Not A Fan

Saving SHINee

Ana's Pov


I found myself in a dark room. I used my spirit powers to emit a small fire, and found I was in something like an apartment. I spotted a mirror and noticed that my small, cream wings were visible. I was also wearing a knee length cream dress which looked fitting since I was... well... a death spirit.

I could hear the turning of a door knob and shocked, I put out the fire I had just created. I hoped I was at least invisible... I don't know how I'd feel if random humans saw me in their apartment. I mean... I don't even know if I'm in the right dorm... I mean, I'm supposed to find SHINee... what if I'm in the apartment of a lonely cat lady?!

Oh, but there aren't any cats... Anyway, it all counts on who enters the dorm. I backed away from the door to a corner of the room, afraid that whoever was there would hurt me. The lights flickered on, and five unfamiliar faces stood in front of me, unblinking at the sight of me.

"How did a fan get in here?" one of them, who dressed a smudge on the feminine side, grumbled.

Fan? So... was this... SHINee?

"Did you find the keys somewhere?" one asked me. He looked the oldest out of them.

I pressed myself farther into the wall.

"We're not going to hurt you." the taller of them said to me; "I'm Minho, what is your name?"

"Ana." I heard myself squeak; "Wait, you can see me?"

"Yeah, what are you supposed to be? A ghost?" the girly one asked me.

I felt my eyes go wide as I got off the wall to make sure I still had my wings. Well, they were still there.

"Nice props." one of them said; "My name is Jonghyun. You are by far the most interesting obsessed fan we've seen."

"You wouldn't happen to be... SHINee, would you?" I asked them, all though I knew the answer.

"Yes." the older nodded; "I'm onew, these are my friends Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin." I figured out who was who and heard myself groan.

"This mission is going to be impossible." I muttered.

"Just call the cops." Key whispered to his friends.

"It won't work." I said to him as I dusted off my wings; "You're the only ones that can see me."

"Come again?" Minho asked.

"You see, Key was right... well partially." I explained; "I'm Ana, your guardian... death spirit. In training to be an angel."

"Nice story." Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

"Proof..." I said to myself as I thought of something to show them. I snapped my fingers, a white orb appearing in front of them- showing them a glimpse of Heaven; "Thats where I just came from."

They looked at me wide-eyed. Onew's mouth went as wide as his eyes; "How do we know this isn't just some prank?"

I flew over to him and landed in front of him; "I don't know why someone would want to pretend to be a death spirit... I myself don't want to be one."

"Death spirit..." Taemin said nervously; "Does it mean one of us is going to die?"

"Maybe." I said, and they all went pale; "Relax! That's why I'm here, to make sure you don't die when you're not supposed to. You see, the Devil doesn't like joy or happiness... and since you guys spread around joy and all that nonsense through your music, he's been sending demons to steal your souls. I have come to save you. After 5 months, all the demons will be destroyed, you will be saved, and I will become an angel. Its a win win situation."

"Thats... a lot to take in." Jonghyun gulped.

"Oh relax, I'm an ace at destroying demons." I snorted as I snapped my fingers. I was no longer in my white dress, and instead I was in blue jeans and a large tee-shirt. My wings were folded back, and I was comfortable.

"Damn, your powers are cool." Minho gaped. I snapped my fingers, and he was now wearing pyjamas. He stared at his clothes; "Actually, that was a bit creepy. What happened to my other clothes?"

"Check your closet." I shrugged.

"Well, I guess you can sleep on the couch." Onew shrugged; "We're going to bed."

"Wait." I stopped them; "No one outside of this house can know I'm a death spirit. If anything, it'll just attract more demons."

"Done." they said in unison, and then they left. I readied myself to go to sleep (angels and death spirits float upwards when they fall asleep), so I opened my wings and rested against the ceiling and fell asleep quickly

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Aigoo this is sooooo cute! I love this type of story so much! Update moderately quickly! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: Wow . cool story ! :)
I like it .
Update ~ :)
kohcharissa #3
Chapter 1: update soon please,i want to find out what is going next
devinapurwadi #4
update soon please (: I think this story going to be an interesting one