The Devil Wears Glasses - Chapter 1

The Devil Wears Glasses

The next two weeks would be the hell of all hells for Jung Yunho. If being paired up with the infamous Kim Jaejoong for a research project wasn’t a big indication, he didn’t know what was. “Uhm, hello there,” Yunho greeted as he approached the raven haired Jaejoong.
“Sit down,” Jaejoong didn’t even an eyebrow while he fixed the creaseless papers on his desk before taking his eyeglasses off, “Jung Yunho, right?” He asked or more like stated, still not giving his new companion a glance.
“Yes,” Yunho thanked the heavens that he didn’t stutter. This was practically the most nerve wracking experience he had so far. To be sitting alone with the renowned vice president of the student council was way beyond his imagination. It was something he wouldn’t dare to even dream about.
“I think the cover should be black with purple details,” the vice president suggested with a tone way to far from how a suggestion should sound; thus, it sounded more like a statement than a proposal. 
“Shouldn’t we think about the content first?” Yunho knew it was a wrong move to make a suggestion, especially when it opposed Jaejoong’s. His assumption was only proven when the serious-looking raven finally turned to him, looking at him through the black-framed glasses he usually had on.
“Are you saying that my idea was terrible? So terrible that you’re going against it as soon as I brought it up? Besides, I remember Mr. Choi repeating this twice – be creative,” Jaejoong quoted without breaking eye contact with Yunho. “Moreover, it’s the cover that would be evaluated first and foremost. It would either keep or lose one’s interest,” he stated in one breath.
Of course, after getting his fair share of lecture, Yunho was left with no other choice but to agree, “Black and purple then.”
“Oh, I think black and gold would be better. What do you think?”
As if Yunho had a say in it at all, “I think so too.” Apparently, agreeing was the tall guy’s only role and would remain as that for the next two weeks.
Never take Yunho wrong though. He didn’t have anything against Jaejoong though it seemed so. It was just that he would prefer not having the guy around, and he wasn’t speaking for himself alone. Definitely majority, if not all of the students could sympathize with him.
Well, who wouldn’t?
Jaejoong was known to have changed the meaning of being notorious. Nope, he wasn’t infamous for beating people up, or at least not physically. Instead, he was known to be one hell of a control freak.
“I’ll be at the student council office during lunch,” Jaejoong stated as he fixed his glasses before typing away on his laptop. “Bring the request letter with your class representative’s signature at 12:36pm,” he tore his attention from the screen to focus on the not-so-trembling freshman who wanted to borrow a broom from the facilities and maintenance staff. “Not a minute before and not a second later Twelve thirty-six. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-yes,” the boy dashed away in a flash.
“Wait. Can you tell someone that I don’t like the sight of the trash can near the office? Of course you can. Tell them to move it somewhere else.”
By someone, the poor kid knew Jaejoong actually meant him.
With a smooth swing, Yunho shut the door of his car close sweeping countless girls off their feet in the process.
It was undeniable how popular the tall brunette was among the girls, but that didn’t mean he was a typical playboy, nuh-uh. Despite the status a.k.a. popularity, Yunho stayed glued to the ground, level headed, which of course made him more admired than he already was. Moreover, he wasn’t the “only-looks-but-brainless kind of guy.” He may not be close to the even more brainy Kim Jaejoong, but at least they weren’t oceans apart. The guy was actually responsible unlike the rest of his kind.
Yunho replied every greeting thrown his direction with a warm smile as he made his way to his first class. That was basically how his morning went by every single day. Well, at least that was how it used to be before he was paired up with Mr. Notorious.
Upon hearing his name, Yunho’s expression turned sour and he quickened his pace as if he didn’t hear a thing.
“Jung! Stop right there, don’t make me run after you,” Jaejoong yelled, stopping not only his target but everyone within hearing range as well.
And just like that, Yunho’s hope of having a peaceful morning went in vain. He stopped in his track, sighed and turned around, “Oh, good morning Jaejoong-shi,” he greeted, exerting extra effort to force a smile.
The handsome guy’s greeting was ignored as Jaejoong went straight to business, “Are you free at 4:30? We have things to discuss. I’ll meet you at the library.”
Yunho narrowed his eyes while he recalled if he had any appointment. He remembered he had promised to help Junsu choose a gift for his lover at four and he wasn’t sure if he could make in time, “I –”
“I have a 30-minute meeting with the council at four, an event to plan at five, some laundry to pick up at six, dinner to prepare at six-thirty, dinner at seven and some home works to do at seven thirty. Unless you have the heart to cut my much needed sleep, then we can reschedule our meeting.”
Again, Yunho found himself agreeing for he had no other choice as he started thinking how to apologize to Junsu, “See you at 4:30 then,” Jaejoong gave a brief nod before he made his exit, leaving Yunho rooted to the ground. It half-amused-half-irritated Yunho how the guy could manipulate him just like that. He could already imagine himself going down to his knees with a snap of Jaejoong’s fingers.
With a little luck on Yunho’s side, Junsu had always been a sweetheart and understood his situation. Besides, Junsu wouldn’t dare cross Jaejoong. After assuring the tall guy that he can pick a gift on his own, he let Yunho off.
After mumbling his gratitude and apology, Yunho excused himself. It was 15 minutes before their call time but Yunho couldn’t afford to be late and get his head bitten off. When he made it to the library, his heart skipped a bit as soon as he found Jaejoong flipping a thick book as he sat alone on the corner, “Sorry,” Yunho panted after dashing to Jaejoong’s direction.
In contrast with Yunho’s slightly alarmed state, the brainy guy calmly looked up, “Don’t be. The meeting was cancelled. I seemed to have ruined one of your appointments,” Jaejoong held the other guy’s gaze.
Was it just Yunho or was Jaejoong, Mr. Notorious, actually sounded apologetic? “Oh, it’s okay, really.” He was born a gentleman and will die as one, thus, Yunho couldn’t help but let it slip. With Jaejoong staring up at him like that, there was no way he could get mad. Come to think of it, he never had a chance to gaze at his classmate so openly, not until now.
Yunho had to admit, despite Jaejoong’s reputation, he was quite a looker. No, scratch that. Jaejoong was definitely good-looking, albeit it leaned more on the feminine side; too bad for him though; his beauty was overshadowed by his attitude. And attitude, Jaejoong had; A huge one at that. Therefore, the vice president was disliked by many if not all and if it wasn’t for being appointed by the principal himself, Jaejoong wouldn’t have secured his title.
Being quite a socialite, Yunho was aware of one fact about Jaejoong. The guy was disliked by everyone for two reasons and he could classify who fell on what category. One, they hated Jaejoong’s guts; two, they were insecure. Well come on! Jaejoong was gorgeous and definitely got a kick figure. If it wasn’t for his attitude, he’d certainly have both es trailing behind him.
It was only now that Yunho had proven for himself how true the infamous beauty of Mr. Notorious was. He used to think Jaejoong was being overrated when some guys would be discussing his classmate’s looks; it was no wonder why Yunho couldn’t help being a gentleman around him. It almost felt like he was with a girl. Maybe, just maybe two weeks with Jaejoong wouldn’t be so bad.
“If you have something else you’d rather do than sit here with me, go ahead. But see to it that when it strikes four thirty, you’d be here,” he looked away from the tall guy and brought his attention back to his book. To his surprise, Yunho pulled a chair at his right side. He opted to ignore the other one’s presence but when he felt Yunho’s gaze had been lingering for too long, it started to get on his nerves. “What?” He adjusted his glasses once more to calm himself down.
“It turns out, I have nothing else to do but sit here with you,” Yunho copied the feminine boy’s words as he relaxed on his seat, leaning against the back rest.
“Look,” Jaejoong turned to his right, “You wouldn’t want to be seen with me.”
“Why won’t I?”
“Don’t be stupid. You’re popular. You wouldn’t want to tarnish your image.”
“Technically speaking, you are popular too,” Yunho didn’t know it would give him so much pleasure seeing the almighty Jaejoong slowly crumbling under him. Not exactly crumbling but at least the guy was giving his issue some thought instead of the usual I’ll-shut-you-up-with-a-few-words attitude. Really, he didn’t hate the guy or anything, it was just fun seeing Jaejoong shaken out of his flawless system. And to think that he was the only one who had done this so far, oh boy was he in bliss.
“But for an opposite reason,” Jaejoong retorted.
“I see. I’m surprised though. It’s an honor that you actually know who I am,” Yunho silently wished Jaejoong would always have a spare time like this so he wouldn’t be the slave driver that he normally was.
“I might be an outcast but I’m not dense.”
“The image should be at the lower right. It is way too unoriginal placing it at the center. Besides, it’s too distracting and we could add more information that way,” Jaejoong suggested in his signature whatever-I-say-goes tone.
“Sure thing,” Yunho accepted without further retaliation. He was getting the hang of it, really.
“So, we should do our individual research and compile them together.”
Yunho nodded, he couldn’t remember nodding so much just in one day.
“Let’s call it a day,” Jaejoong picked his things up and neatly placed them inside his bag, “I’ll see you tomorrow, same time, same place, with the researched data,” he stood up after fixing his eyeglasses once more.
“Hold on,” Yunho stood up as well before Jaejoong could finally leave. “I can drop you off at the Laundromat.”
“I don’t need anyone’s help. I’ve been picking up the laundry for four years and it won’t hurt making it five.”
“Bu – ”
“Leave me alone,” If Yunho was persistent, Jaejoong was stubborn.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the read.

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Chapter 3: i wish there was more ^_^. it is nice to read yunjae like this not the usual overly feminine JJ. i love it. thanks for sharing!
leanonme #2
MiszCJung #3
Chapter 3: Soooo cute! Make me wanna be a high schooler... again! :)
leanonme #4
Chapter 3: Rereading this , I love every single piece of it ❤
Chapter 3: Omaigad!!! Please I want more. Its so funny. I keep on laughing on Mrs Kim scenes. Hahahhah everything is so funny and gorgeous. Your work is truly gorgeous. I love it. Thanks for sharing. ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh plssssssssssssssssssssss. my heaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrttttt. this is too shooooooort. ohh my feeeeeeelsssssss
idk where I read this. whether in LJ or here. so I just went here to subscribe and upvote. tee hee :D
or maybe i'll just re-read it.
Chapter 3: Heyyy I remember read this along time ago but why I didn't subscribe this? Glad I found it back! I love jae's mom here she's awesome! And yeah jae really need to loose up lol
andieen #9
Chapter 3: hahahahaha....dorky yunho.... i love it, thank you author-nim. ^^
Chapter 3: hahahaha i love this story, very funny... the strict jae and naughty yunho.. he even keep that poster wkwkwkwk good job authornim..made my day, indeed~