can defend myself." He didn't know how well that would work, but he'd do the best he could. "Please." He tugged gently on Yixing's hands. "Sit down. You look like you're going to fall in a moment."

Smiling faintly, Yixing sighed. "He won't believe it's you acting of your own accord, Jinon," he murmured softly. "He'll believe, and try to convince the council, that I put you up to it, at worst, or at best, that Tao put you up to it, since he was there too. Kyuhyun is a slimy, sneaky bastard who believes the worst of everyone because that's what he would do in the same situation. It's sad."

"All the better reason to get him out of the way," Jinon said, but subsided. "I know the type," he added.

Looking him up and down with a faint grin, Yixing was about to reply to Jinon's questions when his tug, gentle as it was, sent him tumbling into the dragon's lap, his eyes going wide with shock, his face red with embarrassment. The situation wasn't helped by the fact that Baekhyun chose that moment to show up, his eyes narrowing as he yanked Yixing from Jinon's arms angrily.

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Chapter 7: WOW...
I just love that Jinon is in this for some reason. lol
The spattering of Suju is awesome - maybe my fav member will make an appearance ;)
This is an awesome story. My fav! right up there with Night and day!
May inspiration and time be on your side!

Chapter 7: Baekhyun has bonded to Xiumin?! o.o
This story is getting more and more intense.
I quite like the RP quality of it! ^^
Chapter 6: I'm worried about what Kyuhyun's planning O.O
Chapter 4: I didn't think Baekhyun would reach the king safely.
And the king was surprisingly understanding!

I like the concept of this story. Can't wait for the next update~ ^^