Superstar & Superwoman

How I became THE

"Who is it dear?"  Appa asked as i point at four eyes.

"Appa, his fans are outside and they want to kill me" I answer in fear... "Help me?"


My father left with his father, who knew Mr. Park was Jay Park's father. I still can't believe he's Jay Park, THE jay park, i mean look at him. He's sitting right beside in the car, he's scratching his ears and staring out the window... I never thought i'd meet a celebrity, but now that i did, i really wish i hadn't wish that wish.

We arrived at one of the hotel that his company found for him, and lucky for us no fans will be able to enter the hotel. Once we enter the room and he shut the door, i did karate chop on him.

"OUCH!" he shouted and jumped back in shock. "Man, what the hell?" looking at me, half mad and half confused i shrugged my shoulder and sat down on the single sofa.

"Look what you did to my life, you ruin it you four eye superstar." i said crossing my arms on my chest

"i ruin your life? you ruin mine. No one was suppose to know i was here in South Korea and now...." he said, grabbing the remote and turning on the television.

"Jay Park, the ex leader of the famous well-known boy group 2PM was recently spotted at Seoul High School by students and from what the students report, ex member 2pm leader, Jay Park was seen with his high school girlfriend whose name is Alexis Lee. Here is a picture of them taken by one of the students, and because of this the whole world and all J-Walkerz aren't too happy with it." The reporter said standing in front of my house. "What do you think about this?" She asked one ofthe students from my school and they all step foward to answer the questions.

"WE'er not happy!" They all said.

"We understand he's a man and he will one day start a relationship, but we, as his J-walkers want to protect him from any harm and from what we know about Alexis because she goes to our same school is that she is not a good girl for Jay Park and we all do not like the fact that Alexis is his girlfriend." One girl said

"Jay Park deserve a better girl. Someone like Son Dambi, Lee Hyori, Nicole or even me." Another one said and the leader of the girls push her friends away.

"I love JAy PArk and will always do, but Alexis you are dead woman!"

"See.... whose life is ruin but mine?" Four eyes said turning the tv off and throwing the remote onto the table.

"Who else but me!" I said and threw a sofa pillow at him, but he ducked.

"YAh!  I've been abused by you too many times and i'm not going to take it anymore."

"OOOhhhh, what are you going to do? I'm so scare"

"Come here." He grab my arm, and i tried to pull it away, but he held on so tightly as he dragged me toward the window.

"What are you doing, four eye!" i scream as we approach the window.

"You see them down there." He said and i look at him not surpise at all. "My y Jwalkers down there are waiting patiently for you and as a superstar like i am, i will tell you something for your own sake." HE said leaning closer to me. "They will stay there until they see you and trust me they will not go anywhere, so--"

"So what?" I asked leaning closer to him as he lean backward from me. "Are you threatening me superstar? because if you are you better think about it because who do you think you are?" I said pushing him away with my index finger. "I am not scare of your fans, who say i'm afraid of those little devils? If you're such a superstar than i might as well be superwoman."

"You ARE one stubborn little girl." he said shaking his head

"And you need to tell the world i am not your girlfriend, so we can move on with our lives." i said

"Yes, superWOMAN..." He said and walk away "my " he quietly whisper as he walk into his room.


"Yah, are  you with him? OMG AHHHHHHH!!!! please let me come live with you guys, oh pretty please?" Mi Young begged over the phone.

"Ah shut up will you? I'll be deaf after this conversation with you." I shouted back stuffing food in my mouth that the room service just brought in. "ey mi young, you seriously have bad taste in man because this jay park that you like so much looks like a nerd who just got his underwear pulled up his ."

"YAH! DONT TALK ABOUT MY JAY LIKE THAT!" Mi Young shouted, not liking how i'm dissing her future husband.

"AISH! didnt i tell you to stop screaming?" I yelled at her as i grab some fruits.

"i cannot believe your living with my husband and oh my god i cant believe im your friend! CAn i replace you?"

"Yeah anytime, but first make everyone stop wanting to kill me."

"Oh yeah.... have you checked his fansites?"

"No... why would i and how would i know what it is?"

"Is there a laptop or computer there that you can use?"

"Hmmm..." I turn around and look around before my eyes landed on a black laptop sitting perfectly on the living room table. "Yep..." I ran to it, open it and type in the name of the site that Mi Young wanted me to go into. "What the?"

"Yeah... you're pretty famous now." Mi Young said and giggle "But i can't believe he was on top of you... how it feel like?"

"Ah shut up what do you mean how it feels of course it felt like i was about to die because of his fat ." i said scrolling the page of the website. "I'll call you later."

"No.. No i still want to talk, where is jay what is he doing when can i come mee----" she asked, but ignored and irrated, i hung up and threw my cell phone beside me.

"This somehow got Jay Park to be her boyfriend." I read one comment. "She is nothing but a ." I read another one. "Alexis Lee, from Seoul High, short, mean, bully and ugly........................." i continue on reading as people post up my life story on here and reading the comments one led me to another site...

My own anti-fan site name "ALEXIS JAY'S " in the site has everything to my birthday, my address, email, age, school, location and people from school, especially those who i totally hate wrote paragraph of how I am, such as my bad hobbies, my manner and ect.

"I cannot believe this. This stupid  site has been view by more than a million viewer in just two hours?" i said angryly as i scroll down to all the pictures they found of me. "I cannot believe this is happening to me!" I yelled and threw the laptop off the table.

"YAH!" four eyes scream as he attempt to catch his flying laptop with a towel around his neck and nothing on but a white muscle shirt and black boxers.

.....And that was how i became well known as
Jay's aka J throughout the world

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GGsuju #1
Chapter 8: KYAAAA~~~ Update real soon please, I can't wait!! <3
leiyen #3
omg!! pls update soon!<br />
<br />
i wanna know what will happen, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
chyeeahful #4
please update soon :D really love the story <3
new reader here... i love this story!<br />
<br />
update soon please~~
new one here ... and oh creep i love it, so please update soon :D
New reader here~ and ohmygosh the teaser o_o LOL
nami5589 #8
I'm new here<br />
this is so exciting, can't wait for your updates
dannyinsanity #9
Ohhhhh, Alexis you naughty girl!! Get that hunk of an Asian man!! XD<br />
Looking forward to the next chapter, I can wait a week. :D <br />
The half- and hand-cuffed to the bed line made me laugh.
loveeeee XD But uh...can you lessen the fighting part? I will truly like it if Jay were to win every or some fight with her, she's just too mean =.=