You know I wouldn't cheat on you!

I found Him next to a Dumpster! ♥ (On Hiatus)

I was glued to the floor, feeling all embarrassed, not knowing what to do. Should I run after that handsome jerk and punch him or should I just go and buy some new milk and cookies?

A big part of me desperately wants to run after him but I think I'm voting for the second alternative..

I could hear a low buzz coming from far away. I concentrated to discover its source. There it was again. It was coming from my room.

After a lot of searching and intense concentration I found my cellphone buzzing like crazy in my yesterday worn jeans. I collapsed on the bed and answered without checking who the caller was.

"Kyoung-Mi here!"

"Hey, Mi.. my sister from another Mister! It's Bae, your husband!" I chuckled at what my friend said just now. He was always like this, saying things that would make any outsider think we were a couple. But he wasn't my boyfriend or such, not my brother either, even though I'd wish that he was. He wasn't even straight! He is the most wonderful and amazing gayfriend I've ever come to befriend. Well.. he's the only gay guy I know.. But still!

"Hey, how's my ?" I said jokingly and chuckled.

"I'm... very very worried about you!" He said whining.

"Oh you are?" I couldn't help but to sound surprised.

"Yeeaah... How did it go last night?" He squealed curiously.

"What do you mean?" I immediately thought about how I had found a complete stranger next to a container and how I brought him to my place.

"Duuh.. hello?! Did anything happen? You know..."

Oh.. that's right.. Then I remembered what had happened before the dumpster-incident. Yesterday I had gone out eating with a guy named Kang-Dae. I didn't want to but since he had puppylike eyes, I couldn't resist his offer of buying me dinner. His eyes are something you could die for. But that's the only thing I like about him, really. He is kind of boring to talk with, but since I had stuffed my mouth full with food we didn't have to converse about anything special.

"He was.. nice." I said sighing and rolled over on my back.

"Nice..? In what way?" I knew he was waiting for some juicy news and it saddened me to let him down.

"Nice talking to.." I lied. "But I don't know if he's the one for me.." I said and smirked. "You know I wouldn't cheat on you!" I said in an offended tone.

"Hmm... your right.. Well I guess you're okay then?"

"Oh yeah. Definitely!" I said. "When are you coming over?"

"Uhm, yeah.. about that.." he started and suddenly sounded a bit glum. "I'm going away to the countryside with my parents this holiday.. But I promise that when I come back I'll totally make it up to you, hun!"

"Aaw... Haha, what? You mean like me or something?" I chuckled.

"If that's necessary, yes! Totally!" 

We kept on talking about random stuff but I decided to leave out the thing about me being a kidnapper. When we finally hung up I stayed in bed for like five minutes, until I dawdled my way into the kitchen. With teary eyes I picked up the empty packet of milk and cried out loud.

"WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!??!" I started sobbing while throwing it in the trash along with the empty cookiepacket.

I'll avenge you..!


Minho's POV

This girl was really something. Not like all the other girls I've met. She was actually pretty tough and that is way more than you see in these days' girls. Nowadays it's all about acting cute and innocent, but she.. She was ACTUALLY going to punch me! Like, REALLY PUNCH me!

It kinda.. turns me on! Ahaha, just kiddin'... Or.. am I?

I walked down the street and chuckled at her - in her way - cute actions. I wonder why she was so upset when she was the one who brought me there. Did I do something wrong?

Then I remembered why I ended up drunk and all. SHINee had a concert yesterday and the party after was.. well.. How should I put it.. 

Crazy? Not like, insane crazy.. but wild crazy!


I panicked and started running, not caring if I gained wierd looks from the people around, all I could think of was to get to our hotel. And about the strange girl that had managed to steal my heart this amazingly wonderful morning.


Yes, this is a short chapter and I'm sorry for that, but I have a briliant thought in mind... *ke ke ke - smirks evily* 

And.. also I read your comments...







And I gotta tell you that... 










Keep on commenting like that and I will have a mental celebration and write all kinds of wierd stuff XD

I also got four new subscribers! *happyface* :'D

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awww!!!!<br />
you're not going to continue writing! :(<br />
i really like it though
Pancakebaker #2
Yo Tove!! You gotta be freakin update this fanfic soon or i will attack you just like diva Key! <br />
<br />
Halah! <3
Nichichan #3
lolzzz i dont do mission impossible, i sing the chicken song XDD<br />
and the pink panther theme song when im going down the stairs XDD<br /> would a normal person realize the difference b/w dumpsters?? XDD youre a very strange boy minho XDD
awwww...Minho recognize the dumpster....<br />
soooo cute......<br />
i know right, so we dont have to hang out with a whole bunch od jerks and wannabes...<br />
lol..update soon please :)
SHINee_Key #5
1 YEAR ALREADY??? AWWWW!!!! And why does she start playing poker? Pokerface for Minho? jks (:
strawberry_angel #6
plz update soon~<br />
want minho and kyoung min to meet again and drama happens <br />
jabbers23 #7
haha.<br />
i had to read your story again because i forgot...sry<br />
but I Like it :D
JosieSaand #8
Me like! Me like! ^^
update soon! :O
SHINee_Key #10