Strange Feelings

Bonjour Mademoiselle...?

"Sajangnim, this is the last document for today." She smiled while putting that pile of papers on my desk. I stared at that stacks of document and sighed. "Jungsoo-sshi, could you help me organized them alphabetically, I think I cannot check them all today. I will bring them home and checked them tonight though." I was really exhausted for today's job, there were a lot of new projects i should check but my head was already full of some previous assignment. I just need some refreshment, but I didn't think I could have a day off when the works were this much.

"Do you want me to check them instead? I think I could work overtime today..." She offered me. But I wasn't sure if she could handle all of this works by herself. "No, they're my duty. You don't have to." I gave her a faint smile and leaned back onto my recliner. I patted my heavy shoulders, they were a bit stiffed. Maybe I should go to the gym tonight but I was so tired that rest must become a better option.

"Choi-sajangnim... I just finished organizing them." She came and put that pile of assignments back on my desk. "Are you okay? You look tired..." Her expression was so worried but I didn't want to look weak in front of my secretary so I stood up from my chair and packed my bags, ready to bring that documents home with me. "I'm okay... I need to go now. See you tomorrow." I moved away from my desk, but suddenly she prevented me to go and place her hands on my shoulder, massaging my rigid muscles with her delicate hands and I must admit that it feels great. I could felt some sparks of electricity roaming over my spines. "Jungsoo-sshi..." I touched her hands and removed them from my body. "You don't have to." But she wasn't listening and continue to massage them. "This is for your hardwork sir...." I turned around and ruffled her hair, it was so soft and shiny, My fingers automatically her head slowly, moving down to her cheeks, touching them gently. However I realized this wasn't right so I pulled away immediately. "I have to go now." I walked away through the exit door, leave her alone in my office. "What was I thinking? Damn choi siwon, she is your secretary." I pushed the elevator button and wait for it impatiently. I didn't want to face her right now, it was totally embarrassing for me. Why should I touch her face like that? How if she wasn't comfortable with my action earlier. It would make the situation awkward between us.

"W-wait! Sajangnim!" Unfortunately she followed me. "I'm sorry... I won't do that again... I'm sorry for being disrespectful..." She bowed repeatedly. Actually she didn't have to apologize at all. I understand that she just want to comfort me, but that wasn't necessary. "It's okay, but... Please don't get too close toward me again." I didn't know why must I said that. Maybe I just want to avoid any unecessary circumstances, she was my employee and nothing more. I hope she didn't get it wrong. I took a quick glance at the girl beside me but her expression was rather disappointed.

We were both silent in the elevator. I didn't know what to say since I'm afraid I would say something wrong again. So after we reached the ground floor, I rushed to walk out from the elevator through the lobby and get in into my car which was already waiting outside. I stared outside my window and saw kyuhyun, he was waiting for jungsoo to come out and greeted her cheerfully. I wondered if they had a special relationship, but it wasn't my business though.

It wasn't my business but my heart felt so upset. "Please drive to the gym." I told my driver to change the direction immediately, the gym was still my best spot to relieved stress. So after I arrived at the mentioned place, changed my suit into the workout outfit and went directly to the boxing punchbags, and strived it with all my might. "Damn!" I stopped when my fists felt sore and dripping some blood out. I wrapped them with some fabrics and sat down on the bench, inhale deeply and took a bottle of water, splashing it over my sweaty face. "It felt better..."


On the next morning I saw her again, she was coming to the office together with kyuhyun. And she was laughing happily while the boy seemed to telling some amusing joke. I stepped out from my car, glancing at those two and walked away when they bowed. "Teukie, I'll pick you up after work again okay?" I could heard their conversation before I pushed the elevator button and the door suddenly opened. "P-please wait for me!" She waved to kyuhyun before running and joined me into the elevator.

"Did kyu always picked you after work?" I asked inside the elevator without looking at her straightly. "Ah? No, he didn't." Her voice cracked when answering, was she nervous around me? "So you are close with him?" I asked her continuously, I didn't know myself but my mouth cannot be sealed. "Not that close... We just barely met with each other... And he is a funny and kind boy." I clenched my fists and finally turned to that female beside. "Do you like him?" That sentence just come out from my mouth without me knowing. It wasn't a normal thing a boss would ask to his secretary.

"W-what? N-no, it's not like that... He's just like a dongsaeng to me..." I glanced at her, she was blushing red. Why would she blushing if she didn't like him? It was so obvious and it somehow made me... Angry? Why should I angry? "W-why you asked that?" she looked up to me and I instantly turned to the opposite way. "No... It was just... Kyu is a great guy. He's genius and kind. Maybe he could make you happy if you two were dating. But of course it's up to you." I rushed to get out from the elevator when we reached the 32nd floor. It was really awkward for me to say that, why should I interfere between their personal life? It was out of my authority.

"Sa-sajangnim... Wait!" She ran into me and grabbed my hands. "you've mistaken something..." She stared at my eyes and abruptly looked away. "I don't have any romantic feelings toward kyu like that...." I paused when she was saying that. why all of the sudden she said that? Why would she wanted to make things straight? "I-I... The one whom I like is..."

"Siwon!!" My heart almost stop beating when the voice suddenly changing into a heavily accented chinese. "Oh hangeng hyung!" I avoided the girl who almost said something and talked to the older male instead. "Why are you here hyung?" I chatted with him but my eyes kept glancing behind my shoulder, she looked upset and ran away into the office room. "Kyu and hyuk just finished the proposal, it looked good, maybe you should check it out by yourself." He handed over the folder but I still didn't pay any attention to the conversation, my mind was still thinking about her last sentence. Who was the person she likes? But why would it matter to me?

"Jungsoo-sshi?" I knocked on her room, I still didn't know about what to say, but I had to talk with her to make everything's clear. I didn't want her to be awkward around me or else the works wouldn't get done well. "Y-yes..." She opened the door hesitantly while looking down on her feet. "Please look at me when I'm talking." She still refused to looked up, just making me more impatient. "Park Jungsoo! Aren't you listening?" She finally tilt her head up, but I was shocked that her eyes were red and swollen.  "Jungsoo-sshi... Were you just crying? Was it because of me?" She shook her head instantly while rubbing her eyes. "No... I wasn't crying... i just got something in my eyes..." She sobbed. Actually she wasn't good at lying at all. "Leeteuk-sshi..." I pulled the blonde closer into my embrace, holding her fragile body tightly with my arms while calling her nickname gently and her back.

"I'm sorry... For hurting you..." I held her tighter upon saying that. She was surprised with my sudden movement but she didn't pulled away. Otherwise she relaxed in my arms and leaned forward. "You didn't hurt me... I was hurting myself..." She finally pulled away and stared at my eyes. "Sajangnim... I'm sorry for making you worried. I'm okay now, thanks for comforting me..." She was smiling again and my eyes were blinded by her charm. She was really beautiful just like that, making me unable to think anything else. I unconciously touched her chin and leaning down, pressed my lips against her slowly. They were so delicate and luscious, I couldn't help myself but to kissed them, nipping on them lovingly then realized what just I had done.

"I-I'm...." I looked at her worrily, how if she didn't want this and rejecting me, however she already frozed despite her face was already reddish hot like a boiled-crabstick. "Sa-sajangnim..." Her nose started to bleeding then she fainted, fell backward, luckily I managed to caught her body before she reached the ground. "Jungsoo-sshi! Wake up!" I patted her cheeks but she won't regain her conciousness.


I waited beside her in the healthcare room, doctor said that she just tired so she needs some rest. I sighed heavily, what had I done. Maybe she collapsed because she didn't want that kiss so much. I had to apologize directly when she woke up. "Sajangnim?" I yelped  upon hearing that soothing voice. Did she awake? "Jungsoo-sshi... Are you okay?" I helped her to sit on the bed then she nodded weakly. "That's good... I'm so worried just now...."

"That kiss..." She whispered. Then my heart pounding faster. What did she thought about that kiss? Why did I kissed her actually? "Why... You did that?" she finally asked that. My hands sweating, I was so nervous about what should I say. I didn't know whether she felt the same way as I did. "Th-that kiss was..." I glanced at her quickly, she seemed to waiting for me to open my mouth. "I don't know... I just think that you're so beautiful..." My cheeks got blushing. "I'm sorry if you didn't like that, my body just moving by itself..." Then suddenly she sealed my lips with a kiss, prevented me to speak further. "I like that... I like you sajangnim..." She smiled while blushed pinkish on her adorable cheeks. 

Like I stated before, my body just moving by itself again and pulled her, crashing our lips together. "I like you too... I like you so much." I stared at her and her reddish cheeks. "I'm sorry... I thought you didn't felt the same way as I do... I'm afraid you'll reject me and resign from this job... I guess I was just being a coward." I smiled shyly then she chuckled. "How could you ever think like that? I was the one who afraid of being rejected by you sajangnim..."

"Just call me siwon." I disrupted her sentence making her giggled. Her giggling sound unique though yet still beautiful to me. "May I call you Teukie?" I held her hands and smiling, Actually I wanna smile everytime I saw her.

"Of course you can... But I think we should call each other like usual in the office, siwon sajangnim." She laughed happily. "Yeah I guess we should stay professional while working."


LOL sorry I couldn't help myself but drawing that wonteuk sketch XD (so biased)

I was so exhausted after studied so doodling just refreshed my mind (writing fanfics too kkk) I wanna draw kyumin or kyuteuk or other pairings too according to story if i have another spare time...

So.... Everybody requested siwon's POV, so here goes nothing! (this capter is kinda awkward since siwon is too serious ._.)

Maybe I make wonteuk get together too fast ._. But I thought it would be boring if siwon kept avoiding him ㅋㅋㅋ

So what will happen if kyuhyun knows about this and everyone know about hee and teuk secret? It's gonna be a chaos I guess

About minwook... I don't think there would be that pairing ㅋㅋ but just wait for upcoming plot okay?

for next chappie ^__^ there will be more characters coming

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Finally this is the longest story I've ever done, thanks for reading!


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Chapter 26: This story is so cute!
Chapter 23: Lies, lies and lies *sighs*
Chapter 22: Geez Heechullie! Mess up first before giving a decent advice
Chapter 21: Woah, so Soo have feelings for both
Chapter 19: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 17: Innocent Hae
Chapter 16: Her... Meaning, you actuallly don't know what's happening to Soo
Chapter 15: Don't anger that innocent looking bunny 😂... Teukie made 3 people mesmerize of his looks
Chapter 14: Wow, history did repeat itself
Chapter 13: Poor Teukie... At last, Minnie confessed!