First Chapter Ever

The Karma of Bullying So Myung Boys High School's Top Bullier
first chapter ever
You stood infront of a big mirror in your room
You wore your uniform and fixed your hair.
"Ahh~ My tie" You said and bited your lip
You quickly grabbed your tie and used it
While you were fixing it,You remembered something
"Yah~~ Jaehwa,Are you crazy?? You're a girl. What makes you think that you can fight me?" Your schoolmate said 
He was known as the most powerful guy in school,He often bullied the girls in your previous high school and it made you pissed off
You grabbed his tie and shouted right infront of his face
"And what makes you think that im scare of you?" You asked and gave him a death glare
Both of you ended up fighting but you lost due to his unfairness by bringing back-up with him and both of you were sent to the discipline room
-End of Flashback-
"Im no longer Jaehwa" you smirked and took your name tag on the table and you put it on,You were now Park Jung Soo
You were finally ready for school,You grabbed your bag and went out of your room
Since you dont speak korean fluently,You tried to searched for a dictionary first
You entered a book store and many girls dropped their jaw,admiring your flawless face as guy.
They squealed like a saesang fangirl but you just ignored them. You walked out from the bookstore and everyone were like keeping their eyes on you
You felt like you're the most famous celebrity ever
You walked to So Myung Boys High Boys School. You saw 12 guys were standing infront of the school gate
Then,There was a girl walked by you,She lowered her face.. Scared that you might hurted her.
You looked at her then you saw the 12 guys stopped her. They were playing with her hair and they took her bag searching for something precious but unfortunately
There are nothing precious there,The 12 guys started to get mad and one of them took a step forward
He looked at her from head to toe and he showed her,her bag that he has took.
"Do you think we're stupid?" that guy said and he poured her school stationeries on her and that girl cried
"That's the lesson for-------------" That guy stopped talking when a soft hand slapped his cheek hard making his white milky cheek turned red
You gave you his your worst death glare
He havent say anything but you already took his bag and you did the same thing like what he do to that girl
"How does it feel? Is it hurt? Does it feels good?" You said and gave him the 'You looks terrible' look
"Yah! you! Youre a new student right?? Dont act like a hero okay? You're nothing here" He said in Korean
"English please" You said with a calm voice
"I said Youre nothing here" He said again with an emotional voice
"So do you" You said
"Dont you know who i am?" He shouted at your face
You immediately covered your nose
"I know you~~ The jobless guy that is hobby to bully girl .. Am I right?" You said and smirked
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" He annoyed
"One more thing! You have such a terrible breath" You said
He froze for a second
Everyone were looking at you and they whispered to each other
"who's that?? He's so hot" A girl said
"I'll do anything to get his attention" The other one said
"The hero has finally came" A nerd said



A/N" Hey~! This is the first chapter~! sorry its worst~!! anw.. I named you Park Jung Soo in this story~!! Happy reading~!

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infinite_kenn #1
Chapter 10: Update soon~~
Chapter 9: update soon! >w<
Update please!!
vernielee #4
Chapter 7: Please update soon :))
buingbuingPandaTao #5
OMO Im so amazed at this story wow!! Update oka fighting! *gangnam style!^^*
Ilovekpopforever #6
Omo update soon!
mrs taeyeon.. hehehe~
..... So many punishments. D: Bwahhh. He's such a mommy's boy. LOL. Please update soon.
Baekyun's a bit too much but haha. Luv the update. Waiting 4 the nxt update.