Chapter 4

You Fell in Love... With Our Maid?!?!

 You yawned as you heard your alarm clock play one of your favorite songs. You turned to shut off your clock sat up, yawning. You stretched and went to get ready. You took a quick shower, got dress, and headed down the stairs. You looked in the kitchen to see Angel at the stove.


“ Annyeong unnie.” You pulled up your hair and washed your hands. “ What do I need to do?”


“ Ah, Annyeong Kaori-chan.” She tapped her chin. “ Can you start rolling the dough for the biscuits?”


You nodded and got out the flour and other stuff. You mixed everything together and began to roll the dough. After a few minutes of beating the batter and getting flour practically all over your face, you finally were done and put the dough into the oven


Angel began to laugh at you. “ You look like a ghost Kaori!” Angel got a wet cloth from the sink.


You laughed along. “ Am I scary unnie?”


Angel giggled as she wiped the flour from your face. “ Ne, very scary.” She smiled as she started to go back to work. “ So did you have fun last night? I seen L. Joe make you ditch us at the arcade.”


You smiled,nodding quickly. “ I had a lot of fun. I'm glad I went!”


“ What did you two do?”Angel questioned, she secretly looked over.


“ Well, after the arcade we went to carnival.....” She trailed off, smiling softly at the memory.



Yesterday at the Carnival


“Omo! It's so big!” You stared, amazed at the large amusement park before you.


“ Pick any ride you want.” L. Joe grinned, taking hold of your hand.


You looked around excitedly and then your eyes fell upon a spinning tea cup ride. “ Oppa, can we go there?”


L.Joe looked at the cups and laughed, nodding his head. “ Yeah, but my reputation will be blown if I'm seen on it.” L. Joe led you to the cups and you two rode on them for a while.


After a few times around the park, you two sat down laughing. L. Joe smiled at you. “ That was fun.”


You nodded, smiling shyly. “ I haven't had this much fun is forever.”


“ I'm glad.” L. Joe looked at his phone. “ How about we go get some ice cream and then head home for the night. We still have school tomorrow.” He got to his feet and held out his hand.


You nodded and took his hand, your heart beating faster as he smiled at you.





“ I'm glad you two had fun.” Angel smiled as she secretly grinned.


Plan: Get L. Joe a Girl! Is going great! Angel mentally fist pumped.


The two of you set the table and brought the food out to the table. Several of the boys came out and sat in their spots.


“ Good morning babe.” Chunji walked over to Angel and peck her on the cheek.


“ Hey, where's L. Joe?” Angel looked at the group.


“ Gez, I don't even get a good morning.” Chunji frowned causing Angel and you to giggle. “ He's still in his room,probably still asleep.”


“ Aish, that boy.” Angel looked at you and smiled. “ Can you go get L. Joe please? Sorry to ask, but I still need to get the other things in the kitchen.”


You nodded, smiling back. “ Yeah, sure.”


You ran out the door and up the stairs.


“ I'll help bring the rest of the stuff out.” Chunji started to walk, but Angel stopped him.


“ Ani, there's nothing else.”


“ Then why....” Chunji raised an eyebrow. “ Are you planning something?”


“ Maybe~” She sang, kissing him on the cheek and sat down in her seat.


You ran to the door that you remembered was L. Joe's room. You knocked softly on the door and waited. Nothing. You knocked again. Nothing.


“ Oppa, I'm entering.” You spoke and opened the door a little. You peered in to see a figure in bed. You quietly walked over to the bed to see a sleeping L. Joe.


Cute. You thought to yourself.


“ Oppa, time to wake up.” You shook his shoulder lightly, tryingto wake the sleeping boy.


He moaned as he rolled over, opening one sleepy eye. He smiled lightly. “ Annyeong Kaori.”


“ Good morning.” You smiled. “ Time to get up or you're going to be late for school.”


You turned to leave, but you felt someone grab your wrist and pull you back. You gasped slightly as arms wrapped around you and pulled you to the bed. You looked at L. Joe in surprise as he cuddled to you.


“ Let's just skip school and sleep, alright Kaori-ah?” L. Joe yawned as you both laid there, his face close to yours.


You heart sped up as your face became red. You were glad L. Joe's eyes were closed at this point so he couldn't see your red face.


“ L. Joe oppa. W-we have to go to school.” You stuttered, but felt his hug you tighter.


He opened one eye and smirked. “ We can skip. Just lay like this for a bit.” He closed his eye again. “ You're warm.”


You then realized he was shirtless, showing his perfect body. He was only in basktball short which caused you to blush more.


“ L. Joe-”


“ Yah, what is taking you-” The door opened to reveal Angel and Chunji there, shocked.


You tried to pull away, but L. Joe would loosen his grip. “ L-L. Joe....”


L.Joe opened his eyes and sat up, you in his arms. “ Yo. What's up guys?”


“ Lee Byunhyun! Put on a shirt and stop harassing Kaori!” Angel yelped, covering her eyes from a half L. Joe.


“ Aish, can't I just sleep here with Kaori?” He yawned, not letting go of you.


You blushed madly and felt awkward at the situation. You looked at Chunji for help.


“ L. Joe, stop being an idiot and get ready for school.” Chunji sighed, pulling you out of his grip, causing him to pout.


“ Fine, but you're no fun hyung.”


Chunji lead both you and Angel out of the room and down the stairs. You were still blushing from the incident.


“ Just ignore L. Joe. He's a little bit of a player.” Chunji patted your head, smiling. “ He's just an idiot.”


“ Yah! I'm right here!” L. Joe ran down the stairs, his clothes half a mess and his hair was crazy.


“ Pft, L. Joe looks like a hobo.” Changjo snickered, causing Ricky and Niel to laugh.


“ You little...” L. Joe glared, but his attention was pulled to you. He smiled. “ Hey Kaori. You ready for school?”


You smiled shyly back. “ Yes, I think so.”


Angel grinned as she looped arms with you and headed out the door. “ Come on Kaori. You can right with me.”


You nodded as you followed her to one of the limos. “ Sure.”


The rest of the boys headed to their limos. L. Joe was about to shut the door, but Chunji grabbed his arm to stop him. L. Joe looked back in confusion.


“ We need to talk about Kaori.” Chunji's voice was serious.


“ Yeah, what about her?” L. Joe raised an eyebrow, he looked annoyed for the most part.


“ Kaori is a nice girl and is really close to Angel and Jikyoung.” Chunji stated, just getting to the point. “ Don't hurt her. She doesn't need that.”


“ What is that suppose to mean?” L. Joe glared, his anger boiling.


“ Since Angel and I been going out, you've been hanging with a lot of girls lately. A lot of them have gotten hurt because you want to be a player.” Chunji voice was dark. “ Hurt Kaori and we'll have issues.”


L.Joe scoffed, pulling away from Chunji harshly. “ Mind your own business. You have Angel and I have no one. So stop patronizing me.”


With that L. Joe stormed off to the limo. Chunji sighed as he followed after.


“ Hyung, are you ok?” Ricky asked as he waited by the car door.


L.Joe pushed past him and got in the limo. Ricky looked at Chunji in confusion, but Chunji shook his head.




It was lunch time and you were walking to lunch with Angel and Niel.


“ So Kaori, is this your first time at an actual school?” Niel asked, looking at you curiously.


You nodded, smiling. “ Yeah, first school I've been able to go to. Is it that obvious?”


Niel chuckled. “ Well, you look at everything like it's foreign.”


You giggled a little, rubbing your arm. “ Well, yeah. It is different to me.”


“ Angel! Kaori! Niel!” You looked to see Ricky jumping up and down, waving you guys over excitedly.


You followed Angel to the table and sat between her and L. Joe.


“ Hey Kaori.” He smiled warmly at you. He was thinking over his actions this morning and he sighed slightly. “ Um, sorry about this morning. I was a little out of line.”


“ What happened this morning?” Changjo questioned, looking between the to. “ Wait, did you-” Changjo stopped talking when Angel stuffed some food in his mouth, smiling.


“ Nothing happened this morning. L. Joe was changing shirts and Kaori saw and got embarrassed. He was teasing her. Now continue eating.” Angel smiled as she sat back down and ate her food.


Changjo pouted as he continued to chew his food.


“ It's alright.” You smiled.


“ Angel, guess who's back!”


You turned to see a group of handsome guys standing behind them. Angel brighten as she jumped up and hugged them. “Hey you guys!”


“ Oh, our Angel looks cute as ever!” Sunggyu cooed as he hugged her tightly. “ I missed you so much during break!”


Dongwoo looked over over to see you staring at them. “ Who's the cutie?”

Angel grinned as she looked arms with you. “ This is Nami Kaori. She works with me now.”


“ Aw! She's so cute!” Sungjong grinned, causing you to blush and look away.


“ I'm glad that you have a female companion, Angel.” Woohyun laughed, patting Angel's head. “ She doesn't need to hanging around a bunch of hormonal, erted guys. Right Chunji?”


“ Yah!” Chunji pouted causing everyone to laugh.


“ So Kaori, do you have a boyfriend?” Hoya asked, placing an arm around your shoulders. “ If you don't, I'm still single.” He winked at you. L sighed as he grabbed him by the ear and dragged him away.


L.Joe, seeing this felt a sudden anger. He stood up and stormed off, really not knowing well.


Why did I suddenly get angry? That's not like me at all. L.Joe sighed as he walked out the door and into the hallway.


Nobody really noticed L. Joe leave, besides you. You stared after him, frowning lightly. I hope he's ok.....



Hey! I'm back! I know it's been a super long time and I'm really sorry! I'm in college now so it's been hard to write, but since my 3 week class is music I have a lot of time now. SoI'll try my best to type more chapters! I'm going to start typing the next chapter of Beauty in Darkness!If you havent read that or check it out.......




Thank you all for subscribing and I'll try my best to update more! :D Please comment and Subscribe(If you haven't already)

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Chapter 4: Omg! I really supa love your story!!!!! Update sooooon!!! ^^
JB1608 #2
Chapter 4: YOU GOT MY HOPES UP! i WAS SO EXCITED UNTIL I SAW, "NOT AN UPDATE!" LOL, its all good but you still have that concussion aw are you okay!!!??????? *evil me*: Oh your gonna be fine!....WHERES THAT UPDATE!?
*Good ME*: Oh poor daesung YOu just rest and take your time....okay?
*Evil me*: that! Work your a+ss off! I want that CHAPTER! IF I WAS YOUR EDITOR/PUBLISHER YOU'D BE FIRED!
*GOOD ME*: No no no! you just rest while I'll clean your room Italy, Don't listen to evil me....Evil me is just...irritated...
*Evil Me*: You Good-ME!
"I GOT A NEW STORY IDEA" grins evilly...
YOU: "OH GOD!" Puts hand over face while I start to type insanely and laughs evilly "MOOOAHAAAHAHAHAA!"
YOU: "I can't deal with this right now..." You flop down on your bed.
JB1608 #3
Chapter 3: lol honestly its because of your (Fall in love with...) stories that insprired me to write; "whose a good baby?" which is basically about chango acting like a baby lol! I hope your as proud as yourself as i am!...does that make sense?..proud as i am...*thinking outludly to myself...* nah, its good. post/send
Chapter 4: hope you get better soon
Chapter 2: update soon!! i'm excited >.<
PandaLover703 #6
Chapter 2: Aigoo =.= so many couples haha but great job coming back to the story haha update soon ;P
Chapter 1: oh dear, can you update again and again.. Hehe .. I really Love your story, and i mean it.. SARANGHAE ^^
kitkat4ever98 #8
OMG!!!!!! so cute XD
CandyToo #9
Omg!! :D so cute~ L.Joe is gonna fall in love with Naomi Kaori... :) update soon...