Chapter 2

Idiosyncratic Sequences


The dorm is located in the top left corner of the corporation’s science cube, a giant silver and glass structure surrounded by chrome fountains and meaningless, whimsical sculptures.


It’s a pretty cozy place, what with the 11 boys living in it and all. There’s a kitchen, two washrooms (too few thinks Kyungsoo as he covers his eyes quickly for what seems to be the millionth time, barely avoiding catching a glimpse of a fresh-out-of-the-shower Luhan), a laundry room, living room and 5 bedrooms.


The first bedroom is a brightly lit, almost oblong room that stretches a quarter of a floor and has a width of a tad bit more than a bed. Jongdae and Yixing called first dibs, so ‘room number one’ as they call it is their territory.


‘Room number two’ is dark and square, windows nonexistent and fluorescent light bulbs plentiful. Sehun and Minseok share it, although neither of them spend much time in it – it’s for sleeping and storing stuff in, and that’s all.


Kyungsoo and Luhan end up in the room beside the square room, number three. The lighting is acceptable, the wallpaper is cheery and it’s generally pleasant, crammed with furniture (there’s two beds, two dressers, two desks, two chairs and a nightstand so it’s a wonder there’s space to walk). Sehun seems to spend an awful lot of time there, more than Kyungsoo does – his time in the dorm is usually spent in the living room or in the kitchen, as sad as it is.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol share a room, of course, and it’s fiercely protected by Baekhyun’s (or Chanyeol’s?) hapkido skills and the padlock Chanyeol (or Baekhyun?) keeps on the door, so no one really knows what it looks like, or what they keep there. (Sehun says it’s a secret chamber of murderous secrets but Kyungsoo thinks differently – Baekhyun and Chanyeol seem too nice to have anything to do with that stuff.)


And finally, room five houses Joonmyun, Kris and Tao. It’s the largest of the five, with a bed in one corner and another larger one in the corner opposite. Kyungsoo makes the mistake of asking where the third bed is, only to be informed by a very smug Jongdae that Kris and Tao share a bed, being the domestic couple they are.


It’s the dorms that people come back to after a hard day of training in their respective major for what they’ll have to do in the space vessel – Luhan and Sehun have it the hardest, studying the controls of the ship until they know them like the back of their hands, maybe even better because come on. Who spends time examining the back of their hands?


Jongdae learns how to heal things under zero-gravity (“Plastic wrapppp!” he sings gaily and Kris groans at the thought of having a plastic wrapped finger, or hand, or arm or anything.) and Minseok gets used to the writing and drawing tools he’ll be using for the next half-year or so.

But when things simmer down, they’re still just 11 young men living together in one dorm like a family, genii or not.


“Luhan, pass me my sock?”


Baekhyun (or Chanyeol?) waves his hand in the vague direction of the unoccupied couch where one lonely grey sock with black stripes is lying, limp and lifeless like a sock should be.


Luhan yawns and shakes his head.”No. Too tired. It’s closer to you anyways.”


The one out of Baekhyun and Chanyeol that didn’t ask for the sock pouts and wraps his arms around the one that did. Sehun pouts back and wraps his arm around Luhan’s shoulders, and suddenly there’s a little war going on between the four, all because Luhan didn’t want to pass over a sock.


“Guys, this is ridiculous,” says Jongdae, flopping on to Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s couch and one of them fist pumps.




Kyungsoo gets dragged on to Luhan’s couch by Sehun, and the shorter one out of Baekhyun and Chanyeol tugs a weakly protesting Kris to theirs.


It eventually evolves into a full-on 5 versus 6 blanket-fort war, air thick with flying pillows and cries of mild anguish.


“Ow,” says the Yixing, deadpan, falling to the floor in mock pain, “I think I’m mortally wounded. Ah. Help. Help.” Then he gets up and goes to the kitchen to get a snack.


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and chucks a pillow at his retreating back with a call of “get me one too”.




When they’re all tired out, stomachs full with a very satisfying dinner of ramen (Kyungsoo doesn’t feel like cooking), Joonmyun suggests they all sleep over in their blanket forts, and they do, bundled up next to each other in the comforters and quilts and pillows that haven’t been used in construction.


“Night, guys,” says Luhan cheerily, snuggling up to Sehun’s side and Kyungsoo pretends he doesn’t see the blush that graces the youngest’s face.


“Good night.”




A/N: Hey! Sorry I didn’t update yesterday >< I was... busy... OTL

I’ll try harder!                                                                                                   

Feedback is very much appreciated <3 And thank you all for subbing!

(Hello, all you silent readers :”D)

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thank you for your subs QQ double update possible?


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amyloveskey #1
HNnGGGG this is such a good fanfic and ohmf i was loike WWOWO but then i checked the last time you updated it and my heart broke
heetae #2
Chapter 4: Kai where you at?! o_o
This is an interesting story and I hope you continue it. :)
Author-nim Hwaiting!
ilovelouie #4
pls update soon. i'm loving this story. kaisoo have to meet soon.
seoulriot #5
lol, Suho the third wheel in the Taoris room xD
So far so good, I love the pillow fight, it's so cute! :3 I can't wait for all their (mis)adventures living in one space, haha. Also, I can't wait for Kai to show up ♥

Thanks for updating!
se7enontop #6
Woah! That Taoris just jumped out at me! Took my feels by surprise there.

...Not that I didn't enjoy the surprise. :P
sumomoyuki #7
XDDDDDDDDDD Kyungsoo's worried about bumping into things he should be seeing?