Part 2

Trust Me


You took a deep breath after you stepped out of the front entrance to your apartment building. You're mind was still reeling about the conversation you just had with D.O, your...ex.


"I know you're cheating on me!"

"W-wait, what? Cheating? Where did that come from?"

"Don't you dare try to act dumb! I know you cheated on me when I was with Exo in China!"

"I didn't cheat on you!"

"Don't even lie! I saw all the pictures online and the fans told me on the fanboard that they saw you!"


"Don't 'Kyungsoo-ah' me. I can't believe I wasted the last 10 months with you."

-End Flashback-

It was 3:00 AM. Where on earth could you go this early in morning? All of your friends were probably asleep and the sauna was a couple miles away. But at least you had your cellphone, which was currently running on 5% of battery. As you walked down the street that your apartment was on, you saw the 24 hour convenience store on the corner of the block. 

'Well, it's better than wandering the streets.'

You squinted your eyes at the florescent lights as you entered the store. You bowed to the young girl who was playing with her phone while standing behind the register. Feeling a little hungry, you decided to buy a cup ramen using a few bucks that you stashed in your phone case. After pouring the boiling water up to the line, you carefully carried the cup to the counter top that lined the large window that faced the street. 

You took a seat on a stool and took out your phone as you waited for your noodles to get soft enough to eat. You clicked the lock button on your phone and when you slid the bar across the screen, you immediately saw the little spinning circle in the middle of the screen that indicated that your phone had just run out of battery and was shutting off.

'Great,' you set your dead phone on the counter, 'I don't even have my phone to distract me.'

After waiting for a few minutes, you peeled the paper off of the Styrofoam cup, broke your chopsticks, and dug in.

D.O laid on his back and stared at the ceiling, his eyes still burning from the tears that he had recently shed. It was really over, he couldn't believe it.  He rolled over on his side and stared at the side of the bed that you slept on every night. Whenever he came home late, D.O would climb into bed and look over at your sleeping form. Even though he knew you hated when people watched you sleep, he couldn't help himself. In his eyes, you were beautiful when asleep. 

But tonight, you weren't there beside him like the many nights before. He actually had no idea where you were and that scared him. It was three in the morning, where were you? Were you at a friend's house? Were you wandering the streets? What if you were in trouble? 

D.O immediately jumped off the bed, grabbed his jacket and phone, and ran out of the door. When he exited to apartment building, he tried calling our phone but ended up going straight to voicemail.

'You just accused her of cheating, what did you expect?' D.O thought as he tucked his phone in his pocket, 'Well I guess we're doing this old school.'

He then set off running down the street, searching everywhere he thought you could be. He searched the park bench where the two of you met, the swings that you often met at during his trainee days, and the bridge over the river that ran through the park near your apartment. He also checked the bus stop that you would wait at to catch the bus that took you to work.

He hung his head in disappointment when he found every place empty. Disheartened, D.O headed back to the apartment and decided that he would give a call in the morning.

You finished drinking the last of the broth and set the empty ramen cut on the counter. With nothing else to distract you, your mind wandered back to D.O once again. You urged yourself not to cry, no way were you going to cry in an empty convenience store. Suddenly feeling tired, you laid your head down on the counter top and closed your eyes.

D.O was on the street that he started on, walking towards the apartment building. It was pretty much pitch black with the exceptions of a few street lamps and the 24 hour convenience store. As he stared at the bright lights of the store, he saw a figure resting its head on the counter top against the window. D.O's eyes widened when he realized who it was and ran across the street, not even bothering to look both ways.

The girl working at the front counter jumped in surprise as D.O, Exo's Do Kyungsoo, bursted into the store. Not paying attention to the shocked fangirl, D.O walked up to your sleeping form.

You were awakened by a tap on your shoulder. Rubbing your sleepy eyes, you looked up to see D.O standing in front of you.

"Kyung-I mean, D.O-sshi, what are you doing here?" you whispered.

D.O flinched when he heard you call him by his stage name. You never called him D.O, always Kyungsoo or Oppa.

"I was looking for you," D.O said in a small voice.

"Looking for me? Why?"

When D.O hesitated, you stood up to throw away the trash from you midnight snack and walked out of the convenience store. D.O followed behind you and right as you were about to walk away, you heard a soft voice call out for you.

"Did you really not cheat on me?"

You turned around to see him staring at the ground.

"Of course I didn't cheat on you," you said tiredly, "Why would I cheat on you? I love you." You last sentence came in a whisper as you tried one last time to convince D.O that you were always faithful to him. Before you could say anything else, D.O walked up to you and put his arms around you, crushing you to his chest.

"I'm so sorry, ______-ah," D.O whispered into your ear, "I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

He pulled away from the hug but kept his arms wrapped around you.

"The reason that I believed the fans and those websites is because I was scared that I would lose you. I'm not around a lot and I know that you get lonely sometimes, so I was just so convinced that you had had enough and found someone better than me." D.O hung his head in shame, realizing that he lashed out at you to cover his insecurities, "But please give me a second chance. I promise I'll never accuse you of anything ever again. If you say you didn't do something, then you didn't do it. Well unless I have striking evidence that proves otherwise. I just don't want to lose you ever again."

You couldn't help a small smiling from forming as you watched him give his little speech. 

"Okay, Kyungsoo-ah," you said as you cupped his face with your hands, "but just be warned, I only give second chances once."

A bright smile lit D.O's face as he nodded his head.

"And you do realize that we've only been broken up for a few hours," you added with a little laugh.

"Yeah, but it was the worse few hours of my life," D.O said with a pained look.

You giggled as you got on your toes and give him a peck on his nose and a sweet kiss on his lips. When you pulled away, you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested you chin on his chest, looking up at him. 

"Can we go home now, oppa?" you asked, "I'm tired."

D.O nodded and the two of you started to make you way back to your apartment, arms around each other's waists.

As the two of you waited for the elevator to reach your floor, you asked D.O if you could see the pictures he saw of you "cheating". D.O pulled up the pictures from the Internet using his phone and handed it to you.

"Oppa," you said, trying to control your laughter.


"The guy in this picture..."

Yes, ______-ah? What about him?" D.O asked a little worried.

You heard a little bell, signalling that you guys reached your floor. You placed the phone back in D.O's hand.

"He's my cousin," you said and walked out of the elevator.

D.O's jaw dropped in shock, "Eh?!"

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barooya #1
Chapter 2: Lol oh my~~ Never thought it'll ended this way..
I thought of anything but being family related..
nice story! ^^as always
Chapter 2: Aigoo kyungsoo ah u are too insecure! But I am glad they ended up back together (:
Chapter 2: hahah i knew the other guy was family related! XD
but that is true that the media and possessive fans will manipulate things and what not.
but i'm glad that they ended up back together~
despite being separated for a short few hours. xD
akanishikoki #4
I was crying. OTL then it was... A COUSIN.
aww~ dude i cried T~T
i love stories like this <3
Omg. Hahaha. What a cute ending. I like it~ :3