Chapter Twenty Eight

Lost In Mertan


The figure of the FBI leaders daughter stood amongst them, a smug look on her face as she grinned, her golden hair tied in a bun of locks.

"why do you look so surprised?" she asked. "it was only obvious."

"why... why would you?" shouted heechul. "WHY?"

"I thought you were our fans!" shouted sungmin.

"you are wrong." She said. "Julia was right. I used to like popstars then began detesting them to the extent of obsession. How could I like popstars who get more money than my fathers company who risk their lives to protect people and for you who cause more incidents and turn girls insane spending their parents hard on money on things like you when there are fbis and police risking their lives for justice, doing their best ot make sure justice is served." She sighed. "my grandfather was murdered and had that appeared on the news? Once. And you want to know what appeared after that? G dragon getting a hair cut and after that? Taeyang wearing a cute outfit. Have you no shame? What do they do for the community too? They make millions of dollars yet they don't bother sending much to charity? They are too busy on holidays in their mansions? There are only a few who send much to charity. Ruining the patience and concerntraion of irls in class like me that want to learn but was interrupted everytime with the smae name over and over again about how hot he is? popstars aren't human beings, they are pampered and feel no sort of pain at all, once they are in the business they are protected how about those that actually make a difference to this world? Popstars get much better treatment then kids in hospitals with incurable diseases. I understand that their music does make a difference in helping troubled teens, but atleast make some music with meaning instead of partying in the club and ? Do you realise how much that corrupts the brain of younger children? And songs with swear words? Kids grow up to believe swearing is common, normal, it's not normal. It's not. My parents are catholics. They do not approve of such things."

"but you haven't heard any of our songs before!" heechul argued. "how could you say that when you don't know us yet? Why didn't you just pick on some other big artist who does bad things? We are good people! Some of us are even Christians! How could you say that?"

"I had chosen to pick on you because you were new to the industy and on vacation, I figured if was to send you away from protection I could make you feel the pain that homeless kids suffer, a reminder so you might learn from it, if you make it out alive that is. I was determined to mess with you, give that same feel off... helplessness. Some sort of a lesson. You are right, I should've done it on bigger artists and I should've, instead of risking years in hospital on artists that..." she shook her head. "the bigger artists... have more protection. Its hard to get them over to a place like mertan, its hard to cause them pain when they are guared by body gurads everywhere, I figured if it was some fresh new artist without much protection then it would be easier."

Heechul shook his head. "but couldn't you have researched us a little bit before?"

"I did." She replied. "hadn't I come over?"

"and what did you think of us?" said heechul and sneered. "your hate for popstars has blinded you. you couldn't see us for us anymore because we were going to become popstars? So you only saw snobbish people? Had you finally realised when you were stalking us who we really were? Had you are were you so blinded? And thats why you turned us in?"

There was a loud banging at the door and the door was kicked open and a bunch of police officers with their shields and black uniforms searched the area and when saw the boys began arresting them.

"NO NO! WE AREN'T THE SUSPECT SHE IS?" heechul yelled pointing at her and they saw the look of the seven year old girl and raised a eyebrow out a them.

"nice try." They said and began cuffing them again.

"im the culprit." Said the girl and the boy slooked at her shocked and they cuffed her and they saw her leave from sight and she apologised, letting a tear fall from her eye. "im sorry..."

"if your the witnesses." Said the police officer to them. "you might want to see your other culprit outside."

The others looked at each other, worry imprinted on their faces. They were yet going to confront another suspect.

When they had excited the shopping area they saw flashing red and blue lights and breathed a large amount of air as to calm themselves, only to fail. Who had the other culprit have been? They were one hundred percent sure now that it was defiantly Shin or master Gemini, most likely shin.

Donghae ran to the police car door hurriedly and was halted y the sight of a large figure, master Gemini staring down at him with an estactic look on his face.

"master Gemini!" he yelled.

"nice to see you well and alive." He replied. "I've been searching for you for over a month. Good to finally have found you."

"wait so you were searching for us?" his heart sank. It was shin who was in that car no doubt.

"yes, I saw your advertisement you did for that brand of shoes." He replied. "you said you were int his town called mertan and I searched immediately on google and found some results and took a flight here immediately with victorias father after informing him, he said he was interested in finding you."

"oh..." said donghae, there was aguilty feeling in his stomach.

"im sorry." Said manager Gemini. "I understand now why you fired me. im a terrible manager. I was just so angry I didn't check up at your hotel to see if you arrived or not. I am really sorry."

"no manager Gemini..." said donghae. "we're sorry. Im sure that we all want to appoint you as our manager once again."

Manager let out a small tear, the first that he had ever let inhis life and the boys who had already surrounded donghae from behind eyes widened, shocked and they felt suddenly ashamed. Had they been hypocrital to the fbi leaders daughter when they said that she had been blinded with hate that they had been blinded by prejudice? Mangager Gemini was a tough guy, but beneath it actually a nice guy.

"I told you he was a nice guy." Said Kangin adn everyone looked at him with an apologetic look. "don't apologise to me." said kangin, his hands using gesticulation. "apologise to manager Gemini."

And they went up to him and bowed down, apologising over and over again and manager Gemini let down more tears.

"FATHER!" victoria yelled and hugged her father who was well and up. "HOW ARE YOU? YOU'RE HERE!"
"I heard about it immediately from the fbi leaders daughter and came straight away. We have developed a great bond together after this." He said and he demonstrated the fbi leaders daughter who was cuffed and whom she walked up to and saluted.

"in all honesty." She said. "when I found out that you were living with them. I couldn't believe my luck. I wanted to test you. I find you worthy. I will be awaiting your calls." And victoria smiled. "I always wanted to find a girl like you. we can finally resolve our desputes with our fathers companies."

Donghae walked up to the police car door along with everyone and was exposed astoundingly to a very common face, the window screened down there was no denying it.

"servant WEBSTER?" they yelled. "WHY?"

"after she visited she talked me into it." He said. "I was just so angry, there are times that I wanted to turn back but it was too late. In the end... I couldn't handle it. I had to call the police..."
"so you... you were the one who turned her in?" they asked.

"yes." Replied servant webster and looked at the floor in shame. "I am so sorry boys... i..."
"servant webster..." said heechul. "we are sorry."

"what?" he yelled incredusly.

"its our own fault. We forced you into doing this. If we just rested with the pranks then... if wat we learned from this experience is to forgive... we've learned how bad we were here. We've learned so many things (add more things), were sorry and were sorry you had to pay for it, you turned her in and you also turned yourself in. You are willing to get yourself behind bars for us."

He sighed. "I don't know im going to forgive myself if you forgive me that easily."
"we'll drop the charges." Stated kangin and smiled. "but you did help ruin our career you know?"

"I assisted in it." Said servant webster than smiled. "unwillingly. Goodbye boys." He said for the last time as the police officer got into the car and drove him off. "I'll be out... I'll state it in court."
"im going to miss him..." said heechul sadly and everyone agreed. "it was sorta funny actually how he helped make our lives a misery. Its actually really funny."

"theres just something about him that makes him oddly funny." They then stated.

"so it wasn't shin?" said hangeng. "oh I feel so bad."

"of course it wasn't." Said shin from the behind him and he flinched.

"shin! What are you doing here?"

Shin looked at the floor. "nothing."
"so you came all the way from korea for nothing?" they asked, there eyebrows raised.

"yes." He replied. "I assisted in the—"

"oh BS." Said heechul. "Im sure servant webster would've told us."
"he hasn't told you alot of things." He replied.

Dognahe looked around at them. "can I talk to you shin?" and he eyed Raymond behind. "alone?"

"no." He replied.

"shin...!" donghae gave him a menacing look.

"fine." He said and they went to a secluded area.

"tell us the real reason why you came here?"
shin groaned. "theres no use hiding so I'll say it out now. When the fbi leader said you could possibly be in danger. An sos call on the advertisement I wanted to go aswell."

"why? To do what?" asked donghae and shin looked uncomfortable.

"nothing aright?" he stated and looked at the ground.

"explain." Said donghae.

"okay fine ut can yu stop bugging me alright?" he said, his eyes that were once cold now child like. "I was worried donghae..." and he looked at the ground.

"what?" said donghae incredously.

"I was worried! They said you could be possibly endangered and—"

"why? What happened to revenge and everything? That bad memories should be taken care of revenge? Don't ask me how I know." Said dongahe after shin looked at him shocked.

"I don't mean any of it. This whole time. I did it. Because. I wanted. To... catch your attention to hide the fact that I had done so. To realise that I was over it. Donghae. I never stopped wanting to be your friend. once you told me that you didn't want me to be in super junior. I was hurt donghae. You were my bestfriend and I can't look at you without wanting to go back to those memories, those were the happiest memories I had."

Donghae shook his head and shin felt embarrassed, he can't believe at what he said-the fact of being rejected.

"shin I didn't believe it was you. I didn't. I didn't want to believe it was you. shin. Being around twelve great guys helped me forget about you but you had no one. So I don't blame you. shin. I was honestly happy when I didn't see you in that car and I believe you. if you want to be in super junior im sure everyone will accept. Im sure that they feel bad enough since they balmed you for the one stalking us to the point of letting you in our group. I want to be able to talk to you again and go back to those days."

Shin let out a tear and then cursed. "DAMMIT." He yelled. "I've just been waiting so long to hear you say that..."

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