Waning Gibbous

Legend of the Lunar Rain












Waning Gibbous















Minho is happy and he doesn’t even know why.



He was lying on a bed of a college student he met two hours ago, looking at the peachy ceiling made of mouldy wood. The overhead fan kept on spinning with him trying to locate where the blades are, where the turn started and when it will end. The dark, burgundy walls were illuminated by the Christmas lights that go around the room, giving the space that warm and soothing sleepiness. It was far from December, that Minho was sure of despite the lack of knowledge what day it is.



The student must have been majoring in art, looking at how things were disastrous in the eyes yet still retains a vague sense of art and organization. A slow jazz song, probably from the 60s, kept playing in the radio. Minho is not sure if that was from the room he is in or the next one from where he was lying.



Slow streams of light enter the dorm room as cars pass by quietly, reminding the reporter how similar it is to the calm waves he used to visit with his fiancée before the even got together. Minho suddenly felt the ignorance and bliss taken away from him by an unknown entity.



How could I forget about her?



If someone else had watched Minho from the start, no one will ever think that he is thinking. His face remained steady and frim, gaze never leaving the ceiling. But the thoughts eating away his soul were never steady. They were in overdrive in this moment. He cannot forget about her. He never will.



He probably could tuck away all the things that led him to her but his memories are something permanent. But Minho is an eccentric man and he is aware of it. Everything is possible. He can’t forget about her but he should. He wants to but at the side, he does not.



Finally, he decided that it does not matter. It does not matter if he remembers because everything is gone. It does not matter if he goes back because there is no home to go back in. It does not matter if he cries because he is sure that the owner of this room will never come through the door again.



















“Hello, my love.”



He placed the bouquet of lilies near the headstone. Her favourite.



“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Forgive me. I’m really sorry.”



He does not feel the need to cry anymore.



“I’ll find who did this to you. I’m so sorry, baby.”



He now found another purpose to stay alive.





The sky was always black.
















“Tomorrow, Lee Taemin!”



With a curt nod, Taemin went back to proofreading his article. Everyone seems to have gone home except for the guard outside waiting for him to finish. He does not want to bother the other person anymore so he kept the papers under his desk and tucked the one he was editing in his case. He checked around his area for things he forgot, turning his company laptop on sleep. Grabbing his suit from the chair, he left his room and walked towards the hallway where the elevators are located.





The young man was greeted by the friendly guard with a “Finished, sir?” This made the reporter think twice.


“I’m going to stay overnight, if you don’t mind. I have a lot left to do.”



“You sure, sir?”



“Yeah, I came here to tell you that.”



“Okay then. Be careful, sir. I’ll be on my way.”



“Thanks, Chansung.”



The reporter watched the guard walk out and securing the place with the code. Taemin turned back and walked through the numerous hallways and used the stairs instead. Even if he took stops every 2 floors, his breathing was already ragged when he reached the 5th floor. Swiping his ID, he entered the office area and looked for the room.



Taemin does not have the card that is needed but he knows the code well so he was able to enter the room. The strong smell of cleanliness reached him and made him smile. Dumping his case on the mahogany table, he hastily dunked his body down onto the black leather couch on the side.



There was no use in going home, he thought. Taemin sure he won’t be able to sleep anyways. Strangely, Minho’s office seems to be the perfect place that can lull him to sleep.

























So sorry for the super short and late update. I really am. After this dull chapter, things will start crashing.

I'm set on finishing this story and after that, I'm done with all of this.

Thank you so much if you managed to read it until here. Talk to me if you can!

007 is out

7:04PM, 09/08/2013



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Chapter 8: This was beautifully written.. Do update us on the story, Author-nim if u can... Thanks
green-tea123 #2
Chapter 8: two words. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. i rarely drop a comment unless a story amazed me and this..i was beyond amazed by your work. i realize that your update was still back in 2013 and i was kinda hoping you'd update this story this year. i cant seem to get enough of this. i mean it's so beautiful it hurts.
Thank you, Thank you, for an update! How I'v missed this story.
This plot is soo unique, and story is so unpredictable and exciting, I really hope you continue this story.
Chapter 7: Hahaha ming's moon gazing and taetae is worrying his brains out over ming's disappearance XD
Chapter 7: Woman,you're a genius :) I love this story <3
Chapter 6: ohmygosh suspenseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dfhkdsjfhdksjfhkdjfhkjsdf
shinestarsky #8
i really like your story ^^
i wait your next update ~~