Chapter Five

Lost In Mertan


The next following day servant Webster escorted Donghae, Siwon, Heechul, Kangin, Ryeowook, Sungmin and Hangeng to the airport in the wheel of his black Porsche where he waved goodbye to the departed figures and wished them the best of luck, holding back tears that threatened to expel as the members of Super Junior hugged him warmly and in Kangins case seductively then bid him farewell. Anything could happen, servant Webster always warned but they were too young to care. As they watched him leave they were reminded of many things they were now to do on their own until they arrived back to Korea, there was no longer an elder in existence to do their dirty laundry or abide in doing their dishes and clean up after their scraps but in all honesty, they didn't think that they needed him only for pranking deliberations only and nothing else. As Siwon anticipated the sun and the beaches though it was winter, Hangeng, Ryeowook and Sungmin anticipated true love, if only temporarily as the others anticipated a fun and tranquil time even those as inexperienced as Donghae who had never flown outside the international border and was proclaimed a domestic tourist couldn't wait to encounter things outside his comfort zone though his inexperience which was demonstrated upon asking the assistant whether phones were allowed on the plane and was dubbed stupid by the rest of the members as he placed the object into a bag holding his jewellery and portable DVD collection. What am I to do? He sighed.

"The waters are so blue... and have you seen the Sydney harbour bridge?" Siwon asked with an overwhelmed expression on his face.

"No... Siwon." They replied for the forty second time today.

"Now stop asking!" said Hangeng tiredly and the others recounted the recent events of Leeteuks experience in firing their WWE contender looking boss.

"OH IT WAS TERRIBLE!" Leeteuk said on the hospital bed in agony as he leaned on Siwons shoulder crying rivers and began gently caressing him. "HE HE—BEGAN CRYING AND THREW THE TABLE AND THE CUPBOARDS AND TRIED TO THROW SERVANT WEBSTER AND HE YELLED AND YELLED AND HE STARTED KICKING EVERYTHING!"

"Look on the bright side..." said Hangeng consolingly. "At least you still have your teeth...?" and at this Leeteuk began crying even more, his face emitting sweat like an open tap. The sound was a mixture of a person perishing and a person screaming.

"So what did he say?" said Yesung curiously as he rubbed his back.


"No manager Gemini I mean Gemini stop!" yelled Leeteuk and at the last words he fumed even more with anger, his eyes straining ongoing tears with a vulnerable look that didn't match his face.


End of flashback.

"I don't really remember much since I collapsed but I remember him saying 'you don't know all the things I do for you, what I had to give up, how hard I work to make super junior dreams come true...'"

"Ya..." Heechul said clenching his heart with a wondrous expression. "What is this feeling? I think I'm feeling... guilt... how is this possible?"

"Mr Gemini says and does crazy stuff when he's mad but, he's the type to feel guilty for it." Said Kangin. "But he means every bit of it."

"Ahhhhhh..." yelled Ryeowook and began to cry. "I feel so bad! We shouldn't have we shouldn't have!"

"Great." Said siwon. "Now I'm feeling bad, maybe we should've given this guy a chance."

"Too late." Heechul said returning back to neutral mode. "Anyway once we hire him back... we're going to wish we fired him again."

"Your guilt has taken over your fear." Said Kyuhyun. "Don't let it get to you. Just remind yourself of the unpleasant things like the way you feel with him..."

"I guess it's for the best..." said Kangin. "I mean, I just can't stand the way you guys act like little girls whenever he comes two feet near you. Just because I want him still as a manager... doesn't mean I have to be selfish." He walked over to Leeteuk. "You did good buddy."

Leeteuk smiled at him and rested his head on his shoulder and began to cry.

"IT WAS SO TERRIBLE!" he yelled.

"Its okay, its okay, cry it out, cry it out." Said Kangin patting his head.

Donghae let out an exasperated gasp in which the others noticed instantly and asked what the problem was and in reply, shook his head and pointed gullibly to the masculine figure of Gemini. "Hes—hes here!"

"Who?" Sungmin said ignorantly and looked around helplessly and when spotted his nearing image ducked like the others and began pointing to him, "He's coming his coming! What do we do?" he asked his fox like eyes bulging and Kangin slapped his hand forcefully.

"You shut up!" he ordered and looked over at manager Gemini and got up. "We have to be men and face him."

"Oh... Kangin..." said manager Gemini neutrally for the first time and looked around for the others. "And your friends?"

The other members shot up from the ground.

"Hiding." Replied Kangin and although he already knew the answer, asked. "Was. Now what are you doing here?"
Manager Gemini hesitated. "Finishing what I started. I promised you a holiday, and so I will give you a holiday. I am in charge after all." His eyes squinted as he emitted an evil presence and chuckled darkly, mirth present in his antagonist like voice. "Let me just say it's been an um... how should I put it? Oh right. 'Honour' being your manager. Though you run away from me some times on the streets you've been very respectful and I just want to note that." His voice became serious. "However... Kangin."

"Yes?" Kangin interrogated after he spent a minute just staring at him.

"Must I say we are no longer friends? I no longer have anything to do with you or any respect or sympathy towards you. No friendly feelings either I just wanted to say... goodbye. That is all."

Kangin shot a menacing look that showed he was unwillingly but shortly realised he hadn't a choice, after all it was for the good of Super Juniors health. "Goodbye." Said Kangin finally. "You've taught me well. You've made me strong and you've honestly been a huge part of my life. I wish you the best of luck. So are we cool though?" he questioned and extended his hand out to him.

Manager Gemini shook his head in rejection and turned his back towards him and commenced on walking. He had done his job and the only thing left was to ensure that they had arrived to Australia safely. But had manager Gemini enough heart in him left for these kids to do so? Had he cared for them enough anymore? He wasn't sure.

Manager Gemini halted and Kangin wished he was reconsidering but his hopes were crushed at these words: "Board the first plane. Don't forget."

"We're sorry Kangin..." they all said sentimentally. "We are soooooooo sorry..."

Sungmin let out a tear and Kangin stood strong. "I told you once, I'll say it again. If it means preserving my friendship with you guys I'll give up everything. Besides, you heard him. We are no longer friends and have nothing to do with each other."

Taking one last look of the airport they boarded the plane waving to invisible people amongst the invisible crowd, Donghae even screaming an exaggerate "thank you!" and Siwon blowing sugary kisses as they entered the plane who all greeted the pilot first, his black sunglasses and veiled visage noticeable as he nodded and saluted them and waited for each to be seated where they took a brochure from a glass holder holding pamphlets and began examining with curious expressions until they each received headaches.

"Are planes always this empty?" asked the inexperienced Donghae and siwon shook his head.

"No... They aren't usually this empty either." He replied. "Maybe it's the weather. Not exactly the best time to go in the beginning of winter to Australia right?"

"I can't wait to work!" Donghae said energetically, pumping his fists into the air and everyone knew that if Shindong was here he'd look at him like was he was crazy.

They suddenly felt the plane begin to move and everyone became excited, and when they had reached sky high, Ryeowook began to cry. "I... can't... stop... crying..." he said, wiping his tears with his sleeve. Sungmin hugged him.

"No Ryeowook... you should only cry when I cry... okay?" he said comfortably and the others close to him in terms of distance came in to comfort him too.

"I... can't..." he replied now hiccupping and Kangin groaned at this. He had been oddly quiet since the beginning.

"Get over it Ryeowook." He stated indifferently.

"Hey!" said Sungmin angrily. "You should be a lot more supportive Kangin!"

Ryeowook lifted his head up and wiped his eyes with his the arm of his sleeve. "Kangin... you should be the one most sad!" and at these words Kangin closed his eyes peacefully like the words were mere dust and the least of his problems.

"You're crying over spilled milk Ryeowook. While you're busy caring about his feelings do you think he's busy caring about you? You heard I'm. He no longer respects me. He only respected you because he respected me and now he no longer respects me, he no longer respects you too. He no longer wants anything to do with me so then he also wants nothing to do with you. Just forget about it Ryeowook. Just think of the beaches... the sun... the kangaroos... the koalas..."

Ryeowooks eyes lit up. "I do like koalas and kangaroos!"

Kangin leaned over to pat him on the head softly, Ryeowook looked afraid initially but when Kangins palm touched his head he felt enigmatically happy and huddled to himself until his arm released from his head and began resting his head onto his chair wearily.

"Now we wait..."

After what felt like six hours without any source of entertainment visible having no television, no radio, no nothing the Super Junior members were bound to be bored out of their minds so they decided reluctantly to play a game to revise their English.

"Let's play what is what game." Kangin offered and they each agreed and began to play.

"A is for Apple..."

"B is for Banana..."

And after Donghae lost each and every game they didn't forget to promise him an Indian bap after they arrived on land as they snoozed off solely after and siwon who was still very excited and was the last to sleep out of anxiousness, peculiarly was the first to awoke as the plane landed with a thump jumping out of his chair eagerly and doing a victory dance and announcing to all to get up and shaking the shoulders of each member as they remained in their seats yawning and opened the curtains which concealed the window and saw the sight of an area unacquainted with.

"What...?" said siwon, his eyebrow raised and began checking the other windows desperately. "There must be a mistake...? We must be on the wrong flight or something."
"What do you mean siwon...?" groaned Hangeng.

"This doesn't look like Australia at all... what is this place?"

Heechul got up tiredly from the commotion. "What are you talking about siwon?" he asked and began checking the windows. "I can't say anything because I've never been to Australia..."

"But this doesn't look like Australia!" siwon argued and Heechul took the brochure from his recent seating area and shoved it in siwon face. "See... AUSTRALIA... AUSTRALIA..." he repeated and began sounding out the words. "A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A." And siwon threw the paper alongside and Heechul looked offended and requested to him. "Just ask the pilot?"

Siwon nodded his head and walked over to the pilot as the others waited.

"Maybe it's because we're on a different plane." Said Ryeowook hopefully. "Different airport?"

"Or maybe because it's dark." Donghae suggested. "Or they built a new airport here... changed a few things."
"In a year?" said Hangeng sceptically. "This doesn't look anything like it either too..."

"What happened?" said Donghae and he shot up from his chair after witnessing the paleness of siwon confused face. "What's wrong?"

"The pilot... he isn't here."

Hangeng looked incredulous. "What do you mean he isn't here?" and he slouched up from his own chair grabbing his back in pain and he walked over to were the pilot was supposedly supposed to be and swished open the curtains and saw nothing. There was nobody but an unoccupied seat and the wheel.

"Maybe he just..." said Donghae as Sungmin remained silent with a shocked expression. "Maybe he just went out for abet, check his wheels. Look for him?"

Siwon nodded his head and using his limited experience in piloting pressed the button which linked to the door and went outside in the darkness to search along with Hangeng and after checking the airplane wheels or signs of human existence and a veiled figure with sunglasses went back into the airplane to notify the others.

"What took you so long?" said Kangin now getting up as well.

"He's not here. He's no where" They said and checked open the curtains and inspected the area, establishing a glass holder of brochures and took one out of instincts and at the sight of the bold capital words imprinted on the top of a small plain, gasped. "Mertan...?"

"Mertan...?" said Heechul eying siwon and they each exchanged astonished glances. "What is Mertan?"

"What?" said Kangin impatiently. "What is it?"

Siwon ran to the pilot seat and took the key hanging beside the wheel and threw it to Heechul who jabbed and entwined it hastily in each hole, twisting as the booth flipped open.

"It's gone..." said Siwon, his voice trembling. "Our entire luggage is gone!"

AUTHORS NOTE: Didn't edit. The reason why that i haven't been editing any chapters or actually uploading the chaps as fast as i want, im worried it might expose to much but whatever. apparently my internet was deprived from almost 2 months ago, so i went two horrible months without internet which is too much for me and i was forced to go on my ipod, then my ipod broke and then i had no idea what to do with my life and i have to use my school laptop but it has no internet and basically every single 'normal' site is blocked and its really annoying so i despise even calling it a laptop and my foxtell was also taken away two months ago when moving houses and out of all days it just HAD to be the hoildays. THE HOILDAYS. ARGHH! i might be getting internet next week or this week, or maybe not at all and neither of my family members let me go on their comps, so once in a while while i'm at my friends, i just upload it there anyway. the plus side of this all is that i managed to get this story done in believe it or not in barely under two weeks and wallah that is the story of my life i hoped you enjoyed reading how terrible it was for a technology addict such as myself. thank you very much! good day!

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