
Almost Frozen

Jonghyun chuckled quietly to himself, watching as Kibum played around in the bath-tub. The small boy had managed to clean himself off before deciding that the bubbles floating on top of the water were much more interesting than how the bathroom itself looked like and right now, he was splashing around happily like a child.

However, his joy was short-lived. The got colder and colder as the time passed and soon, most of the bubbles were gone. Kibum was left alone in the tub, a pout forming on his lips as he looked around, thinking that he had done something wrong.

"Is it cold now, Bum?" Jonghyun chuckled quietly, smiling a little when he saw the smaller boy nod quickly."Of course it is. Now, we'll wash your hair with warm water and after that, you can go, okay?"

"Go? I... go?" Kibum asked, his voice quivering as big, fat tears gathered in the corners of his feline, soulful eyes.

Jonghyun shook his head quickly, mentally slapping himself for using such words when probably, Kibum only understood bits and pieces of it."Go as in get out of the tub, little one." He cooed gently and flicked the younger boy's forehead tenderly, hoping that he would understand that no, he didn't have to go.

Despite how they were still strangers, Jonghyun would have never thought of telling the boy to leave. Kibum was like an angel, tiny and frail with beautiful eyes and - probably - a troubled past. The older boy wanted to be the one who would erase the marks of all the misery the smaller had been through and slowly, show him how life wasn't only bad, that it had a bright, beautiful side to it.

"Go... out of the tub." Kibum repeated quietly, eyes filled with curiosity and vivid joy as he realized that in this case, he would only have to leave the water and not the warm, lovely new home he had."Okay."

"Now, let me wash your hair." Jonghyun sang sweetly before draining some of the cold water."Tell me if this is too warm, okay?"

Kibum yelped when scorching hot water hit his scalp suddenly as previously, he had been occupied by watching a couple stickers on the bathroom's wall.

"Warm!" He yelled, trying to get away from the water's reach."No!" He added to emphasize his short little sentence.

"Okay, okay." Jonghyun chuckled and set the water's temperature lower before finally proceeding to actually wash the other boy's hair. Not much later, Kibum was looking fresh and new with his skin being spotless and hair a vibrant, light blond color.

Jonghyun smiled fondly at the boy he had saved and helped him out of the bathtub before wrapping him into a soft towel. He chuckled at the giggle he earned from the small boy, happy to see how relaxed Kibum was."Look how pretty you are..." He added as he led the small blond to the mirror.

Kibum's eyes widened as he faced himself, lips curling up as he realized that indeed, he was quite pretty."Yes!" He said, clapping his hands like a child before turning to embrace Jonghyun tightly."Thank you, Jonghyun..." he whispered, his voice shaky but sweet.

"It's alright, little one. I'm glad that you are feeling better and that you can see how pretty you are." Jonghyun said with a chuckle, a rush of warmth seeping into his chest, warming his heart up."Now, let's go and dress you up so you won't get cold."

Kibum nodded quickly and followed Jonghyun to his bedroom, giggling when clean, soft clothes were given to him.

"Turn, I can do." The small boy said with a bright grin, waiting for the older to do so before examining the pieces of clothing he had been handed.

He pulled on the T-shirt first, letting the towel slide down to his waist. Thankfully, at least he could change alone. Some people would give him old clothes from time to time, claiming that he couldn't just wear the same old rags all the time. And well, when it was very cold, he would have to search the trash for thicker clothes, too.

He couldn't even think of being in the same thing for a very long time.

"Jonghyun..." He started quietly once he managed to dress up, having had some trouble pulling up the trousers."I'm...ready!" Kibum beamed before bouncing to Jonghyun and tapping his shoulder.

"Good job, Kibummie." The elder chuckled, happy to see such a cheerful, innocent boy."You look good." He added.

True to his words, Kibum did look good. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting black trousers and a white, plain T-shirt. They were both hanging were loose on him but still made him look better than the rags he had before.

"I look?" Kibum asked back with a grin before suddenly running out of the bedroom. 

Jonghyun tilted his head to the side in confusion for a few moments before following the boy, flinching when he suddenly heard a loud crash. He rushed to where the sound came from and drew in a worried breath.

Kibum was lying on the floor in a messy heap, soft hiccups already escaping his pinkish lips. Obviously, he had tripped over something, possibly his own feet or the bottom of his new trousers and now, he looked simply miserable.

"Aww, did you fall?" Jonghyun asked and pulled the small boy up, sighing inwardly as Kibum whined softly.

"Bad." The small blond stated and pointed at his left knee, staggering a little before letting Jonghyun hold him up completely."Hurt."

"Maybe you shouldn't have ran." Jonghyun said lightly and ruffled the soft tuffs of blond hair on top of Kibum's hair before leading him to the living room and making him sit down."I'll treat you and then you can go to the bathroom if you wish, okay?"

Kibum nodded slowly, tears running down his cheeks."Sorry.." He whispered quietly as Jonghyun left to get the first aid kit."Wanna see me pretty."

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I'm probably updating today :3 I'm some crazy 'LET'S WRITE EVERYTHING' roll o.o


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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 30: Chapter 3: I'm bawling my eyes out! :'( :'( :'( Where's the rest??????
kreiisi96 #2
Chapter 30: I want more of this
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 30: Awe this story is so cute.
Chapter 30: Just stumbled upon this cute story! So adorable! Please update soon!
Chapter 30: Hope u update soonnn~~~~ <3
Reread it again hehe love how kibum is talking
kreiisi96 #6
Chapter 30: Ahh this story is so heart warming ^^ please update pweeeaaassseee
FreezingLove #8
Chapter 30: Please update!!
Update Pleaaaaase ; A ;