Stranger at the Hospital

Behind Our Smiles

Immediately after school, Ellie told Kris to take her straight to the hospital. “Why do you need to go to the hospital?” Kris asked looking Ellie up and down. “Are you sick? Is there something wrong with you? Should I tell your parents?”

            “No, no, no,” Ellie said shaking her head. “There’s nothing wrong with me. That boy that came over to the house, Chen, he is apparently in the hospital.”


            “I would’ve told you if I knew, wouldn’t I have?” Ellie angrily asked him.

            “Sorry,” Kris said as he continued driving. “I didn’t realize that it was this big of a deal to you. Are you sure you don’t like him?”

           “How would I possibly be able to like him?” Ellie asked. “I only saw him for one day and then he came over to the house, he hasn’t been in school since and it’s already Friday.”

            “Yeah, the weekend,” Kris said thinking about it. “We should do something together. It feels like forever since we last hung out.”

            “Okay, okay, but let’s deal with the problem at hand first,” Ellie said. She was getting slightly frustrated that Kris was asking too many questions than attempting to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

            “So, how did you know that Chen’s in the hospital?” Kris asked as he changed the subject to calm Ellie down. He realized that she was probably already flustered by the news and he was only making it worse by somewhat avoiding the topic. It wasn’t that he wanted to avoid the topic, but somewhere deep inside him he just didn’t want to talk to Ellie about Chen, but he figured that he would have to since Ellie was going to go see him in the hospital.

            Kris figured that it was probably his jealousy acting up, but he didn’t know why he was being jealous when Chen came into the picture. It wasn’t like any other guy that Ellie had hung out with made him jealous, but there was something about Chen. Ellie didn’t even really hang out with guys besides Kris anyway. It was something that Kris wasn’t able to put his finger on that made him nervous around him.

            “I don’t know,” Ellie said shaking her head. “During lunch I had a phone call saying that the owner of the phone was in the hospital and that I was the only contact that they could get a hold of.”

            “The only contact?” Kris asked as he looked at Ellie for a split second. “There was no one else who answered their calls?”

            “I guess not,” she said as she shrugged her shoulders. Thanks to Kris’s questioning, she also found it somewhat strange. “But you never know, his parents could be away and doing something important and just didn’t have time to pick up their message.”

            “They don’t have time to pick up their message when their own son is in the hospital?” Kris asked in disbelief as he parked the car.

            “I don’t know. I don’t know.”

            “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get you worked up,” Kris apologized. “Go into the hospital. Call me when you’re done, I have to go run some errands.”

            “Okay,” Ellie said with a smile. “Bye.”

            “Bye,” Kris said waving back to her before he was on his way.

            Ellie looked at the huge hospital building in front of her. It was the first time that she was ever really in a hospital so she was slightly nervous, but taking a deep breath, she made her way inside. “Hello, how may I help you?” a woman at the front desk asked.

            “I’m looking for a patient,” Ellie hesitantly began.

            “Do you know his name?”


            After typing in some things, the woman looked back up at Ellie. “I’m sorry, there’s no one here by the name of Chen.”

            “Ah, that’s his nickname,” Ellie muttered. “Um…scratch the Chen, is there someone currently in here by the name of Kim Jongdae?”

            Again, the secretary typed in a couple of things onto the computer and nodded her head. “There is someone by that name. He is located on the ninth floor, room 921.”

            “Thank you,” Ellie said as she went to the back to go onto an elevator to get to the ninth floor.

            As the doors of the elevator opened, Ellie went in and was somewhat relieved that she was the only one in there, before another person stepped in right before the doors closed. The atmosphere was awkward between the two. “What floor are you going to?” the guy asked Ellie.

            “The ninth.”

            “I’m going to the ninth, too,” he said as he turned around and began watching the numbers count. It was very awkward between the two of them and Ellie was thankful when the doors opened and she made her escape before the guy could ask any more questions.

            Wandering on the ninth floor, Ellie managed to find room 921 and slowly opened the door. She was slightly afraid as to what she would be faced with when she opened the door. What happened to Chen? Did something happen to him when he left her house that night? Was it her fault for not sending Kris with him? A thousand thoughts entered Ellie’s brain before she could even open the door and she wasn’t even sure why she was so concerned with Chen anyway. She was never concerned with anyone else like that, but she figured it was probably because he was in the hospital and she felt slightly sorry that she was the only contact that they could find.

            Before Ellie was able to open the door, however, a doctor came up to her. “Are you Ellie?” he asked.

            “Um…yes,” Ellie hesitantly said.

            “I was the one that called you,” the doctor explained. “Thank you for coming.”

            “Do you know what happened to him?” I ask.

            “We do not know the full story; we only know that he was admitted to the hospital with bruises and a slight concussion also with some cuts that a steady flow of blood was flowing out of. He shouldn’t be thinking for now, but we’ll discuss some more when he wakes up.”

            “He’s not up?”

            “He is still currently unconscious and has been since he was brought in on Tuesday.”

            “May I go into the room?” Ellie asked pointing towards the door.

            “Of course. His belongings are in a bag inside of there if you wish to take them.”

            “Okay, thank you,” Ellie said bowing to the doctor before she made her way into the room.

            She wondered what happened to Chen. Why would he be unconscious and bloodied up along with having bruises? If he was admitted on Tuesday, Ellie figured that the accident had to happen between the time that he left her house and Tuesday, but the doctor didn’t give her a time that he was admitted. She began wondering if he got beat up by some thugs or if he was at a club and had gotten into a brawl with someone. Anything could be possible.

            Slowly, Ellie opened the door and saw Chen lying on the bed, he was the only resident in the room. He had an IV in his arm and besides that, he had some bandages wrapped around various parts of his body. “What happened to you?” Ellie asked as she took a step closer to see his face. He had a black eye, but despite everything, he looked like he was sleeping peacefully.

            Just like the doctor stated, Chen’s clothes were in a bag on the table that was in the room. His phone was also in there. It wasn’t in purpose, but out of curiosity, Ellie took out Chen’s phone and opened it. Chen didn’t keep a lock on it and Ellie was easily able to get into it. She wondered who was in his phone if she was the one that they were able to get a hold of.

            Going through his contacts, she realized that he didn’t have a lot; he probably had ten at the most. Two were for his parents and one was for Ellie and the rest were unfamiliar names. Ellie wondered why no one else picked up their phone, but she wasn’t going to call them from his phone because that would just be an invasion of privacy, something that she already did by looking in his phone, but she was curious and didn’t want to go as far as calling them.

            After a while of staying in the room, Ellie left to go find the doctor to find her real reason for being there. “Excuse me,” she said going up to the doctor that talked to her earlier. “Do you need me to sign paperwork or something? What was the purpose of bringing me here?”

            “Ah, thank you for reminding me,” the doctor said. “Just go to the reception desk over there and say that you are here for Kim Jongdae and they will give you the information to fill out.”

            “Okay, thank you,” Ellie said as she went up to the reception desk and got the papers that she needed to fill out for Chen. Ellie found a table near the window since she didn’t want to be in the same room as Chen because it was starting to make her feel awkward. She sat down and looked out the paper to realize that she didn’t know any of his information. Figuring that he would have to have the information filled out, Ellie went back into the room and found Chen’s wallet and took it back out to the table with her and began filling out the information when she felt a shadow over her.

            “It’s you from the elevator, what are you doing?” the guy asked as he sat down next to her.

            “Filling out information,” Ellie said as she took a quick glance at the guy. She wasn’t sure why this guy was talking to her.

            “Is it for your boyfriend?” he asked as he slightly looked over her shoulder.

            “No,” she said shaking her head. “It’s for a friend.”

            “Sorry, I didn’t realize it, but I probably seem weird, right? I’m Luhan,” he said as he extended his hand for Ellie to shake.

            “Hi Luhan, I’m Ellie.”

            “Ellie, that’s a nice name,” he said as he smiled at her and Ellie felt herself smiling back.

            Ellie and Luhan sat in silence for a while as she finished up looking up the information as best she could before getting up to go give it to the desk. “I’ll be right back, I just have to go give this back,” Ellie told Luhan as she made her way over.

            “Okay,” Luhan said nodding his head. “It’s not like I have anywhere to be right now.”

            Ellie thought Luhan was a strange character. She wondered why he would be in a hospital of all places if he had nothing else to do. He surely had to have some reason for being in the hospital, but Ellie wondered why he would just approach her instead of just doing what he was supposed to do and then leaving.

            After a while, Ellie came back and sat next to Luhan feeling the awkwardness. “So…um…why are you here?” Ellie hesitantly asked. “You don’t have to answer it,” she quickly added. “I was only attempting to start a conversation.”

            “It’s alright,” Luhan said giving a smile. “I’m here because of my mother.”

            “Your mother, is she alright?” Ellie found herself asking. Somehow Luhan had the same power over her as Chen.

            “I guess she’s okay,” he said sighing. “She isn’t doing the best right now, but I think we’ll find a way to muddle through it.”

            “Oh,” Ellie quietly said. “That’s good at least.”

            “Yeah, it is,” he said with a smile.

            Sitting there and talking with Luhan made Ellie comfortable, although she didn’t understand how. Normally she wouldn’t be very nice to strangers and show a somewhat cold personality, but attempt to be as nice as possible, it just wasn’t easy for her to open up and talk about herself. Luhan made it simple. It was like Chen broke down the exterior first and Luhan just continued to break it even more. Ellie wasn’t sure why she was becoming like that.

            “I…I should go now,” Ellie said after looking at her phone and realizing how late it was.

            “Yeah, I should do the same,” Luhan said as they both made their way to the elevator to take them to the ground floor. “Um…if it’s alright with you, I’d like to get your phone number, Ellie. Maybe we could do something like this in the future.”

            “Oh, I…I guess,” Ellie hesitantly said as she handed her phone over. It felt weird to do that since she never would have normally done it in the first place.

            “It was nice meeting you, Ellie. Maybe I’ll see you in the future,” Luhan said as they neared the doors and he went a separate way.

            “Maybe,” Ellie whispered with a smile on her face.


And here is the introduction of Luhan. What will happen with him in the future? When will Chen wake up? What happened to him? Can Kris ever tell Ellie what he truly feels?


Here is Chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Chapter 32: awwww <3 Love the ending...and love what Chen said to Ellie ;) so sweet T_____T thanks a lot!! love this story ^^
Chapter 1: Thanks for putting chenchen in this fanfic <3
Chapter 33: This was a really sweet story. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad that Chen and Ellie finally got together in the end. Well done, author-nim!
Chapter 31: Ah, I'm so happy that everyone is okay and Chen bid goodbye to Ellie in peace. He will come back for her (I hope) :D. I hope the boys start over in Japan and come back more refreshed and as better people. It's ending already :(.
CaitlinLeong #5
Chapter 30: Update soon! It's quite a cool story!
Chapter 30: Oh my god. Everything just became so epic and unexpected over the last 10 chapters. I was surprised and impressed as to how all the 'big-bad-mafia-family and undead-brother' came along. And how everyone is connected to each other somehow.

Anyway, I really hope Kris will make it through his surgery and nothing happens to poor Lay. But Chen can't leave Ellie again! Just when they realised their feelings too.

I'm so hooked onto your story! Please update soon ~
Chapter 10: Hey, I'm a new reader here :). I like your story so far, and things are getting very interesting. I just saw a little typo here and I wondered for a while in confusion lol. It's --> “And you know my seating partner, Chen, right? Well a couple of days ago, Ellie confessed to me saying that she liked him..." Um, wasn't it Jiyeon who confessed? It's all good, I get it now lol.
Chapter 30: Whew...i hope Kris makes it out of surgery! Idek what to say...

Lay shot the dad, would that mean everything will be ok? And chen is leaving...


Chapter 28: I am so thankful to know his back ground now!!! The way he came about, his parents whole history is just sad...

I look forward to the rest!!!

fictionlover_fbiyf #10
Chapter 27: Wow, this is really intense .. REALLY
I don't even know who Ellie likes anymore ..
Its been long since your last update but I'm glad I still remembered the story plot ..
If I had, I would've had to reread everything all over again ..
It would still be worth the trouble so no regrets I guess ..
You've got an amazing story plot in here!
Its really intriguing and it interested me to read ..
Finally Xiumin made an appearance! Oh My Gee!
This is getting better and better by every chapter :)

You've got a life to live and I totally understand that .. It doesn't matter to me if it took long for the updates to come up as long as it is long - LOL Did you even get that? XD Anyways, just update whenever you can and I'll try to be as patient as I can manage :)