Chapter 1

Idiosyncratic Sequences


Kyungsoo gets a hold of their names pretty quickly, since the tall man with an almost-as-tall boy cuddled in his lap demands a round of introductions as soon as Man’s left the room.

Kris, the tall man, introduces himself as the self proclaimed leader of the mission (Kyungsoo thinks he’s very suited for the job) and psychology major, as funny as it seems. His cold manner doesn’t reflect who he is on the inside, apparently, and Kyungsoo doesn’t doubt it. Reverse behavior isn’t uncommon among the genii.

The boy on his lap goes next, with a little gentle coaxing from Kris that (along with the cuddling) raises more than a few questions in Kyungsoo’s brilliant mind about relationship status and such.

“Tao,” the boy says quickly, Chinese accent prominent in the syllable. “Chinese – uh...” Here he ducks his head and murmurs something in Kris’s ear, looking for a translation before speaking up again. “Biology.” He says it wrong but Kyungsoo gives him points for trying.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun, or Eggs and Bacon as they're more commonly referred to, are the two boys smiling brilliantly and sitting beside each other, constantly punching each other in the arm or leg or face or wherever, occasionally dragging other people into their arguments and bickering quietly in their own little world while the main conversation takes place around them; Kyungsoo opens his mouth to ask which one is Baekhyun and which one is Chanyeol but Kris cuts in and tells him he won’t need to know – they’re always together, anyways, and they bother major in sociology.

("Shouldn't there only be one of each major?" Kyungsoo asks Kris later, confused, and the leader laughs.

"Yeah, technically, but they wouldn't let go of each other at the intake meeting so they had to take both of them.")

Their pilot is Luhan, much to Kyungsoo’s concern. Luhan looks to be a preteen, and how much flying experience can one have in 13 years of life? Not much, but he needn’t have worried. Luhan’s actually 22, a former cadet, commercial pilot and owner of a pilot’s licence as of his 12th birthday. Oops.

Luhan also takes the liberty of introducing the mechanic who looks beyond bored with everyone and is 'too much a lazy to introduce himself', in Chanyeol's (or Baekhyun's?) words.

“This is Sehun, who’s allergic to basic people, and who I believe would dearly love to shoot everyone in this room in the head.”

He says the last part with a laugh, and Sehun whines and tugs at Luhan’s sleeve, mumbling a very insincere ‘that’s not true, hyung, you’re making everyone think badly of me’, followed by a quieter ‘I would only shoot a couple of them’. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow.

Their round of introductions is briefly interrupted by Baekhyun (or Chanyeol?) requesting food. It’s dinner time, after all, and Kris pulls out a cell phone to order take out but a boy with black hair and milky skin stops him with an air of gentle authority and a hand on his back.

“We should go back to the dorms and cook, since we had take out yesterday... and the day before that... and all last week...” then he pauses and turns to Kyungsoo and flashes him a smile. “I’m Joonmyun, by the way, the second in command. Engineer.”

Kyungsoo smiles at him but Sehun cuts him off.

“Gramps, unless you wanna cook...” Sehun shifts in his seat, conveniently stretching an arm out and letting it rest around Luhan’s shoulders, as if skinship is the most natural thing in the world (what Kyungsoo doesn't understand is that it is, for them, anyway). “I mean, none of us can really make anything edible.”

“I can cook!” Kyungsoo says and there’s a pause before he suddenly has both Chanyeol and Baekhyun tackle-hugging him (at least he doesn't have to worry about which one is which) and another boy in the back of the room is wailing happily about being saved from pizza at last.

"I mean, I'm not like a chef or anything-"

"Doesn't matter." Kris cracks him a smile. "Can you fry an egg?"


Everyone cheers.


21 bowls of noodles later, Kyungsoo thinks he may be ready to die.

At first, he’d cooked what he thought would be enough for all 11 of them, which turned out to be almost enough for Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Almost.

Another round of noodles fed Jongdae (“I’m Jongdae,” he said as Kyungsoo heaped his bowl with food. “I’ll be healing you up if anyone stabs you. Or if Sehun shoots you. I’m a doctor.” Kyungsoo gave him a weak smile) and Joonmyun. It also managed to almost fill up Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Almost.

Round three and four made enough to fill everyone’s stomachs, even Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s... And when someone asked if Kyungsoo had eaten yet, he nodded even though he hadn’t.

Kyungsoo never feels hungry after cooking, just tired.

So now he’s all ready to pass out on the couch, but he stops himself because there’s still people he hasn’t met yet – namely, the quiet guy that looks to be one of those people that’s shy around strangers, and that one guy that hangs around Luhan and Jongdae.

Guy-that-hangs-around-Luhan-and-Jongdae seems to have introductions on his mind too, and has no problem in telling Kyungsoo that his name is Minseok, and that he’s an artist and photographer, there to keep records and sketch out findings. Minseok’s friendly, Kyungsoo’s type of guy... in a friendly way, of course. Kyungsoo’s not looking for a relationship.

Shy guy, on the other hand, is a little more difficult to approach – his name is Yixing, says Luhan with a fond pat the other boy’s cheek, earning himself a less-than-pleased look from Yixing, and he’s a triple major – stats, economics and a graduate of a prestigious dance school.

“He’ll warm up to you eventually,” says Luhan, all sunshine and rainbows while Yixing acts like a cloud, spaced out and quiet. “He’s just shy.”


Kyungsoo manages to chat with Yixing for a bit that night, and Yixing warms up very quickly, “warms up” meaning he’s now close enough to Kyungsoo to blatantly pick on some of his fashion choices and hang himself all over the shorter boy in all sorts of odd ways.

(“What are you doing?” asks Kyungsoo as Yixing drapes himself intricately over and around Kyungsoo’s arm.

“Giving you a hug, what else?”

“... Oh.”)


Kyungsoo thinks he’s going to enjoy the next 6 months, living with these ten, eating with these then, researching with these ten. 

Then he accidentally witnesses Kris pushing Tao up against a wall and kissing him gently, and has to rethink that decision.




I’m sorry if I seem really cold and impersonal huhu ;A; I love you all. Really. I do.

Feed back is very much appreciated! Ack, I feel like I’m not living up to expectations. /ugly sobbing 

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thank you for your subs QQ double update possible?


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amyloveskey #1
HNnGGGG this is such a good fanfic and ohmf i was loike WWOWO but then i checked the last time you updated it and my heart broke
heetae #2
Chapter 4: Kai where you at?! o_o
This is an interesting story and I hope you continue it. :)
Author-nim Hwaiting!
ilovelouie #4
pls update soon. i'm loving this story. kaisoo have to meet soon.
seoulriot #5
lol, Suho the third wheel in the Taoris room xD
So far so good, I love the pillow fight, it's so cute! :3 I can't wait for all their (mis)adventures living in one space, haha. Also, I can't wait for Kai to show up ♥

Thanks for updating!
se7enontop #6
Woah! That Taoris just jumped out at me! Took my feels by surprise there.

...Not that I didn't enjoy the surprise. :P
sumomoyuki #7
XDDDDDDDDDD Kyungsoo's worried about bumping into things he should be seeing?