A Spirit's Innocence

Saving SHINee


Minho's Pov


The things that happened yesterday felt like a bizzare dream as I woke up. I mean... a death spirit? No way, right? I must have been seeing things. I mean, why would demons be after us? We're not even the most popular Kpop artists out there. They could have gone after Super Junior, or SNSD, or anyone from other companies such as BEAST or Infinite, or Miss A... but why us? As I walked out of the room I shared with Taemin, and into the living room, I realized I wasn't imagining what happened.

None of the others had woken up before me, and we reached the living room at fairly the same time. That also explains why we were all staring at the same place for almost a minute straight. There she was, Ana, sleeping on the... ceiling?! Her wings were covering her like a thin blanket, and I couldn't help but wonder if the position was comfortable in the slightest way.

Slowly, she floated downwards to the floor, facing away from us, and her eyes opened as she looked around, startled; "Where am I? Oh right... Earth."

Key snorted, catching her attention; "Wanna tell us why you were sleeping on the ceiling?"

She seemed to be shocked we could see her, but soon, that faded away; "Oh, spirits have really low density, so we tend to float when we sleep."

"Well, we have a recording session today..." Onew said to her; "Will you be coming too?"

"Yes, of course." she said without hestitation; "I am now your temporary bodyguard."

I heard myself laugh in disbelief; "Bodyguard? Yeah right."

Her eyes narrowed at us; "You doubt my powers as a death spirit?"

"Come on, let's get ready so we won't be late." Taemin said nervously, breaking for the bathroom.

We followed his example and ran from the room, actually fearing the spirit would do something uncalled for. When we got back to the living room, we were in for a big surprise. Rather than looking like a death spirit, or a teenager, there was now a four year old little girl in a pink sundress and pigtails strutting around the living room.

"Uh, Ana?" Jonghyun asked cautiously.

She turned to us and I caught my breath. She was just so... adorable!

"Jonghyun Oppa!" her voice was so happy and innocent.

"Aw, you're so cute!" he chuckled as he picked her up in the air.

The child giggled and pulled on Jonghyun's ears, so that he dropped her, and she landed with a thud. She looked at us with watery eyes and we bean to panic. Please don't... My fears were realized as she started crying.

Key started dancing around to calm her down, and at first it had no affect. Gradually, as Taemin joined in, the wails stopped. She rubbed her eyes, and snapped her fingers, allowing her to turn into her death spirit form.

She shuddered; "I forgot how emotional children become. I figured it would be a good idea to walk around as a child because no one suspects children... but I got a bit carried away."

"A bit?" Key asked angrily; "I was dancing for you."

"Key Oppa!" she shouted happily. Her voice reminded me of the four year old one she had used.

"What?" Key asked, suddenly confused.

She snapped her fingers, four year old Ana in front of us again and she ran up to hug his legs; "Thank you Key Oppa!"

"No thanks for me?" Taemin pouted. Ana walked up to him, demanding to be lifted up by him. He did so cautiously so he wouldn't drop him like Jonghyun did. She kissed his cheek and began giggling incredibly.

"You know, this is kind of awkward considering you're a 19 year old death spirit." Jonghyun said with an eyebrow raised.

Taemin let her down and she began walking to the front door; "I'm on a mission! I will save you, Oppas!"

We couldn't help but chuckle at the determined attitude the spirit had.

We started walking to the studio, Ana in front of us by a few inches. Suddenly, she turned to us; "This is how it works. One of you guys is my cousin. My mom and dad abandoned me so I'm staying with you until someone adopts me, and I don't know that my parents don't want me anymore."

"That's... an interesting sob story." I said thoughtfully. I lifted her onto my shoulder, and all though she squirmed around, she relaxed and smiled at me.

We decided to stop by a bakery for breakfast, and the five of us walked to the counter to buy something. Onew looked at her questioningly; "Would you like something Ana?"

Ana looked embarassed, but pointed at a stand of lolipops. The baker saw her and handed Ana two lolipops for free. Ana was really happy and smiled at the baker; "Thank you!"

"She's adorable." the baker chuckled to me; "But she'll be hell to take care of when she's older. Enjoy it now while it still lasts."

We laughed with him and continued our journey. Ana looked at me with curious eyes.

"What's wrong Ana?" I asked her.

"What did he mean when he said I'd be hell to take care of?" she asked in return.

Onew chuckled at the question; "He means, you'll be so spoiled you'll hate everyone."

"I will?" she was suddenly sad; "So I won't be able to become an angel? Angels can't hate anyone." She squirmed to get put on the ground and walked ahead of us, head bowed in shame.

"Onew!" Taemin grumbled as he sped up to Ana, holding his hand out for her to take. She took it, and we walked on. I wonder why Taemin was so close to Ana, all though he's only known her for less than a day.

"So, you were 19 when you died Ana?" Jonghyun asked suddenly; "Sorry, I was just wondering."

Ana turned to us with the saddest expression, and pulled away from Taemin as she trudged on, keeping her eyes ground-level; "No, I died when I was four. God was kind enough to allow me to age until now."

"We're sorry to have brought it up-" Jonghyun began, all of us feeling suddenly sympathetic.

"I was very sick. You see, I wasn't able to see or hear anything, and I always felt like I was alone. Mommy and daddy didn't have the money for treatments... so, the only thing I could do was die in order to get away from it. Oh well, it was worth it! Heaven is a really great place, and God is a very nice being! I get a little lonely sometimes, so that was why I was glad when I met the five of you. I promise to save you so you can continue to make music." she continued telling her story, and suddenly her tone brightened as she saw a balloon vendor.

She stuck her little hands in the pockets of the dress she was wearing and ran off to the vender, pointing to a balloon which was really similar to our color. He gave her the balloon, chuckled, and returned the money to her. She walked back to us, smiling; "Look, it's so pretty! Your band color's blue, right?"

"How did you know?" Onew asked her.

"I'm a lot smarter than I act." she stuck her tongue out at him; "But for some reason I can't tie it around my wrist." She looked up at me with the saddest eyes and began rocking on her feet; "Oppa, can you tie this on my wrist?"

I bit back a chuckle Does she do that on purpose? Or is she naturally this adorable? I chose the secoond option because I really believed it. I knelt down and tied the balloon on her wrist, and the next thing I knew, she was running away from us, pretending she was being chased by the balloon.

"Don't go on the street!" Key called after her. He immediately ran over to her and grasped her free hand in his to keep her from running off again.

"I thought your days on Hello Baby was over." I heard a voice smirk. When we looked, it was Jessica from SNSD.

"They are." Onew nodded.

"So what are you doing with her?" Jessica inquired.I repeated to her the story Ana wanted to use, and Jessica gazed over to the child with such sad eyes; "That poor child."

Key turned to us and smiled when he saw Jessica. He led Ana over to us, who shyly smiled up at Jessica.

"Jessica, meet Ana. Ana, this is your Jessica ahjumma, arasso?" Jonghyun asked teasingly while pointing at Jessica.

"YAH! I'm not that old!" Jessica faught back.

"Jessica ahjumma!" Ana said anyway, giggling cutely.

"Oh, she's just so cute!" Jessica said immediately, squatting down to be face to face with Ana; "Would you like to come and meet the other ahjummas later?"

Ana walked up to me and tugged on my shirt; "Minho Oppa, can you take me to visit the pretty ahjumma later?"

"After the schedule, alright?" I made a deal with her.

"Right, the Star King called all of us." Jessica remembered... we were actually on our way to head to the filming of the reality show. She smiled at Ana once more; "Guess what Ana, I'm coming with you, so you can meet the other Unnies."

"Unnies? I thought you were Ahjummas." Ana said in pure confusion

"Don't believe a word Jonghyun Oppa said, okay?" Jessica continued talking to Ana as if we weren't there.

"Come, let's go before we get late." Onew told us sharply as he walked off.

"Come on Ana!" Taemin said, sticking his hand out enthusiastically for her to take as he walked after Onew.

"Coming Oppa!" Ana complied as she skipped off, that balloon still chasing her, and latched herself onto Taemin's hand.

When we got to the studio, we were separated form Jessica and Ana since Jessica didn't want a little girl just sitting there while a whole bunch of guys were changing clothes. We were just about to get on stage when we saw the f(x) members walking towards the stage with Ana in Sulli's arms.

"Oppas!" she said as soon as she saw us and squirmed until Jonghyun went over and took her away so the two of them could play peek-a-boo with Taemin.

"She's a sweet girl." Sulli smiled soflty.

"Too bad she's all alone" Amber agreed.

"Yo, Taemin!" Kai shouted as the f(x) members went out of sight. The Exo K members walked over and gave us our usual greetings.

"And who are you?" Chanyeol asked as he made a face at Ana.

She only turned away from him and buried her head in Jonghyun's arms; "Scary Oppas."

"Ana..." I couldn't help but laugh- she was just too adorable.

"Your name is Ana?" D.O asked, without getting a response, but he continued anyway; "Would you like to play a game?"

Slowly, but surely, Ana turned her head to D.O and tilted her head in wonder.

"You have to guess what animal face I'm making, okay?" Baekhyun asked, making himself obviously look like a rabbit.

"A rat?" Suho snickered behind his back.

"Bunny rabbit Oppa!" Ana said happily as she squirmed around to allow Jonghyun to put her down.

"All idols to the stage!" a voice called fom over an intercom.

"We have to go now, okay Ana?" Key said, leaning down to ruffle her hair."

Have fun!" she said to us, but she didn't forget the Exo members; "Bye bye Exo K Oppas!"

"Let's meet again!" Sehun waved at her as we walked off.

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Aigoo this is sooooo cute! I love this type of story so much! Update moderately quickly! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: Wow . cool story ! :)
I like it .
Update ~ :)
kohcharissa #3
Chapter 1: update soon please,i want to find out what is going next
devinapurwadi #4
update soon please (: I think this story going to be an interesting one