New Moon

Legend of the Lunar Rain



“You’re not real, right?”


His vision marks every faces of the city.


“Tell me – I’m just dreaming, huh?”


His breath burns his lungs as he continues to run.


“Don’t wait for me.”


His lips curl into a knowing smirk.


“Live – continue to live.”


His legs lead him to the place he knew very well.




The sun was bidding goodbye when he reached his destination. The warmest season was on its peak, drying the soil on every ground and creating beads of sweat on his skin. What used to be their public elementary school was now abandoned for the time being for it was sold to a private company, in hopes of creating an establishment which he does not know. It was a sad thing for him that the place that held memories of his childhood will soon be turned into clumps of rock, forgotten and destroyed.


He was lucky to find his way on the abandoned school’s rooftop quite easily. Strange – why didn’t they lock it?, he asked himself when he remembered having no difficulty in entering the premises.


Stupid er, he chanted loudly again and again in his mind. 


He made his way through the cemented seating on the corner of the rooftop, immediately laughing at the sight. Sitting on the bench of the deck certainly made him nostalgic. The warmth of the summer wind kissed every skin on his body, except for the parts where his white polo shirt and dark blue slacks covered his frame.  He turned to his right, smiling warmly at that direction.




A tender current of wind hummed a reply to him.


The orange rays reached his body, heating his already-warm skin. Still looking on his side, his smirk turned into a full, amused grin as he held his hand out. His fingers slowly made its way to the space next to his own, almost touching the seat made of cement. His longing stare was directed at where his hands are placed on the side, turning his once open eyes close as he felt something in his hand.


It was a larger and unwavering hand which bears a scar on its back, from the index finger down to the middle.




The owner of the other hand replied.














 New Moon






















There is no other joy that can replace seeing something you worked hard come into life, living the way on its own followed by beauty. So when Choi Minho was left alone standing on the grassy hill where a tombstone was erected, nothing can ever bring back the luminous glint on his stare-- losing someone whom he loved more than he ever loved himself turned him into an empty shell smeared by depression.


For years, he courted the love of his life. They were dubbed as ‘the high school sweethearts’ by the people around them. College life didn’t even made a fissure in their relationship; his lover was a true beauty and so was he, but they remained loyal and deeply in love despite being in different universities. Truthfully, it really won't be long until he was about to propose to her -- it was all already planned. They are perfect. They were perfect.


Below his feet lies his other half, already sleeping soundly in peace. Why? He always asks himself this question. It was almost his habit to question himself this every time he wakes up, looking at the side of the bed where she should be sleeping wearing a white night gown with her chest slowly moving up and down, signifying that she was alive.


But all he can remember now was the still picture of what he saw that night.


The windows were shattered and the bed sheets were flipped over. Their clothes were recklessly thrown on the ground; the cabinets were open and stripped off. His suitcase followed in being thrown on the ground as he saw the sight in front of him just at the moment he came home from work, tired and weary, expecting to be welcomed by a warm hug.


Standing on the middle of the patio of their room was his lover’s body, mouth open as it was trying to speak. Her eyes were full of surprise, fear and pain; her godly body was erect with stillness on the cold ground, ivory skin glowing with the help of the moonlight that covered that night. Her hands are covering something on her stomach, clearly out of infliction. Minho stood there with heart racing and frozen when he realized what covered her body.


The memory of her once white night gown that turned into a bright, haunting scarlet was forever burnt on his mind.





















She was a good person.”


“I know.”


“I’m here for you, you know. Uhh… always.”


Minho can’t help but chuckle at how awkward his friend is being now as they sit on the street’s pavement when they wait for Jonghyun with his car to arrive. Taemin is usually bright, cheery and well, stupid. Looking at the younger boy trying to cheer him up was unusual for him, especially when tries to make his tone manlier and more serious than normal.


If there was anyone who knew how much Minho loved her, it was certainly not Taemin. He only got to know the boy a year ago from work but the guy already earned the title of being his best friend-- they were the perfect tandem in everything they do. Mostly, they don’t share the same interests and that’s what surprised him. Why are we even friends? Taemin only met his girlfriend for around two or three times – one was when he invited the guy to join their dinner on his house.


“Hey, why are you laughi—oh. Well, I guess it’s a good thing. It’s the first time I saw your smile since 2 days ago.”


What his bestfriend said brought his vision from the night back to his memory. It was surprising to see how any traces of smile left his face, clearly showing the pain he forgot for a while. His eyes are darker, his cheeks are sunken and his complexion somehow turned pale. Only two days has passed but his body managed to become unusually thinner and his hair completely dishevelled. He cannot even look himself at the mirror anymore for when he once did, he was so scared for not recognizing the reflection in front of him. I’m pathetic, he said to himself.


“Minho…” Taemin realized that his friend went back into a depressing mood. He jerked his right hand on his upward and placed it back on his side again, continuing the motion for almost 10 seconds. This was enough for Minho to be curious and slightly annoyed.


“What the are you doing?”


“Don’t get mad, man. Uh, I mean… I was just thinking if I should hug you or not.”


The answer became obvious when Minho placed both of his hands back to his face while he rests on his knee, weeping as he no longer can contain the tears that were piled up inside his body. He was down, so clearly down. He feels empty and void of any happiness. Taemin felt torn to see his best friend in such state. It was natural for him to cry along with him as he hold his companion close to his body, feeling the heaving and hearing the restrained cries of his friend that he loved the most.


The two grown men sitting on the sidewalk made deep cries and wails that resounded throughout the length of the street. And for the whole day, Taemin always followed Minho wherever he went.


 He promised to himself that no matter what happens, he’ll protect his best friend.



















Minho had a hard time shrugging his best friend off from his arms that evening at the gathering of her deceased lover’s family. He was annoyed at how Taemin grips his arms so tightly even when they were at the dining table until his friend’s small hands were already imprinted on his skin.  Minho can’t think of any possible solution to make the younger boy let him go unless to confirm that he won’t do the thing his best friend is afraid that he will do when he is alone. But at the same time, he was glad for that the little guy was there for him.


“I won’t kill myself.”


His statement made the younger boy’s grip go limp and keep his hands in his pockets for the remaining hour of the night. As much as how thankful he is for his friend being there for him, he thinks that he really needed some time alone. After the dinner he had with her family, he bid his goodbye to every one of them.


“Really?” Taemin exclaimed as Minho threw his car keys to him since it was very rare that he lets anyone use his prized possession. Minho decided that he doesn’t want to go back to his brother’s place where he is currently staying (or his own flat -- he would be crazy if he stayed on their own house where her memories are still alive), and instead walk around aimlessly to calm down his heart. After several tries of convincing his persistent friend that he’ll be okay walking alone, he set off towards the direction anywhere away from that place.


Only wearing dark-washed jeans and a black shirt, followed by his very old and moldy sneakers, Minho trekked his way undirected. He turned off his phone for the minute – he was tired of people saying things that meant nothing to him: “My deepest condolence.” What the is that? “I’m sorry…” Why? You didn’t kill her. “I know how you must be feeling but…” Bull – you don’t. “Words cannot express how…” Then why are you saying anything at all? His bastardly and cocky thinking can’t help but to curse at all the people around him. Why are they even saying those things? Don’t give me all those “I’m sorry” crap. Talk to her, not me. Don’t give me words telling you are sorry; don’t give flowers on her funeral without even visiting; don’t attempt to look sad when you see me – pray. Pray for her. Pray that whoever did this to her will pay.


Despite that it won’t be long until the clock will strike soon in midnight, people gathered around the busy street of Dokpo. Lights filtered their way out of every stores, voices of salesman still went unrelenting, a barrage of music created when every establishments’ songs mashed together. This was certainly the place where people choose to unwind and relax, maybe take a few drinks for the night.


Business people filed their way in in every pub and college students who seem to celebrate after finishing their exams entered the karaoke rooms. But what Minho noticed is that blinding thing they all seem to share – a smile. Everywhere he looks, one seems to be happy. They were all smiling as if nothing’s wrong in their lives. Don’t they even know what I’m going through? But what am I saying to myself – they don’t even know me; I don’t also give a damn who they are. I must be crazy for thinking that the world should also weep along with me.


As Minho finally escaped that bright world he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he lied to Taemin about the thing he said before he left.



















What the actual …”


It was 2 a.m. and he already walked for 3 hours. Minho hasn’t eaten almost anything for the last 2 days so he finally gave up from his escapade and decided to rest on a park he frequently visited when he was in middle school which was surprisingly still well-kept. If anyone was to pass by and see a tall man standing on the top of a monkey bar with the moonlight illuminating the outline which heightens the haunted feeling, one will surely scream. Luckily for Minho, he was certainly alone.


But that luck turned to be something bad as he is seeing something in front of his eyes that made every muscle in his body clench. Without knowing it, his legs are already shaking out of an unknown reason. Suddenly, it was hard for him to balance himself on top of the monkey bars. I probably should have brought Taemin with me.


The moon was in full bloom that night and that was normal. What was strange is that some bluish-white thing showers around the celestial body slowly, almost like the snow.  The moon gave of a glow that was entirely unusual and different than what he remembered.  It was especially bright and he is scared that maybe, the Mayans were right about the world ending soon


It was also the first time that Minho felt an unknown emotion overtake his body aside from grief and depression. Even if it was a scary thing to see, it was also weird for him that he finds the sight to be beautiful and stupefying. He stared at it motionless, completely entranced by the sight he is witnessing.


Maybe it’s just the lack of sleep and stress kicking in, he thought. He shook his head to wake himself up a slapped his cheeks lightly. When he looked back at the moon, he feels that he is certainly not hallucinating. What was he was seeing is indeed genuine – the soft glow of that something still moves around the moon, as if it was gathering energy from the space around it. Bugged and anxious as to what he is seeing, he decided to turn on his phone and call someone.




He only receives a groan in response, followed by the shuffling sound of sheets.


“Uh… yeah? Hyung? Are you okay?”


“Y-yeah, I alright. Were you sleeping?” he said.


“Yes. But it’s  okay. D’you need anything?” Taemin replied with a tone completely concerned. It was Minho’s first time to hear his friend be nice since usually, it was normal for them to badmouth and talk to each other rudely.


“Sorry. But can you check the moon?” Minho said.


There was a silence on the other end of the line until the boy said, “What?! You’re asking me to get up from my bed and go at the rooftop to check out the moon?” Minho was about to say something until Taemin beat him to it, "And just so you know, our elevator's broken right now. So it will be like me climbing on stairs uhh... just in' 7 floors. 7 ing-to-the floors. D'you hear me?"


“Yes, please. Just do it, okay?”


Minho can tell that Taemin was taking time to register his request on his sleepy state. But Choi knows the younger one too well so he knows the answer already.


“Fine… I’ll go up the rooftop. Look at the things I do for you,” Taemin complained.


Minho smiled at his friend’s remark. He hears again the shuffling of the sheets, followed by the banging sound of metals.


“You okay?” he asked.


“Yeah, just tripped on something,” the younger replied.


After the banging of the door and heavy thudding of steps (and of course, the occasional curses flinged at Minho), Taemin reached his apartment’s roofdeck.


“Okay, so now what.” Taemin said it in more of a tone of statement rather than a question.


“Look up. Do you see the moon?” Minho said as he waited for a reply. He himself looked back at the moon while still standing on top of the colourful monkey bars. He returned his gaze again back to the sky and he can still see the thing raining down the moon. Lunar rain, he said to himself, let’s call it the lunar rain for now. But his thoughts were cut off when Taemin’s voice shrieked from his receiver.


“What the hell man!”


“Do you see it? It’s beautiful ri—“


“There is no moon! It’s new moon, you stupid ! You tired me out for nothing? And you call yourself the most promising reporter Seoul has?” Even though Taemin knows that his friend is going through an ordeal right now, his half-asleep self can’t help but to charge into him.


Minho can already imagine Taemin stomping his feet while his nose scrunch up in annoyance.


“New moon? Are you sure? I can see it clearly right now!” Minho suddenly felt angry as to why his dumb friend can see the moon when it was so unusually big and bright, accompanied by the strange lunar rain.


“Ugh… Haven’t you watched the news or checked Vic's report or—“ Taemin stopped his words before it gets to Minho. He must have woken up from his half-asleep state and realize the phase his best friend is currently in. How could Minho even turn on the TV or be updated with the articles when he was busy crying and staring out of nowhere for the past days? I’m so stupid, Taemin thought when he thinks that he said something insensitive.


Luckily, Minho shrugged off what he said and argued back.


“No, I haven’t. But I can really—“


Minho decided to keep quiet. If he retaliate and persuade Taemin that there is indeed a lunar rain happening right now, his friend would think that he is crazy from all what is happening around him. He heaved a sigh and decided to end the conversation.


“You know what – I’m sorry for waking you up. I’m just kidding; of course I know there’s no moon in sight right now. Just go back to your room.” He finally said.


The more youthful one became more confused with the sudden change of stand of his friend. He knows that he was clearly not kidding. I mean, c’mon, he rarely calls me or even anybody. Why would he even bother to call me if there’s no particular reason? Something is definitely wrong.


“Where are you right now?”


“At the park. I’m standing on the monkey bars where you fell by the way,” Minho replied with a small chuckle.


If it was any other time, Taemin would have laughed and cussed at his friend but something is completely off with the guy.


“Have you been eating anything at all? You sure you’re not hallucinating? I’ll fetch you, wait for me. What park is that again—“


“No, no, no. Don’t. And yes, I’ve been eating,” he lied, “You don’t need to come here. Just go back to sleep. I was just kidding with you about the moon, okay? Geez.”


Still, the younger one feels that something is still out of place but knowing Minho, no one can ever crack his shell no matter how hard one tries. His mind made up to rest this matter for a while and ask him the next day. He made his way down the stairs back to his room and when he closed his apartment’s door, Minho still didn’t end their call. It was always like this – his hyung making sure that he is safe.




“Yeah?” Minho replied.


“You sure you’re okay?” Taemin asked. For the whole time, Minho was just staring at the bright thing floating in the sky and it somehow strained his very tired eyes. He closed it for a while and felt comfort and warmth in doing so.


“I’m okay.” With that, he turned off his phone with his eyes still closed. There was no need to confirm that both boys knew that he was lying.


When he opened his eyes, the moon was already gone. No trace is left of its existence, even the lunar rain. It must be what Taemin was actually telling him – that there is no moon in sight because it’s new moon.


But it was replaced by something more spine-chilling.


A young man was floating in the sky and making his way through Minho with light steps, as if there was anything to step on, with body glowing the same as the moon. The moon, Minho thought. But he was certain that what he is seeing right now is completely no human – it just gave off that ethereal feeling that no normal person can emit. He cannot bear himself to call it a man despite its form shows being a complete human.


Wearing a white gown that resembled his dead lover’s own heightened his fear instantaneously. The creature’s hair was blonde in color – no, it was actually in a dark shade of oak brown, and it only seems to be in a lighter spectre because of its glow. It was a miracle that Minho was still able to balance himself on the monkey bars right that moment.


Finally, the phantom-like creature stopped right in front of Minho’s face, only a finger away from his own. He felt the creature’s hand touch his chest while it still manages to keep itself afloat on the dark night sky. What seems to be its hand sent Minho’s body into an uncontrollable shivering and finally made its way in. The wraith showed a smile very similar to a human which drew a state of frenzy in Minho’s mind. When the creature made a larger distance between the two of them while stepping back, it laughed. What the is that…


The phantom’s gown was smeared with red – the very same shade of scarlet that was burnt sadly into his brain. On its hands was something that made his stomach churn and signal for throwing up. With eyes wide open and hand shaking, his gaze lowered to the place where the creature’s hand once lingered, only to find there is nothing left -- a hole was found on his chest, exactly where it was supposed to be.


Except that his heart was already on the glowing creature’s hand, still pumping blood out of it in attempt to still make itself alive.





He was completely far from being okay.










Thank you for all those who subscribed even if the first chapter was not posted yet. Here it is -- I dedicate this to all of you.

For my beloved reader and subscriber, Taeryfai: Thank you for saying it was interesting! I hope this first chapter didn't fail to meet your expectations. Teehee.

For my dear reader, NanamiPororo: What you said made me happy yet nervous -- what if I fail to make this as awesome you expect it to be? I just hope that you liked it. I'm glad that you want to read it! I love you, too!


To my new subscribers and possible readers, I hope you enjoy reading this as much I did while writing it. You can always tell me what you think. I'll answer every comment and question you have. I promise to reply to every one of you.


Thank you again!




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Chapter 8: This was beautifully written.. Do update us on the story, Author-nim if u can... Thanks
green-tea123 #2
Chapter 8: two words. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. i rarely drop a comment unless a story amazed me and this..i was beyond amazed by your work. i realize that your update was still back in 2013 and i was kinda hoping you'd update this story this year. i cant seem to get enough of this. i mean it's so beautiful it hurts.
Thank you, Thank you, for an update! How I'v missed this story.
This plot is soo unique, and story is so unpredictable and exciting, I really hope you continue this story.
Chapter 7: Hahaha ming's moon gazing and taetae is worrying his brains out over ming's disappearance XD
Chapter 7: Woman,you're a genius :) I love this story <3
Chapter 6: ohmygosh suspenseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dfhkdsjfhdksjfhkdjfhkjsdf
shinestarsky #8
i really like your story ^^
i wait your next update ~~