Airport Frenzies

The Secret Life of an American Student in Korea

Sorry for the late update but things happened... but here it is anyway... I hope you guys enjoy it.... :) .... Please comment :)


“Here's your coffee”


“Thank you.” Those were the first words that Mr. Lee gad had said since he introducing himself to me at the audition venue. His looks may have been of an outgoing, intriguing person, but what I could tell at this moment was that he was quiet and reserved.


What could this man want with me? I had auditioned just an hour before I met him. Why does he want to speak with me so badly?


“Do you watch many Korean dramas?” he asks me in his velvety voice. All I am able to do is nod my head in response.


“Good. Then you may know who I am. Let’s see, I am now working to scout a new talent for the songwriting and producing I am also an actor. I still do some acting but not to the extent that I used to, since I just recently finished my military service, and...”


“Oh! That's right! I have seen you before! In that show...,” I hesitate while trying to remember the name, “Oh yeah! It was called Iljimae, right? Oh my gosh! That's like one of my favorite dramas!”


When he hears my response, he flashes a toothy, ear-to-ear smile that I now recognize easily.


“I'm glad that you recognize me, but I really do have some rather serious business to discuss with you.” As he speaks, the atmosphere surrounding us seems to become more grave by the second. It makes me feel almost afraid of what he is about to say.


“How would like to become a songwriter and producer for the top music artists in Korea?”




What had he just said?


“If you are to accept this offer, you will be offered a well-paying job, working only part-time, since you still need to attend school, but with all the benefits of a full employee. Brave Entertainment will even pay for any and all expenses to move you to Korea.”


Oh. My. God.


This was the chance I had needed. A new start; A new life.


“-but there is a catch.”


“I knew it was too good to be true”, I respond bitterly.


“You will have to leave within 2 days. And then you must report to the CEO as soon as you arrive in Korea. You must make a decision immediately.”


“Why am I needed so badly? Is there something weird about the company? Why is this so rushed,” I ask while trying to decide, to come up with an answer to give him.


I try and try to think of any reason that I should say no... And then I finally have my answer.


“I accept. When's the flight?”


August 6th, 2011 – At the Airport


“You better email me every day, ok?” my friend Rhianna pleads with me as we both hold back our tears.


Rhianna and I have been friends since… basically forever and we're as close as sisters. This was going to be hard for both of us. We were practically family. No, we WERE family. And she was there for me like family… especially now that she was all I had left here.


“Ms. Nowak, we must leave now.”


“I'm on my way Mr. Lee” I respond after he calls to me from the terminal's security entrance.


I can't believe that I am already leaving home. My physical home, that is, because the rest of what I call home left this earth months ago. I need this new start.


“Rhi, I have to leave now. I'll call you as soon as I have the chance, ok?,” I ask her. “You have to make sure that you keep in touch, too. I don't know how I'll be able to do this without you there with me, Rhi!” I hug her quickly before Mr. Lee gets too impatient.


As I walk away, the tears begin to flow down my cheeks. I am leaving my home, my friend, my school, everything, for this unknown and uncertain future that I now reach for.


I look back and wave one last goodbye to my dearest friend and walk toward my dream.


What surprises lay ahead?


“Ms. Nowak, are you coming or not?”


“Yes, Mr. Lee. I'm coming.”


“Ms. Nowak, You can call me Jun Ki if that's more comfortable for you.”


“Thanks Mr.- I mean Jun Ki.”


Just then an announcement over the speaker announced, “Flight KE082 now boarding at gate three; Flight KE082 now boarding at gate three.”


“That's us, right, Jun Ki?”


“That's right. Are you ready for this?”


“Let's get this new life started!” I say as I board the plane.


6 Hours Later


Passengers I'm sorry to interrupt your flight but we are going to be experiencing some turbulence for the next 30 minutes or so, so please try to remain in your seat unless it is a complete emergency. Thank you.”


Of course he would announce that as soon as I stand up to stretch my legs. I am just about to go to the aisle and was currently right in front of Lee Jun Ki.


Well I guess I should go to my seat again, huh.


All of a sudden, the plane swerved quickly to the left, practically dumping me onto Jun Ki's lap.


How embarrassing!


“Getting comfortable are you?”, Jun Ki said with a smirk, practically making my heart flutter.


“No, it was because the plane suddenly-”


My sentence was cut off by another sudden jerk of the plane that caused my head to whip forward painfully. And this action caused my lips to make forceful contact with something I was unsure of... It was... warm...


Oh. My. God.


I was kissing Lee Jun Ki.


To be continued... :)



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omg! i love it so far.. i can't wait to read more.. this story seems interesting after reading the foreward. hehe. update soon :)