Not ever

Almost Frozen

Kibum's eyes fluttered open gradually as the petit boy yawned widely. He had never slept this great, on something so fluffy as the bed he was lying on.

All he wished for was to stay here and never leave. He knew well that he was dreaming, because he had never felt this content. Yet he wouldn't have ever cared if he never woke up again from this fantasy. For him, who in his short life had never experienced anything but pain, the simple but comfortable bed, the warmth of the room, and just the coziness of the place that was supposed to be home, felt like heaven.

But there was something in the air, a sweet, lovely scent that made the boy push away his sleep thoughts. His stomach growled in response to the fragrance, making his pale cheeks flush a dark red.

Whining quietly as he sat up, he shook his head a little. His throat was a little sore, his mind foggy, but nothing too bad.

Blinking, Kibum slowly dragged himself towards the source of the delicious smell. Maybe this was far from reality, but it smelled so nice, he wanted to see if it would taste like that, too... Although he wasn't quite sure if he could eat anything in his sleep.

Jonghyun, who was busy paying attention to making pancakes, only noticed the small boy when the younger stumbled over a small stool, left there by Jonghyun's sister as a gift as her brother wasn't quite tall. Her mocking gesture had earned her many glared, but for some reason, the small object had remained there in the kitchen...

Even Jonghyun wasn't sure why.

"Morning, sleepyhead."The older chuckled softly as he walked up the the small boy, ruffling his hair.

"Hi."Kibum whispered, biting into his lower lip. He couldn't help the small frown that appeared on his face as he realized that he was sticking out like a sore thumb in the clean place he couldn't really name. He felt dirty compared to everything there. "Water?"He asked, quite unable to voice his thoughts.

"In a minute."The elder said gently, quite happy at how the small boy didn't seem to be shy to ask something. But as he handed the boy the glass full of not too cold water, his only respond was a slight tilt of Kibum's head.

"Water... wash."Kibum mumbled after a few moments, hesitantly spilling some of the liquid on his hands. He was ashamed of how it seemed like he couldn't talk too much, but he never had the chance to learn how to.

"Oh!"Jonghyun exclaimed, finally understand what the boy wanted. He chuckled gently."It's fine, eat and then you can have a long, warm bath, okay?"He said gently, carefully leading the smaller to the sink. Just wash your hand for now."He added as he quickly started the water, gently pulling the boy's hands under it. A visible pout formed on Kibum's lips as the cold water ran down his palms, flowing right into the dirty cuts he had on it. Still, once he was more or less clean, he couldn't help a small giggle escape him, his skin was so white...

"By the way, I'm Jonghyun. May I know your name?"

The boy blinked rapidly for a few moments once again, biting into his lower lip as his brain slowly registered what he had been asked."Ki... Ki-bum."He said slowly, recalling how someone in the past had addressed him as that. Kibum.

"Cute."Jonghyun chuckled gently."Now, let me finish this, and you'll get breakfast, Kibummie."

Breakfast. Kibum wasn't exactly sure what the word meant, but it sounded nice. It almost had a warm feeling to it, just like the room they were in. For some reason, the scene felt a little familiar. The soft, sweet scent filling the air, gentle, almost inaudible humming, warmth.

He wasn't exactly sure why, but the boy felt like he had been through something like this before. Although probably, as this was nothing but a dream, his mind was playing ill jokes on him. He didn't really care though.

For once in his life, he felt content, warm. Almost as if he had truly been torn out of the cold, dreary life he used to have.

But when he was handed the breakfast Jonghyun had mentioned, he slowly realized how this was no dream, but reality.

Well, sadly, he learnt it the wrong way. As a clean plate, full of some food he had never seen before,  was placed in front of him, he couldn't help reaching out for it immediately. But moments later, he yelped as it burnt his hands.

"Hey, slow down!"Jonghyun couldn't help chuckling to himself as he looked at the younger, whose eyes were lit up by confusion as he glared at the pancakes. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that they are still hot."

"Hurt."Kibum bit into his lower lip, sniffing a little as he hesitantly touches the pancake on the top with one finger."Bad."

"It's not bad, Bummie. You just have to wait for it to cool down, okay?"Jonghyun cooed softly, always making sure to keep his voice gentle. For some reason, he was scared that he would terrify the younger by just a loud sound or a yell. He seemed so fragile, so vulnerable but adorable at the same time.

Kibum nodded a little, still not quite convinced that what was in front of him was good, although he had to admit that its scent was better than anything he had ever smelled. Plus, now he was quite sure that he wasn't dreaming. Or if he was, he didn't want to wake up. Not ever.

AN: Well, there is chapter two :D

Umm... hope you like it :P

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I'm probably updating today :3 I'm some crazy 'LET'S WRITE EVERYTHING' roll o.o


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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 30: Chapter 3: I'm bawling my eyes out! :'( :'( :'( Where's the rest??????
kreiisi96 #2
Chapter 30: I want more of this
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 30: Awe this story is so cute.
Chapter 30: Just stumbled upon this cute story! So adorable! Please update soon!
Chapter 30: Hope u update soonnn~~~~ <3
Reread it again hehe love how kibum is talking
kreiisi96 #6
Chapter 30: Ahh this story is so heart warming ^^ please update pweeeaaassseee
FreezingLove #8
Chapter 30: Please update!!
Update Pleaaaaase ; A ;