The Club

Idol Love


I’m finally back! Whew!
I’m sorry for not updating earlier, but well, college was hectic as usual, but! I have some free time now and I felt like spending it writing so here you go! Chapter 12!
And again, thanks to everyone who commented and subscribed to this story! Oh yeah, I split this part into two parts and, a hint at perhaps a new Soshibang couple in the story! Well, here we go!


Chapter 12: The Club.

‘’Cheers to a perfect ending of our Asia tour!’’ Daesung practically screamed as he held his beer in front of him before gulping it down in a fast pace followed close by the other  members of Bigbang. They’ve already had a party with their entire staff after their last concert of their Asia tour, but they also wanted to celebrate it with only each other. They were in the V.I.P lounge of one the hottest and most exclusive nightclubs in South Korea called ‘’Style’’. The reason it was so exclusive is that the owner of the club was none other than their boss Yang Hyun Suk. A lot of celebrities frequented this club.

‘’Yah, it’s so good to be back in Korea again for a while. All that sleeping on a plane did a number on my neck.’’ Jiyong said while holding his neck with his hand.

‘’Ah hyung, the real reason you’re so happy to be back again is because you get to see your lady love again!’’ Seungri slapped his shoulder and smirked at his hyung.

Jiyong glared at the maknae before taking a swig from his beer. He was right though. They were both in Korea for a while now, so they can hopefully spend more time together since both of their schedules weren’t as tight anymore.

‘’Hey look! Aren’t those girls from So Nyuh Shi Dae?!’’ An already tipsy man said from his seat at the bar.

Jiyong snapped out of his thoughts immediately and turned his head to look at the girls entering the V.I.P lounge. And sure enough, the man was right. Standing at the entrance of the lounge were five out of the nine So Nyuh Shi Dae members. He squinted his eyes and saw that it were, Sooyoung, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Tiffany, he couldn’t see the last girl though because she was giving her coat to the usher at the entrance. When the man finally went away, his heart skipped a beat because standing right there, was his, as Seungri put it a while ago, his ‘’Lady love’’.

‘’Omo! So Nyuh Shi Dae! Let’s call them over so we can have a drink together!’’ Daesung exclaimed excited that his friends were here.

Seunghyun looked at Jiyong and smiled at the flabbergasted look on his face. He clearly didn’t expect Taeyeon to show up. He was shocked that Tiffany was here too, but he couldn’t show it, since the only one that knows that they have been seeing each other was Jiyong and Taeyeon.


‘’The Bigbang oppa’s are here!’’ Hyoyeon exclaimed excited. She really liked Bigbang and was close to Daesung, just like the rest of the girls were.

Taeyeon looked up when she heard Hyoyeon say that Bigbang was here. She knew that they were going to a club to celebrate the end of their Asia tour, but she didn’t realize they were going to come here. Of course now that she thinks about it, she should’ve known, after all, this was the club of their Boss.

She scanned the room for the boys, only to be met with Jiyong’s eyes, who wore staring at her intently. They continued to just stare at each other for a while before she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Sooyoung say that they should join them. ‘’Come on girls! Daesung is waving us over.’’ Sooyoung said skidding over to their table at the back of the room.

Arriving at the table, she greeted everyone and sat at the opposite seat of Jiyong, smiling softly at him. Even though their members knew about them, they still had to be careful since the rest of the people didn’t know about them. The room is filled with well, people who could easily expose them. Not only celebrities have access to this lounge. Magazine directors, models, actors and actresses, anyone who had a name or had the money got in.

Jiyong smiled back at her and mouthed a ‘’I missed you’’ to her, to which she blushed and nodded her head in reply to him.

‘’Do you girls want anything to drink?’’ Seunghyun asked as he already waved a waiter over.  The girls ordered a sweet white wine while the boys switched from beer to Bacardi with coke.

Jiyong looked at everyone at the table, they were talking about their tour and some of the crazy and embarrassing things that had happened during their shows. He cringed as Daesung started telling about the time that he ripped his pants when he was bending over. ‘’Gah, he just has to tell that story does he.’’ Jiyong thought embarrassed and started biting his lip. He jumped up as he felt something go up his leg. Realizing what it was, he looked at Taeyeon, who was grinning cutely. She was sliding her foot up and down his leg. He grinned back at her, feeling a little by this action of his girlfriend, who apparently wasn’t as innocent as he thought she was.  Breaking their gaze, Taeyeon turned her head and immersed herself in an conversation with Tiffany, who was seated beside her.

‘’It that we have to be so careful.’’ Tiffany said quietly to Taeyeon so that no one else could hear their conversation. ‘’But then again, we’re not officially dating so there’s nothing to be careful about, but still, gah, this is so frustrating!’’  She rambled before taking a huge swig of her wine. ‘’ I mean, we haven’t even kissed yet, so yeah, oh how I want to kiss him. Why hasn’t he kissed me yet?’’ She continued, slurring a little while rambling on and on.

Taeyeon laughed as it was obvious that the girl was already drunk and babbling about every single thing that frustrated her. ‘’You should talk to him about it Fany-ah, but you should do it when you’re sober. Who knows what more will come out of your mouth now.’’ She told the girl, still amused.

Tiffany pouted and excused herself to go to the bathroom. Taeyeon kept laughing since the girl was automatically swaying along with the music.

Seeing Tiffany walking towards the bathroom, Jiyong grabbed this chance to sit next to Taeyeon on the sofa. Standing up, he walked towards Taeyeon and sat next to her, rubbing his hand on her back to get her attention.

She snapped her head towards him and smiled, enjoying being close to him again.

‘’How drunk is she?’’ Jiyong asked her still drawing small circles on her back with his hand. It was better than nothing. He couldn’t just kiss her here, which was quite hard for him to resist, so this would have to do.

‘’Just wait until she starts hugging everyone and telling them what she loves and hates about that person.’’ She replied, leaning her back into his hand.

‘’I bet Seunghyun hyung would love that.’’ He grinned.

‘’Yah babo!’’

Everyone turned their heads to see that Seungri had just spilled his drink on Yuri’s top. ‘’Do you know how expensive this is?!’’ Yuri screamed at the younger man who was frantically waving his hands in front of him, hoping that the girl wouldn’t punch him.

‘’I’m sorry noona! It was an accident I swear!’’ Seungri exclaimed feeling sorry for ruining his noona’s top.

Taeyang knocked Seungri on the head. ‘’Yah, what are you doing just sitting there, go get some water and towels to try and get the stain out.’’ He finished and watched as Seungri went to the bar to get the towels and water.

‘’Sorry about that, he’s kind of clumsy at times, and he gets even clumsier when he’s had a few drinks.’’ Taeyang said to Yuri apologetically.

Yuri looked at Taeyang. ‘’I-it’s fine oppa, the stain can be washed out.’’ She stammered. ‘’I don’t know what came over me.’’

The girls except Yuri looked at each other. Did Yuri just stammer when she spoke to Taeyang? She’s never stammered before when talking to a guy. They eyed her before deciding to let it go when Tiffany returned to the table looking a bit fresher than before. ‘’Jiyong oppa! I leave the table for five minutes and you already stole my place?! You really can’t stay away from our Taeng can’t you?’’ She said grinning when the man turned red in the face.

Regaining his cool, Jiyong retaliated; ‘’I’m sure you don’t mind Fany-ah, I mean, look who you are sitting next to now!’’ He finished his sentence while wiggling his eyebrows up and down and smirking.  Taeyeon slapped him on the arm and he looked at her with questionable eyes.

‘’They don’t know remember.’’ She whispered to him annoyed. His mouth turned into an O shape as he sheepishly bowed his head at his hyung was glaring at him with his strong gaze. ‘’Mianhe?’’ He said sheepishly before turning his attention to his drink.

‘’Yah, let’s go dance!’’ The already tipsy Sooyoung said loudly while standing up with her arms in the air.

‘’We’re going to dance the night away! Let’s do it!’’ Daesung said as everyone was also standing up to go the dancefloor.

Everyone was having a good time with each other on the dancefloor, minus the few drunk men who attempted at dancing with the girls, who were scared away by the Bigbang boys.


Taeyeon was walking towards the bathroom in a abandoned hallway when she felt a hand on her arm pulling her to the wall. Pinned to the wall, she saw that the owner of the hand was none other than Jiyong.

‘’I was waiting for you to show up.’’ He said softly to her while putting his hands on her sides. ‘’Took you long enough.’’ He continued before he closed his eyes and the gap between them and pressing his lips on hers. He couldn’t wait any longer. He has waited for what felt like an eternity to kiss her again, and now that he had his chance, he wasn’t about to pass on it.

Taeyeon responded immediately to his kiss. Wrapping her slender arms around him and her hands resting on his back, she absorbed herself into the kiss. It had been way to long since they had been this close to each other. They continued their passionate lip-lock for a while before they had to breathe again.

Breaking the kiss slowly, Jiyong rested his head against Taeyeon’s head with his eyes still closed, treasuring the intimate moment they were sharing. Giving her a kiss on her forehead, he removed his head from hers and opened his eyes to look at her. ‘’I’ve missed you so much babe.’’ He said gently.

Taeyeon leaned away from the wall so that Jiyong could wrap his arms completely around her and pull her close to him. She hung her arms loosely around his neck as she stared at the handsome man in front of her. ‘’I’ve missed you more Ji.’’

He shook his head. ‘’Not possible.’’ He responded before giving her a quick kiss on the lips and hugging her afterwards.

‘’You’re such a cheeseball Ji!’’ She said laughing softly, but she secretly loved it when he said things like that.

‘’But I mean every word of it.’’ He replied before laying soft butterfly kisses on her neck.

She giggled. ‘’Yah, that tickles!’’ She said, but still arched her neck so that he had better access to her neck.

He continued to kiss her neck when suddenly,

‘’Yah get a room!’’

Jiyong jumped away from Taeyeon startled as they looked at the source of the voice.

‘’Oh man, Youngbae! You scared the hell out of me man!’’ Jiyong exclaimed annoyed and still a bit startled.  He looked at his friend who was grinning.

‘’Relax man, I was just messing with you guys. I already figured you were here waiting for Taeyeon-ah to show up. I actually stood on the lookout for you two, and decided to scare you a little.’’ He grinned.

‘’I thought you were too busy keeping an eye out for Yuri.’’ Jiyong replied, crossing his arms and clicking his tongue in anticipation of his friend’s reply.

‘’What? Oppa likes Yuri?’’ Taeyeon said surprised, her eyes wide. She didn’t see that one coming.

Taeyang blushed, ‘’I don’t like like her. I just think she is a really cool girl, that’s all.’’ He rambled, defended himself. It was the truth, he talked to her a few times and they had a lot in common, but they didn’t talk enough for him to know if he liked her in that way.

‘’If you say so man.’’ Jiyong taunted at him before turning his attention to Taeyeon. ‘’I’ll meet you at the table alright?’’ He said and kissed her on the lips before walking towards the lounge again.

Taeyang looked at her while she was smiling at Jiyong who was walking towards the lounge again. ‘’Thank you for making him so happy Taeyeon-ah.’’ He suddenly said.

Taeyeon turned her attention towards the man in front of her. She smiled. ‘’He makes me happy too oppa.’’

Taeyang walked towards her and lightly touched her shoulder and smiled. ‘’That’s good to hear.’’ He said and let go of her shoulder before walking into the bathroom.

Letting everything sink in, she forgot why she was there in the first place until, ‘’Omo, I’m going to burst!’’ She hurriedly walked into the bathroom.

Jiyong was just casually talking with Hyoyeon about music when all of a sudden he heard a scream saying to let go. Alarmed, he searched the room for the source of the scream. His eyes widened as he saw that the scream came from no one else but Taeyeon. A man was holding her, or better said, groping her, trying to pull her closer to him.

Enraged, Jiyong stood up and ran towards them. ‘’Yah! What do you think you’re doing! Let her go!’’ He screamed at the man before grabbing Taeyeon and putting her behind him. ‘’What the hell were you trying to do huh? Is that how you treat girls?!’’ He said to the man. How dare he touch his girl like that. Furious, he stared at the man who was just smirking.

‘’Come on man, I need someone for tonight, and what’s better than a from So Nyuh Shi Dae.’’ The man said, not feeling threatened by the pissed off Jiyong.

Jiyong however, was already gone when the word ‘’ left the man’s lips and he punched him right in the face.

So, how will this end? Only I know for now hehe! What did you think about the new possible Soshibang couple? Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! I will probably update later today, since I’m in a writing mood and the latest will be tomorrow. Until then my lovely readers!

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I´m finally working on Chapter 21 guys! GOSH. I´m so sorry it´s all taking this long again!!


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soshifiedpixie #1
Chapter 20: Hoping for an update TT
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 2: I hope you will update.
Chapter 20: Authornim~ did you forgot your account password? ???
TaeOppaImPregnant #4
Chapter 20:
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I think the writer forget her password T_T Gosh I really hope that you're not forgetting about this story!! :(
pieceofwings #6
Chapter 20: When will you update????!!@ gooosh this is so goood.
ShoutEric #7
Chapter 20: Dam update! Great story though!
ForeverSoshiKezh #8
Chapter 20: Its,2016.. Update authornim. I miss you n ur stories!!
mzlyod #9
Chapter 20: Now that jiyong and kiko broke up..
I wish all the best for gtae...!! Gtae ftw!!
RandomReader86 #10
Chapter 20: Please update author-nim :D <3