Chapter 2

Eunhyuk's biggest fangirl

Chapter 2

EUNHYUK!! I was speechless, I dropped to my knees and fell backwards. "Are you ok?" Eunhyuk whispered. "Oh yer I just can't believe you're here." I replied softly. "Well believe it because it's not a dream." Stated Eunhyuk. I heard the car coming down the road I quickly pulled him inside. I explained to him that my family cannot know that he is here. I hid him in my room, I shut the door and ran down stairs and sat down. My mum walked into the room and I said to her that no one can go in my room. My mum asked me "why not?" "Because.... I'm cleaning it." I replied. "Oh, ok then." My mum said calmly. I dashed up stairs to fine Eunhyuk laying on my floor. He was tired from the long journey here. I went to go get him a drink but my sister was coming up the stairs so I quickly locked my door. My sister knocked on my door, I opened the door a couple millimeters before saying "What!" She opened the door up wide and saw Eunhyuk sleeping on my bed.


Eunhyuk woke up from the nois that me and my sister were makeing by shoutting at each other. My sister finaly left, I got Eunhyuk some food and drink. My mum and dad went to sleep which ment that I could sneek Eunhyuk down stairs. Me, my sister and Eunhyuk stayed down stairs till we coulden't hear them any more. Eunhyuk fell asleep so I got a blanket and placed it over him and then I went to bed. My mum and dad wake up early so they saw Eunhyuk sleeping on the coach. My mum came up stairs to ask my "What is he doing in my house?" I explaned to her that "He was just visiting and had no were to sleep."

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how did that happened???
Looks interesting :)
Please continue