
Almost Frozen

Hurried footsteps echoed on the streets as a string of curses was uttered, followed by a low sneeze. "Should have known the forecast was wrong..."Mumbled the owner of the quickening, shuffling sounds as more and more snowflakes fell on his thick, but already drenched coat.

More and more curses followed as the snow only seemed to fell even thicker as if showing that it didn't care about the cursing figure. But merely moments later, a small whimper coming from only meters from him had made him stop.

Dark brown eyes darted towards a tiny form curled up near the wall as shivers shook it again and again."Don't hurt..."Whimpered the small boy, a trembling hand extended towards the soaked man.

"Oh god..."He whispered, his eyes widening as he rushed to the small boy. A pang of sadness mixing with worry hit him as he got closer... Such a frail frame covered by rags, such beautiful hair stained with dirt and blood. Pale face yet flushed cheeks, eyes shining slightly, maybe from tears but maybe from a fever.

A broken yet gorgeous boy.

"Don't...hurt..."Was the only reply the previously cursing man got, the boy's voice so soft and weak it broke his heart."Don't..."

"Sh, I won't."He whispered as he extended his hand slowly, watching with worry as the small form of the boy started shaking much more, his hair falling into his eyes as he tried to pull away, obvious fear in his eyes."Hey, it's alright, I would never hurt you..."The obviously elder male said said, his heart clenching painfully as he saw no trust in those beautiful, brown eyes.

Slowly though, he had finally reached the boy's cheek, gently rubbing the freezing but soft skin with his thumb. A gentle smile tugged at the end of his lips as he felt the tiny boy lean into his hand, his eyes fluttering closed.

"Warm..."He whispered almost quietly, a delighted smile playing on his thin lips."Nice."

It broke the elder's heart to see such a stunning creature like this. Shattered and cold, curled up on the street as the snow only continued to fall. Only then did he realize that the frail boy had obviously nowhere to go... And that he would freeze there very soon.

But somehow, as he quickly pulled his coat off, he decided that he wouldn't let it happen. He would take the small boy home at any cost.

Although it was probably dangerous to bring home a stranger, he didn't care. He would never let such a stunning but broken soul stay there, out in the cold.

Slowly, the elder laid his coat on the younger whose eyes fluttered open, filled with wondered as he coughed roughly."Why?"

He got no response so he let his eyes fall shut, the comfortable warmth of the thick coat making him relax completely. Although it was quite heavy from the slightly frozen water-droplets on it, it was much better, safer under it's soft material.

But moments later, his eyes snapped open as he was being picked up. A yelp escaped his still trembling lips as he was held close to a warm chest, his eyes widening as he heard a soft coo, telling him to stay still.

"We're going home."Followed the gentle, soothing sound as the grip on the boy's body tightened.

"Home?"He asked quietly, some of his dirty hair falling into his eyes once again, shielding the curious brown orbs from the other male."What's a home?"

Tears gathered in the elder's eyes at the innocent yet painful question. He didn't bother to answer as he started running to his house, alarmed by how cold, how light the boy's body was. He felt like he was barely carrying more than his coat, like he wasn't holding a tiny, shaking boy in his arms.

"Sleep..."A soft, blissful mumble had interrupted the elder's inner worries, a soft yawn escaping parted lips right after it.

"No, not yet."He whispered as he hugged the freezing boy closer, picking up his pace. He knew that the boy would be in even more danger if he fell asleep, his tiny body already on its limits as its shaking only increased.

Luckily, they reached his house soon. The elder had never felt this relieved as he kicked his door open once he had managed to unlock it before rushing to the living room with the freezing teen he was holding.

"This is home..."He whispered as he ran upstairs to get a couple of thick blankets, not caring about how dirty the younger's clothes and body were. Only then did he notice that the frail boy was barely wearing anything: A thin pair of pants with many holes on it and a loose, long-sleeved T-shirt.

"This?"The boy asked as he snuggled into the comfortable warmth of the blankets, a content smile dancing on his lips that still held a faint tint of blue.

"Yes, this."The older whispered, sitting next to the small teen. He gently ruffled his hair, surprised by how soft it was despite the dirt matting it.

"I like home. Home warm."The boy whispered, the cute, childlike sentences making the elder chuckle gently.

"Yes, it sure is."He whispered as he continued to gentle play with the younger's hair."You can sleep now..."He whispered, smiling when he got a bright smile from the small boy in response.

"Goodnight..."The younger whispered, his feline eyes slipping shut. He coughed roughly a few minutes later, but by that time, he was sleeping deeply already, one of his tiny hands in the elder's.

"Jonghyun, what are you doing?"Said boy asked from himself as he let his gaze linger on the peaceful, still slightly shivering teen. He was plain gorgeous, and Jonghyun couldn't have denied it, not even if he had tried to do so.

He just couldn't help but wish that everything would go well with this beautiful, innocent boy.

AN: Eww, that was one ty beginning. Still, I hope that you guys trust me on this one xD

I wanted to update today but apparently, I'm too tired and it seems like it had been a bad idea xD

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I'm probably updating today :3 I'm some crazy 'LET'S WRITE EVERYTHING' roll o.o


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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 30: Chapter 3: I'm bawling my eyes out! :'( :'( :'( Where's the rest??????
kreiisi96 #2
Chapter 30: I want more of this
herejusttoread #3
Chapter 30: Awe this story is so cute.
Chapter 30: Just stumbled upon this cute story! So adorable! Please update soon!
Chapter 30: Hope u update soonnn~~~~ <3
Reread it again hehe love how kibum is talking
kreiisi96 #6
Chapter 30: Ahh this story is so heart warming ^^ please update pweeeaaassseee
FreezingLove #8
Chapter 30: Please update!!
Update Pleaaaaase ; A ;