Mission Impossible; SHINee-style "WOHOO! Go get them!"

I found Him next to a Dumpster! ♥ (On Hiatus)

One year later


It's a beautiful morning, exactly one year after the 'Dumpster'-incident. The sun rises far away by the horizon, the birds have started to sing the most beautiful love songs to each other and the citizens of Seoul are starting to come to life. (Yes, they have been dead! ....   naah just kiddin :>)

Everything is perfect and peaceful~.. no wait.. There is something wrong...

*checking if something is wrong*

Naaah, everything is just like normal. *wink wink*



"Hmpf... jus~just five.. mo~..." *zZzZz*

"THAT'S IT..." I could feel something angrily crawl up next to me and I immediately got out of bed. Well.. more like falling, since my mind wasn't fully recovered after a good nights sleep.

"OKAY OKAY! I'm up...! See?" I started waving my hands above my head and stood up.

"Good." Key had a satisfied smirk on his face and put his hand on his hip. Then walking out through the door, leaving it with a small gap. I whined out loud for not knowing how my dream would have end. The dream was about me being in paradise... I'd like to go back there... but.. Key, will.. kill..m~ *zZzZzZz*


~Ten minutes later~


"YAAH!! YOU LAZY PIECE OF~!" I woke up again to find Key throwing all kinds of random things at me. "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT... FOR I'M COMING!!" 




"YAH! Kyoung-Mi! It's breakfasttime!"

"Hhhmmmf... *dduurflurr*... Ple~heeaase... let me.. be~ *zZzZzZzZ*

"Oh no young lady, you know very well that stay in bed whole day isn't good. So, rise and shine!"

A chill shiver spread and a cold air swept over my bare skin. That devil had pulled off my cover.

"Aish~" I immediately sat up and gave her my angriest face I could manage to show off this early in the morning. "UMMA!"

She had started to make her way through the door when she stopped and turned to me.

"Yes, my dear?" Her smile looked like something that would eventually be my death for sure. God.. I really need some kind of luckypotion right now.

My beloved father who always buys cookies and milk for me - wanted me to stay at his and my mothers house for some time, since my holiday just started. I agreed without even considering what my devilish mom would do to me in the mornings. All this yelling was really going on my nerves.


"Heeeey...~" I saw my father sitting by the table, reading the daily newspaper.

"Wah!" My fathers expression went from calm and peaceful to terrified and.. just.. plain surprised when he saw what came through the door. Couldn't blame him. I would have reacted the same way. I walked to the breakfast-table with a murderous look and a dark-grey cloud floating above my head, shooting lightnings and thunderbolts here, there and everywhere.

"There you are darling!" My irritating mother came into sight and I felt an urge to run to my room again, but I stayed by the thought that I musn't disrespect my parents. My beloved father studied my sulky posture and shook his head. "You finally made it in time!" My mom was showing off a disgusting big smile while taking a piece of bread and drenched it with marmelade.

"Have you packed your bags?" My father spoke and looked a bit worried.

"Yeah, packed it yesterday..." I said in a lowered tone. Even though I would do anything to get away from my mother I couldn't cope with leaving my loving father after only been visiting for three days. Though I admit that I really wanted to forget about the mornings...

Anyway, today I had to go back to Daejon because they were going to travel along the countryside and visit some friends who lived there. 


Minho's POV

My head hurt, along with my leg and my hand. Damn you Key... He had attacked me with his fingers, tickling me until I couldn't breath and that's when Taemin came through the door jumping and smiling. But his face turned into a questioned one when he saw Key sitting on top of me while I was screaming like a girl. No worse, a babygirl!

"Uuuuh.... you guys..?" Both Key and I turned our heads to catch sight of the little maknae. Key immediately got down and adjusted his hair and clothes. 

"Heey, my sweet honey!" He said and flung his arms around Taemin who was now in complete shock.

Key was always like this, hugging and nagging and lovey-dovey and Taemin always became twice as scared. It was quite amusing to witness, even though he sometimes got a little too friendly with me aswell... Anyway.. let's not go into deatils shall we?

Let's see.. what's on schedule today..? 

"Hurry up Minho, we can't afford to be late!" Onew suddenly marched through the door but stopped when he saw the scene. "Oh, it's cuddling-time, eh? Mind if I join too?"

Didn't he say that we musn't slow down and pick up pace? Geesh... Hmm.. I know what to do.

"Oi! You guys!" I said and faked a serious face. With a lurking expression I got their attention and they looked curiously at me. I stood there while a subtle smirk began to spread on my lips and slowly raised my hands. Then.. My eyes flung wide open and I whispered in a high pitched way;

"Mission... Impossible!"

They all knew what to do and got bananas, crawling on the floor while imitating all kinds of sounds, including the Mission Impossible soundtrack. I even heard someone make chickensounds. Hmm, must've been Onew..

"Cover me, I'm going in!" I heard Taemin whisper while Key and Onew were still humming on the soundtrack with serious faces. The maknae stood up and raised his invisible bazooka (yes, he was imagining that he had a bazooka) to his chest and sighed nervously. As if he actually was going to get killed any second in a gunfight. He sneaked behind the wall and peeked round the corner. He could clearly see his target; JongHyun. 

The rest of us were still staying on the floor waiting for him to shoot, but we all froze when we heard a familiar voice speak up.

"You're doing that Mission Impossible-thing again are you?"

, JoongHyun had seen right through our little act.

"N~Noo..." Taemin made himself visible and stared down on the floor. "We, were just fetching Minho."

"Yeah.." Onew had stood up and walked pass Taemin and to the kitchentable. 

"That's right..." Key came out from the bedroom and into the kitchen with me walking content behind him.

"And here I am!" I said and smirked. The rest of them except for JongHyun had guilt written on their foreheads. Ke ke ke... That's for waking me up!

"There's no need to hide it. I know you were playing around like some special agents~"

"Spies~!" Taemin said but immediately shut his mouth. Buusteed...

"Like I said..." JongHyun said and smirked. "We need to hurry up or else we'll get scolded by manager-hyung!"


Kyoung-Mi's POV

Finally home. Home Sweet Home. Sweet Home Alabama...

Wait there's something.. something.. too noisy? 

I didn't get to figure out where the sound was located 'cause a black car drove pass me in the same time my phone started ringing like crazy. I picked up, this time checking who the caller was.

"Da Ji-ah!"


"Eeeeh... Ji? You okay?"


"Okay, okay.. calm down Ji-ah! What's going on?" I could barely hear her, there was too much noise in the background.

"I know you don't give a , but I'll say it anyway. Okay, here it goes; SHINEE'S IN DAEJON!!!"


"What did you just say?" I said and chuckled at the situation while walking up the stairs to my apartment.

"You know SHINee?"


"They are in DAEJON!!!!"



"What's shiny? What?"


"Yeah me to.."


*another moment of constant screaming*

I knew I wouldn't be able to contact her in all her bliss so I hung up and sent a message that I was back home and that I didn't get a thing what she was talking about. :) I also mentioned that she owe me 2000 won since the last pokergame we played.

Isn't it funny? After that wierd and totally crazy incident that happened a year ago I unexpectadly started playing poker...


Minho's POV


We all were seated in the car and the driver started the car and drove off.

I lay back down to rest, even though we were going to be at the spot in five minutes. But before I could even close my eyes I caught sight of something familiar, standing on the pavement, looking. very.. VERY familiar... 


Wait, I know that dumpster...




Okay, maybe my brilliant idea wasn't that.. uh~... brilliant xD But hey.. don't judge me yet, I've had a busy week and I've been too tired to do anything.. -.-

I've actually been working on this chapter a long time now, but I didn't seem to get it right, and well.. you can clearly see how it went xD

Like, who DOES imitate Mission Impossible on their freetime anyway? Seven o'clock in the morning?!

Oh I know, I know! *raises one hand and waving like crazy*

Yes, you?

SHINee..... :D

Ahahaha~ no, that's because I wrote it like that..

Touché. D:

Soo, maybe you're wondering why I just wrote that? Actually, I don't know. :)

Anyway, if you think it's too messy, then tell me about it and I'll try to write less uh.. comprehensive? xD


nishnish aked me if they're famous in this story and the answer is; yes. Yes, they are famous in this story :)

Nichichan; when he came back he got so beat up that he couldn't walk until two weeks later ;) Naah, just kiddin, but he got tickled, ALMOST til death xD :p

IzumiArt, haha I'm the same xD *highfive*

starlove, yeah I want to have a gay friend, it would be SO awesome! :D Like.. TOTALLY awesome xD I mean, not that every gay has a personality like Bae, but still ^-^


Soo, if you want to ask me anything; just write something on my wall ^^
Random stuff works more than fine :D LOVE random stuff! Maybe you can tell by reading this.. uh~ chapter.. *KACHINGA!* :D


See you guys!

And don't forget to comment and keep on subscribing ^^


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awww!!!!<br />
you're not going to continue writing! :(<br />
i really like it though
Pancakebaker #2
Yo Tove!! You gotta be freakin update this fanfic soon or i will attack you just like diva Key! <br />
<br />
Halah! <3
Nichichan #3
lolzzz i dont do mission impossible, i sing the chicken song XDD<br />
and the pink panther theme song when im going down the stairs XDD<br />
...how would a normal person realize the difference b/w dumpsters?? XDD youre a very strange boy minho XDD
awwww...Minho recognize the dumpster....<br />
soooo cute......<br />
i know right, so we dont have to hang out with a whole bunch od jerks and wannabes...<br />
lol..update soon please :)
SHINee_Key #5
1 YEAR ALREADY??? AWWWW!!!! And why does she start playing poker? Pokerface for Minho? jks (:
strawberry_angel #6
plz update soon~<br />
want minho and kyoung min to meet again and drama happens <br />
jabbers23 #7
haha.<br />
i had to read your story again because i forgot...sry<br />
but I Like it :D
JosieSaand #8
Me like! Me like! ^^
update soon! :O
SHINee_Key #10