Chapter 17: Sorry Won't Bring Him Back

For Blue Skies


            The weirdest thing about dreams is how real they seem to be. So much time can pass and one can encounter so many people and situations that it can be confusing once awake. In the dream, it seems like one is actually living and feeling and seeing and believing. However, these dreams are everything the subconscious is filled with – fears, worries, thoughts, and desires – and without knowing, one experiences all of these things in the hundred minutes of REM sleep each night.
            Dreams can be good and they can be bad, but either way, they happen even if one doesn’t remember it in the morning.
            Chanyeol jolts awake in a sweat. The dream he was having meets every single requirement to classify it as a nightmare. The absolute worst possible scenario played out in Chanyeol’s head and his fear of it actually happening is escalated. Chanyeol snuggles deeper into his blanket, trying his best to feel warm, to feel safe.
            “What’s wrong?”
            The boy opens his eyes and finds a pair of the most beautiful brown eyes he’s ever seen. “I had a bad dream.”
            Kris wraps an arm around Chanyeol protectively. “No worries, I’ll always protect you.”
            Chanyeol smiles. “Good to know. Same goes to you, Kris. I’ll always have your back.”
            He returns the smile. “I’ve known that since I met you and we got married.”
            “That’s right. We are married, aren’t we?”
            “We are,” Kris responds. He kisses the top of Chanyeol's head. “What was your dream about anyways … or do you not remember?”
            “I wish I didn’t remember,” Chanyeol admits.
            “Why? It couldn’t have been that bad, right?” Kris asks.
            Chanyeol sighs. “It was the worst.” He pauses for a moment or two. “You left me without a word and I was just broken and alone.”
            Kris shakes his head. “That would never happen. I would never leave,” he assures his husband. “You’re here and I would never want to go anywhere without you.”
            “I love you, Krease.”
            He smiles. “I love you, Yeollie, with all of my heart.” Kris connects his lips with Chanyeol's. “Now, go back to sleep. No more bad dreams for you, I promise.”
            “Mmkay.” Chanyeol closes his eyes and lets himself fall into a blissful sleep.
            For what seems like a few hours, Chanyeol wakes up once again, this time with no fear, but with a sense of emptiness. There is no one next to the boy and the reason there is no fear is because the fear is real; Kris had truly left Chanyeol about a year ago. He thought that after all these months, Chanyeol would be over Kris leaving, but he’s not and he’s holding on even if he doesn’t want to.
            “D’you want to come with me somewhere?”
            Kris looks up to find Sehun standing in his doorway. “Anywhere particular?”
            Sehun nods. “Yeah, I kinda want a second opinion.”
            “Sure, I have to do something as well,” Kris says as he slides off of his bed. He pulls a navy blue hoodie over his head and slides on his white converse. “Let’s go,” he says as he pockets the letter he wrote a few days ago.
            As the two friends set off, they make their first stop after walking three blocks, so Kris can place his letter into the blue mailbox. “Who’s that for?” Sehun asks.
            “Um … family f-from Seoul,” he answers.
            “Oh, that’s nice for you to send them a letter to let them know you’re alive and well and living with the best people in the entire world.”
            Kris chuckles. “Something like that. Where are we going anyways?”
            “Ah,” Sehun smirks. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”
            “You’re a man of mystery, who knew?” He shrugs. They walk for another ten minutes before Sehun leads Kris into a small store. Kris sees what the store sells and his eyes go wide. “No!”
            He grins. “Yes!” Sehun pauses. “Well, kinda.”
            “What d’you mean kinda? We’re in a jewelry store, Sehun!”
            “I mean, yes, I’m buying a ring, but technically, Luhan and I have been engaged for years. This is just to show him that my love for him is never ending,” he answers. Luhan is always doing nice things for Sehun and he just really wants to tell him that he appreciates it. Sehun has been thinking about buying Luhan a ring for a long time now, and it just feels right at the moment.
            Kris can’t help the aww that falls out of his mouth. “That completely beats me sending a letter.”
            “You can buy a ring, too, y’know?”
            “Yeah, I think I just might.”
            “Alright,” Sehun slides his hands together. “Let’s get to looking.”
            The boy smiles at Sehun's excitement, but he can’t quite feel happy. The ring he purchases will be a symbol for someday. Just because things didn’t work out with Chanyeol doesn’t mean Kris is going to give up all together; he still has hope that one day someone will love him like Chanyeol did.
            Baekhyun takes a seat at the kitchen table as he begins to mindlessly go through his and Tiffany's mail. There are some bills, some junk, a catalog, and a few magazines. He skims each letter, not really paying attention to the words. He knows he should, but it all can wait for a different time. He gets to the very last letter in the stack and rips the envelope open, taking the piece of paper out. Baekhyun scans the words and it doesn’t take him long to realize that this letter is not meant for him or Tiffany, but for his neighbor.
            Carefully tucking the letter into the inside pocket of his coat, Baekhyun sets off to the house next door; however, when he rings the doorbell, no one answers. He backtracks back to his house and hops in his car, heading towards the only other place he knows the intended recipient of the letter will be.
             The moment he walks through the doors of his destination, he can hear music coming out of the loud speakers and if he listens carefully, he can hear someone singing along.
            I’ve been sitting here
            Can’t get you off my mind
            I’ve tried my best to be a man and be strong
            I’ve drove myself insane
            Wishing I could touch your face
            But the truth remains
            You’re gone
            He watches Chanyeol singing into a broom like it is a microphone on a stand with a mix of emotions covering his face. This song makes Baekhyun realize just how much Kris meant to Chanyeol and even though  it has been a year, Chanyeol is still hurting like it happened yesterday. Baekhyun has never felt more guilty than he does at that moment for everything he did because he finally sees that Kris and Chanyeol were supposed to be together and they were happy. Now, Chanyeol is miserable and Kris is on the other side of the world and it is all of his fault. He needs to fix this.
            The song ends and Chanyeol opens his eyes, ready to go back to his sweeping, but when he looks up, he sees Baekhyun standing by the entrance. “How much of that did you see?”
            “Pretty much all of it,” Baekhyun answers.
            “Oh.” Chanyeol scratches the back of his neck. . “So, uh, what’re you doing here?”
            He thinks about reaching into his pocket and giving Chanyeol the letter because from the contents of the letter, there is no way Chanyeol knows Kris is okay. They haven’t spoken to each other since the day it all happened, and it’s no wonder why Chanyeol will never move on from Kris. “I .  .  .” Baekhyun closes his mouth. He doesn’t want to lie, but he doesn’t want to tell the truth, either. “Actually, two things. One, I just … I really want to tell you how sorry I am for last year.”
            “You’ve already apologized,” Chanyeol says. He doesn’t want to relive it all again – waking up to no Kris after he finally said he loves him – because it just hurts too much.
            Baekhyun shakes his head. “No, listen. It was really wrong for me to do what I did and if I were you, I wouldn’t forgive me, either. I still can’t believe you agreed to be my best man after everything, but you’re just that good of a person. Chanyeol, you are the best person I know and that is why I wanted you to have the best, but what I didn’t know a year ago is that you did have the best. I am so, so sorry and I wish I had my very own TARDIS, so I could go back in time and stop myself from being so stupid.”
            “Really Baekhyun, a Doctor Who reference? I thought you hated that show.”
            He sighs. “Is that all you got out of that?”
            “No,” Chanyeol shakes his head. “You’re right, I haven’t forgiven you and I doubt I ever will. This past year has been the worst year of my life and I just can’t do this anymore.”
            “Is that why you’re selling your house and moving?” Baekhyun asks.
            “Yes. I need to move on and I can’t if I stay there. My life has been stuck for such a long time now that I just need to get away from it all,” Chanyeol explains. “I need to make some changes and get on with my life because living like this is not lovely, like at all.”
            Baekhyun can clearly see how miserable and sad Chanyeol is and he really needs to fix this, but he doesn’t know how to. “I know and I’m really sorry.”
            “Sorry’s not going to change anything, Baekhyun. Sorry is not going to make everything go back to how they were.” Chanyeol pauses. “Sorry isn’t going to bring Kris back.”
            He nods. “I just … I’m sorry.” Baekhyun sighs. The two boys stand in the empty club, the only sound is the music playing from the loud speakers. Chanyeol's right, sorry is not going to solve any of the problems and fix everything and Baekhyun knows that. Other than time travel, Baekhyun comes up with another idea that is pretty farfetched, but he is willing to try because he is to blame for this whole mess.
            The song changes again and Chanyeol asks, “What else did you come here for? You said two things?”
            “Oh!” Baekhyun stuffs his hands in his pockets and traces the outline of the letter. “I’m going out of town for a few days and I was hoping you could keep an eye on Tiffany just in case she needs something. She’ll probably never admit it that she gets lonely, but she does.”
            “Yeah,” Chanyeol nods. “I’ll stop by. When are you going?”
            “Um, probably tomorrow if all works out as planned,” he answers.
            “Alright, yeah, I can do that.”
            “Thanks Chanyeol, you truly are a good person.” And with that, Baekhyun takes a few steps backward until he turns around and walks out of the club.
            “But aren’t good things supposed to happen to good people?” Chanyeol asks out loud even though he’s the only one around and knows no one will answer him.
            After he finishes cleaning up the Red Wave, Chanyeol goes home to pack a few more boxes, take a shower, eat some food, and look up some potential houses. He turns on the television as he begins packing up his massive collection of movies and because he is too lazy to change the channel, he leaves it on the news.
            As he is taping shut the first box, the news segment gets interrupted by breaking news. Chanyeol is barely paying attention to what is going on because if he’s honest, the television is only on for background noise to make him feel like he’s not as alone as he really is, but this news story catches his attention. A reporter is standing in front of what looks like an alleyway considering there is a dumpster behind her and trash bags everywhere.
            “ … is one of the most common places for homeless people to go and it’s never been a problem as long as no one gets violent. However, one of the younger ones, possibly eighteen or nineteen was found today just on the other side of the alleyway in a horrid state. The young person, a boy I believe, was found by a worker of the coffee shop behind me when he went to throw out the trash. The report has not been released that says what happened to the boy, but it is confirmed that he did die. This is Rebecca Matthews, reporting from just outside of Seoul.”
            Chanyeol is frozen. His eyes are wide open, but he’s not actually seeing anything. What if that was Kris? What if Kris had nowhere to go and ended up on the streets? What if that’s why Kris hasn’t called, texted, written, or anything? What if something bad happened to him?
            He gulps. The heavy weight in Chanyeol's chest gets heavier and he prays that Kris is safe somewhere and is alive because a dead Kris is infinitely worse than a Kris that left.
            On Tuesday, Chanyeol gets a visitor. When the door is open, Chanyeol is surprised to see who is standing there. It’s been such a long time that he’s seen him that he doesn’t know what to say.
            “Are you gonna invite me in or am I going to be forced to stand in the cold November weather?”
            Chanyeol nods. “Right, sorry.” He steps aside and lets him in. “I just didn’t expect you to show up at my door.” He shuts the door and turns around. “So tell me, what brings you here?”
            Kai hands Chanyeol a bottle of wine. “Here, have this.”
            He looks at the bottle and then back up at the visitor. “Oh dear, Kai's given me alcohol which means he needs something. How much is this going to cost me?”
            “Nothing, actually,” Kai responds. “I think.”
            Chanyeol laughs. “Come on, let’s sit.” He takes Kai into the kitchen and they both sit down at the table. “If it’s not going to cost me, then you’re chances of my help are looking good.”
            Kai lets out a nervous chuckle. “Hear me out before you say anything, please?”
            “Okay,” Chanyeol says slowly. He narrows his eyes slightly, wondering what is it that Kai wants. His mind starts assuming things and the most preposterous thing he comes up with is that Kris has been staying with Kai this whole time and Kai hasn’t said anything. Wait, could that be it?
            He takes a breath. “I know this is really short notice and all, but my godparents have their ten year anniversary this weekend and they were planning on having this huge party on Friday, but the place they wanted were douches and cancelled their reservation and I was hoping they could have it at the Red Wave because they’re my godparents and I love them and they love each other and with all the they went through, I really want them to have it, but it’s okay if you say no, I’ll totally understand.”
            Chanyeol wasn’t expecting that. “Wait, this Friday as in three days from today?”
            “Yes?” Kai's answer comes as a question. “Like, I said, I know it’s short notice, but I was thinking we could get the tables and stuff from the same place that Tiffany got them from for her reception.”
            “I …” Chanyeol wants to say no because he really doesn’t want to be around happy, married people. He only had that happiness for such a short amount of time that is just doesn’t seem fair for him to have to see it all in his face. However, Chanyeol is a good person; he always was and always will be. “Kai, I am only saying this because I know you wouldn’t be asking me this unless it was like, your last option, so,” he takes a breath, “yes.”
            “Oh, thank you so much, Chanyeol!” Kai exclaims. “They’re gonna be so happy and I’ll work straight for the next three days to have everything together and so you’ll barely have to do anything.”
            In his head, Chanyeol goes through who will do what for the party, which guards he can give the night off, who will work the bar, and everything else. It hits him that Kai won’t be able to DJ because it is his godparents’ party. He considers asking Baekhyun because Baekhyun really is a good DJ and this can be like a trial run for maybe giving him his job back. “,” Chanyeol mutters after he realizes something else.
            “I was thinking about who will be working what, and for the DJ, I was thinking about asking Baekhyun, but he’s out of town and you can’t DJ because you shouldn’t have to actually work at the party,” Chanyeol explains.
            “Actually,” Kai says, “I played at their wedding and they asked me to play at the party, so that’s nothing to worry about.”
            “Oh.” Chanyeol exhales. “That settles that.”
            In the next three days, a lot will have to be done and it will be a lot of work, but Kai will do the most of it and Chanyeol will help and everything will get done just in time. Tiffany will convince the company to deliver the tables and chairs on the day together and with no problems, unlike her reception. Lay will take over the bar alone since it won’t be as big of a crowd as a usual open night at the club. Kai will make new invitations with the address to the Red Wave and send them out and set up a stage at the front of the club to perform on. Chanyeol will make sure the club doesn’t look like a night club, but instead a nice, friendly ballroom for an anniversary party. It’s a lot to do, but it will get done.
            “Kris, get your out here now!”
            The boy opens the door to his bedroom and walks into the living room. “I’ve been summoned?”
            “You knew about this?” Luhan asks, holding his left hand up which clearly shows the gold band around his fourth finger.
            Kris smiles sheepishly. “Maybe.” He looks over at Sehun who is practically glowing. “So, I’m assuming everything went good?”
            “Yeah,” Sehun nods. “Hell yeah.”
            He chuckles. “Good. The two of you are like, perfect.” Kris really means that.
            Luhan smiles. “That’s nice of you to say, thanks.”
            Kris shrugs. “It’s the truth. So,” he smiles, “When’s the wedding?”
            Sehun facepalms and Luhan turns white. “W-we …”
            “Oh, my God!” Kris exclaims. “You two were gone for hours, don’t tell me you actually got married!”
            “Technically we didn’t,” Luhan says. “Since it’s not legal in Ohio, which is bull by the way, but kinda sorta.”
            His mouth drops. “And you didn’t invite me! I’m actually offended. I thought we were friends.”
            “We are,” Sehun says.
            Kris scoffs. “Doesn’t feel like it.” His tone is more mocking than hurt, so both boys know he is joking. “Either way, invited or not, I’m happy for you two and all that.”
            “Don’t worry, when we actually get married, legally at a church with our families and tuxes and everything, you’ll be invited without question. What we did today was just for us and really, it couldn’t have been more perfect.” Luhan turns towards Sehun and gives him a gentle kiss. “Thank you.”
            “I love you,” Sehun responds.
            “I love you, too.”
            There is a knock at the door and both boys look away from each other and towards Kris. The boy rolls his eyes. “First, I’m not invited and now, you want me to get the door. Screw you two, you guys !” He walks past them to get to the front door. “After all I do for you, I cook, I clean, and this is how your treat me!”
            Both Sehun and Luhan laugh. “We love you,” they say together.
            “Yeah, yeah,” Kris says sarcastically before finally getting to the door and opening it. All jokes and amusement drops from his face and the pleasant mood he was in goes dark. He tries to shut the door, but the visitor stops him.
            “Don’t do that, please. I really need to talk to you.”
            “That’s too bad because I don’t have anything to say to you,” Kris says sternly and tries to shut the door again.
            Luhan hears what Kris says and walks over to the door. “Who is it?” he asks, catching the door before it closes.
            “No one,” Kris answers.
            “Baekhyun,” he says at the same time as Kris.
            “Oh, are you a friend of Kris' from Seoul?” Luhan asks after taking in Baekhyun's accent.
            “No, he is not my friend. Luhan just let me close the door. We don’t need him here,” Kris tells him. He shoots Luhan a glare to make him understand that he really doesn’t want Baekhyun here, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
            Baekhyun sighs, but he refuses to give up. “Look, I know you’re pissed, but you have to hear me out, please. If not for me, then for Chanyeol.”
            Kris bites the inside of his cheek. There has to be a reason why Baekhyun is here, it’s not a short trip from Korea to Ohio. "Fine,” Kris says after a minute. “But not here.”
            “Are you sure?” Luhan asks quietly. He’s curious as to who Chanyeol is and why Baekhyun is here and why Kris hates him so, but he keeps those questions to himself.
            He nods. “Yeah. You and Sehun celebrate or whatever. I’ll be back later.” And with that, he steps forward, making Baekhyun walk back until he can easily walk without any obstacles. Baekhyun follows him until they reach the park at the end of the street. Abruptly, Kris turns around to face Baekhyun and asks, “Why are you here?”
            Baekhyun takes the letter out of his coat pocket and hands it to Kris. “That’s why.”
            Kris automatically knows that’s the letter he sent. “Why do you have that? Did Chanyeol give that to you?”
            “No,” Baekhyun answers. “Chanyeol hasn’t even seen it.”
            He humorlessly laughs. “Wow, you’re still ing things up, aren’t you? Is it your life goal to make us miserable or something?”
            Baekhyun ignore the question. “Kris, look, I know what I did was wrong and I’m sorry. I should have never pressured you and I should have never done what I did. I know you’re angry, and I know you don’t want me here, but listen, okay?”
            He crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m listening.”
            “Chanyeol has never been this down ever in all of the years that I’ve known him. When you left, it was horrible. The first thing he did after searching for you is punch the out of me, which really, he could have done worse,” Baekhyun begins. “This whole year, he’s been living, but he really hasn’t. His smile never reaches his eyes and I’m sure that he hasn’t been happy or anything. He misses you, even if he hasn’t admitted it and he’s about to break if he hasn’t already.”
            “But he’s married.”
            Baekhyun head jerks back at Kris' statement. “No, he’s not.”
            “Then he’s engaged or whatever,” Kris shrugs. “I heard him say it.”
            “No, he’s not,” Baekhyun repeats. He raises his left hand. “I’m the one who got married, not Chanyeol.”
            Kris swallows dry air. “Then w-why …” He doesn’t know what to say or what to ask or anything. For the past few months, Kris has been so sure that Chanyeol has moved on and has the life that anyone would dream of. The letter he wrote said things like how Kris was glad for Chanyeol and that he wishes him a good life and how he hopes Chanyeol gets everything he deserves.
            Baekhyun exhales. “I don’t know what’s going through your mind right now, or even the past year. I should have never forced you to leave, because I had no right to. You do deserve Chanyeol. You are good enough for him. You make him happy and that’s all that really should have mattered.” He really hopes Kris will take all of the retracts he is making because he needs Kris to forgive him just enough to fix everything.
            “Why are you telling me this?” Kris asks. “What difference will it make? It’s already been done and it’s too late to do anything about it.”
            “That’s where you’re wrong,” Baekhyun says. “It’s not too late. Not if you come with me. Please, let me fix this because God knows that if I don’t, the two of you will never be happy.”
            “Why should I?”
            “Because that letter you’re holding, Kris, is a goodbye and you don’t really mean that,” Baekhyun answers. “Now, will you come with me or not?”
            Friday night comes way too quickly and both Kai and Chanyeol are running around like chickens with their head’s cut off. Just as the first guest walks in is when they finally finish everything. There are dishes and silverware on the tables with chairs all around. Lay is standing behind the bar with select bottles to pour for people. Kai has a CD playing until he goes up to play a few songs. Chanyeol adjusts the lights a bit until it is perfect. Three days of hard work and finally, they can enjoy it.
            Once everyone arrives and the honorary couple is sitting in the midst of it all, Kai walks onto the stage with his guitar. “So, most of you were there when these two got hitched and it was a lovely ceremony, it was and I know it wasn’t the easiest road, but you guys made it. For the wedding reception, you two asked me to play for you and of course I said yes, like why wouldn’t I, right? So, before the actual day, I played a few songs and my love songs are a bit out of the norm. And really, if I’m honest, it’s only because I never really had a grasp on the concept of love until you guys came together."
            “Anyways, you didn’t really want those songs, which was fine. So, I set off to write one kick- love song to wow you. Surprisingly, it didn’t take me all that long and I ended up with the very song I played for you.” Kai smiles. “Today, we’re celebrating ten years, but really, it’s been so much longer than that. I am really proud to say that I know what true love is, that I’ve seen it because we all have, it’s right there in front of us.”
            Kai's words are becoming too much for Chanyeol, so he quietly slips away and to the toilets. He goes straight to the sinks and splashes water of his face just as Kai begins playing the first chords of the song. Chanyeol tries to pull himself together, but all he wants to do is crawl into the corner and cry. Why is this how everything turned out for him? He was just trying to do the right thing. He wanted to help and he really thought he did.
            The door swings open, so Chanyeol quickly dabs his face with a paper towel. When he moves the paper towel away from his face and opens his eyes, Chanyeol sees the reflection of the most memorizing brown eyes.
            This feels like falling in love
            Falling in love
            Falling in love
A/N: The mysterious brown eyes. 
Merry Christmas everybody! I love you all!!
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Chapter 18: Why am i reading this with Larry Stylinson in my head? Must be the blue eyes and the twin

And how did i managed to miss this amazing ff? I really really like this
Chapter 18: can't believe i am reading this so late! thank you for writing such a wonderful fic with KrisYeol :)
Chapter 18: I just finished reading this after years and man i still love this story
KISSmeforever95 #4
Chapter 18: AMG. The ending was sooooo cute. I actually wanted to cry in the chapters after kris left T_T but OMG soooooo happy now! I love how gradually and naturally their relationship grew after they got married initially :) the story was really good! Thanks!
ThumbsUp #5
Oh god my feels. I'm not even in Krisyeol but this fic just took me and I guess I ship them now. Ship them alot.
Re-reading it again and making myself sob like a pig. /cries
trinitivox44 #7
Chapter 18: While reading... Tears never failed to fall. Nice story Author-nim!

Just finished it in one go!

Sequel? Haha
Chapter 18: Just finished reading this story and I do not regret spending so many sleepless nights and school days reading this fic. It was so amazing! I love you authornim!!!!
krisye0l #9
Chapter 18: HELLO OMG! I really love this story! I finished reading it all in one sitting <3

I love how you referenced one tree hill in this story. When I actually read the title of this fic, I immediately thought of OTH! Aaaaah let me love you! Please write more angsty krisyeol in the future!