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SOLO; 350 words

By: Ly Phan

His phrase 'I am solo, solo' has leave a great impression on my mind. There's no reason behind it. I thought that there was nothing between us till one day, he declared to the school that I am his girlfriend.

"What?" I shuttered, looking at his flawless face. I was speechless. I mean I am just an outcast, why me out of all these people?  He leans close to me, close enough for people to think it's a kiss between us. He even covers a binder in front of our face. Nervousness was rushing through my body. I could feel his breath in my ear. "Just do as what I say," he hissed. I really thought he had kiss me there. 

He interwined his hands with mine. I wondered what just happened. I wish this was all a dream. Snapping out of my daze, we were in an unknown place...well for me that is. 

"Where are we?" I asked, analyzing our surroundings. His lips curved upwards, answering, "It's our secret place." I looked at him with a 'what-the' face and he winked. How am I suppose to get here when I didn't pay no to what just happened. 

"Why me?" I asked in a hasty tone. I may be clueless and look dumb, but I am not stupid. I can be aggressive at times, just not as strong as a guy. I couldn't even get my hands out of his grip a while ago. He didn't say anything. He looked at the sky and softly sang, "I'm solo, solo." I widen my eyes, not believing. 

"It can't be-" I cut my sentence of when he looked at my surprised face. 

"Hmm, did you say something?" I was still covering my mouth, shaking my head. He diverts his attention to the sky. I always wondered what does the phrase 'I am solo, solo' really means in his language. 

When he left me, I finally understand the meaning of it. I finally understand what he felt this whole time. I'm sorry. I softly run my fingers on his table. 

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