Close Call


“No, AJ, really! I really, really don’t want to take a shower today,” Nadia protested, starting to feel desperate. However, before AJ could say anything else, they both suddenly heard loud voices fill up the dorm.

“Ow! Eli stop shoving everyone, you can wait to get inside!”

“I’m sorry, but I feel so dirty today! I have to take a shower!” There were loud footsteps as someone quickly ran thumping down the hallway. A tall guy with white-blonde hair burst into view, quickly stopping upon seeing them in the doorway.

“Oh hey guys! Are you about to take a shower? Let me join in!” He dived into the bathroom, bumping into them, and started taking off his shirt. Nadia quickly took advantage of the distraction and ducked under AJ’s arm, retreating toward the sanctuary of the rooms. She avoided the others’ eyes, and instead faked another yawn.

“Ok, goodnight guys, see you tomorrow,” Nadia called out, quickly slipping into the bedroom and closing the door behind her. Leaning heavily on the door, she sighed deeply. That was too close! If the others hadn’t gotten home just now, I would have been found out!

There was a lamp in the corner which lit up the room, but left most of it in shadows. Oh, thank goodness there are two beds! But which one is Kevin’s? Both beds were neat, with dark blue blankets and a white pillows. However, the one on the left also had a cute cat-shaped pillow on it, its face smiling happily at her.

Kevin loves to hug cute pillows, so that’s probably his… With that, Nadia dropped her bag by the bed and collapsed onto it. She suddenly felt very tired, and her chest felt too tight. She had bound it before coming to the dorms, and now it felt so uncomfortable. It’s probably ok to take off the binding tonight, since I’ll be sleeping… I’ll wake up early tomorrow. Reaching down for her bag again, she hid it inside. “Aaah, much better,” she yawned, burrowing under the covers and hugging the kitty pillow. She fell asleep instantly.


AJ stood in the bathroom, a towel around his waist, brushing his teeth in the mirror. He heard someone banging on the door.

“Hurry up guys! It’s getting late and you know we have to wake up early tomorrow for practice! Let everyone else shower too!” He rolled his eyes and called out, “We’re done now, and the door isn’t locked!” The door immediately opened and two more guys charged in. “Our dorm should have more than one bathroom! It takes way too long for seven guys to shower,” Soohyun said in disgust.

AJ laughed and left the bathroom, hurrying toward his room to put some clothes on. When AJ opened the door, he was surprised to see the lamp still on and Kevin sleeping on AJ’s bed, hugging the cat pillow a fan had given him. AJ stifled a laugh. He must really like that pillow. I’ve seen him hugging it so many times.

He hurriedly pulled on some shorts, debating whether to wake Kevin up or not. He sat on his bed, and stared at Kevin, who was sleeping peacefully, his fluffy brown hair sticking up, and his face looking very feminine. If I hadn’t known that this is Kevin, I would really think he’s a girl, AJ thought fondly. Deciding to just leave Kevin, AJ yawned and got under the covers next to him, the bed already warm from the sleeping body.


The next morning, Nadia gradually woke up, feeling very comfortable and warm. This blanket is so lovely… I don’t want to wake up… However, as soon as she had the thought, the sleepy fog began to leave her, and when she opened her eyes slowly, she suddenly saw an unfamiliar room around her. She woke up completely and then realized there was a hand around her waist. Nadia looked behind her in shock and had to stifle a scream when she realized a man was lying behind her, hugging her tightly in his sleep.


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Sungyeollo #1
Chapter 13: Sequel. !!!!!
Chapter 13: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE I FCUKING LOVED THIS. You are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
dreamymoon #3
Chapter 13: this fic surely needs a sequel !
please !!
annabelleshlee #4
Chapter 13: Lawl soohyun XD
Did not see that coming! How can they not recognize him? hahaha! Nice ending :)
Chapter 13: BAHAHAHA XD not what i expected but I really liked it :) Soohyun omg XD
Chapter 13: Omg i have a craving for waffles now xD but the ending was cuuuute ^_^
jackytomboy96 #7
Chapter 13: Aaaw that was a cute ending. I like it :3 Thanks for the story~ I enjoyed all of it!
Chapter 12: Awww such a sad chapter! Poor both of them! TT.TT
Chapter 12: dying... slowly in pain... why is this so sad >< You are such an awesome author!!! like forreal <3 kyaa poor nadia and AJ :'( I wonder what happens next o,o
jackytomboy96 #10
Chapter 12: My heart is snaping in two! D: I'm sorry Aj & Nadia. Good chapter...keep it up! :)