
Half of Me

Changmin's POV

Today was my last days in US, the day after tomorrow I will go to South Korea, back to my hometown with Micky-hyung who got transferred by his boss to Seoul. I will try to find job in some architect agency there. Finally, after 4 years I can visit my hometown again. Now I was in my flat, with Micky-hyung who nagged to me because of my things.

“Yah, Minnie-ah, you should fold the clothes before put it on the suitcase.”

“Better you help me than nag like my mom. Here, fold my clothes, I will take care with those books.” I ordered Micky-hyung impolitely.

“You bastard! Younger than me and order me to do that things!” He nagged again but he finally folded my messy clothes. We took an hour tidied my things, it needed 3 big suitcases to packed all. I didn’t know how I will take care of it in the airport. I didn’t want to think about it. Then, Micky-hyung made 2 cups of tea to me and himself.

“I’ve already help you, and then you should help me with my things.” Micky asked.

“You want me to mess all of your things hyung? Better you do it yourself, I am tired.”

“Evil dongsaeng! Come on, bring these suitcases to my car and talk to your landlord you are going to leave now. Hurry! I have a lot things to pack.” We put my suitcases in Micky-hyung car, told the landlord then rushed to his house. 30 minutes we arrived in Park Mansion, tidied his things then had a dinner together with his family. Perhaps it was my last time has dinner with Park family, and I am going to miss it.

“Changmin-ah, after you arrive in Seoul where are you going to go?” Mrs. Park asked me.

“I will go to my family house. Maybe I will stay there until I get a job then rent a flat near my job building.” I answered.

“That’s will be complicating you. Better you go live together with Micky. You know he had already but a spacious apartement.” Mr. Park said.

“Ah…no need it ahjushi. I will burden Micky-hyung, and he also will burden me.”

“You jerk!” Micky-hyung said.

“Micky please stop talk inappropriate word. You want to Ricky take an example of your manner?” Mrs. Park warned Micky-hyung. Ricky was Micky-hyung real brother. His Korean name was Park Yoohwan.

“Yah, he will burden you Changmin-ah. But you know, he is new in Seoul. He is not familiar with the condition there. I hope you can guide him. I am afraid he doesn’t know the way back home.” Mr. Park said.

“Yes, Changmin-ah. If you are already bored live with Micky, you can move out. Just make him familiar in Seoul. I’ve already told your parents about it, and they give permission. At least you can back to your home once or twice a week.” Mrs. Park added.

“Oh well, I can’t refuse it right? Okay, I will live in Micky-hyung’s apartment.”


“Oh my gosh. The flight is killing me. I get a jetlag.” Micky-hyung complained after we arrived in Incheon Airport in South Korea. It was 2 in the afternoon.

“You never travel far away so you are not usual with long-time flight.”

“Is your house far away from here? I want to take a rest quickly.”

“Not too far, 30 minutes with taxi and no traffic jam.” Finally we arrived at my house at 3 p.m. because there was a traffic jam. Micky-hyung rushed to the bathroom in my house, without greeted my parents first. I thought he was nauseous and wanted to puke, so it was okay than he got puke in front of my house. We had dinner together at evening. My dad, mom and sisters got know each other with Micky-hyung since they never met before. My family also asked me about my study and life in US and also I asked them about their life when I left them. My sisters were grown up well and they were not a child anymore. My sisters were Sooyeon and Jiyeon. Both of them were my younger sisters. Sooyeon was second grade in senior high school while Jiyeon was first in senior high school too.  


A week later

“Are you two sure not want me help tidy the apartment?” My mom asked me and Micky-hyung who still busy with our things.

“Ah, it’s okay ahjumma. You should go for your work, you have the schedule now right? I can take care of the apartment with Minnie.” Micky-hyung answered.

“Yes mom. Would you lend us your car by the way?” I asked mom.

“Sure. After work we will visit you there. Don’t mess okay? Do the best! I will go with your father to work. Fighting children!” After done with the packing we rushed to Micky-hyung which located in Gangnam. The apartment should be a luxurious one since Gangnam is the place where you will find luxurious building, store and apartment. It took 30 minutes from my house to Micky’s apartment. And like I said before, the apartment was the luxurious one.

“Oh my back! Looks like it will be broken soon. I am extremely tired!” Micky-hyung protested.

“Yah, my back too, my arms, my legs. I don’t have energy to do other. Lucky us can finish tidy this mess apartment.”

“I think the workers who done the renovations will tidy, at least clean it.”

“When they worked here?”

“Last 2 months. When I got the command to move here, I urged to buy apartment and call the workers to do some renovations. And they did it just a week after I ordered them.”

“Of course this will be messy again hyung! There’s no one who take care and clean the apartment since 2 months ago.”

“I forget about that. Well, I am hungry, and your parents will come here next 2 hours, better us find a food.”

“Okay, I want Japanese food. Since I really missed them a lot, and there is a delicious Japanese restaurant near here.”

“Let’s go then.” We decided to walk to the Japanese food restaurant, if I weren’t mistaken the restaurant named Haru. I’ve gone there when I had a farewell party for me and my friends 4 years ago.

“Minnie-ah, I don’t really know about Japanese food. Would you recommend me the best one for my taste?” Micky-hyung asked me while we were on our walk.

“Yes, after we arrive I will explain you the menu there. Better you try sushi, it has very delicious taste there. Tuna sushi, salmon sushi, ooooohhhhh I can’t wait to eat it.” I answered and imagined the delicious taste of sushi that I had never been trying again these past years.

“Damn you with the food. Let’s hurry, I think I also want to taste it, do we grab it to apartment or eat there?”

“Since mom and dad will come, better we grab it to apartment, but I can’t wait any longer hyung~” I truly couldn’t hold myself on anymore, I really wanted to eat that sushi so bad. So we both run, like crazy people.

“Are you ready hyung?” I after we arrived on the restaurant’s main door.

“Don’t tease me. I am ing hungry now. Let’s go in!” Micky-hyung opened the door. But, unfortunately the door was hitting the person who wanted to going out from there.

“Jesus! I am so sorry sir, I really don’t see you. Pardon me.” Micky-hyung said to that person who fell to the floor. And he talked with his English since Micky-hyung still didn’t understand well with Korean. I was afraid the person didn’t know what Micky-hyung said and he got angry with Micky-hyung. But, I was quiet familiar with that person, he was man, with tall figure, small head and black hair and those foxy eyes.


Guys, I am so sorry for very late update. I’ve been through tough days lately>_< And lost my passion to writing. I hope you all like this one! Writer block is hell! Thanks so much subscribers and viewers! You are the best guys^^. Because of you all I have a spirit to continue again. I still have 10 days more until my college starts. I will try to write the good story. And also I will enjoy my last time in my house T_T for college I will move to other city, and live alone. I feel depressed! How can I face my life alone>_< As usual, please tell me if there is some mistakes and grammatical errors. I will try for my best doing next chapter!

p.s : Okay 2NE1 will come to my country for NE concert. Omo!!!!!! YG just burdened me a lot this year, even I still haven’t buy Big Bang’s Alive album, then October for 2NE1 album, ticket concert, fan merch, TVXQ new album, Owl City concert >_< I will die because of financial issue soon!

p.s.s.s : guys pardon me if this chapter disappointed you T_T I will try my best for the next! Please wait for me.

beloved-changmin55: this is the update! i hope you like it^^ i am very sorry for very lack or no Homin scene here:'( please enjoy it^^

LuciferGirl97: ^^ i am also soooo talkative with my friends, but when i gather with my family i really don't have any idea what things to talk:'( sick on holiday is the worst thing ever. i hope you don't get sick on your holiday^^ here an update, please enjoy!

kawaii_massu: thanks^^ here the update, please enjoy!!!

suzukikasami: ahahaha, no problem^^ you don't sound stupid, thanks for the support. i will be more lively now, becase YOLO kekekeke~ here is the update, please enjoy!

changdeer: here is the update, please enjoy! thanks for read and subscribing^^

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dan1291 #1
Waiting for an update plz ;)
i like this fic!!
Chapter 3: no...~ why does he has to work in pair with kyuhyun.. mmmm... this is surely going to make yunho jealous later.. urgh.. yunho.. i hope you be patient with it..
min is so bossy.. even hyung are being boss around by him.. he is sure the evil maknae huh.. so rude.. but i sure none of them are mind with changmin attitude.. well. he is changmin after all.. that is sure an understandable huh.. well.. i hope u update soon..please..~ :3
kissmm #4
Kya KyuChang <3 be careful yunho bear =))))))))))
sheila19921 #5
yeahh... kyuhyun with changmin... will make yunho jealous... kekekek
changmin got to work at leeteuk who is yunho's friend. yunho is clever. he got changmin to work there, then he can visit changmin often as it is his friend's agency. I can't believe that changmin is that rude to yunho. he ordered yunho? but I think yunho doesn't mind. finally, yunho and changmin got to see each other. whoa, I'm excited now. I can't wait to read the yunho try courting changmin. <3.<3

thanks for a beautiful update, dear. :-) I'm waiting for your next update. <3
so changmin and yoochun got back to Korea. and now they encountered yunho. so the love string between yunho and changmin are gonna dance again soon. happy me now!

thanks for your nice update dear. as always, an interesting one. :-)

look forward to your next update dear. <3
DoubleYsYeoja #8
haha totally i'm talkative with my friends but not really to family
still get sick though in holidays~
thank you for caring i hope you're really okay now
anyways...awwww the cliffhanger...
my heart jump at the part when changmin called "Yunho hyung"
then when i scroll down again it ended...*sobs*
but really i can't wait for them to talk and progress more with each other~
update soon~
I cant wait for the next chap <3 Yun was really focus in Min for not notoce that he was going to a gay bar ILMAO :P