Chapter 1: "The beginning...."

"The Thing called Destiny"



~Chapter 1: The Beginning~

“Whenever you feel weak, remember those who made you stronger. And whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember those who believe in you”, I keep reminding my self to that small quote that my mother told me after I decided to live my life in my own. I am sitting beside the window in the airplane as I keep myself calm, I was too excited and at the same time doubting. I was the youngest and all my brothers, and my sister had already a family. Last month, I attended my brother wedding, I was a happy knowing that He and my best-friend…Ashley really meant for each other. I do have a work as an accountant in the international bank, but I get myself tired and I just want to do photography. I want to travel the world and see its beauty. I want to capture all of it. At first, everyone was not happy in my decisions. But I convince them that’s it’s my life and I do have a right to do what I want. I’m such a hard-headed and I know that. Life is too short just to waste it; I just want an adventure before Papa God took me. My first destination…Korea!!!Hahaha. Well, I want to visit Asian country first. I waved goodbye to my parents and to my siblings as they gathered in my parent’s house to see me depart. I was sad, of course, but that’s the way it is. I will surely comeback, after I finished all my hearts desire, and if I didn’t find what I’m trying to seek.

I glance at the window and I saw vast of clouds…I knew in just in a minute…I will touch the other side of the world. I was excited and a bit nervous. But, it’s an adventure and I want to taste it. I was at out in a plane and walked towards the arrival area. I took a deep breathe and gathered my strength. I walked to the baggage area and grab my things. I pick up my phone and to dial the home number when I noticed a man who keep pacing back and forth beside me. He keeps nudging his jaw as if he really had a big problem. He short and a bit plump and had a mustache. He does wear a square glasses and he was wearing a bit formal. I was occupied in his expression and it was good.  People expression was good in photography. I grab my camera who hang in my neck (the camera who usually used by the professional photographer. I don’t know what to call it. Hehehe). I zoomed in so that his expression was clearly visible. I clicked 3 shoots. I stopped when he glanced at my direction. I clicked hurriedly, the angle was so good. I hurriedly put my camera down.

“Hello!!!” I said hesitantly. I am not good in Korean languages. I think faster to remember what greetings in Korean…

“Annyeong Haseyo”, I said as I remember it. I bowed and smiled cheerfully. But I was shocked as I saw the man expression. He was a bit alarm and hurriedly come to my direction.

“What are you doing? Erase it…No one supposed to know…” (n.p he spoke Korean)

I stared at him confusedly… I don’t know what he’s talking about.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand you, sir”, I said, slowly. Hoping he understand. He stops bickering and looked at me.

“You’re not a Korean?!” he asked in English with a Korean accent.

I nodded.

“I’m a foreign sir; I came hear just to visit Korea. You speak English?!” I ask again.

“I know some. But you’re not a press?!” He asked again.

Do I look like a reporter?!

“I’m not sir. I’m just a photographer. I like your expression a while ago, a bit worried in a very problematic situation and I hope…” I never finished my sentence when he grabs my arm and he gesture to walk faster. I was surprised and grab my bag and hurriedly follow him. I glanced at the back and I saw reporter rushing in to the arrival section.

When, we were a bit far, he stooped and looked at me seriously.

“I know this is embarrassing, but I want to ask you a favor”, He gulped. He seems so tense. I look closely to the man, and I was thinking if he was a celebrity or something, but it doesn’t count how he looks right?!

“Would you please distract those reporters? They should not have known that the DBSK was arriving. It should be secret for a while.”

DBSK? What’s that?

“I’m sorry to ask, but what is DBSK?”

“They were my artist…and I’m there manager. Please, Miss. I owe you”, He said desperately. He is sweating and very uneasy. I was pity for him but it’s not wrong to help this guy right? Whether he told the truth or not. As God said, help the people who needs help.

“Okay, sir. I help you”, I said smiling. Because of too much joy, he leaped and hugs me tightly.

“You’re such a good person, Thank you, thank you.” He said as he bowed at me continuously.

“That’s not a big deal sir”, I laugh at him.

“Call me Hyung, it means a big brother”, he said smiling. It’s like he already finished carrying a heavy baggage.

“Okay, hyung!!!” I repeated. Then, he handed me a card.

“It’s my calling card. You can call me anytime if you need help and you can visit my office. It’s written there the address.”

I looked at it. It’s written KIM HYUL JUK and his number and down on its name was the name SMentertainment.

I looked at him, and smiled. He really does tell the truth.

“Thank you sir, hyung. Okay, I’ll tell them that the DBSK were headed their”, I point the east wing so that, you can easily make them headed in the north wing. Okay?”

He then, nodded enthusiastically. I grabbed my traveling bag and secure my body bag. And walked to the reporter’s direction, but before I can walk farther, me called me back.

 “What’s your name, Miss?!”

I turned around and called back.

“Just call me Star, hyung”,

“Okay Star, pogoshipoyo” then he waved. I waved back; I still don’t really trust him so I don’t tell him my real name.

I took a deep breathe and started my destination. I call their attention and told them that I saw the DBSK. I was happy that they believe me easily. I was surprised to see that It’s not only the reporters who rushing in to see the DBSK but also the people in the airport. I just stood hanging my mouth open; I didn’t have a clue how famous the DBSK were. I just shrugged and go out. I close my eyes and took a very deep breathe. I’m just a couple minutes here and my adventure is already started. I open my eyes and smiled widely, I can’t wait to have more.

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ilabya36 #1
cassie_7258 #2
just comment if you like the story and I will continue to upload..tnx :)