It's Complicated

Bonjour Mademoiselle...?

"Wh-what? So you two aren't dating?" The cute male with blunt fringed caramel brown hair was spacing out when Kyu said that he was not the pink-maniac bunny's lover. "Of course no! How could you made such conclusion that we were dating?" He thought it was really... Weird. If two guys were having such a romantic relationship like that. Of course he was pretty sure that he was a normal, straight guy who likes girls, but somehow... After meeting that beauty which was actually a guy himself, he was frustated about his true orientation. Immediately shoved those minds away, Kyu decided that he was just thinking too much.

"Because you look great together." Ryeowook spreaded the innocent smile, adding more confusion to the brunette's head. "You don't think that kind of... I mean. We are both, males, same gender. Isn't that kinda... Not... Mainstream?" Kyu hesitantly said that. Actually he had no offence against the people who attracted with their own gender, he friended with the anchovy and his fishy boyfriend for about three years already and he already get used to it. But he wasn't even thinking about that came to himself.

"Nope, actually... I think it's not a really big deal. It was not your choice either for having such a different orientation than most of the people do, but... What can you do, when you fall for someone? It's instant like pressing a switch in your heart right?" The shorter male stared at his reflection on the earl-grey tea in front of him, then stirring it slowly, making his face blurred out then held up his sight onto the other male accross the table. "Actually... I also liked a guy, you know... But I think he's a straight one. I have no chance, and it hurted me so much." He sighed while adding a cube of sugar into his cup, stirring it again then sipped slowly into his slightly parted lips. "Well... If that's also the case for Minnie and you, it can't be helped. That boy already invested too much on you, I can tell that by his eyes. They're sparkling when talking about how your daily lives, how you two were fighting and somehow making up again without even apologizing, but I guess it's up to you Kyu. If you don't have any feelings toward him, then just tell him the truth. It's much better than giving out any false hopes."

Kyuhyun was silently listening to the other boy's words. He didn't know that meany bunny really paid much attention to him all this time. So he was that kind of 'tsundere' after all, who looked bold and strong on the outer appearance but kind and fragile inside. He was rather felt guilty toward that older male. He awared that his previous words must be offended ming's feelings. He shouldn't judge him wrongly just because of his ual orientation which was different from others.


"Hey Minnie!" Unlike from usual, Kyu surprisingly called Sungmin by his name rather than shortie, shrimp or meany bunny, and searching for that smaller boy as soon as he arrived at home. "Wh-what?" The mentioned boy came out while clutching his pink bunny plushie tight on his chest with his other hand rubbing his swollen red eyes. Was he crying just now? Kyu felt even more guilty if the black-haired male was crying because of that previous kiss? Maybe he was really bad at that? "Wear some decent clothes, I mean rather than that pink dress, wear something nicer. Let's go to the theme park. Together. Now." Awkward Kyu is awkward.


"Why you suddenly do this?" The cute boy was wearing canary yellow t-shirt with white cardigans on outer combined with lime green trousers not forgetting his favourite pink backpack, looked so bright and colorful while the younger yet taller boy just wearing checkered navy blue shirt with brown toned denim pants. They queued on the locket still awkwardly, waiting for their turn to buy the tickets. "You don't have to... If you don't want..."

"I'm just bored, it has nothing to do with you..." Kyu scratched his back of head nervously, not knowing what to say since he might spitting out more useless words like always. But he already did. The short boy hissed and grabbed his backpack angrily, refused to met the arrogant brat sight when they finally reach the front of locket. "One adult and one child?" The ticket lady smiled friendly to the childish looking boy then Kyu puffed his cheeks to prevent the obvious burst of laughter. "I'm 25 years old..." Suddenly some horror aura came out from the angered bunny then the lady was so shocked and apologizing instantly.

"Yaaay roller coaster!" He ran happily despite having that killing glare just a second before, now he had this cute flowery with unicorn farting rainbow scene all around. "Are you sure you're going to ride that? Honestly I don't mind if you fall and die." As usual kyu is being a total evil jerk. "You bastard, let's see who's gonna survive!" They intensely glared at each other with electricity effect sparked from each other eyes, however there was sudden interruption from not so foreign voice. "Kyuhyun-ah!" Kyu senses were tingling. As he thought, that Choi Siwon, as always, coming from nowhere with that pastor face of his. "Why are you here?" Not a decent greet from our unpolite Kyuhyun. "Aish this kid. Am I not allowed to be here?" He laughed and patted Kyu's back excitingly, not noticing the annoyed expressions from both of males in front of him. 

"Well I launched the new ride just yesterday, so I'm here to check it out and see people responses about it." Just now Kyuhyun forgot that this park was actually owned by the Choi's company. "Have you tried it Kyu? It's called 'Mr. Simple' right there." He pointed the totally high and mighty roller coaster with a lot of screaming people on the super fast-speed hanger. Now Kyu was confused why it was called Mr. Simple from beginning with. "Are you here alone?" After he asked that, the certain blonde in his mind appeared when he was thinking he was not ready yet to encountered with that boy. But he was wearing a cute ruffled white dress with brown wedges and his hair was pigtailed loosely with yellow ribbons on the both side. Kyu was blushing even when he already know that angel wasn't a girl like his appearance was. "Kyuhyun?" Leeteuk was rather surprised to see the younger boy with pair of vanilla ice creams on his slender hands.

"Well as you can see I am not." Siwon pulled the blonde's shoulder closer to his embrace and kissed his cheek lovingly. "Maybe I should tell you now... Honestly we were dating for a while. I'm sorry if I was not telling you this earlier Kyu..." Hearing those statement while watching their action directly, just torned Kyu's heart much more. So he was right, implied that the angel was actually dating this CEO from the start. It seemed like that horse wasn't aware about his true identity yet, but of course Kyu wouldn't hurt that boy by revealing the truth. It was their own problems and Kyu didn't want to involved by this kind of thing anymore. "Oh I see..." He smiled to the nervous blonde and held Sungmin's hand suddenly. The shorter boy yelped at the sudden contact and blushing. "Let's go and try the 'Mr. Simple' Minnie."

"Whoaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!" The bunny and the horse screaming so loudly while Kyuhyun being oblivious watching the white dress about to revealed some milky beautiful legs. Well that kind of outfit was inappropriate to wear when riding this kind of thing, but Kyu was not going to blame the dress anyway, it was such an astonishing sight. He was still cannot believe those y legs were belong to a boy. Seriously. While the owner of the legs was not noticing Kyu's stare because of he was so scared and shutting his eyes tight. Same with the handsome CEO and the cute childish boy which was definitely kill Kyu if they found out that he was enjoying other thing rather than the ride itself. 

"Well that was fun right?" Siwon dizzily lean onto his boyfriend while the blonde hurrily caught his body, hardly to support the muscular  body with his smaller figure. "Yeah totally fun." Kyu was still watching Leeteuk, undressing him in his mind when Ming finally noticed his ert eyes and smacked that head hardly. "What was the definition of fun in your genius wicked brain?" Then Kyu's face burning red. After riding some other roller-coasters, haunted house, 4D movies and other rides, they finally got exhausted and relax for a moment. So that day was totally turning into a double date for them, if Kyuhyun and Sungmin were considered that outing as a date though.

"Wanna try that one?" The dark-haired tall male grabbed his blonde lover's wrist and pulled him to the next place. It was the 'Bonamana', actually just extra giant round wheel made for couple to spend boring time inside the each box. Well of course Kyuhyun won't spend his precious time together with the bunny since it was going to be much awkward however he was worried if the horse would do something bad to that beautiful angel and he decided to spying on them from another box. 

"Wow the view is amazing from here!" Sungmin excitedly looking out through the window while kneeling on the seat like a kid, it was night already and the lamps from city buildings dimmed beautifully like a fireflies from the height. "Kyu! Look here!" He motioned the brunette boy to see the scenery together but unfortunately Kyu was more interested with the couple accross their box. 

"It's pretty..." Leeteuk stared without blinking on the dark starry night. Honestly he was never go to a themed park before, it was kinda embarrassing but he couldn't help it. He and Heechul were living in foster home 'til they grew up and no one would bring them to this kind of place. "I should take Heechul too next time, she would love this so much." He gave a wide smile to the male in front, causing the other nervous and blushing after seeing that grateful expression. "Yeah you should, then I'll ask Hangeng-hyung to came along... Ahh! By the way, let's count to three together." Siwon held the other's hands tightly and smiled, making him confused as well. "Why?" 

"1... 2... 3...!!" He was counting without answering the question then BOOOM!! A large bright firework exploded in the dark sky so suddenly, followed by others which were more colorful and forming some text after the explosion. 'I Love You Park Jungsoo'. Kyu, Ming, especially Teuk and others who saw the fireworks were gaping by the bold confession on that fireworks. "That horse, so exaggerating..." The brat felt so knocked out after seeing that. "Si-siwon... This is..." Siwon halted his company to speak further and sealed their lips together. Tears dripped down from Leeteuk's onyx orbs as he closed his lids with the kiss. He was so happy yet guilty at the same time. He was so aware that he was deceiving the male when he was making this kind of surprise just for a worthless liar. He really not deserved this kind of sweet treatment, Siwon would found out anytime soon... But what could he do? He would hurt the other so much if he found out about the girl true identity. He was nowhere in safe place and he didn't know where to escape. "I love you too... Choi Siwon..." He whispered despite the mixed feelings in his heart right now. "I'm sorry..."


Another chappie ^______^ I finally reached 30 subscribers! Thank you so much!! So happy I would cry ;A;

Not so many progress with the story, I guess this would be a long story since Kangin is not making appearance yet?

and I passed my exam successfully!! *dance happily. So expect more updates xDD and like usual, please leave some comments XDD I'll be soo happy to read them hehehehe

love you!

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Finally this is the longest story I've ever done, thanks for reading!


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Chapter 26: This story is so cute!
Chapter 23: Lies, lies and lies *sighs*
Chapter 22: Geez Heechullie! Mess up first before giving a decent advice
Chapter 21: Woah, so Soo have feelings for both
Chapter 19: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 17: Innocent Hae
Chapter 16: Her... Meaning, you actuallly don't know what's happening to Soo
Chapter 15: Don't anger that innocent looking bunny 😂... Teukie made 3 people mesmerize of his looks
Chapter 14: Wow, history did repeat itself
Chapter 13: Poor Teukie... At last, Minnie confessed!