Part 3



For the next couple of days you and Mir went on dates. People started to notice the two of you getting close so according to everyone you were dating.

Gikwang felt hurt and stopped writing little notes that would cheer you up. The flowers had also stopped. He hung out with you everyday though. Soon he noticed that things were turning out how they were when you dated Joon.

One day the two of you were walking down the street. You passed by a cafe. As you passed you caught a looked in quickly and saw a familiar face. You decided to get a better look, so you took a double take just to make sure if you were seeing correctly. It was Mir.  But he wasn't by himself. No, he was with another girl and by the way they were looking at each other you could tell they were clearly not just friends.

Your eyes widened at the scene in front of you. Gikwang looked in the cafe to see what made you tense up like that. He too was shocked by the sight. You quickly walked away, telling yourself that it wasn't really him.

The next day, you woke up and decided to take a walk. This normally helped to clear your mind. But when you opened your door, sitting on the ground was something you haven't seen in weeks.

It was a flower, not just any flower... It was your favorite flower: a daisy. Your heart skipped a beat.

'Maybe it wasn't him.... Maybe Mir does still like me' you thought as you picked up the flower.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

You took out your phone to see a text message from Mir.


Hey _____, let's go to the movies. What do you say?


Sure! What time?


I'll pick you up at 5 pm.


Okay see you at 5 ^_^

Your mood definitely brightened up.


It was already 5pm and Mir still wasn't there to pick you up. After about 30 minutes he finally arrived. Even though he was late to pick you up there was still a lot of time before the next movie started. So while you waited Mir decided to take you out to eat dinner.

While you were in the restaurant Mir was checking out the waitress. You didn't even notice because you were too busy eating. Suddenly you remembered the flowers and you decided to thank him.

"Mir-shi~ thank you for the flower today. I haven't received those from you in a long time."

"What flower? I didn't leave you a flower today."

"You didn't? Well thank you for the other flowers and cute little post it notes you left for me."

"What are you talking about? I only gave you that one flower that time I first asked you out."

"Wait so you weren't the one that gave me those?"

"Like I said before... NO I DID NOT."

You blinked in surprise.

'If it isn't him... Then who could it be? The only one that would know I love flowers is Gikwang.... But it can't be him... Last time I checked he never returned the feelings I had for him.'

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Mir had shouted to you that he was leaving. You followed him to the theater, but your mind was somewhere else.

After Gikwang had heard from you that you were going on a date tonight he got worried. He already knew that Mir was just like Joon. So he followed you two keeping a safe distance. This was all to make sure you were safe or you were going to be alright. He didn't trust Mir at all. After seeing him flirting with the waitress in front of you he started to get angry.

During the movie you weren't really watching it. Your conversation with Mir was replaying in your mind over and over.

"Hey I'll be right back i just have to use the bathroom, okay?" he whispered to you. You nodded still lost in your thoughts.

As the movie played on you just couldn't stop thinking about those sweet little notes and those flowers.

'Maybe I should splash some cold water in my face... Maybe fresh air would get it off my mind' you thought as you got up and went to the bathroom.

You walked in to the women's bathroom to get the shock of your life. Mir was in there making out with another girl!

They stopped to see who walked in. Mir froze up when he saw you standing there. As if you weren't in control of your body anymore, your feet carried you over to Mir. Then your hands balled up into fists and all of a sudden you hit him. You first punched his chest getting frustration out and then you slapped his face.

You ran out and walked all the way home. Once you were inside you cried. He had the nerve to cheat on you... TWICE! ONCE ON YOUR OWN DATE!!!

'How is it possible that I always end up picking the jerks!' you screamed in your thoughts as tears flowed out of your eyes.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

You wiped away your tears to go answer the door. No one was there, only a nice bouquet of roses.

Which was followed by a note:

_____, a guy like him doesn't deserve you... He shouldn't have even deserved a chance with you. If it were me I would treat you better. I would never do this to you.

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Chapter 4: Wow. Pretty :)
A nice short story(: