Chapter 3

Eunhyuk's biggest fangirl

Chapter 3

Eunhyuk and I went out down town there were not a lot of peole arouned and that was when I asked him outon a real date. He said "I 'd love to go out with you but I can't." "W-w-why not?" I stutered. "Because if I go out with you then what about all my other fan's?" I come pletly forgot about all his ather fan's because right then I felt like the only girl on earth. "Wait what if the fan's don't have to know. We couled date away from the public eye." So we began dating but 2 day's in to it Eunhyuk got a phone call from sungmin asking him to go back to homeI diden't live that fair away from him so we could go and visit each other. So Eunhyuk left and went back to his house. The day after he left was my birthday but I hade no one to selerbrate it with because my family left for a hole munth. I went to go see Eunhyuk because he sent me a text saying. "Come over to my house I have a serprise for you and I told the man on the door to let you in ok."

As I went through the door all the light's went off I went up to Sungmin's room but there was no now there I went and sat on the couch in the dark. Then out of no were Eunhyuk jumped out and scared the life out of me. I spent the rest of the day at there house. At 8pm Eunhyuk asked me out so we went to the closes park which wased't that close. That was when the moment arived he went in for a kiss....

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how did that happened???
Looks interesting :)
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