Chapter 13: .

For Blue Skies


A/N: Ok, so I haven't updated in so long...I'm sorry!! I had a lot going on in my life. So much drama that I can't even. Anyway enjoy this chapter...IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!
          Waking up and feeling a warmth that no blanket could possibly radiate is different—a good different—and it’s overwhelmingly nice. Not sure of where this warmth is coming from, Chanyeol tries to move away from it, but he can’t. He then becomes aware of the heavy weight that is pressing down on his midsection and blocking his arms. Chanyeol tries squirming, but he’s stuck.
            He’s trapped.
            With a sense of panic, he tries again to move and get out of the grip, but he has no luck. Chanyeol holds his breath and reaches the little that he can to the heavy weight that’s trapping him and what he finds is not what he expected. The weight is so, so warm and is so, so soft and the moment he touches it, he feels another source of heat against the back of his neck. The weight isn’t as heavy as before, but it wraps tighter around Chanyeol. He keeps his eyes closed as he scoots back a little, getting as close to the warmth as possible, letting his panic slip away.
            “You keep moving.” The voice is full of sleep, making it low and groggy. This makes a shiver go down Chanyeol's spine because he doesn’t think he’s heard anything that y before. He purposely squirms so the grip gets even tighter, locking him in place. “Stop that.”
            He smiles. “What if I don’t want to?” he challenges as he tries to get out of the grasp again.
            Instead of just pushing Chanyeol closer, in one swift movement, Kris removes his arm from around Chanyeol's waist and pins the boy down on the bed by his wrists. “Then, I’m just gonna have to make you.”
            Usually, Chanyeol would have some sort of retort, but not this morning; he is mesmerized by how big and clear Kris' eyes are. Chanyeol can’t help but stare up at him and the fact that Kris is staring back at him with the same gaze totally makes Chanyeol forget anything he would have said. “This is new,” Chanyeol whispers after a minute or two.
            Kris raises his brow. “Good new or bad new?”
            Still restricted, Chanyeol cranes his neck up until his lips meet Kris'. “Good, definitely good.” Having someone else sleep in the same bed as Chanyeol is still pretty new to him, and he doesn’t mind this at all. Sure, when he lived with his parents, one or both of the twins would sneak into his room if they had a bad dream, but that doesn’t count. It was odd when Kris first arrived—for more than one reason—but then, Chanyeol got used to it; however, this, whatever this is, is something Chanyeol doesn’t think he can get used to.
            “Now, will you stop moving?” Kris asks. The other boy ponders the question for a short moment before attempting to get out of Kris' grasp. In retaliation, Kris lowers his body so he is completely laying on top of Chanyeol so all of his weight is on him. The warmth covers Chanyeol, but he’s stubborn, so he continues squirming, even though he can barely move with Kris squishing him.
            The movement against Kris makes him feel something that he’s not sure what exactly it is. He does know that he wants more of it, but then he feels it. With wide eyes, Kris moves off of Chanyeol and nearly trips over his own feet as he stands up straight. He can’t. He just can’t.
            Chanyeol sits up on his elbows. “You alright?” he asks, completely oblivious.
            “Yeah, I should go make breakfast,” he answers quickly. Before anything else is said, Kris leaves the room and heads down to the kitchen. Whatever that feeling was, he liked it and for some reason, that scares him.
            The next day, the two boys are lounging around the house in t-shirts and sweatpants. Before Kris could cook anything, Chanyeol ordered Italian takeaway and just like the time before, the food is spread out on the coffee table.
            “I want to watch something,” Chanyeol announces as he makes no move to get up from the couch and pick something from his massive collection.
            “Then watch something,” Kris responds with a slight smile on his lips.
            Chanyeol sighs. “But I don’t want to get up.”
            “But how else will you watch something?” he questions. By the time Kris ends the question, he realizes the trap he’s fallen into and Chanyeol puppy dog face is confirming it. “Nope, no way. I’m not getting up either.”
            “Aw, c’mon Krease!” he pleads.
            “Yes, Krease,” Chanyeol repeats. “Now that you have a cute nickname, get off your and put something in.”
            Disregarding his demand, Kris asks, “Why Krease?”
            “Because,” Chanyeol emphasizes. “It’s fun and I like it and calling you Kris all the time is boring, so will you please now do me the greatest favor ever?” He tries to act as innocent as possible in hopes of not having to get up himself.
            “But Kris is my name.” For his entire life, Kris has always been Kris and that’s it. No one has ever called him anything else unless they were one of his clients who he remained nameless. People give others nicknames out of love and maybe, just maybe, Kris understands everything a little more.
            Chanyeol places his fork and the takeaway container on the table before moving closer to Kris. “Yes, it is your name, but Krease is my name for you, alright? Nothing’s going to change that because if anyone were to ever ask me, I would tell them that you are my Krease and there’s no telling me anything different.”
            He nods. “It’s just new, it's all.”
            With a smirk, Chanyeol wraps his arms around Kris' neck. “Good new or bad new?”
            A quick kiss and a moment of pure smiles later, he answers, “Good, definitely good.”
            “Great.” The boy removes his hands and gently pushes Kris. “Now that that’s settled, go put in a DVD.”
            He steals a kiss. “Only because …” he pauses. Kris has no good reason for getting up that’s logical, so he shakes his head. “Just because.” When he is passed the coffee table, he turns around and looks straight at Chanyeol. “While I’m like five feet away, don’t steal my garlic bread.”
            “I would never!”
            “Right,” Kris say sarcastically as he walks to the huge shelf. He randomly picks a section and ends up in front of the O’s. He scans the titles for a few seconds before he remembers a question he had when he organized the shelf months ago. “What’s One Tree Hill and why do you have all nine seasons?”
            Chanyeol gasps. “You’re joking right? I mean, you have to be joking.”
            “I’m not.”
            “Oh dear, in addition to being technology deprived, you are good-television deprived as well. This is such a shame,” he says, shaking his head.
            “Hey, I am not! The phone you got me is just stupid,” Kris defends. And really, the phone is stupid. It never works properly and is evil if you ask him.
            He hops up from the couch and stands next to Kris. Chanyeol plucks season one off the shelf and takes the first DVD that has Chad Michael Murray’s face on it out of the orange box set. He places it into the DVD player and waits for the title screen to pop up. “You have been missing out, love.”
            Kris stares at Chanyeol with pursed lips and a glare.
            “After all of that, you got up. What was the point in me getting up?” Kris asks.
            “The point,” Chanyeol says as he grabs the front of Kris' shirt and pulls him closer, “is that I got to watch you walk those legs of yours.” He grins.
            Kris rolls his eyes. “I’m wearing sweatpants, you can’t even see my legs.”
            “Oh, so you don’t mind me checking out your legs?” Gavin DeGraw’s I Don’t Want To Be begins playing in the background and Chanyeol smiles.
            Oops. “Shut up.”
            He laughs. “Never. Now c’mon and let me school you on one of the best shows ever.” Chanyeol pulls Kris back to the couch and cuddles next to him as he hits play. “Pay close attention because this episode gets referenced a lot throughout the whole series.”
            The boy doesn’t say anything else, he just throws his arm around Chanyeol's shoulders and leans into him. That feeling returns from the day before and it doesn’t scare him as much as it did.
            On Monday afternoon, Baekhyun shows up on Chanyeol and Kris' doorstep. Chanyeol welcomes him in and they are both hit with a sense of quaintness considering Baekhyun hasn’t been over for the past few months.
            “Thanks for coming,” Chanyeol says as he shuts the front door.
            “No problem,” Baekhyun replies. “But, why am I here? What is it that you need my help with?”
            Chanyeol takes Baekhyun to the main bathroom and points at the tiles. “I love everything about this house except those hideous things. I should have switched them out a long time ago, but I didn’t and now, since we’re all on the same page, I was hoping you could help me.” Chanyeol can easily hire someone to change the bathroom tiles, but this is a chance for him and Baekhyun to fix their friendship and that is something Chanyeol really wants.
            Baekhyun accepts. “Of course I’ll help you. You’re still my best friend.”
            He smiles. “Good. It should only take a couple of weeks to get the old tile out and put the new tile in, so we should get to work soon.”
            “Do you have everything?”
            “Not yet,” Chanyeol admits. “But it’s in the works. I should have everything by the end of the week, but since the club is the busiest in the weekends, I thought we’d start a week from today, if that works with you.”
            He nods. “Yeah, that works.”
            A couple of days later when Kris meets Chanyeol in the kitchen after his shower, Chanyeol notices something. He places his tea on the table and tilts his head to the side. “Is that my shirt?”
            Kris tugs the hem of the shirt and smiles sheepishly. It’s pretty obvious that it’s not his own shirt considering that it is a bit shorter in length and it fits a bit tight. “Sorry, I’m behind on my laundry.”
            That statement makes Chanyeol face palm. “, I am an inconsiderate, idiotic who should be slapped senseless by a fish.”
            “What?” Kris is confused. Chanyeol is not inconsiderate in the slightest, so why would he say he is?
            He stands up, leaving his half-drunk cup of tea behind. “Put on some shoes. We have a major day ahead of us.”
            Kris scrunches his brow. “What’re we doing?”
            “Shopping,” Chanyeol answers as he exits the kitchen and goes to gather his wallet and phone. He should have taken Kris shopping as soon as they got married, but of course, this is just another thing that Chanyeol didn’t do when he should have.
            Chanyeol drives Kris to the nearest shopping center and tells him he can get whatever he wants. Kris starts off by picking up similar clothes to the ones he has, like new editions of them and Chanyeol catches on after a little while. “You do know we’re building your wardrobe, right?” Chanyeol asks, gesturing towards the third, plain white t-shirt Kris is holding.
            “My name doesn’t quite fit me, if I’m honest,” he responds, looking down at the items of clothing he’s picked out. Sure, he doesn’t have all that much, but it’s not like he needs a hundred different outfits.
            We can change that, Chanyeol thinks to himself. Out loud, he says, “There’s nothing wrong with having basic shirts or whatever, but mix in some other things. This isn’t the only shop on the list so don’t quit.”
            Kris gets more comfortable with shopping after that. He picks out about five graphic t-shirts, a few button-up shirts of different colors, a couple hoodies, and a pair of brown suede shoes. Chanyeol easily pays for all of the items and drags Kris to the next store where he has to convince the blonde haired boy that it is necessary to have a couple suits. After much debate and lots of time in the dressing room, Kris settles on a black suit and a gray suit with matching shirts and dress shoes. Chanyeol picks out a few ties, but Kris shakes his head and goes toward the bowties because bowties are cool.
            Two hours later, both boys have their hands full of shopping bags. “Yeol, I think we went overboard. This is a lot and I shouldn’t have let you buy all of this for me. It’s too much and you really didn’t have to.”
            Chanyeol stops walking and faces Kris. “Really, it’s no problem. It’s not like we bought all of this for no reason. You need clothes Krease, and I can’t let you walk around in the same, old clothes forever. You deserve better and you deserve to look good.”
            “But you just spent so much money,” Kris retorts. “I don’t want you to spend all of your money on me.”
            He shakes his head. “Trust me when I say that everything that we have in our hands is for you and that I am doing this because I love you and I want to do this. Don’t feel bad, okay?”
            Kris still feels guilty for spending so much money, but he nods. “Thank you.”
            “No need to thank me.” Chanyeol’s voice is full of modesty. He is doing the right thing. He’s said it from the beginning and he will continue saying it. He is doing the right thing. “And don’t think I didn’t catch the fact that you called me Yeol,” he smirks.
            Oops. “Did I?”
            “Oh, don’t even try to play that.” Chanyeol rolls his eyes and chuckles while Kris miserably fails at trying to contain his smile. The feeling is a bit stronger and the fear is a bit weaker.
            Hours before either of them has to be at the Red Wave on that Friday, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are catching up on lost time. Baekhyun is telling Chanyeol about the new mixes he’s been working on and how he’s thinking about adding in some vocals, but doesn’t think his voice is good enough for it. Chanyeol assures him that his voice is golden and that he shouldn’t waste his talent.
            Baekhyun changes the subject. “You know you got a new neighbor?”
            “Really?” This is news to Chanyeol. He’s been so caught up in his working relationship with Kris and his rekindled friendship with Baekhyun, and his responsibility of the club that he’s paid no attention.
            “Yeah,” Baekhyun nods. “I saw her get into her car when I was coming up to your door. "She's pretty hot.”
            Chanyeol shrugs. “I’m sure she is.” Whether his new neighbor is hot or not has no meaning to him because Chanyeol only has eyes for Kris and speaking of …
            “I thought you might be hungry,” Kris says as he places a plate in front of each of the boys on the coffee table with a sandwich on it.
            “How very kind of you,” Chanyeol says. He beams at Kris and if Baekhyun wasn’t there, he’d totally attack his face. To completely stop himself, Chanyeol picks up the sandwich and takes a bite. “Oh, this needs mustard. I’ll be back,” he announces as he gets up and leaves to the kitchen.
            Kris could have gotten the mustard and he wishes Chanyeol asked him to because standing awkwardly with someone who is staring at you with daggers isn’t fun. The boy stuffs his hands in the front pockets on his pants and looks down to avoid Baekhyun's glare.
            “,” Baekhyun mutters under his breath, but it’s loud enough for Kris to hear.
            “Sorry?” Kris had to have misheard Baekhyun, right?
            “You heard me,” he says as he pushes the sandwich away from him.
            Chanyeol returns to the living room with a bottle of mustard in his hand and Kris walks out of the room. He makes the decision to get Kris and Baekhyun to be friends in that moment, so they could all just have a good time. Chanyeol loves these two people which is why he is sure that they will have no problem being friends.
            When Chanyeol comes home after work, he finds Kris asleep on the couch with the title screen of disc three of season two of One Tree Hill playing on the tv. He smiles because one, Kris actually is putting an effort into watching Chanyeol’s favorite show and two, Kris looks completely adorable when he is asleep.
            Just as Chanyeol's is placing a blanket over Kris, he opens his eyes and yawns. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” Chanyeol apologizes.
            “Wasn’t really asleep.” Kris yawns again.
            “Come on,” Chanyeol nods. “Let’s go to bed.” He turns off the television and Kris turns out the lights before they walk down the hall and up the stairs. The couple strip down to their briefs and pull on a comfortable t-shirt before falling into bed. Chanyeol snuggles up to Kris and immediately feels how tense he is.
            Since Baekhyun called Kris a , it has not left his thoughts. Kris knew from the beginning that Baekhyun did not like him and that confirmed it completely. But what did he do for Baekhyun to hate him? Yeah, okay, Kris did sell himself for , but that’s not all who Kris is. Chanyeol has obviously looked past that part of Kris' life and he couldn’t be more grateful, but why can’t Baekhyun be like Chanyeol? He feels like there is something that he should do, but there’s really no point. He’ll just have to avoid Baekhyun and that will be it because as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, Kris really is—
            Kris' thoughts are cut off when Chanyeol kisses his cheek. “You alright?”
            He nods. “Yeah,” he lies. “I just …” Kris sighs. “We should just go to sleep.” Chanyeol is not convinced. There is clearly something on Kris' mind that is bothering him and he wants to make Kris feel better. Chanyeol takes a breath before lowering the hand that he had resting on Kris' stomach. “Chanyeol, what are you – oh.”
            That feeling Kris has been having is exceptionally strong and the fear is almost completely gone.
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Chapter 18: Why am i reading this with Larry Stylinson in my head? Must be the blue eyes and the twin

And how did i managed to miss this amazing ff? I really really like this
Chapter 18: can't believe i am reading this so late! thank you for writing such a wonderful fic with KrisYeol :)
Chapter 18: I just finished reading this after years and man i still love this story
KISSmeforever95 #4
Chapter 18: AMG. The ending was sooooo cute. I actually wanted to cry in the chapters after kris left T_T but OMG soooooo happy now! I love how gradually and naturally their relationship grew after they got married initially :) the story was really good! Thanks!
ThumbsUp #5
Oh god my feels. I'm not even in Krisyeol but this fic just took me and I guess I ship them now. Ship them alot.
Re-reading it again and making myself sob like a pig. /cries
trinitivox44 #7
Chapter 18: While reading... Tears never failed to fall. Nice story Author-nim!

Just finished it in one go!

Sequel? Haha
Chapter 18: Just finished reading this story and I do not regret spending so many sleepless nights and school days reading this fic. It was so amazing! I love you authornim!!!!
krisye0l #9
Chapter 18: HELLO OMG! I really love this story! I finished reading it all in one sitting <3

I love how you referenced one tree hill in this story. When I actually read the title of this fic, I immediately thought of OTH! Aaaaah let me love you! Please write more angsty krisyeol in the future!