
Idol Love


So guys, I’m back! I finally had some time again since my exam week is finally over! This chapter is where the fight between the two companies will start. One company wants them apart, and the other wants to fight for the relationships of their idols. I think you can probably guess who is against this haha. Well, let’s get on with the story!



Chapter 14: Caught.


‘’Why does the CEO want to speak with us?’’ Hyoyeon asked as she and the eight girls walked towards their CEO’s office at the top floor of their company.  ‘’We’ve had the talk about our Japanese comeback already, so what could it be?’’ She continued feeling somewhat anxious.

None of the other girls responded as they reached the office where their CEO was.

Knocking on the door, Taeyeon couldn’t help but to feel anxious. What if he found out that she had been seeing Jiyong behind their backs? ‘’But how would he know? We’ve been so careful all this time, alright, maybe not so careful a few times, but still, he couldn’t know right?’’ She sneaked a glance at Tiffany who was also looking very nervous. Before she could say anything, they heard a voice telling them to come in.

Taking a deep breath, Taeyeon opened the door and was surprised to find all of the important people in SM Entertainment, sitting at the large table in the middle of the room wearing unreadable faces. It was a bit intimidating to say at the least.

‘’Take a seat girls.’’ The CEO told the nine girls with a stern expression on his face.

Sitting down, the girls waited until they were spoken to.

‘’Is there something we should know about girls?’’ the CEO spoke up, looking at the girls with a very serious expression on his face.

 ‘’W-what are you talking about sir?’’ Tiffany nervously asked the man.

‘’I’ll show you exactly what I’m talking about Miyoung.’’ He said, calling Tiffany by her real name which made the chills run down her spine.

Turning on the big screen located against the wall in the office, Tiffany gasped when she saw the picture that popped up on the screen. ‘’Oh could this happen?’’  She thought scared. The picture was of her and Seunghyun, sharing a kiss in his car near the SNSD dorm.

 ‘’Oh no, they found out about Tiffany and Seunghyun? But how?’’  Taeyeon thought feeling sorry and scared for Tiffany. But that wasn’t her biggest concern as the next picture that was popping up.

It was a picture of Taeyeon walking out of Jiyong’s apartment in the early morning. Even though she wore a hat as a form of disguise, it was easy to see that it was indeed her on the picture. ‘’Oh no no! This is all going so wrong, what’s going to happen know?’’ She was scared, very scared.

‘’I can’t believe you girls. Dating behind our backs? With two members of Bigbang nonetheless?! Are you two out of your minds?! Those boys are no good. Get involved with them and you’re bound to get a scandal on your hands!’’ The CEO said raising his voice and slamming his hands on the table.

The two girls hung their head low, both not knowing how to respond to the man’s outburst.

‘’The paparazzi has been on to you two for a while now. Do you know how much we had to pay him to not publish this! We’re not even sure if this is the only reporter that caught on to your little love affairs.’’ He continued, showing several pictures of the two couples. Pictures of the couples holding hands, kissing and hugging. Taeyeon eyes turned watery realizing what was going to happen know.

Seeing this, Sooyoung wrapped an arm around the girl’s shoulder and held her close, comforting the now fragile looking girl. ‘’It’s going to be alright Taeyeon-ah, I promise.’’ She whispered to her leader in a comforting tone.

‘’Girls, all of you leave except for Taeyeon and Miyoung. We just needed the seven of you so they would not get suspicious.’’ The CEO told them while folding his arms.

‘’Bastard.’’ Hyoyeon muttered before standing up and motioning to the other girls to stand up and follow her outside.

Once outside, the girls let out their feelings about the whole situation.

‘’Yah, I can’t believe that man! He’s so cruel!’’ Hyoyeon said, obviously pissed off.

‘’Whatever happens, we will be there for those two, they have never been so happy as they are now, and they are going to stay that way.’’ Sooyoung said also feeling pissed at her wits.

The other members nodded and started walking towards the van that would take them back to their dorms. They would have to wait until the two girls came home to know exactly what happened.

‘’So girls, who wants to go first?’’ the CEO said, resting his elbows on the table and entwining his fingers. ‘’How long has this been going on Taeyeon?’’ He said looking at the girl that was staring at the table.

Snapping her head up, Taeyeon found herself staring into the stern and intimidating eyes of their CEO.

‘’I’ve been dating Kwon Jiyong for thirteen months now sir.’’ She said quietly, looking away and fiddling her fingers nervously. She couldn’t believe it, after all this time of being careful and secretive, it has come out. They were no longer a secret to her company, which really wasn’t good considering she is the leader of the biggest girl group in South Korea, heck Asia even.

‘’Thirteen months?!’’ The man exclaimed shocked and angered. ‘’You mean to tell me that you have been lying to us for thirteen months? Unbelievable! This is really unacceptable Taeyeon, and with the leader of Bigbang nonetheless from our rival company!’’ He yelled at the girl, causing her to shrink back in her seat.

Looking back up and staring straight at her boss, she decided that she wasn’t going to hold er emotions and feelings back anymore. ‘’Sir, I can’t choose who I fall in love with, and I really do love him, he is really not the kind of man you think he is.’’ Taeyeon told him, feeling determined to defend the man that she loved.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon in shock. There she was, defending her love for the man who meant the most to her.

‘’Are you talking back to me? See what this guy has turned you into? Show some respect young lady, you forgot who made you into the person you are today!’’ The man yelled at her furiously.

‘’You may have made me as the idol that I am today, and I’m very thankful for that, but my personality is mine, and mine only. And I can’t just let you badmouth the man that I love who you don’t even know.’’ She continued, feeling angry as well. She knew that this would cause big problems, but right now, she didn’t care one bit.

‘’I better not catch you with him again Taeyeon, there will be big consequences if I do catch you. And for the record, your boyfriend is coming back from his American tour today right? Well, it sure won’t be a nice homecoming for him since his CEO also knows about this little escapade of you two.’’ He told her before eyeing Tiffany. ‘’Same goes for your boyfriend Miyoung.’’ He grinned at them.  ‘’Let’s just see how this will play out then.’’ He said walking towards the window. ‘’Now, go, and straight to your dorm, and there’s no way you’ll be able to leave without being noticed. We’ll talk again really soon girls.’’

The girls looked at each other while getting up and leaving the room. Once outside, the girls immediately hugged each other letting the tears that they had been holding in go.

‘’What are we going to do Taeng?’’ She cried on the girl’s shoulder. ‘’I’ve barely been with Seunghyun for two months and now I can’t see him again?’’ She cried. They had been official for about two months, and in those months they hadn’t seen each other for about half of it, and now they were caught and couldn’t see each other anymore? No, this just couldn’t be happening.

‘’We’ll find a way Fany-ah. Trust me, we won’t give up without a fight.’’ Taeyeon said, whilst letting the tears fall from her eyes. She wasn’t going to let Jiyong go, never. Thirteen months of happiness and love, but also the pain and hardships they had been through, gone, just like that? She didn’t think so.

Letting go of the embrace, the girls went on their way to the van, feeling nervous for the boys, as they were going to hear about this probably today as well.

‘’Stay strong Ji, please fight for us.’’



‘’Sit down boys. We have to talk about something.’’ CEO Yang Hyun Suk told his boys who just came back from their American leg of their Alive tour.

Jiyong and Seunghyun sat down as their boss told them to. They both already had a suspicion about what their boss wanted to talk to them about.

‘’Boys, I had a talk with an representative of SM Entertainment.’’ He stopped there, looking at the faces of his boys change into shock and disbelieve.

‘’You two have been dating two girls from So Nyuh Shi Dae? Do you know how dangerous that is for your careers boys?’’ He continued.

‘’We know sir, we’re sorry.’’ Seunghyun told him.

‘’How did they found out sir? Have we been caught? Because we were really careful when we were together.’’ Jiyong said, still in shock that both of the couples were actually caught. It was a bit suspicious. ‘’That’s it, shows over, curtains closed. Secrets always come out.’’ Jiyong thought feeling really miserable. What would happen now? He didn’t want to lose Taeyeon. He would have to figure out a way for them to stay together.

‘’You two have been followed by the paparazzi. They are getting better at hiding themselves with each day that passes. But boys, why didn’t you tell me? You know that I always said that I want you to fall in love and be happy.’’ The man said a little angered and disappointed.

‘’Because they are from So Nyuh Shi Dae sir. We were to scared with how you would react to this.’’ Jiyong said quietly feeling guilty for not telling him. But then again, you never knew how this man would react in any occasion.

‘’I’m not going to lie to you two, I’m angry at you two for not telling me. But I know as an former idol what it’s like to fall in love with another idol and not being able to date freely.’’ He said, feeling sympathy. He and his wife had gone through the same thing that these boys were going through. Only they didn’t get caught until the time was right.

‘’Their CEO demands that you two break your relationships with Taeyeon and Tiffany, but I have not agreed to this request yet. I want to hear your stories before I make any decisions.’’

The boys nodded and looked at each other as to who would begin.

Jiyong decided it would be best if he began. Taking a deep breath and looking at his boss’ eyes, he began telling him everything, how and when they first met, to the part that she got him out of his depression and the secret meetings that they had planned together.

‘’I really love this woman sir, I’ve never been so serious about any other girl before.  She’s been there for me every step of the way. With her, I even think about the future that I someday hope of sharing with her. I don’t want to end it with her. I won’t end it with her.’’ He finished with that, looking at the man in front of him, feeling very emotional. All his emotions came out at once, the tensions of the past months coming out at once.

‘’Tiffany and I have only been dating for about two months, but I can’t let her go. Once I fall in love, I won’t give up.’’ Seunghyun said short, but powerfully sitting up straight in his seat. He knew that this was bound to happen sooner or later. It just came sooner than he expected it to.

Yang Hyun Suk looked at the boys with wonder. He hasn’t seen the boys so serious about something besides their love for music and Seunghyun’s passion for acting. His mind was made up.

‘’Alright, lets fight for your love then.’’ He said.

The boys gasped in amazement. He just agreed with our relationships with some of the most popular idols of South Korea? What?

He laughed a little at the bewildered looks on the boys faces. ‘’I’ve been there boys, I just didn’t get caught.’’ As he said that, the look on his face turned serious. ‘’This will be an intense and emotional battle, are you two ready for that? SM will do anything to keep you away from their girls. I will try to negotiate but this won’t be easy. We have to make sure that Bigbang’s but also SNSD’s carreers will be safe. Understood?’’ He finished calm but stern.

‘’We understand. Thank you for doing this sir, this really means a lot.’’ Jiyong said feeling touched and thankful, but he couldn’t help but be worried about Taeyeon. ‘’Is she alright? Did she receive the big scolding already? What is going to happen to her? I have to see her.’’

Yang Hyun Suk frowned at the concerned expression on Jiyong’s face. ‘’I know you are worried about her Jiyong-ah, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to see her yet. Not until we’ve decided on a plan of action.’’ He actually felt sorry for the boys. He will always have a soft spot for his YG Family. He can come across as a stern and scary man, but in the end, he would always fight for his family’s wellbeing and happiness.

‘’Go and rest you two, we will talk about the details soon.’’ Yang Hyun Suk said, and with that, the boys got up and walked out of the office after saying their goodbyes and bowed for the man.

‘’Man, what are we going to do now hyung?’’ Jiyong asked his hyung as he put his hands in his pocket as they exited the office. He was happy that their boss accepted them and willing to fight, but he knew that the CEO of SM Entertainment was a cold and hard man, which wasn’t helping at all.

‘’We will have to wait and see how this is going to unfold Ji. I’m not going to lie, this is going to be a hard time for all of us, and we have to be extra careful with the actions we take. We can’t risk anymore exposure until we have everything planned out.’’ Seunghyun told his friend. This was going to be the true test for both of their relationships. And it was going to be hard.


That’s it for chapter 14! So it has begun, the fight between the two companies will begin. Let me know what you thought of it! For everyone who still follows this story and comments and subscribes: You guys are my fuel. I know I don’t update very often anymore, but I will have my winter break from college soon so, expect more frequent updates then! I might update again tomorrow, it all depends how inspired I am for the next chapter! See you guys soon!



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I´m finally working on Chapter 21 guys! GOSH. I´m so sorry it´s all taking this long again!!


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soshifiedpixie #1
Chapter 20: Hoping for an update TT
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 2: I hope you will update.
Chapter 20: Authornim~ did you forgot your account password? ???
TaeOppaImPregnant #4
Chapter 20:
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I think the writer forget her password T_T Gosh I really hope that you're not forgetting about this story!! :(
pieceofwings #6
Chapter 20: When will you update????!!@ gooosh this is so goood.
ShoutEric #7
Chapter 20: Dam update! Great story though!
ForeverSoshiKezh #8
Chapter 20: Its,2016.. Update authornim. I miss you n ur stories!!
mzlyod #9
Chapter 20: Now that jiyong and kiko broke up..
I wish all the best for gtae...!! Gtae ftw!!
RandomReader86 #10
Chapter 20: Please update author-nim :D <3