Part 1

Trust Me


You tried to go to sleep, you honestly did. You tried changing the position that you were lying in, listening to music, and even counting sheep in your head. You sat up and glanced at the clock that was resting on your bedside table.

1:45 AM

You sighed as you climbed off your bed and walked into the living room. D.O would always come home late all the time. He would usually give you a call or send you a text telling you not to wait up for him. But tonight, nothing.

'Don't worry, ______. Practice probably just ran late again and he couldn't get to his phone to call,' you thought as you sat on the couch and reached for the book that you were currently reading.


When you looked over the edge the book in your hands, you saw that the kitchen stove flashed 2:30.

'Aisshhh when is he-' your thoughts were cut short when you hear the front door open. You heard rustling as D.O took off his shoes after shutting the door. When he finally walked into the room, you saw the visible bags under his eyes and a tired look on his face. 

"Kyungsoo-ah, why are you home so late?"

He didn't even bother answering your question and just walked past you into the bedroom. This came as a shock because even when he was dead tired, D.O never ignored you.

"Kyungsoo-ah," you said softly and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He immediately shrugged it off and your arm fell limp at your side.

"What's wrong?" you whispered.

"Nothing." D.O then threw himself on the bed and placed an arm over his eyes.

"You can't lie to me."

"And you can't lie to me!" D.O snapped in an accusing tone.


"Oh, come on ______. How stupid do you think I am?" He removed the arm covering his eyes and sat up while sending you an angry glare.

"What are you talking about?" you asked, still very confused.

What was going on? What did you do that made him so angry? What did you say to have him act this way towards you?

"I know you're cheating on me!"

You looked at him with wide eyes, "Cheating?"

All D.O did was let out a bitter laugh and shook his head, looking at anything but you.

"W-wait, what? Cheating? Where did that come from?" you asked. How on earth did he get the idea that you were cheating on him?!

"Don't you dare try to act dumb!" D.O yelled, looking staright into your eyes, "I know you cheated on me when I was with Exo in China!"

"I didn't cheat on you!" you yelled back, internally beggin him to believe you.

"Don't even lie! I saw all the pictures online and the fans told me on the fanboard that they saw you!"

It shocked you to think that D.O would actually believe that you would cheat on him. But what shocked you more was that he would believe the Internet and fans (probably the psycho ones) and not you. 

"Kyungsoo-ah..." you whispered in shock.

"Don't 'Kyungsoo-ah' me," D.O scoffed.

You didn't say anything. You were still trying to understand the situation you were in and the conversation that you were having with your boyfriend.

"I can't believe I wasted the last 10 months with you," he muttered as he looked at the ground.

The moment you heard those words leave his mouth, your heart shattered and you tried your hardnest not to let the tears that were gathering in your eyes fall. 'Wasted? He thinks that the time we spent together was wasted?'

Although he hid it, D.O's eyes widened in horror when he realized what he had just said. Did he really just say that? He knew that his statement was a complete lie. The last 10 months with you were the best 10 months of his life. But still, why did he say those harsh words to you? Yes, he was exhausted and over worked, but he has been like this before and never lashed out at you, not once. Did he really believe gossip websites and his fans over you, his girlfriend? His sunbaes warned him how possesive fans can get and how the media jumps on anything they can, how they blow up the tiniest things into the the biggest scandals. He knocked himself mentally when he realized that he didn't even see you cheat with his own eyes or listen to what you had to say.

His anger started to melt away, but then he remembered how friendly you looked with that guy in the pictures online. Regardless of the articles and the comments made by fans, he couldn't forget how you looked at that guy in those pictures. He was just about to question you more when you spoke up first. 

"I guess it's pretty obvious, huh?" you said, trying to stop your voice from shaking, "That you don't trust me as much as I thought you did."

D.O continued to stay quiet.

"So I guess this is where we take a break," you mumbled.

D.O's chest tightened after his mind registered what your words meant. But he couldn't understand why he felt this way. Shouldn't he be happy? Shouldn't he agree to the break up? You're the one that cheated on him ... right?

When D.O didn't say anything, you let out a sigh and headed towards the door. But right before you walked out of the bedroom, you turned around and looked at D.O who had his back faced towards you.

"Just know this Kyungsoo-ah," you said in a soft voice, "I would never cheat on someone that I'm in love with."

D.O didn't move a muscle or say a word. He just stood there and stared at the floor. 

With one last look at him, you bit your bottom lip and walked out of the bedroom.

Tears started to fall from his eyes as D.O heard you walk out of the apartment, and his life.

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barooya #1
Chapter 2: Lol oh my~~ Never thought it'll ended this way..
I thought of anything but being family related..
nice story! ^^as always
Chapter 2: Aigoo kyungsoo ah u are too insecure! But I am glad they ended up back together (:
Chapter 2: hahah i knew the other guy was family related! XD
but that is true that the media and possessive fans will manipulate things and what not.
but i'm glad that they ended up back together~
despite being separated for a short few hours. xD
akanishikoki #4
I was crying. OTL then it was... A COUSIN.
aww~ dude i cried T~T
i love stories like this <3
Omg. Hahaha. What a cute ending. I like it~ :3