Last Goodbye



Nadia slipped out of the room, closing the door gently behind her. She sighed, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. This . I don’t want to leave so suddenly…
She slinked down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible. Suddenly, the wooden floorboards creaked loudly under her foot, and she froze, her eyes wide, her heart beating quickly. After a few moments though, the house was still quiet, and Nadia breathed a sigh of relief. “Whew, I thought I would be caught for sure,” she whispered softly.
Suddenly, felt something grab the back of her shirt tightly, making her stumble, squeaking in surprise. She turned around, gasping as she saw AJ standing behind her, a betrayed expression on his face. 
“Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?” 
Nadia nodded slowly, suddenly feeling a little ashamed. “I… I just didn’t want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful when you were sleeping.” 
AJ dropped his hand from her shirt and instead reached out, his fingers touching hers lightly. “Let me go with you. That way, if the others wake up before you come back, I’ll just say we went to eat breakfast or something, ok?” 
They were walking down the street. It was so early that there were hardly any people around, just a few cars whizzing by, the birds chirping cheerfully. They were walking right next to each other, their hands so close that they brushed against each other. The air was so chilly that when they breathed out, their breaths were visible, mingling together and floating away into the sky.
Nadia’s stomach rumbled loudly, and she laughed, breaking the silence between them. AJ smiled, pulling her toward a vendor on the sidewalk, just starting to set up his cart. “Hello can we buy some waffles please?” AJ asked, taking out his wallet. The vendor giggled, smoothing his sideburns. He had on huge sunglasses and his hair looked kind of fake. He looked strangely familiar.
“Oh, yes, of course, young creatures. You will be my first customers today…” Nadia and AJ looked at each other, confused looks on their faces. The man made their steaming waffles, whistling cheerfully as he wrapped them up.
“Hehehe… Here you can have this for free…. Hehehe… since you‘re my first customers… hehehe” 
Nadia and AJ both blinked slowly, feeling a little strange.
“U-uh, th-thank you…” Nadia said slowly. They both turned around, walking away quickly. They stared at the wrapped waffles.
“Do you think it’s safe to eat?” AJ asked, the corners of his mouth lifting up. Nadia rolled her eyes, hitting his shoulder lightly.
“Stop, be nice AJ,” she laughed. “He was nice enough to give it to us for free.”
She unwrapped the waffles, taking a tentative bite out of one of them. It was full of cream and fruity sweety goodness. “Wow! This is so yummy!” she exclaimed in surprise, taking another bite.
“Really?” AJ took a bite out of her waffle, cream sticking to the side of his mouth. Nadia laughed, reaching up to wipe it away with her thumb. They finished the delicious waffles happily.
“Hmmm… maybe I should get some for Kevin?” Nadia turned around, looking back toward the cart. Suddenly, she froze.
“W-wait, where is he?” she asked. The street was deserted, no cart in sight, as if no one had ever been there.
“Um, this is a little weird… let’s go!” AJ grabbed her hand, pulling her forward. 
They finally got to Nadia’s apartment, and she took out her spare key, unlocking the door. Suddenly, it flew open, and someone rushed out, throwing his arms around her tightly. “Nadia! I missed you so much!” 
“Kevin!” Nadia hugged him back tightly, suddenly feeling complete. Kevin looked so much better than he had last time she'd seen him. Suddenly, she felt him stiffen in her arms and back away, seeing AJ. “…Oh, darn. You found out.” Kevin said sheepishly, scratching his head. 
AJ felt weird as he stared at the two twins. They looked so alike that it was making his head hurt. He had to keep reminding himself that they weren’t the same person, multiplied. 
“So you guys… fell in love with each other?” Kevin’s eyes were huge as he stared at them. “What the… AJ, did you use your manly charms to seduce my sister?” he said, crossing his arms and glaring at AJ. 
AJ rolled his eyes. 
“No, Kevin.” Nadia laughed, leaning gently against AJ. “It just happened.” 
They all talked for a while, laughing and eating food, when it was suddenly time to leave. Nadia looked up at AJ and Kevin sadly, a small smile on her face. She hugged them both tightly, sighing. Kevin smoothed down her hair fondly. “I’ll give you two some privacy,” he said softly, his eyes gentle as he stared at his sister and his band mate, and left the apartment, waving. 
As soon as the door closed behind Kevin, AJ stepped forward, hugging Nadia tightly in his arms. She nuzzled into his neck, sighing and breathing in his scent.
“I’ll miss you, Nadia,” he said softly, looking down at her, his eyes bright.
“Me too.” 
They kissed sweetly, a lingering kiss, a kiss full of optimism for the future, uncertain though it was.
Kevin and AJ walked back to the dorm together, very quiet, both thinking about Nadia.
“You’re back!” Soohyun said, breathing a sigh of relief. “You guys were gone this morning, without even a note! You made everyone worry so much!” He suddenly grinned mischievously. “But I saw you guys… hehehe”
AJ’s eyes widened as he recognized the laugh. 
“You! You were the weird waffle man from this morning?” he exclaimed. Soohyun giggled as he stared at them. “So… you guys are a couple?” 
AJ sighed, closing his eyes. They had a lot of explaining to do. 
Waah I finished it^^ I seriously don't know where that waffle guy part came from tho? Hmmmm.... Anyway, thank you everyone for sticking with my story and reading it! *kisses and hugs* I'm sorry the ending isn't better but... I didn't know how to end this... so.... hehehe ^____^
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Sungyeollo #1
Chapter 13: Sequel. !!!!!
Chapter 13: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE I FCUKING LOVED THIS. You are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
dreamymoon #3
Chapter 13: this fic surely needs a sequel !
please !!
annabelleshlee #4
Chapter 13: Lawl soohyun XD
Did not see that coming! How can they not recognize him? hahaha! Nice ending :)
Chapter 13: BAHAHAHA XD not what i expected but I really liked it :) Soohyun omg XD
Chapter 13: Omg i have a craving for waffles now xD but the ending was cuuuute ^_^
jackytomboy96 #7
Chapter 13: Aaaw that was a cute ending. I like it :3 Thanks for the story~ I enjoyed all of it!
Chapter 12: Awww such a sad chapter! Poor both of them! TT.TT
Chapter 12: dying... slowly in pain... why is this so sad >< You are such an awesome author!!! like forreal <3 kyaa poor nadia and AJ :'( I wonder what happens next o,o
jackytomboy96 #10
Chapter 12: My heart is snaping in two! D: I'm sorry Aj & Nadia. Good chapter...keep it up! :)