Chen is... GAY?

Unstoppable Marriage




Author’s POV


Chen was sent to the guidance office right away. He sits casually on the swivel chair, waiting for the guidance counselor to arrive. He doesn’t look nervous at all. Well, it’s not like it’s his first time being there. No, it wasn’t. Kim Jongdae has sent to the guidance office many times that your fingers are not enough to count it. Usually, if you get to see the guidance counselor three times, you ought to pack your bags and get ready to be kicked out. But everything is different when Chen’s name is involved. They wouldn’t risk kicking him out and letting other schools have him. Chen defines real talent. He defines talent.

“I was expecting you again here, Mr. Kim.” The counselor finally arrived. “But I didn’t expect you in the first week of school.” He added before sitting in front of Chen. Chen doesn’t smile, he just looks.

“Are you not going to defend yourself for this?”

“I’m not here to defend myself from doing something I clearly did.” Jongdae simply answers.

“I heard about your mother and about what happened to your… family. Is this the reason why you’re trolling around? Making pranks on the students? Having them humiliated in front of the class?”

“Please just get to the point. I’m doing this for fun.”

“So if you get bored again, you’re gonna do something to Do Kyungsoo, another transfer student?

“I don’t think so.” Chen chuckled this time. “I know Do Kyungsoo. He’ll probably kill me if I do something to him.”

“You’re getting a punishment for this act towards Gu Yoonhee.”

“I know. I get a punishment every time I do it. What should I expect?”

“Have you ever thought of visiting a psychiatrist? You’ve been kissing boys for the past three years. Aren’t you afraid you’re turning into something you shouldn’t be?”

The question struck Chen right there and then. The counselor was right. For the past three years, he never dated once, and he did kissed most –if not all- of the students in this school. To name a few, students who were victims were: Kim Joonmyun, his Sunbae, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Minseok, last year was the startled Park Chanyeol, well they became friends, though, but not that close. And Gu Yoonhee to add up to the list. And of course, many more that he barely remembers.

“Three days of suspension.” The councilor muttered when Jongdae didn’t answer his first question. Jongdae simply nodded and headed out the air-conditioned room.

He walked around the campus. He is suspended anyway so the teacher wouldn’t be looking out for him. He just walks… and walks along the dead hallways.




“He doesn’t want to go out.” Chanyeol said when Baekhyun tried to persuade Yoonhee out of the cubicle the rest room.

Baekhyun just rolled his eyes and softly knocked again. “Yeorim? Yeorim-ah? It’s fine. You can go out now.”

Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun as if he was disguted with Baekhyun’s flowery mouth. When all they could hear was Yoonhee’s soft whimpers, Baekhyun continued to flower talk to him. Kyungsoo doesn’t like that. The last thing he wants to hear from Baekhyun’s mouth is his rotten flowers. Kyungsoo knocked at the cubicle door with his fist.

“Yah, Go Yoonhee! If you’re a real man you wouldn’t be crying like a little girl there. Do you want to die?! Get out here and punch that Kim Jongdae for humiliating you!”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun just blinked at Kyungsoo.

“Get out here and send Kim Jongdae to the nearest mental mental hospital! Palli!” he shouted again.

Still no response.

“Damn it!” Kyungsoo cursed. Baekhyun tapped his friend’s shoulder. Out of the three of them, Kyungsoo is the most impatient one and the most ill-mannered one. “You’re not the only who got kissed by that freaking bastard. There’s Baekhyun and Chanyeol, too!”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol had already explained Kyungsoo what is really happening. The students aren’t supposedly allowed to tell the transfer students because Chen is one heck of an entertainer. Transfer students shouldn’t be alarmed that they will be the main protagonist in Chen’’s mini movie which has Chen as the antagonist, the writer, the camera man, and the director. Everything’s just a play, a mere fabrication out of Chen’s bored state.

The door to the cubicle suddenly opened. Yoonhee looked at the three of them with curious eyes.

“What are you talking about?” she managed to ask as she rubbed her eyes.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “Look, I know you’re not a girl.” He rubbed his palm on Yoonhee’s chest. She grew her eyes wide and pushed Kyungsoo with force.

“YAH!” she shouted as Kyungsoo landed on the floor.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun just stood there, startled. Kyungsoo glared at her. Yoonhee hugged herself and murmured something they didn’t manage to catch. She immediately made her way of the rest room.

“You’re needed at the guidance office, Yeorim-ah!” Baekhyun shouted.




Yoonhee bowed one last time to the guidance councilor before she left the guidance office. She stood still outside. She blinked for a couple of seconds and took deep breaths.

“What the hell?”

She cursed under her breath. She tilted her head and closed her eyes and recalled what the guidance councilor has just said to her.


“Oh, Gu Yoonhee-sshi, we are very sorry for what happened. Because of what happened we would like to change your room but there is no another room available. Others have 3 students in one room already so you are ought to stay in room 201 with Wu Fan sshi, and unfortunately with Kim Jongdae-sshi. We have already punished Student Kim Jongdae. This has happened before. Since this is just a minor violation, we kept it  inside school premises and doesn’t let the people outside to know. We’re very sorry. Kim Jongdae is… normally like that.”


She opened her eyes again and it grew wider as she saw Chen walking on the hallway, coming in her way.

“Crap.” She can’t help but to curse. She wanted to hide or better yet let the ground eat her. But before she could move an inch, Chen already saw her. A smirk drew on his face as he made his pace faster to catch up with her.

“Hi, Gu Yoonhee-sshi.” He smiled and waved his hand. He acted like nothing happened this morning. He acted like he didn’t humiliate her in front of everybody.

Yoonhee scoffed and just rolled her eyes and didn’t mind him. She tried to walk away but Chen held her arm.

“Where are you going? I owe you an apology, right?” Chen smirked.

She pulled away. “I won’t forgive you.” She hissed. Chen held her arm again and leaned closer. And she just felt the shivers down to her spine as he planted a wet peck on her cheeks. She immediately pulled her arm away and back off.

Chen chuckled, “I’m sorry.” He winked before walking away.

“Aish. Disgusting!” Yoonhee rubbed her cheek exasperatedly. “If that was just his prank then he really is a GAY! Aisht.”




Chen’s POV


I looked behind me. He was rubbing his cheek with disgust. Ooops.


“Have you ever thought of visiting a psychiatrist? You’ve been kissing boys for the past three years. Aren’t you afraid you’re turning into something you shouldn’t be?”


The councilor’s words rang inside my mind. I shook my head and blinked a couple of times.

“Am I turning into something I shouldn’t be?” I asked myself.

If I hug a boy, I’m gay? If I kiss a boy, I’m gay? If I play a prank on a boy by kissing or hugging or in any form of skinship, I’m gay? I’ve done that since childhood so does that mean I’m gay since childhood? I’m not. I’m pretty sure I am not. I like playing on people but I don’t really have a thing on them. Seriously, I’ve dated woman before. I’ve kissed woman before. I’m studying in an all boy’s school so don’t expect me to kiss a girl here.

Shrugging off, I decided to go back to my dorm. I’m suspended anyway.


Author’s POV


Chen slept whole day. He was awakened by a noise in his room. When he opened his eyes, he found Kris half-, digging his closet and trying to find a t-shirt to wear. Class must have ended. Kris noticed him.

“Oh, you’re awake?”

“Hmm.” Chen nodded and looked at Kris head to toe. The ‘Gay Topic’ played in his head again.

Kris hyung is in front of me but I don’t feel anything at all. He’s and it seems pretty normal too me.


“Hyung…” Chen spoke. When Kris turned his head, Chen was already in front of his face.

“You’re too close!” Kris said as he backed off.

Chen chuckled. “Hyung, Mr. councilor is thinking that I’m gay.”

Kris backed off a few more steps away from Chen. He immediately covered his body with a random shirt. “J-jinja?” he stuttered. “That’s dangerous, Kim Jongdae!”

“He’s thinking I’m gay but I know and I am sure that I am not.” Chen rolled his eyes at startled Kris. “And do you think I feel lust towards you? Dream on Wu Fan! I’d rather date myself.”

Kris burst out in laughter. “Yah, Kim Jongdae, I am to DIE for. You dream on.” Kris chuckled and put on the shirt properly.



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Maisaa #1
Chapter 6: I like this fic
Pleasssse update sooooon
Can't wait to read new chapter
readying #2
Chapter 6: pls update soon! CHEN! <3
Chapter 6: Oh, and please update soon^-^
Chapter 6: OH HELL NO NOT MY MINSEOK!! LOL I had to say it.
Chen is not my Fav Exo, Well Actually I have no fav exo I Love them All. But yeah I don't usually think "Chen" When Talking about Exo But in this Fanfic OMG Chen you're to die for <3
I can't really picture Kyungsoo acting like this but this Kyungsoo is ____ing hot as hell. I was gunna sleep but then I came across this fic and I ended up staying up till 4:00 am to finish reading this fic. THIS IS, IN THE WORDS OF WUFAN, TO DIE FOR. I LOVE IT <3
Chapter 6: lol.. Gay Chen.. Yup Chen yup.. You're gay... for Yonhee.
Ahh.. I actually like Kyungsoo idea. Yonhee should smack Chen or sth. But lol.. wth he's doing feeling Yonhee chest.. XD OMG...
Chapter 6: Chen you little meanie! hahaha! and I love his convo with Kris. LoL. They are all to die for. ^^
Chapter 6: Aww,I loveeeee how Chen written in here.,

He's such a troll like he is in real life;)))

Haha, I can't wait until Chen And Yoonhee somehow become..close fiends, or more than that maybe?;)