I'll always be there

Ayoo wassup oneshots

Another early morning story. weeee. Enjoy^^ I don't have a poster for this one sobseu. Now I hab poster. [kris-n-crack.tumblr.com]

Every couple start out as strangers.
Some can tell you of them meeting their significant other
when the sun and the skies were singing. [A/N: lolwtf.]
But not these two.
They met on a dark and rainy afternoon.
One wishing for their world to end.
The other wishing for something to brighten up their's.
A guy walked in the direction of the crosswalk.
A truck came speeding in on the left.
The next instant, they were both sitting on the wet ground,
tied together, by their red string of fate.

You were so fragile

The older man, known as Wu Yi Fan, yelled.
It took a minute for the other to figure out his surroundings.
The words rang in his head like a bell.
Death. He was playing a game of chase with death.
"You should have just let me."
It was barely above an audible whisper,
but the older one still caught it.
"Woah. Hey, what's wrong. You look young, those thoughts shouldn't be going on in your head."
He reached his hand and pushed the loose strands of hair out of the younger boy's face.
A warm feeling shot through the other's body.
He looked up and soft brown eyes met his own.
For a second, everyone seemed to just fade away.
"Why did you help me?"
Another whisper.
"Because you've got alot to live for."
Wu Fan helped him to his ffet.
"Used to. There's nothing now."
He looked down at the ground.
"You never know what will happen tomorrow, or the next." 
Wu Fan straightened the boys jacket.
"I just know I won't be able to like I used to."
The words were choked out.
"Let's go somewhere to dry off first. We'll get sick at this rate."
The rain had started falling heavier.
For Wu Fan, his world had only started opening up,
but for the younger boy, his world was still breaking.

I was afraid,

that someone would break you

They went to a coffee shop,
and talked for hours.
The younger one was named Park Chanyeol.
The other told him to call him by Kris.
Then he asked him about his problem.
You would think he wouldn't tell his whole story to a stranger
but Chanyeol told all there was to tell.
He had been diagnosed with vocal cysts.
It was treatable, but there was a high chance his voice would suffer backlash.
His vocal range wouldn't be the same,
or he might not be able to rap because it stresses his voice too much.
Kris sat and listened.
He listened to Chanyeol's problems,
but was amused by his voice at the same time.
How could such a deep voice match such a cute face.
After their cafe session,
Kris walked Chanyeol home.
He walked him to the gate, and made him take out his phone.
Kris typed in his number swiftly.
"If you ever need someone to talk to, or just to hang out with"
And he handed the phone back.
Chanyeol would call that number three more times.

I didn't want that

I wanted to protect you

The first time was after he received his check-up for his throat.
He needed to get his mind off of things.
He headed to the same cafe they had been to on their first meeting.
"Hey, it's our two week anniversary."
Kris joked.
Chanyeol instantly forgot everything.
He forgot about his condition.
He forgot about his check-up.
All he could think about was Kris.
Kris didn't smile that often, but when he did,
he shined brighter than the sun.
"Earth to Chanyeol. Please come back, Kris misses you."
He let out a light chuckle.
"Ew, what the heck." 
But his face was heating up fast.
They ordered drinks and talked for a while.
Kris didn't ask about Chanyeol's throat,
because the latter didn't bring it up.
But he wanted to know.
He wanted Chanyeol to lean on him.
To rely on him when he needed it.
When Kris's phone rang to call him back to the office, 
their sweet time ended.
They said their goodbyes,
and went seperate ways.

The second time was purely for hanging out.
Kris suggested a basketball game,
to which Chanyeol agreed.
He didn't care what they did.
He was just craving to spend time with Kris.
Naturally, he got his kicked in the game.
Mostly because he kept staring every time Kris's shirt rose up when he
reached for the ball. [A/N: imagination, yes?(; haha]
After the game, they went for bubble tea.
They both sipped their drinks,
with Chanyeol stealing some from Kris, [A/N: indirect kiss.]
while walking through the park. [A/N: Chanyeol. LOL /im funny/]
"You know you can rely on me, right?" 
the words slipped out of Kris's mouth.
Chanyeol smiled brightly.
"Of course."
And they shared glances.
Kris gave an eye smile. "Good."
Chanyeol's face would have beat a tomato.
When it was time for them to leave,
Kris pulled Chanyeol into a tight embrace.
"Don't forget to miss me"
Chanyeol smacked him playfully on the back, but his face was a million times redder than before.
And again, they walked seperate ways.

The third time was when Chanyeol broke down again.
His condition had worsened.
When he called Kris he heard:
along with some tires screeching and horns honking.
"Kris? Are you driving? Call me back later, okay?"
He was about to hang up when Kris's voice brought him back.
"Hey! I'm at a red light, don't hang up. What's wrong? You sound awful,
and I bet you look awful too."
Gee, thanks.
That's something every person wants to hear from their crush.

"I was wondering, if you weren't....busy, if we could maybe...talk?"
Kris made a sharp u-turn once the light turned green.
"I'll be right there."
"Be careful!" but the line ended mid-sentence.
Chanyeol sat in his living room and waited patiently.
Twenty minutes later, Kris still wasn't there.
He forced himself to think it was because he was somewhere far.
He was about to give Kris another call when his phone rang.
"Kris??" he answered without checking the caller id.
"Are you related to Mr. Wu Yi Fan?" a feminine voice answered.
"Wha --" he was cut off. Darn it lady, let me talk.
"Please come to Seoul hospital, Mr. Wu Yi Fan has just been involved in a tragic accident,
we don't know how long he has to live." [A/N: evil me. It's 4:32am right now okay. What do you expect.]
This time Chanyeol's world shattered for a different reason.
The person who had picked him up when he was in a deep pit,
the person who had saved him from death, was on the brink of death itself.
He ran outside and hitched a cab.
When he got there he asked for Kris "Wu Yi Fan"
and they let him through without identification.

Kris was laying on the bed.
His head bandaged,
with spots of red seeping through.
Tons of wires were hooked up and connected to his arms.
There was a mask over his mouth to help him breathe.
Tears formed in Chanyeol's eyes.
"Kris, wake up." he shook his shoulder softly.
Kris opened his eyes slowly.
"Did you miss me?"
Tears were trailing down Chanyeol's face.
Kris flinched.
"I....wanted to see you. You haven't called in so long. I was afraid you didn't need me anymore."
This time, it was Chanyeol who was hurting.
My fault. It's my fault, he's like this now.
"Hey, it's not your fault okay. I should've been more careful while driving, like you said."
Chanyeol knelt down beside the bed.
"Please don't leave. I still need you. I went to the doctor's today. They said it became worse. I still need you Kris. Don't leave."
A waterfall of tears. He buried his face in the sheets. 
Kris tried to lift his arm to wipe away his tears but he didn't have the strength.
"I'm really sorry. But I hope you know that, even though I'm physically gone, I will always, always be by your side."
His hand tightened around Chanyeol's.
"Chanyeol...I love you."



Everything came down on him.
The nurses dragged him out as doctors tried to revive him, but it was no use.
He was gone.
The one person who made him want to live again,
was gone.
The nurse who had dragged him out came up to him and handed him a wallet.
"Mr. Wu Yi Fan wanted me to give this to you."
He opened it up and a portrait fell out. Wtf.
When he picked it up, he saw it was a candid shot of himself.
When was this taken.
He was about to put it back when he saw writing on the back.


Are you reading this? I was going to give this to you but I like how it turned out, so
I'm keeping it. It was just too cute. Please tell me, what's so funny about a squirrel?
But I like this smile. Your genuine smiles were always the best. Were all the smiles that 
you gave me genuine? I hope so. Chanyeol-ah, I love you.

p.s. You smile like an idiot. Keep it that way ♥

Who could have known that,

I would be the one to break you.

Tears fell onto the photo.
Stupid Kris. I love you too.

RIGHT IN THE FEELS. щ(ಥДಥщ) Almost started banging my head on the wall. Ugly sobbing at 5am in the morning is not exactly my cup of joe. But I couldn't sleep cause this kept coming up. Ugh.I realize I do [A/N] alot and comment..on my own story. Tell me if it's distracting and I won't do it anymore. I am such an angst filled teen. I'll try to make happier ones in the future.


"Don't forget to miss me" came from this. Road rage Kris from this fanart. And, the little quote things on the side says 

You were so fragile,
I was afraid,
that someone would break you.
I didn't want that,
I wanted to protect you.
Who could've known that,
I would be the one to break you.

I thought of this alright. If you see it somewhere else then idk anymore.

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Hey! I promise to update soon okay? I did get new ideas I just need to find out how to write them out. And it's not a sad one this time! Yay!


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Chapter 4: like drabbles, it's good... i like it :)
Chapter 4: update soon! ;D
The one shots are really cute!
best one shots ever!!!
These one shots are so cute!! But dieing and being friend-zoned :/ hehe. I'll be waiting for your next update hehe. THESE ARE SO COOL!! Lol I'm sorry for sounding weird author-nim ^.^ haha I'll be waiting.
nycbean #6
Kris hwaiting~! Now my Krisyeol feels are all hyped up. Time to spam IG with fabulous Krisyeol~!!! ♡
pencil-n-pad #7
@kpoplove2012, Thank you! I hope I won't disappoint with future updates ♥
nycbean #8
Wahhh~ so sad... but really good. I really love your way of writing. I can't explain it well, but you write reallt well!