The Devil Wears Glasses - Chapter 2

The Devil Wears Glasses

Before the teacher arrived, Jaejoong took the opportunity to discuss a thing or two with his classmates. He went straight to the teacher’s desk in front of the class as soon as he reached their classroom. “Listen everyone,” He set his bag on the desk once he got everyone’s attention. “As we all know, the prom will be in three weeks time.”
“Psh. Does he even have the right to blab like that?” A girl from the back whispered. “I’m sick of his voice!”
“Hey missy,” Jaejoong fixed his glass as he focused on the girl with pigtail hair. “If you have nothing better to blab about, shut your mouth ‘cause no one’s asking for your poor opinion. As for your question, I do have such right. Go ask the president if you may. That is, if you can.” He rolled his eyes before continuing. “As I was saying before I got interrupted, the council held an online meeting last night regarding prom. It had been concluded that the council is lacking some hands and therefore we would need your help. The president and I had decided to select three students from each class to help us prepare for the said event.” Jaejoong had to take a deep breath after a pretty long talk. “So, if there are any volunteers raise your hand now or I’ll be appointing them myself and before anyone questions me again, I do have this right as well.”
As the vice president stood there waiting for any volunteers, nobody dared to speak. They didn’t want to get Jaejoong’s attention. Working with him wasn’t really what anyone would look forward to.
Amidst the silence, a hand shot up. “Count me in.” Yunho didn’t know exactly what he was getting himself into. He just felt like it was all.
Jaejoong narrowed his eyes, “You are aware that once you’re in, there’s no way out, yes?”
“Of course,” Yunho answered with confidence. After yesterday’s meeting with Jaejoong, he found out that really there was nothing to fear, thus the confidence. He ignored the questioning looks shot at him, quite aware of what they might be thinking. Mr. Popular being paired up with Mr. Notorious had caused quite a stir; so perhaps everyone was asking what was up between them.
“Jung-shi is in; two more spots up for grab.”
Unlike a minute or so ago, the room was filled with “Me!”, “Me!” and “Me!” Obviously, they were all after Yunho and they couldn’t afford to miss the opportunity to work with him, especially when the guy had the sign – single – on his forehead.
Once Jaejoong had selected two more students, he took his bag from the table, “I’ll see the three of you at four, we have a meeting at the function hall with the others,” he stated before going straight his seat.
As the meeting went by, Yunho managed to hold his laughter in as he watched the discussion unfold. He had never been part of the student council so he had no clue as to how they settle things whenever they hold a meeting. Apparently, Jaejoong had been giving these endless, but he had to admit logical, suggestions to the president which the latter couldn’t help but agree to. Yunho found it funny how he could see himself in the president’s position and for Christ’s sake! It was the president who was submitting under Jaejoong.
In the middle of all the discussions, they had to assign who will work on what with whom. Once again, Yunho volunteered himself under Jaejoong’s division which earned the tall guy a death glare. They were assigned to work on the stage and decorations with two other girls on their team.
Within a few more minutes, they called it a day and everyone started taking their leave.
“Jung.” Jaejoong called.
“Whatever.” The crease on Jaejoong’s forehead was indication enough that this Yunho guy was irritating him. “Wait for me at the library, the president gave me some errands to run. Take my laptop with you.” The guy had been bugging him more and more lately. He couldn’t understand why and he didn’t like that feeling of having something beyond his knowledge.
“I’ll go with you.”
See? It was as if the guy was intentionally trying to get on Jaejoong’s nerves. “No.”
“I don’t mind. I could help you if you want,” Yunho insisted, offering his hands to take the laptop from the slightly shorter guy.
“No is a no, Jung.”
Rolling his eyes, Jaejoong huffed as he turned around, “Do what you want, Jung,” He handed his laptop to the other before walking away, “Maintain a meter distance.”
It felt rather silly but Yunho can’t help feeling giddy over winning an argument with Jaejoong, a teeny-weeny bit of argument for god’s sake! He wasn’t sure himself what he was trying to get at by trailing behind Jaejoong. He just felt like it and since an easygoing person he went with the flow.
Yunho watched as Jaejoong pointed to a boy whom he assumed to be a freshman.
“Tuck you’re your shirt in. It’s in the rules, section three, rule number six.”
“Okay,” the poor boy answered, almost quivering as he remained unmoving under Jaejoong’s watchful eyes.
“What? You want me to tuck it in for you?” Jaejoong spat.
Deciding to get involved in the action, Yunho slung an arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder. “I’m sure he could do that on his own,” he signaled the boy to get going as he distracted Mr. Notorious.
“Hands off,” Jaejoong fixed his glasses for the nth time. “One meter, Jung-shi.”
Just when Yunho thought he was getting somewhere, there he was back to square one as he helplessly nodded at Jaejoong’s order. He thought Jaejoong was like a rollercoaster ride. One second it’s okay and the next, it’s not and Yunho no longer knew what to expect.
When they made it to the library, Jaejoong turned to his laptop to show his partner his researched information, “That’s all I managed to find.”
Whether Jaejoong was being sarcastic or for real, Yunho couldn’t tell as he had to fight the urge to gap. The research he found was totally useless as Jaejoong already had everything covered. “I-I see,” he felt rather embarrassed for being of no use in their team; as if he just let a girl treat him to a movie.
“I suggest we discuss them randomly. I mean, if we arranged them according to their popularity and contribution, it would be boring once you get to the latter half.”
Although saying no sounded so tempting, Yunho didn’t dare to voice it out, “Are you picking up some laundry again?”
“What? We’re in the middle of a discussion here. Stop asking irrelevant questions.”
“It’s already five. Our meeting is officially over.” Yunho checked the clock plastered near the librarian’s desk once more.
“Correction, one minute to five and since you already wasted those precious 60 seconds, you may go home.”
Deciding to pick his guts up, Yunho retorted, challenging the shorter guy with his stare, “Not until you answer my question.”
“I’m afraid I don’t feel the need to do so,” Jaejoong momentarily look at the popular guy before gathering his things.
“Come on, just one question and I’ll leave you alone,” The handsome guy’s gaze softened.
Jaejoong gave Yunho a cynical look before sighing, “Fine.”
“Where are you headed to?”
“Oh, can I drop you off?”
“You said just one question. That’s cheating!”
“How ‘bout, I’ll drop you off,” Without further ado, Yunho slung his bag on his shoulder as he picked up Jaejoong’s and placed it on the other shoulder. He ran off with the effeminate guy’s bag, leaving the guy alone with no other choice but to run after him.
“Hey! That’s my bag!”
“SILENCE! You’re in the library.”
Jaejoong’s face reddened in an instant. Never once in his life was he scolded in front of other people like that. He ran, wanting to disappear from everyone’s view, “You!” He yelled once he found Yunho standing outside the library. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? I know you hate me, but to that point?”
“Huh? What happened?” Yunho was clueless to the cause of the sudden outburst. 
Jaejoong’s face flushed once again as he remembered what had happened just a minute ago, “Nothing! Give me my bag. You said you’ll leave me alone.”
“I did, but I didn’t tell you when,” The tall guy grinned from ear to ear.
“You cheat. What do you want from me anyway?” Jaejoong was officially irritated now. He couldn’t pinpoint Yunho’s motives. He had no idea what the guy wanted from him and by the looks of it, Yunho wouldn’t be feeding his curiosity. Jaejoong was used to living his life and doing things with a goal in mind, thus, he couldn’t understand how Yunho could do just about anything without a reason.
“Nothing. I just want to send you home.”
“I have my own fully functioning pair of legs. I can go home on my own.”
“Okay. Your bag says see you tomorrow,” Yunho began to retreat.
Jaejoong huffed as he rolled his eyes, thinking that he just found the most annoying person. Before his usually quick-functioning brain could register, he found himself seated in Yunho’s car beside Yunho with his arms crossed in front of his chest while the other guy had a smug look on his face.
“Oh, before I forget. I don’t hate you,” Yunho glanced sideways but was ignored. “Not to that point,” he added which earned him a smack his arm.
“At the next block, that’s my house,” the shorter guy pointed to show Yunho where he should drop him off at.
“Oh,” Yunho keenly looked at the pink house as his left. “So this is it.”
Jaejoong unlocked the door and took his bag. “Well, I owe you one. Thanks for the ride,” he went out and walked over to the other side.
Yunho rolled the window down. “No problem.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow at four,” Jaejoong bended lower so his face was in level with Yunho’s.
“Sure thing,” Yunho smiled at Jaejoong enjoying the opportunity to once again gaze at the other guy’s feminine features.
“Oh, honey! You’re home,” An energetic voice came from the background.
“Oh ,” Jaejoong mumbled as he turned.
“I see you brought company. Why don’t you invite him inside?”
“Mom, he’s busy. He had to go somewhere, right?” The feminine boy turned back to Yunho and eyed him meaningfully.
“Not really, I could kill some time,” Yunho smirked at Jaejoong’s obviously fired up face.
“Well then, come in. I’ll make something for you,” she left the boys as she went inside first.
“Oh, honey,” The taller of the two mimicked the woman’s tone. “Aren’t you inviting your guest in?” Yunho teased.
After a final glare, Jaejoong rolled his eyes before turning on his heel, “Come in.” He went inside and led the other guy to the leaving room. “Sit down. I’ll go change,” He loosened his tie and started ing his uniform as he made his way to his room.
“Wow,” Yunho said to no one in particular. He was in awe, obviously. Everything in the house was just so…pink. Now, he knew why the guy didn’t want to let him in at first. It also explained why Jaejoong had this undeniable girly-ness in him.
“Where’s my honey-bun?” The woman came back with a tray in her hands, “I’m Eunchan by the way, Jae’s mom.”
“Nice to meet you Auntie, I’m Yunho,” He got up to bow at the lady; “Jaejoong went to change.” 
“That silly boy. I’m sorry, it’s his first time bringing a friend home so don’t expect him to know how to entertain a guest,” Eunchan giggled as he set the pitcher and the glasses down the center table.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind at all.”
“Here, have some juice while I finish up the cookies. Just wait here Jae will be here in a moment,” She disappeared with the tray and the next thing Yunho heard from her was a yell, “Bring your sweet piece of down here, you !”
Chuckling to himself, Yunho realized where or whom rather, Jaejoong got his personality from.
Blushing, Jaejoong ran down the stairs with a pair of shorts and a shirt without his glasses on. He went to the living room where Yunho was and sat across the tall guy, “Pretend you didn’t hear a thing.” He sent Yunho a stern look which the guy replied with a playful one, “What?” He questioned when Yunho’s stare started to get unnerving.
“You look better without glasses,” Yunho answered, making sure he said it straightforwardly. To prove that he wasn’t lying and well, he wasn’t. Jaejoong just looked unearthly with those doe eyes.
Jaejoong ignored Yunho, got up without a word and was just about to leave his guest alone until Yunho spoke up again.
“Are you leaving me alone again?”
“I just need to get my glasses,” Jaejoong shot back. “Why do I even have to answer such question?” He mumbled to himself, obviously confused at his act.
“Don’t. I prefer you without them on.”
“That’s exactly why I have to get it.”
“Sweetie, are you having an argument with the guest?” Jaejoong’s mom butted in.
“No. I was just teasing him, right?” The effeminate guy gave Yunho a fake smile.
Though it was fake, Yunho found himself blinking at the sight of Jaejoong’s smile which he had seen for the first time, “R-right.”
“Do you boys need privacy? Oh yes you do. Go take him to your room baby. I’ll get the tray so you can have your snack up in Jae’s room.”
“No mo – ”
“Off to your room baby,” Eunchan gave her son a look that simply meant “go-or-die.”
“Yes mom.”
Yunho had never seen Jaejoong being bossed around like that and the sight amused him to no end. Seriously, he never figured he could meet a person who could have Jaejoong in the palm of their hands. He made a mental note to get tips from her when given the opportunity. He wanted to boss Jaejoong around even just once in his lifetime! When the woman came back, Yunho offered to take the tray, “I’ll take care of that.”
“You’re our guest, you shouldn’t be doing that,” Eunchan argued.
“I insist.”
“Awww, honey. You found such a nice friend,” Eunchan said, almost squealing as she pinched her son’s cheek, “Go take him to your room. Treat him well, alright?”
Perhaps, Jaejoong wasn’t as scary as everyone made him seem to be. Yunho smirked.

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Chapter 3: i wish there was more ^_^. it is nice to read yunjae like this not the usual overly feminine JJ. i love it. thanks for sharing!
leanonme #2
MiszCJung #3
Chapter 3: Soooo cute! Make me wanna be a high schooler... again! :)
leanonme #4
Chapter 3: Rereading this , I love every single piece of it ❤
Chapter 3: Omaigad!!! Please I want more. Its so funny. I keep on laughing on Mrs Kim scenes. Hahahhah everything is so funny and gorgeous. Your work is truly gorgeous. I love it. Thanks for sharing. ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh plssssssssssssssssssssss. my heaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrttttt. this is too shooooooort. ohh my feeeeeeelsssssss
idk where I read this. whether in LJ or here. so I just went here to subscribe and upvote. tee hee :D
or maybe i'll just re-read it.
Chapter 3: Heyyy I remember read this along time ago but why I didn't subscribe this? Glad I found it back! I love jae's mom here she's awesome! And yeah jae really need to loose up lol
andieen #9
Chapter 3: hahahahaha....dorky yunho.... i love it, thank you author-nim. ^^
Chapter 3: hahahaha i love this story, very funny... the strict jae and naughty yunho.. he even keep that poster wkwkwkwk good job authornim..made my day, indeed~