The Devil Wears Glasses - Chapter 3

The Devil Wears Glasses

“Chun!” Yunho ran up to his friend who was amidst other students in the hallway.
“Yo! You’ve been missing on all the action lately and I won’t ask why,” Yoochun put an arm around his friend’s shoulders, “Rumors surely fly faster than a fly itself.”
Knowing exactly what the other guy was pertaining to, Yunho merely chuckled, “You mean, Jaejoong?”
“Who else?”
“I thought so. What’s the rumor about this time?”
“I heard you ed Mr. Notorious in your car,” Yoochun said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Yoochun was left there, standing in awe as his friend disappeared in a matter of seconds.
Yunho ran and he couldn’t remember running that fast. He squeezed between students muttering a soft excuse me. He was in deep trouble that was for certain. He was torn between fearing Jaejoong and worrying for the guy. Somehow, he can already imagine Jaejoong’s wrath which a thousand apologies might not save him from. On the other hand, he can’t tell how the guy would emotionally take the issue. As far as Yunho could recall, Jaejoong had never been in any scandal such as this and his reputation had never been tarnished so bad.
As soon as he made it to the school grounds, Jaejoong had been getting all those odd looks. It made him wonder if they were on drugs or there was something on his face. He even had to fix his eyeglasses just to make sure he didn’t leave it at home because if he did, then he’d definitely be worth most of those stares.
Trying to ignore the creepy and sometimes secretive glances, Jaejoong made it to their classroom only to find everyone staring at him as he made his entrance. He opted to just shrug it off and headed to his seat. Knowing that he still had time to kill before the teacher arrived, he utilized his time by checking his schedule for the day. At four until six, he had to meet his team to scout for the materials they needed for the decorations once Jaejoong’s proposals had the approval from the president and the Principal. That meant the research with Yunho wouldn’t have any progress today.
Upon hearing his name, Jaejoong tore his attention from his notebook only to stare at a panting Yunho. The guy seemed to have run a few miles by the looks of it.
“Sorry, I didn’t know it would turn out this way,” Yunho said in between gasps for air.
“What’s going on?” Even more confused than he was earlier, Jaejoong knitted his eyebrows out off annoyance. It was as if everyone knew something he didn’t.
Now it was Yunho’s turn to look bewildered, but it didn’t take him long to decipher and conclude that Jaejoong was unaware of the rumor, “Look, I’ll take care of everything. If you ever hear a thing, don’t pay attention to it.”
“What?” Jaejoong’s frown got deeper as his tone went up by a few notes, “I’m not answering until I find out where you’re coming from.”
Gathering all the courage he courage he could muster, Yunho made a his way in front of the class. He stood behind the table and positioned his hands on it as he straightened his arms, “Everyone, please listen.” Knowing the majority’s weakness, Yunho smiled to get their attention. “Perhaps, all of you have heard the rumor going around I want to personally tell you that it’s just indeed a rumor.”
“What exactly is going on?” Jaejoong stood up from his seat, a crease evident in between his eyebrows.

“Uhm, they said Yunho ed you in his car,” a hesitant voice shot up from the back of the class.

Yunho had to gulp at the sight of Jaejoong struck with horror.
Jaejoong chuckled, covering the initial shock. He was totally blown by the issue but he wasn’t about admitting defeat. He won’t be giving the bastard who started the rumor the satisfaction of knowing he was indeed affected, “That’s bull ,” he snorted, taking a seat. “You guys can gossip all you want, but we all know Mr. Popular right there wouldn’t take interest in the likes of yours truly.”
Oh how awful it felt, Jaejoong mused. He knew everyone secretly loathed him, but it never bothered him before. He never really cared what others take him for because he simply didn’t give a damn about their opinions but now things have gotten out of hand. They used to laugh at him behind his back, now they do it right in front of his face.
It would make anyone a fool not to notice Yunho and not have even just a tiny bit of crush on the guy. Jaejoong was no different from the rest of those “fools”. He didn’t want that simple tiny crush to step up to something deeper and messy. He wanted to keep his distance from the guy as much as he could because deep down he knew that Mr. Popular was never going to look his way and with that rumor going on, it was like they were rubbing the fact on his face - Yunho will never, ever like him.
And it actually hurt; but he couldn’t let it show. That would give everyone else the satisfaction of his misfortune.
“I’m begging you guys,” Jaejoong heard Yunho pleading, but he never looked up, “Leave Jaejoong out of this mess. I’ll say it once and for all, we never did it,” Yunho let out an audible sigh, “I haven’t even kissed him.”
Screw Yunho for making it sound like he was disappointed. Jaejoong had to grip the book he was reading tighter to keep himself from screaming. He had all the right to scream but had no reason to hence; he kept his mouth shut and his assumption to himself.
No, Jaejoong repeated in his head. Yunho didn’t sound disappointed it was just him raising his hopes up. Nope, Yunho wasn’t disappointed.
Being paired up with Jaejoong meant handing a project way before the deadline. It had only been a week and Jaejoong was calling off their daily meeting.
“It just needs finishing touches. I’m positive I can do that alone,” Jaejoong said while slipping a textbook inside his bag, not sparing Yunho a glance.
“I’d like to take part in it,” Yunho insisted, standing beside the raven’s desk as he waited for him.
“You’ve done enough,” the student council officer flatly stated.
“Hey, is this because of –”
“It’s not,” Jaejoong stood up heading towards the door and leaving Yunho behind.
Yunho ran after Jaejoong and grabbed the other’s wrist to keep him from leaving, “Wait up.”
 Glaring, Jaejoong turned to face the tall guy, “Look, I don’t wanna be caught up in the same mess again. Leave me alone,” he pulled away from Yunho’s grasp.
Needless to say, Jaejoong had been avoiding Yunho like plague. The former had cancelled their project meetings and had been nowhere in sight during the prom preparation assembly. The student council president had stated that in the mean time he’d be taking charge of Jaejoong’s position since the younger had a lot in his hands.
Yunho could only sigh. He was getting bored with the daily meetings and was starting to regret ever joining, especially when the reason he joined was no longer there.
A vibration snapped Yunho out of his trance. Fishing his phone from his pocket and found an unknown number calling, “Excuse me,” he stood up and positioned his phone close to his right ear, waiting for the president’s permission. When his upperclassman gave him a nod, he picked up the call and went to a corner, “Hello?” He questioned but he was replied with deep intakes of air, resembling a sob.
“Yunho, Yunho-ah... Jaejoong, Jaejoong is... Yunho-ah, I need your help. Jaejoong, my dearest Jaejoong. Come to our house. Please, Yunho.”
“I’ll be there,” Yunho was already running before he could even reply. He grabbed his bag from his seat around the long table where everyone gave him weird looks, “Sorry. Emergency,” It was the only thing he could mumble and before he realized, he was already at Jaejoong’s front door, knocking quite aggressively.
“Oh, hi there Yunho,” Mrs. Kim Greeted with a smile.
Yunho could only stare back in confusion.
Still smiling ear to ear, Mrs. Kim opened the door wider, “I didn’t expect you’d arrive so soon.”
“H-How’s Jaejoong?” Yunho asked, still not getting what was going on and wondering what happened to Jaejoong’s mother who had just been crying on the phone.
“Let’s talk about that inside,” the woman beamed, “we only have one hour before that PMS-ing comes out from the shower,” she lead the visitor to the leaving room, “Sit, I’ll get you something to drink.”
Yunho knew better than to bother asking himself. He knew it was The Kim Effect that had him obeying every word Mrs. Kim said. As he sat he looked round turning toward the direction of Jaejoong’s bedroom all the while trying to figure out what exactly was happening.
“Here, have some orange juice,”
Yunho turned to face Mrs. Kim who was occupying the seat across him.
“Judging by how fast you got here, I don’t need to ask the deadly question,”
Yunho was certain he saw a smirk that was gone as quick as it came.
“You like my son, right?” Mrs. Kim was now proudly smiling ear to ear again.
“I do?” Even Yunho himself didn’t know what to make out of his response. He was way too perplexed from the beginning and Jaejoong’s mom wasn’t really helping him ease his confusion, “Why did you call crying? Is he alright? Where is he?”
“Ah,” There was a smug look on the woman’s face and that I-knew-I-was-made-of-genius kind of grin tugging at the corner of her lips, “I take that as a yes. You definitely like my son. Oh, good God!”
Yunho swore that if they were in an animated movie, Mrs. Kim’s eyes would be sparkling now. So yeah, maybe he liked Jaejoong a bit, but he had never really thought of it. All he knew was he liked being around the guy. It was almost unbearably boring without Jaejoong’s presence.
“As a present for not denying the truth, I’m inviting you for dinner,” Mrs. Kim placed a finger on her lips, perhaps, thinking. “What’s your favorite dish?”
“Uhm,” Yunho hesitated in fear of sounding rude, “can you answer my questions first?”
“Questions? What questions?” The woman looked clueless, really clueless.
Yunho sighed, “Why did you call me?”
“Oh, that,” Mrs. Kim let out a sigh as she relaxed on the couch, her back meeting the backrest in a soft thud, “Jaejoong’s being weird. He’s been coming home really early, which is unusual since I know you know how many school activities he has signed up for. I don’t even know how he juggles them all. That kid is wicked. The first day he came home with the sun still up he was cussing. Screaming how stupid you were,” the woman chuckled, “So, what exactly happened? That won’t open his damn mouth.”
Looking away, Yunho scratched the back of his head, “Well, it was partly my fault. There was a rumor going around because of that day I bugged Jaejoong about sending him home. He refused getting in my car but I was persistent,” he sighed, fumbling with his fingers. “From that, other students got the idea that we,” Yunho hesitated, feeling extremely awkward with what he was about to say, especially when he was facing a straight-faced Mrs. Kim, “you know,” he tried to give a hint, suggestively raising his eyebrows.
“You what?” A look of mischief surfaced the woman’s features.
“They thought, we –” Yunho gulped, still unable to at least mumble the next words.
“Lemme guess. You banged my Joongie.”
“Yeah,” Yunho sighed. “I mean, it’s what the rumor says but I promise I never did such thing. I swear,” he added upon realizing how wrong his initial answer sounded.
“Relax,Yunho-dear. In fact, I don’t see any problem with that, whether it happened or not and I think it would have been good for you two. Jaejoong has always been so tight. He needs to loosen up a bit.”
Yunho’s eyes widened.
“The look on your face says that didn’t sound right,” Mrs. Kim chuckled. “I was saying he’s always been uptight.”
“Oh,” Yunho nodded in realization.
“But hey, I like the way you think. So I’m giving you the key to the bathroom. You can do him ‘til dinner’s ready.”
The way Mrs. Kim was saying such thing so casually never failed to amuse Yunho, “Uhm, thanks. But I don’t wanna die. So I’ll pass,” he forced a smile, “for now,” he muttered.
Mrs. Kim smiled, “Smart move. How does Italian dinner sound?”
“Are you kidding? Pizza’s always been my comfort food.”
“I’m looking forward to see you bow down to my cooking skillz.”
“Do you need a hand?”
“Nah,” Mrs. Kim stood up. “Jaejoong should be out soon. I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”
Needless to say, Yunho was ignored during the whole dinner even with Mrs. Kim subtly helping him to get Jaejoong talk to him.
“Why don’t you walk our visitor to the door honey,” Mrs. Kim slyly smiled.
“Mom, what’s with that tone?” Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure your guest has his own pair of legs to walk himself out.”
“Oh no, you didn’t.”
“Yes I did.”
Yunho could only watch the exchange. He was actually surprised to see Jaejoong putting up a fight.
Mrs, Kim laughed half-heartedly, “Someone’s up for some slap.”
“Ugh,” Jaejoong rolled his eyes in defeat, “fine. Follow me,” he finally turned to look at Yunho for the first time that night.
“Thanks a lot for the dinner. Best pizza I had in years.”
“You’re always welcome.”
The short walk was in complete silence and the next thing Yunho knew, Jaejoong was closing the door right before his face, “Wait!” he placed a hand against the door, keeping it ajar, “Why do you keep avoiding me?”
“Who says I’m avoiding anyone?” Jaejoong crossed his arms, his head turned to his left.
“Look,” Yunho kept his intent gaze on the other, “I didn’t want it to happen. I wasn’t expecting it just as much as you. I’m really sorry.”
Jaejoong remained unresponsive with a stern look on his face.
“Jae,” Yunho pleaded, trying to get a hold of Jaejoong’s wrist.
“What?” Jaejoong swatted the taller guy’s hand.
Yunho tried to hold his laughter at how Jaejoong got all worked up with just a touch, “Can I at least get a goodnight kiss before I leave?” He joked, trying to lighten up the situation. Once again, he was surprised at the unfamiliar sight of a blush on the other’s cheeks.
“Shut up!!”
The door was shut close with a loud thud.
“Goodnight, Jaejoong. See you tomorrow,” Yunho said through the door. That night, he went home with a smile.
Jaejoong had prepared himself or at least he thought he had, for that fateful day – that day everyone would poke fun at him. Little did he know, he still wasn’t prepared enough to see an edited picture of him – on a bed – large enough for everyone to see.
The most painful thing about it was he probably deserved it. It didn’t help that he was alone with no one to help him. If only he was here.
Rooted on the ground, Jaejoong started noticing the disgusted looks thrown at him. The mocking laughter around him seemed to be getting louder and louder and for the first time, he felt every bit of control slip from his hands. He knew he couldn’t do anything, anything at all to stop them, to tell them to stop looking because he had never felt so ashamed of himself.
These people wanted to see him cry and Jaejoong wouldn’t allow himself cry, even if it was the most appealing thing to do.
The laughter didn’t seem to die down and the stares were still piercing him thoroughly. Jaejoong wanted nothing more than to run away, and ran he did; only to find Yunho right before his face as he bumped against the tall guy.
And that was when Jaejoong cried.
The feel of Yunho’s arms protectively wrapped around him was more than he could ask for. It was as if Jaejoong was clinging onto him for his dear life. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yunho, almost mechanically, as he buried his face against the guy’s chest.
And he cried even more. Never in his life had he felt so safe.
“Someone put that thing down,” There wasn’t the usual kindness in Yunho’s tone, “Now.”
Feeling brave enough, Jaejoong looked up at Yunho and found the latter looking back at him.
“Hush, it’s gone,” Yunho landed chaste kiss on the guy’s forehead, letting his lips linger just a bit longer.
Jaejoong wanted to mutter his appreciation but was unable to do so. He was too astounded to even speak a word as he felt Yunho’s warm lips against his heated skin. All he could do was just keep looking up at the guy who left him breathless.
Yunho looked away from Jaejoong after a reassuring smile, “I suggest every one of you not to let me know who did this. I can’t promise you that you would like what I will do,” With that, Yunho took Jaejoong’s hand and lead the latter to their class.
As if nothing ever happened, things went back to the way they were. Everyone acted like that day hadn’t gone by. Everything was just back to normal - except for one thing.
Yunho had been allowed, although not officially declared, to hang around Jaejoong for as much as he wished. He was even given the authority to chill at the student council’s office as if he was a part of it.
Neither of the two spoke about the incident. Their conversations, if they can even be called conversations, was mostly bickering – Yunho teasing Jaejoong with the latter always ending up annoyed but not mad, never mad.
“The prom is two days from now,” Yunho leaned on the table, resting his arms on it as he watched Jaejoong who was busy typing on his laptop, “Has anyone asked you to be his date?”
Jaejoong tore his attention from his laptop, momentarily glaring at Yunho through his glasses before going back to work, “What am I, a girl?”
“I guess that’s a no,” Yunho smiled to himself, “Will you be my date?”
Once again, Jaejoong stopped typing as his fingers froze but he didn’t look up, “Stop kidding,” he said as his fingers found the right keys.
“I’m not,” the taller chuckled, “Please be my date.”
“Stop fooling around.”
“I’m being serious.”
“Shut up!”
“What can I do to make you say yes?”
“Walk around the campus – ,” Jaejoong said instantly.
“If that’s what it takes,” Yunho stood up, making the other look up at him. One by one, the buttons of his uniform got undone, his fingers casually working on them.
“What are you doing?” Jaejoong glared as Yunho threw his top off.
“Err - getting ?” Yunho’s hands began to fumble with his belt, its buckle making audible clinks.
Laughing awkwardly, Jaejoong set his gaze back on the screen, “You can’t do it.”
Yunho laughed along, “We’ll see,” he dragged the zipper down, making sure it made a sound. He took note of how Jaejoong’s face slowly got flushed. In a soft thud, his pants landed on the floor. “Should I take my briefs off as well?” When he looked at Jaejoong, the guy’s eyes were tightly shut, “I think I better keep it. I don’t want to be expelled,” he walked towards the door. The ring on his finger clanked again the door knob as he twisted it open, “I’ll see you later,” The door creaked as he started turning the handle.
“STOP!” Jaejoong still had his eyes closed, “Close the damn door!”
Yunho’s smile couldn’t get any wider. He closed the door, strutting towards Jaejoong. He leaned across the table and extended an arm to touch Jaejoong’s cheek to steal a kiss.
And the door creaked open.
“Yo,” Yoochun nudged his friend as they walked to their first class, “Heard the latest news?”
“I suppose it’s about me again,” Yunho chuckled.
“And Jaejoong. Rumor has it you did it with him, again, in the student’s council’s office. They say the president caught you.”
“Half true,” the tall guy casually replied.
 “Seriously, what’s the real score between you two? And what’s with that reaction. The last time there was a rumor, you were scared less.”
“There’s nothing to get worked up about this time, we’re a couple,” Yunho grinned.
“No we’re not. Excuse me,” Jaejoong passed through with the quickest steps.
“See you around,” Yunho left after Jaejoong, leaving his friend behind.
“Let me go!” Jaejoong yelled when he felt a familiar arm around his waist.
“Good morning,” Yunho landed another kiss on Jaejoong’s cheek and was pushed away the next second.
Jaejoong yelped, reaping the silence of the library and accidentally shutting the book he was reading, “What?” He adjusted his glasses.
Yunho pulled a chair across his self-declared boyfriend, “Italian cook book? You’re not planning to cook for me, are you?”
“Dream on.”
“Jaejoong,” Yunho called with just the slightest hint of sweetness on his tone.
“Hmm?” Jaejoong replied without looking up.
Clearly not satisfied with the other’s reaction, Yunho stood up and kissed Jaejoong’s forehead. He smirked; he now had the other’s attention.
“Will you stop doing that?”
“Doing what?”
“Kissing me without permission.”

“But you won’t let me if I ask.”
“Says who?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“See?” Yunho sighed and looked away, feeling totally dejected, “I should get going. You must be busy,” he stood up and left the library. He really thought he had a chance with Jaejoong.
A grip on his wrist halted Yunho’s steps. He turned, only to find Jaejoong on tiptoes and he got the kiss that made his day.
“See you at the prom tomorrow,” Jaejoong adjusted his glasses and ran off.
It was past ten and Yunho have yet to get a hold of Jaejoong. The other was too busy as he was practically the head of the whole event, the genius behind the scene.
The event was successful and Yunho was quite happy being a part of the preparations. He was overjoyed seeing everyone having a good time, swaying to good music under the multi-colored lights. He only wished he had Jaejoong to sway with. Letting out a sigh, he felt his phone vibrating, “Be back in a sec,” he excused himself from his friends.
“Hello. Mrs. Kim?”
“I’m flattered you recognized me. I’ll get to the point. Take Jaejoong home with you tonight.”
Yunho was speechless, still not getting the hang of Mrs. Kim’s quirks.
“You may have Jaejoong all night. Tell him I went out with my friends. The house is locked and I won’t be back ‘til tomorrow. I made up a perfect excuse since I figured you’re not a very good liar. Don’t worry about anything. He already knows, I texted him. I just thought I’d give you a heads up.”
“Uh, okay.”
“That would be all. Just in case you’re not prepared for this night, I threw a lube in Jae’s bag; of course, without him knowing. Good luck!”
“Thanks, I guess,” Yunho cynically eyed his phone.
“Come in.”
Jaejoong took slow steps, observing the interior of Yunho’s condo unit.
“I live alone, so there’s not much to see.”
“I think it’s pretty neat. Show me around. I wanna see your room.”
“Uh, not my room. Anywhere but my room.”
“Where are you planning to let me stay? On the couch?”
“You can have the guest room,” Yunho received a glare.
“But I wanna see your room! And you’ll show me right now.”
“I hope he doesn’t kill me,” Yunho muttered to himself.
“Did you say anything?”
“No, my room’s this way,” Yunho took the shorter guy’s hand and lead him. He opened the door and let Jaejoong in.
“What the –” Jaejoong’s eyes met a rather familiar poster on Yunho’s wall. Indeed, it was the - picture of him. He threw Yunho a glare.
Scratching his head, Yunho tried to save his , “Well, no one told me I can’t keep it…so I took it.”
“I’m so gonna kill you, Jung Yunho,” Jaejoong screamed at the top of his lungs, getting ready to jump on Yunho.
It was unbelievably hard to like Jaejoong, but Yunho liked him anyway.



This has come to an end. I was testing the waters here on AFF if it's safe enough to publish everything on my livejournal account here.

I hope you had fun reading. I'd love to hear from you. I'm quite bored atm, has no one to spazz about Yunjae with. So if anyone's on twitter right now, twit me up @tora_robin . ♥

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Chapter 3: i wish there was more ^_^. it is nice to read yunjae like this not the usual overly feminine JJ. i love it. thanks for sharing!
leanonme #2
MiszCJung #3
Chapter 3: Soooo cute! Make me wanna be a high schooler... again! :)
leanonme #4
Chapter 3: Rereading this , I love every single piece of it ❤
Chapter 3: Omaigad!!! Please I want more. Its so funny. I keep on laughing on Mrs Kim scenes. Hahahhah everything is so funny and gorgeous. Your work is truly gorgeous. I love it. Thanks for sharing. ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh plssssssssssssssssssssss. my heaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrttttt. this is too shooooooort. ohh my feeeeeeelsssssss
idk where I read this. whether in LJ or here. so I just went here to subscribe and upvote. tee hee :D
or maybe i'll just re-read it.
Chapter 3: Heyyy I remember read this along time ago but why I didn't subscribe this? Glad I found it back! I love jae's mom here she's awesome! And yeah jae really need to loose up lol
andieen #9
Chapter 3: hahahahaha....dorky yunho.... i love it, thank you author-nim. ^^
Chapter 3: hahahaha i love this story, very funny... the strict jae and naughty yunho.. he even keep that poster wkwkwkwk good job authornim..made my day, indeed~