Chapter 4

Ayoo wassup oneshots

FML. What is wrong with me. I don't know why but I've been getting frustrated with all these ideas in my head. And I don't know how to freaking write them out. Ugh. GNIAEGOA. I had this in my journal but idk, it just kinda went dry. I have no idea how to continue it )))):

There were alot of things Park Chanyeol didn't believe in
one of them being love at first sight
How can you fall in love with someone you don't know?
He thought it was dumb, just the very idea of it.
He thought his opinion would never change
until someone walked into his life.
Someone by the name of Kris.

It all started with being with the wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
He was hanging out with his friend, Byun Baekhyun.
They were at a newly opened cafe in the neighborhood.
The only problem? It was a place filled with couples.
And fo some reason, it was especially packed at this time of day.
Chanyeol was beginning to wonder what they were doing here.
He looked around the shop. There was nothing but couples everywhere.
Couples holding hands. Couples kissing. Couples feeding each other.
When he had finished scanning the whole room, his eyes landed on Baekhyun.
He was staring at him for who knows how long.
They continued to stare at each other.
Baekhyun was the one to break the silence,
with a question that caught Chanyeol off-guard.
"How come you don't have a girlfriend?"
He began to wonder again what Baekhyun was planning to do.
"Maybe because I don't want one right now."
The other rolled his yes. "Oh, please"
Chanyeol eyed him judgingly. Who are you to judge.
"What do you know?" Chanyeol asked, annoyed.
I know that girls practically throw themselves at you. And you always reject all of them." 
He knew more than Chanyeol thought he did,
but it wasn't like Chanyeol wanted to reject those girls.
His pet peeve made him do it.
He would think they were nice, and had even considered accepting a few of them, until they added in the last line.
"It was love at first sight." they would say, and his smile would turned upside down.
And then he would turn them down.
He decided not to raise his hopes anymore.
Why couldn't someone just say they liked him for his personality,
or just because he was him?
To him, love at first sight meant faling for someone's looks.
"Chanyeol. Chanyeol. Chanyeol. Chanyeol!" Yah! Park Chanyeol!"
He snapped out of his daze. "huh? What?"
Baekhyun let out a loud sigh. "I said, do you mind comnig with me somewhere?"
Chanyeol looked around the room again. Anywhere but here. "yea, sure"
He left the cafe with Baekhyun only to be dragged to another one.
When they entered, Baekhyun looked around the room, searching for someone.
"Hyung, over here!" someone yelled from the left side.
He turned to seea rather intimidating boy waving his hand.
There was someone next to him, but he couldn't get a clear view.
Baekhyun took his hand and pulled him over.
They sat opposite the two people.
As soon as the other man turned forward, Chanyeol's heart stopped beating.
The guy was drop-dead gorgeous.
In a matter of seconds, Chanyeol had become a hypocrite
because he had fallen in love at first sight.

They introduced themselves and talked for awhile before Tao stood up abruptly.
All eyes were on him. "What's wrong Tao?" Baekhyun asked.
"I forgot there was something I had to pick up for my mom"
He collected his things. "I'll come with you" Baekhyun offered.
With a nod of his head, they headed towards the door,
but not before Chanyeol caught sight of Baekhyun and saw the latter giving him a wink.
Chanyeol sighed. What was that about. How can you leave me with this guy. Better question is,
how could I have fallen for this guy.

This guy was named Kris,
and he had soft brown eyes, the perfect set of lips, a defined jaw, and sharp eyebrows.
Everything about his face was perfect, everything captivated Chanyeol.
It left him breathless.
It took him a few minutes to realize he was staring, and a few minutes more to realize that Kris was staring back.
He cleared his throat and looked away quickly.
But Kris was still staring, taking in every single of Chanyeol's features with his eyes.
The latter started becoming fidgety under such close examination.
One sentence brought him back to reality.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
He was disappointed to hear those words coming from Kris.
He prayed hard that Kris didn't belive in that stuff, even though he had fallen at first sight.
"No, do you?"
Chanyeol stared at Kris, anticipating his answer.
"It's hard to say" Kris gave a light laugh.
His face took on many emotions at once. From flustered at seeing Kris laugh,
to happy that he didn't say yes, to disappointed that there was still a slight chance.
"If I said I fell for you at first sight, would you accept me?" Chanyeol's heart stopped again.
Kris had just outright told him that he liked him. He fangirl squealed in his mind,
but replid, "No."
Kris stared at Chanyeol. Stop doing that. "Why not?"
"Because you don't know me." He stared back.
They held each other's gaze. Chanyeol could feel his face becoming hotter.
Kris suddenly broke into a smile.
"Let me get to know you then."

I hate this. Ugh. I'm sorry guys. ): I don't know why, I just can't continue this. I know what I want to say but when I write it, I'm not satisfied. So frustrated. But, if I ever figure how to continue this, I will post it for sure. Again, I'm sorry. Suggestions are always welcome(: And comments winkeu. 

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Hey! I promise to update soon okay? I did get new ideas I just need to find out how to write them out. And it's not a sad one this time! Yay!


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Chapter 4: like drabbles, it's good... i like it :)
Chapter 4: update soon! ;D
The one shots are really cute!
best one shots ever!!!
These one shots are so cute!! But dieing and being friend-zoned :/ hehe. I'll be waiting for your next update hehe. THESE ARE SO COOL!! Lol I'm sorry for sounding weird author-nim ^.^ haha I'll be waiting.
nycbean #6
Kris hwaiting~! Now my Krisyeol feels are all hyped up. Time to spam IG with fabulous Krisyeol~!!! ♡
pencil-n-pad #7
@kpoplove2012, Thank you! I hope I won't disappoint with future updates ♥
nycbean #8
Wahhh~ so sad... but really good. I really love your way of writing. I can't explain it well, but you write reallt well!